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Re: [Enigma-devel] Scroll mode problem

From: Karen Pouelle
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Scroll mode problem
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 22:01:09 +0000

> two new functions to the Lua interface:
> display.SetScrollBoundary (0.5) -- this is the default
> display.SetScrollBoundary (0.0) -- this is what you want, with no overlap
> and (unrelated)
> display.ResizeGameArea (20, 13) -- this is the deafult
> display.ResizeGameArea (15, 10) -- use a smaller area

Thank you for new fuctions and examples above.  I will try to compile
to test to make sure SetScrollBoundrary parameter of 0.0 does what
I need. For XML levels, I am to include that code in the <lua> tag section
as code, or is there a way to use that in XML within an <option> tag?
I have been scripting so my output of level making is in XML format.

Another reason I must learn to compile snapshot code is to test 
any code changes that I might make before sending - as you say
I must "be gentle".

The second parameter might solve a problem I saw with a level that was
not full size, showing pink where the level had no floor defined.  If I can
get a snapshot code to compile, I will test to see if adding that to the
level (for future levels of smaller than screen size) will fix that
sort of problem.

Lastly, thank you everyone for the discussion.  It's easy to make and use
a game system with the expectation that all levels that can be imagined
will to exist within it, but sometimes creative people will find that the
system needs to be more flexible in order to have a greater variety of
potential level designs - that's what's making Enigma great!

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