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Re: [O] comment section with latex_header

From: Robert Klein
Subject: Re: [O] comment section with latex_header
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 08:13:08 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.5.0

On 03/24/2015 12:36 AM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Hello,
> Andreas Leha <address@hidden> writes:
>> If there are `#+latex_header:' entries in a section and that section is
>> `COMMENT'ed out, I'd expect the #+latex_header entries to be
>> uneffective.  As they are when I comment them out one by one as in
>> `# #+latex_header:'.
>> Is this a bug? (I'd say, yes....)
> This is fixed in c9a52787c14c3a7429bcd3c8975350525e0baa04. Thank you.
> Regards,


this patch also breaks this kind of construct where not the table is
exported, but the one created from the booktabs() call:

---> begin example <---
  * Grundlagen
  *** COMMENT unexported subtree with table source
  #+tblname: masse
  | 1 gestr. Teelöffel  | 1 gestr. Eßlöffel     | 1 Tasse     |
  | ca. 5 ccm           | ca 15 ccm             | ca 120 ccm  |
  | Zimt 2 g            | Haferflocken 8 g      | Mehl 80 g   |
  | Paprika 2 g         | Speisestärke 9 g      | Grieß 96 g  |
  | Speisestärke 2--3 g | Mehl, Semmelmehl 10 g | Zucker 90 g |
  | Zucker 4 g          | Salz, Zucker, Öl 15 g |             |
  | Salz 5 g            | Reis, Butter 15 g     |             |

  ** Maße und Gewichte

  #+call: booktabs(table=masse, align="lll") :results latex :exports results
---> end example <---

booktabs() code is from library-of-babel.org (currently residing in the
doc directory).  Also cf.

However, in this org version (8.3 beta+) you get the same / similar
results using

---> begin example <---
  ** Maße und Gewichte
  #+tblname: masse
  #+attr_latex: :align lll :booktabs t
  | 1 gestr. Teelöffel  | 1 gestr. Eßlöffel     | 1 Tasse     |
  | ca. 5 ccm           | ca 15 ccm             | ca 120 ccm  |
  | Zimt 2 g            | Haferflocken 8 g      | Mehl 80 g   |
  | Paprika 2 g         | Speisestärke 9 g      | Grieß 96 g  |
  | Speisestärke 2--3 g | Mehl, Semmelmehl 10 g | Zucker 90 g |
  | Zucker 4 g          | Salz, Zucker, Öl 15 g |             |
  | Salz 5 g            | Reis, Butter 15 g     |             |
---> end example <---

This change probably ought to be mentioned in the Changes for a 8.3 release.

Best regards,

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