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Re: [O] NA in R source code block

From: Vikas Rawal
Subject: Re: [O] NA in R source code block
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2018 13:27:09 +0530

>> NAs in a data frame that is created by an R source code block show up in the 
>> results as nil. Can I change it to something else (say, “—“)?
> Could you elaborate on your issue? Can you give a minimal example of
> your block? It is very difficult to help with the information you gave.

Hi and Greetings! And apologies if my previous mail sounded rude. That was 
surely not my intent.

Here is an example. The NA in column a shows up in the results as nil. Why does 
that happen? Is there a way of changing this behaviour? I can manually replace 
NA with something else, but doing that in each code block is a pain. Since I 
wrote my first mail, I have written an export filter that filters out each 
“nil” at the time of export and replaces it with a “---“. But that is not 
perhaps the most efficient way of doing it.




#+NAME: test
#+BEGIN_SRC R :results value :exports results :colnames yes :hline yes



#+RESULTS: test
|   a | b     |
|   1 | john  |
|   2 | dan   |
| nil | marco |

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