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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Changing projects

From: franky . backeljauw
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Changing projects
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 15:10:32 +0200 (CEST)

Hello again,

I have another problem.  I have created two projects like this:

  (setq emacs-wiki-projects
    `(("top" . (
        (emacs-wiki-directories . ("~/wiki"))
        (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory . "~/public_html")
        (emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix . "...")))
    ("personal" . (
      (emacs-wiki-directories . ("~/wiki/personal"))
      (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory . "~/public_html/personal")
      (emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix . "...")))))

(the "..."'s need to be replaced by some url).  But when I use

  M-x, emacs-wiki-change-project, personal

it still says "Wiki[top]" in the mode line... shouldn't this be Wiki[personal]?

And yet another thing: when you create the directories only, you cannot change to a project, or you will get "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil". The solution is to put a (possibly empty) file named WelcomePage in those dirs too, and then it will work. Is this a faq, a feature or a bug?

-- Regards,

Franky B.

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