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Re: build process tried to build xmenu.c when it couldn't find X Windows

From: Jan D.
Subject: Re: build process tried to build xmenu.c when it couldn't find X Windows headers
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 10:27:33 +0100 (CET)

> I just tried building Emacs and it failed.  I didn't have the X headers
> installed, but I asked it to use the GTK toolkit.
> Configure decided it was going to use the GTK toolkit and GTK scrollbars
> when I ran configure with the "--with-gtk" flag.  If I used the
> "--with-x-toolkit=gtk" flag instead, it was smart enough to realise it
> shouldn't use GTK since it couldn't find the X headers.  It should do the
> same if I use "--with-gtk" shouldn't it?

If --with-gtk passes configure but does not build, it can only mean that
your system (pkg-config) is set up wrong.  We use 
pkg-config --libs|--cflags gtk+-2.0 in configure.in to find GTK, and those
command shall list all required includes and libraries as well.  If
pkg-config doesn't complain we must accept the output as is.  If it still
doesn't work, pkg-config is in error.

The fact that --with-x-toolkit=gtk and --with-gtk differs somewhat is
no big deal, especially if it can only be noticed with a badly configured

        Jan D.

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