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[dup?] OSX Emacs fails ediff-toggle-wide-display

From: vze8om0t
Subject: [dup?] OSX Emacs fails ediff-toggle-wide-display
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 21:57:09 +0000

I apologize, if this is a duplicate. This email contains my correct return 
address, however.

Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug
and the precise symptoms of the bug:

When running Emacs in OSX GUI/Aqua mode, Ediff fails to quit, and returns the 
error below.
My code, and the error message follow
;;Emacs is started with no .emacs, no site-start.el, and only these options:

(require 'ediff)
;; no control window:
(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain
      ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally
      ediff-diff-options "-w")  ;turn off whitespace

(add-hook 'ediff-cleanup-hook 'ediff-toggle-wide-display) ;restore win size
(add-hook 'ediff-cleanup-hook 'ediff-janitor) ;close ediff windows @exit

 (lambda () (ediff-toggle-wide-display))) ;wide by default

________________ Error Follows _____________

Computing differences between test.el~ and test.el ...
Buffer A: Processing difference region 0 of 1
Buffer B: Processing difference region 0 of 1
Processing difference regions ... done
Region 1 in buffer A is empty [2 times]
Quit this Ediff session? (y or n) 
run-hooks: Wrong number of arguments: #[(ask keep-variants) "∆«  
$àÉ

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