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RE: please use ?\u2014 instead of the unicode character in buff-menu.el

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: please use ?\u2014 instead of the unicode character in buff-menu.el
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 22:18:53 -0800

One more argument -

How many people use a proportional font to view Emacs-Lisp code? With a
fixed font, the code is _less_ legible using the em-dash character than the
escape sequence. Why? Because the difference between a normal hyphen
character and an em-dash character in most fixed-width fonts is

IOW, when the code is not broken because of Web access or browser problems,
it looks pretty much like this:

 (let ((underline (if (char-displayable-p ?-) ?- ?-))) ...

So much for legibility of the code, bis. Hence the big honkin comment:

 ;; Use U+2014 (EM DASH) to underline if possible, else U+002D

So much for avoiding the nastiness of ?\u2014.  U+2014 is much better...

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