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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Need help after emacs-wiki to muse planner migratio

From: mirko.vukovic
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Need help after emacs-wiki to muse planner migration
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 13:12:19 -0400


This is on Windows XP professional, NT Emacs 21.3.1.

I downloaded planner 3.40, and installed it using cygwin and make.  make (or 
was it emacs) complained about the many missing components.  

Q1: Is there a central repository for the many .el files? 

I installed the planner and linked it to muse 3.02.6.  I am refraining from 
modifying all my past plan files by adding the .muse extension.

My .emacs section on planner looks as follows (I picked it up from 
planner-love, and also from one post regarding .muse file extensions)

;; Planner setup of 2006-05-15.  planner 3.40 and fairly recent muse.
(setq muse-mode-auto-p t)
(when (and (locate-library "planner")
               (locate-library "muse"))
      (setq planner-project "WikiPlans")
      (setq planner-directory "~/.plans")
      (setq planner-default-page "TaskPool")
      ;; Tell muse about planner.  We use add-hook instead of
      ;; add-to-list because muse might not be loaded yet.
      (add-hook 'muse-project-alist
                (list planner-project
                      (list planner-directory
                            :default planner-default-page
                            :major-mode 'planner-mode
                            :visit-link 'planner-visit-link))))

;; http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-wiki-discuss/2005-11/msg00326.html
(setq muse-file-extension nil)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.muse$" . muse-mode))

My plan files are OK except for a few things:

Q2: The CamelMode is not active (I tried a test file in muse mode, and it was 
not active there either).
Q3: When I generate a new task, the tasks don't get a task number.

Any clues/hints,

Many thanks,


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