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Re: [Enigma-devel] crashes on linux gcc exception handling

From: Ronald Lamprecht
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] crashes on linux gcc exception handling
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 00:25:40 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)


Daniel Heck wrote:
So currently there are three types of errors:
1. Lua code internally raises an error. (Dispatch internally with
longjmp or c++ exceptions. If not caught by internally with a pcall, is
handed to Enigma which converts it to an exception and throws it.)
2. C code raises a lua_error. This is handled exactly like the above.
3. Enigma raises a C++ excepetion.

I only want to make sure that errors that could (or should) be handled
inside the Lua scripts _can_ be handled inside the Lua scripts.  For
example, GetNamedObject() should probably continue to return nil if it
is called with an unknown object name and not raise an error.  Error
handling inside the levels should not suffer from the fact that we start
to use exceptions more extensively inside the C++ engine.

Agreed. For common uncritical errors that do not leave the engine in an unconsistent state the usage of special return values is preferrable.

Note that this bug is affecting type 3 errors only. I suspect it is
potentially possible to use only type 2's. That would solve the problem
on Linux
and would allow lua scripts to trap errors.

The only downside is that a lua program would trap an error that it is
incapable of handing. If it fails to rethrow the error in such a case it
would be bad. It could either crash, or it could result in the usefull
error message being replaced with a less useful one created by lua's

Currently only "enigma.SendMessage()" converts type 3 to type 2. With a proper use of the catch-statement in luaconf.h and perhaps 2 different runtime exceptions, one for fatal and one for uncritical exceptions, Daniel's proposal should be feasible.

Agreed.  And I don't think there is any need for immediate action; but
error handling inside the level code is something we should definitely
keep in mind.

O.k. - let us switch the configure option to enable-cxxlua as default for all OS and keep in mind the possible improvement.

- Ronald

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