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[O] [PATCH] expose nrepl's timeout setting in ob-clojure.el

From: Frederick Giasson
Subject: [O] [PATCH] expose nrepl's timeout setting in ob-clojure.el
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 13:38:22 -0400
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Hi everybody,

I am starting to use org-mode to create literate applications in Clojure. So far so good, this is a terrific piece of software.

One thing why I wanted to use org-mode is to use it to create Clojure Notebooks. The problem I had is that I have many functions that can take some time (more than 10 seconds) to complete. This means that I was often receiving that error from nrepl:

nrepl-send-sync-request: Sync nREPL request timed out (op eval session 57bdacff-b178-4952-8bf8-5e01ac9d745a code (def umbel (create-ontology-structure))

The problem is that there is no way to define the nrepl timeout from Org-mode. What I did is to expose that nrepl setting in ob-clojure.el. This is the ob-clojure.el.diff patch I am proposing here.

The name of the new setting is "org-babel-clojure-nrepl-timeout". If it is set to /nil/ then no timeout will occur, otherwise any integer will define a timeout value.

This variable can be set from the /.emacs/ global setting file.

It works fine from here, please modify as required.



Attachment: ob-clojure.el.diff
Description: Text document

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