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[emms-help] Re: emms-mode-line-string for the first track incomplete

From: Lucas Bonnet
Subject: [emms-help] Re: emms-mode-line-string for the first track incomplete
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 09:56:28 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.51 (gnu/linux)

William Xu <address@hidden> writes:

> I find that when i start to play a new playlist, the
> emms-mode-line-string for the first track only shows its filename, even
> if it has artist info. And seems it's caused by
>     (later-do 'emms-info-really-initialize-track track)
> from `emms-info-initialize-track'. Emms sets the incomplete
> emms-mode-line-string before the first track's full info got
> initialized. Based on this, one can run (emms-mode-line-alter-mode-line)
> after a later-do-interval time to force an update. I haven't figured out
> a clean way to accomplish this yet. What do you think?

In the previous version of -info.el, forcer coded something to allow
that. IIRC, it was a matter of reading the first info immediately, and
then later-do on other tracks. Maybe he will be able to reimplement this
with the new rewrite.


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