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S-{left,right,up,down} key bindings in an xterm

From: Dan Nicolaescu
Subject: S-{left,right,up,down} key bindings in an xterm
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 11:08:40 -0800

On Fedora Core 3, in an xterm 
C-q C-left inserts ^[[1;5D
C-q S-left inserts ^[[1;2C

C-h k C-left says:
<C-left> runs the command backward-word

C-h k S-left says:
<left> runs the command backward-char

(the same is true for all the other arrow keys). 

So it seems that C-left is correctly interpreted, but S-left is not. 

In term/xterm.el both bindings are present:

  (define-key map "\e[1;5D" [C-left])

  (define-key map "\e[1;2D" [S-left])

Does this ring a bell to anybody? 



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