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[O] [RFC] Rewrite radio tables

From: Nicolas Goaziou
Subject: [O] [RFC] Rewrite radio tables
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 21:25:57 +0200


The following patch implements radio tables and `orgtbl-to-...'
functions using Org export engine. The implementation is probably not
totally backward compatible, though.

In particular, I suppressed :remove-nil-lines parameter, as I couldn't
make any sense out of it. If someone has a clear definition of its job,
and if that job is useful, I could implement it back.

Also, process does not dynamically bind `org-table-last-alignment' and
`org-table-last-column-widths' anymore. It should be possible to have
them back with some computations before starting the conversion, but,
unless they are vital, I'd rather not do it. `orgtbl-to-generic' is
tricky enough.

OTOH, I added :raw parameter, which allows to treat cells as strings and
not as Org syntax.

  #+ORGTBL: SEND ... :raw nil
  | *a* |



  #+ORGTBL: SEND ... :raw t
  | *a* |



I also added some specific parameters to translation functions,
e.g. :booktabs or :environment for `orgtbl-to-latex'. See docstring for
more information.

The patch comes with a test suite. However, it is no real use case.
Therefore, I'd appreciate some human testing before going further.

Feedback welcome.


Nicolas Goaziou                                                0x80A93738
>From ac278792f9b6472f02bdd14e5472428bde083ccf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Goaziou <address@hidden>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 01:31:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] org-table: Use "ox.el" internally for radio tables

* lisp/org-table.el (org-table-clean-before-export, orgtbl-get-fmt,
  orgtbl-apply-fmt, orgtbl-eval-str, orgtbl-format-line,
  orgtbl-format-section): Remove functions.
(org-table-clean-did-remove-column, *orgtbl-table*, *orgtbl-rtn*,
  *orgtbl-hline*, *orgtbl-sep*, *orgtbl-default-fmt*, *orgtbl-fmt*,
  *orgtbl-efmt*, *orgtbl-lfmt*, *orgtbl-llfmt*, *orgtbl-lstart*,
  *orgtbl-llstart*, *orgtbl-lend*, *orgtbl-llend*): Remove variables.

(org-table-export, orgtbl-send-table): Apply function removal.  Do not
set `org-table-last-alignment' and `org-table-last-column-widths'
(org-table-to-lisp, orgtbl-send-replace-tbl): Small refactoring.

(org-table--to-generic-table, org-table--to-generic-row,
org-table--to-generic-cell): New functions.
(orgtbl-to-generic): Rewrite function.  Handle :skip and :skipcols
(orgtbl-to-latex, orgtbl-to-html, orgtbl-to-texinfo, orgtbl-to-orgtbl,
orgtbl-to-unicode): Use new `orgtbl-to-generic' features.

* testing/lisp/test-org-table.el (test-org-table/to-generic,
  test-org-table/to-latex, test-org-table/to-texinfo,
  test-org-table/to-html, test-org-table/to-unicode,
  test-org-table/send-region): New tests.
 lisp/org-table.el              | 1037 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 testing/lisp/test-org-table.el |  351 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 909 insertions(+), 479 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
index 06a1008..61be7d2 100644
--- a/lisp/org-table.el
+++ b/lisp/org-table.el
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@
 (declare-function org-export-string-as "ox"
                  (string backend &optional body-only ext-plist))
-(declare-function aa2u "ext:ascii-art-to-unicode" ())
+(declare-function org-export-create-backend "ox")
+(declare-function org-export-get-backend "ox" (name))
 (declare-function calc-eval "calc" (str &optional separator &rest args))
 (defvar orgtbl-mode) ; defined below
@@ -442,40 +444,6 @@ available parameters."
                         (org-split-string (match-string 1 line)
                                           "[ \t]*|[ \t]*")))))))
-(defvar org-table-clean-did-remove-column nil) ; dynamically scoped
-(defun org-table-clean-before-export (lines &optional maybe-quoted)
-  "Check if the table has a marking column.
-If yes remove the column and the special lines."
-  (let ((special (if maybe-quoted
-                    "^[ \t]*| *\\\\?[\#!$*_^/ ] *|"
-                  "^[ \t]*| *[\#!$*_^/ ] *|"))
-       (ignore  (if maybe-quoted
-                    "^[ \t]*| *\\\\?[!$_^/] *|"
-                  "^[ \t]*| *[!$_^/] *|")))
-    (setq org-table-clean-did-remove-column
-         (not (memq nil
-                    (mapcar
-                     (lambda (line)
-                       (or (string-match org-table-hline-regexp line)
-                           (string-match special                line)))
-                     lines))))
-    (delq nil
-         (mapcar
-          (lambda (line)
-            (cond
-             ((or (org-table-colgroup-line-p line)  ;; colgroup info
-                  (org-table-cookie-line-p line)    ;; formatting cookies
-                  (and org-table-clean-did-remove-column
-                       (string-match ignore line))) ;; non-exportable data
-              nil)
-             ((and org-table-clean-did-remove-column
-                   (or (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)|-+\\+" line)
-                       (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)|[^|]*|" line)))
-              ;; remove the first column
-              (replace-match "\\1|" t nil line))
-             (t line)))
-          lines))))
 (defconst org-table-translate-regexp
   (concat "\\(" "@[-0-9I$]+" "\\|" "[a-zA-Z]\\{1,2\\}\\([0-9]+\\|&\\)" "\\)")
   "Match a reference that needs translation, for reference display.")
@@ -624,8 +592,6 @@ are found, lines will be split on whitespace into fields."
     (org-table-convert-region beg (+ (point) (- (point-max) pm)) arg)))
-(defvar org-table-last-alignment)
-(defvar org-table-last-column-widths)
 (defun org-table-export (&optional file format)
   "Export table to a file, with configurable format.
@@ -643,77 +609,61 @@ extension of the given file name, and finally on the 
   (unless (org-at-table-p) (user-error "No table at point"))
-  (org-table-align) ;; make sure we have everything we need
-  (let* ((beg (org-table-begin))
-        (end (org-table-end))
-        (txt (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
-        (file (or file (org-entry-get beg "TABLE_EXPORT_FILE" t)))
-        (formats '("orgtbl-to-tsv" "orgtbl-to-csv"
-                   "orgtbl-to-latex" "orgtbl-to-html"
-                   "orgtbl-to-generic" "orgtbl-to-texinfo"
-                   "orgtbl-to-orgtbl"))
-        (format (or format
-                    (org-entry-get beg "TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT" t)))
-        buf deffmt-readable fileext)
+  (org-table-align)           ; Make sure we have everything we need.
+  (let ((file (or file (org-entry-get (point) "TABLE_EXPORT_FILE" t))))
     (unless file
       (setq file (read-file-name "Export table to: "))
       (unless (or (not (file-exists-p file))
                  (y-or-n-p (format "Overwrite file %s? " file)))
        (user-error "File not written")))
-    (if (file-directory-p file)
-       (user-error "This is a directory path, not a file"))
-    (if (and (buffer-file-name)
-            (equal (file-truename file)
-                   (file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
-       (user-error "Please specify a file name that is different from 
-    (setq fileext (concat (file-name-extension file) "$"))
-    (unless format
-      (setq deffmt-readable
-           (or (car (delq nil (mapcar (lambda(f) (if (string-match fileext f) 
f)) formats)))
-               org-table-export-default-format))
-      (while (string-match "\t" deffmt-readable)
-       (setq deffmt-readable (replace-match "\\t" t t deffmt-readable)))
-      (while (string-match "\n" deffmt-readable)
-       (setq deffmt-readable (replace-match "\\n" t t deffmt-readable)))
-      (setq format (org-completing-read "Format: " formats nil nil 
-    (if (string-match "\\([^ \t\r\n]+\\)\\( +.*\\)?" format)
-       (let* ((transform (intern (match-string 1 format)))
-              (params (if (match-end 2)
-                          (read (concat "(" (match-string 2 format) ")"))))
-              (skip (plist-get params :skip))
-              (skipcols (plist-get params :skipcols))
-              (lines (nthcdr (or skip 0) (org-split-string txt "[ \t]*\n[ 
-              (lines (org-table-clean-before-export lines))
-              (i0 (if org-table-clean-did-remove-column 2 1))
-              (table (mapcar
-                      (lambda (x)
-                        (if (string-match org-table-hline-regexp x)
-                            'hline
-                          (org-remove-by-index
-                           (org-split-string (org-trim x) "\\s-*|\\s-*")
-                           skipcols i0)))
-                      lines))
-              (fun (if (= i0 2) 'cdr 'identity))
-              (org-table-last-alignment
-               (org-remove-by-index (funcall fun org-table-last-alignment)
-                                    skipcols i0))
-              (org-table-last-column-widths
-               (org-remove-by-index (funcall fun org-table-last-column-widths)
-                                    skipcols i0)))
-         (unless (fboundp transform)
-           (user-error "No such transformation function %s" transform))
-         (setq txt (funcall transform table params))
-         (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
-           (setq buf (current-buffer))
-           (erase-buffer)
-           (fundamental-mode)
-           (insert txt "\n")
-           (save-buffer))
-         (kill-buffer buf)
-         (message "Export done."))
-      (user-error "TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT invalid"))))
+    (when (file-directory-p file)
+      (user-error "This is a directory path, not a file"))
+    (when (and (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))
+              (file-equal-p
+               (file-truename file)
+               (file-truename (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))))
+      (user-error "Please specify a file name that is different from current"))
+    (let ((fileext (concat (file-name-extension file) "$"))
+         (format (or format (org-entry-get (point) "TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT" t))))
+      (unless format
+       (let* ((formats '("orgtbl-to-tsv" "orgtbl-to-csv" "orgtbl-to-latex"
+                         "orgtbl-to-html" "orgtbl-to-generic"
+                         "orgtbl-to-texinfo" "orgtbl-to-orgtbl"
+                         "orgtbl-to-unicode"))
+              (deffmt-readable
+                (replace-regexp-in-string
+                 "\t" "\\t"
+                 (replace-regexp-in-string
+                  "\n" "\\n"
+                  (or (car (delq nil
+                                 (mapcar
+                                  (lambda (f)
+                                    (and (org-string-match-p fileext f) f))
+                                  formats)))
+                      org-table-export-default-format)
+                  t t) t t)))
+         (setq format
+               (org-completing-read
+                "Format: " formats nil nil deffmt-readable))))
+      (if (string-match "\\([^ \t\r\n]+\\)\\( +.*\\)?" format)
+         (let ((transform (intern (match-string 1 format)))
+               (params (and (match-end 2)
+                            (read (concat "(" (match-string 2 format) ")"))))
+               (table (org-table-to-lisp
+                       (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                        (org-table-begin) (org-table-end)))))
+           (unless (fboundp transform)
+             (user-error "No such transformation function %s" transform))
+           (let (buf)
+             (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
+               (setq buf (current-buffer))
+               (erase-buffer)
+               (fundamental-mode)
+               (insert (funcall transform table params) "\n")
+               (save-buffer))
+             (kill-buffer buf))
+           (message "Export done."))
+       (user-error "TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT invalid")))))
 (defvar org-table-aligned-begin-marker (make-marker)
   "Marker at the beginning of the table last aligned.
@@ -4499,15 +4449,12 @@ a radio table."
     (unless (re-search-forward
             (concat "BEGIN +RECEIVE +ORGTBL +" name "\\([ \t]\\|$\\)") nil t)
       (user-error "Don't know where to insert translated table"))
-    (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
-    (beginning-of-line 2)
-    (save-excursion
-      (let ((beg (point)))
-       (unless (re-search-forward
-                (concat "END +RECEIVE +ORGTBL +" name) nil t)
-         (user-error "Cannot find end of insertion region"))
-       (beginning-of-line 1)
-       (delete-region beg (point))))
+    (let ((beg (line-beginning-position 2)))
+      (unless (re-search-forward
+              (concat "END +RECEIVE +ORGTBL +" name) nil t)
+       (user-error "Cannot find end of insertion region"))
+      (beginning-of-line)
+      (delete-region beg (point)))
     (insert txt "\n")))
@@ -4516,76 +4463,43 @@ a radio table."
 The structure will be a list.  Each item is either the symbol `hline'
 for a horizontal separator line, or a list of field values as strings.
 The table is taken from the parameter TXT, or from the buffer at point."
-  (unless txt
-    (unless (org-at-table-p)
-      (user-error "No table at point")))
-  (let* ((txt (or txt
-                 (buffer-substring-no-properties (org-table-begin)
-                                                 (org-table-end))))
-        (lines (org-split-string txt "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*")))
-    (mapcar
-     (lambda (x)
-       (if (string-match org-table-hline-regexp x)
-          'hline
-        (org-split-string (org-trim x) "\\s-*|\\s-*")))
-     lines)))
+  (unless (or txt (org-at-table-p)) (user-error "No table at point"))
+  (let ((txt (or txt
+                (buffer-substring-no-properties (org-table-begin)
+                                                (org-table-end)))))
+    (mapcar (lambda (x)
+             (if (string-match org-table-hline-regexp x) 'hline
+               (org-split-string (org-trim x) "\\s-*|\\s-*")))
+           (org-split-string txt "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*"))))
 (defun orgtbl-send-table (&optional maybe)
-  "Send a transformed version of this table to the receiver position.
-With argument MAYBE, fail quietly if no transformation is defined for
-this table."
+  "Send a transformed version of table at point to the receiver position.
+With argument MAYBE, fail quietly if no transformation is defined
+for this table."
   (catch 'exit
     (unless (org-at-table-p) (user-error "Not at a table"))
     ;; when non-interactive, we assume align has just happened.
     (when (org-called-interactively-p 'any) (org-table-align))
     (let ((dests (orgtbl-gather-send-defs))
-         (txt (buffer-substring-no-properties (org-table-begin)
-                                              (org-table-end)))
+         (table (org-table-to-lisp
+                 (buffer-substring-no-properties (org-table-begin)
+                                                 (org-table-end))))
          (ntbl 0))
-      (unless dests (if maybe (throw 'exit nil)
-                     (user-error "Don't know how to transform this table")))
+      (unless dests
+       (if maybe (throw 'exit nil)
+         (user-error "Don't know how to transform this table")))
       (dolist (dest dests)
-       (let* ((name (plist-get dest :name))
-              (transform (plist-get dest :transform))
-              (params (plist-get dest :params))
-              (skip (plist-get params :skip))
-              (skipcols (plist-get params :skipcols))
-              (no-escape (plist-get params :no-escape))
-              beg
-              (lines (org-table-clean-before-export
-                      (nthcdr (or skip 0)
-                              (org-split-string txt "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*"))))
-              (i0 (if org-table-clean-did-remove-column 2 1))
-              (lines (if no-escape lines
-                       (mapcar (lambda(l) (replace-regexp-in-string
-                                           "\\([&%#_^]\\)" "\\\\\\1{}" l)) 
-              (table (mapcar
-                      (lambda (x)
-                        (if (string-match org-table-hline-regexp x)
-                            'hline
-                          (org-remove-by-index
-                           (org-split-string (org-trim x) "\\s-*|\\s-*")
-                           skipcols i0)))
-                      lines))
-              (fun (if (= i0 2) 'cdr 'identity))
-              (org-table-last-alignment
-               (org-remove-by-index (funcall fun org-table-last-alignment)
-                                    skipcols i0))
-              (org-table-last-column-widths
-               (org-remove-by-index (funcall fun org-table-last-column-widths)
-                                    skipcols i0))
-              (txt (if (fboundp transform)
-                       (funcall transform table params)
-                     (user-error "No such transformation function %s" 
-         (orgtbl-send-replace-tbl name txt))
-       (setq ntbl (1+ ntbl)))
+       (let ((name (plist-get dest :name))
+             (transform (plist-get dest :transform))
+             (params (plist-get dest :params)))
+         (unless (fboundp transform)
+           (user-error "No such transformation function %s" transform))
+         (orgtbl-send-replace-tbl name (funcall transform table params)))
+       (incf ntbl))
       (message "Table converted and installed at %d receiver location%s"
               ntbl (if (> ntbl 1) "s" ""))
-      (if (> ntbl 0)
-         ntbl
-       nil))))
+      (and (> ntbl 0) ntbl))))
 (defun org-remove-by-index (list indices &optional i0)
   "Remove the elements in LIST with indices in INDICES.
@@ -4635,330 +4549,489 @@ First element has index 0, or I0 if given."
     (insert txt)
     (goto-char pos)))
-;; Dynamically bound input and output for table formatting.
-(defvar *orgtbl-table* nil
-  "Carries the current table through formatting routines.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-rtn* nil
-  "Formatting routines push the output lines here.")
-;; Formatting parameters for the current table section.
-(defvar *orgtbl-hline* nil "Text used for horizontal lines.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-sep* nil "Text used as a column separator.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-default-fmt* nil "Default format for each entry.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-fmt* nil "Format for each entry.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-efmt* nil "Format for numbers.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-lfmt* nil "Format for an entire line, overrides fmt.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-llfmt* nil "Specializes lfmt for the last row.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-lstart* nil "Text starting a row.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-llstart* nil "Specializes lstart for the last row.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-lend* nil "Text ending a row.")
-(defvar *orgtbl-llend* nil "Specializes lend for the last row.")
-(defsubst orgtbl-get-fmt (fmt i)
-  "Retrieve the format from FMT corresponding to the Ith column."
-  (if (and (not (functionp fmt)) (consp fmt))
-      (plist-get fmt i)
-    fmt))
-(defsubst orgtbl-apply-fmt (fmt &rest args)
-  "Apply format FMT to arguments ARGS.
-When FMT is nil, return the first argument from ARGS."
-  (cond ((functionp fmt) (apply fmt args))
-       (fmt (apply 'format fmt args))
-       (args (car args))
-       (t args)))
-(defsubst orgtbl-eval-str (str)
-  "If STR is a function, evaluate it with no arguments."
-  (if (functionp str)
-      (funcall str)
-    str))
-(defun orgtbl-format-line (line)
-  "Format LINE as a table row."
-  (if (eq line 'hline) (if *orgtbl-hline* (push *orgtbl-hline* *orgtbl-rtn*))
-    (let* ((i 0)
-          (line
-           (mapcar
-            (lambda (f)
-              (setq i (1+ i))
-              (let* ((efmt (orgtbl-get-fmt *orgtbl-efmt* i))
-                     (f (if (and efmt (string-match orgtbl-exp-regexp f))
-                            (orgtbl-apply-fmt efmt (match-string 1 f)
-                                              (match-string 2 f))
-                          f)))
-                (orgtbl-apply-fmt (or (orgtbl-get-fmt *orgtbl-fmt* i)
-                                      *orgtbl-default-fmt*)
-                                  f)))
-            line)))
-      (push (if *orgtbl-lfmt*
-               (apply #'orgtbl-apply-fmt *orgtbl-lfmt* line)
-             (concat (orgtbl-eval-str *orgtbl-lstart*)
-                     (mapconcat 'identity line *orgtbl-sep*)
-                     (orgtbl-eval-str *orgtbl-lend*)))
-           *orgtbl-rtn*))))
-(defun orgtbl-format-section (section-stopper)
-  "Format lines until the first occurrence of SECTION-STOPPER."
-  (let (prevline)
-    (progn
-      (while (not (eq (car *orgtbl-table*) section-stopper))
-       (if prevline (orgtbl-format-line prevline))
-       (setq prevline (pop *orgtbl-table*)))
-      (if prevline (let ((*orgtbl-lstart* *orgtbl-llstart*)
-                        (*orgtbl-lend* *orgtbl-llend*)
-                        (*orgtbl-lfmt* *orgtbl-llfmt*))
-                    (orgtbl-format-line prevline))))))
-(defun orgtbl-to-generic (table params &optional backend)
+(defun orgtbl-to-generic (table params)
   "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE to some other format.
 This generic routine can be used for many standard cases.
-TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for a horizontal
-separator line, or a list of fields for that line.
-PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can influence the conversion.
-A third optional argument BACKEND can be used to convert the content of
-the cells using a specific export back-end.
-For the generic converter, some parameters are obligatory: you need to
-specify either :lfmt, or all of (:lstart :lend :sep).
+TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for
+a horizontal separator line, or a list of fields for that
+line.  PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can
+influence the conversion.
 Valid parameters are:
-:splice     When set to t, return only table body lines, don't wrap
-            them into :tstart and :tend.  Default is nil.  When :splice
-            is non-nil, this also means that the exporter should not look
-            for and interpret header and footer sections.
+  Export back-end used as a basis to transcode elements of the
+  table, when no specific parameter applies to it.  It is also
+  used to translate cells contents.  You can prevent this by
+  setting :raw property to a non-nil value.
+  When non-nil, return only table body lines (i.e, skip header
+  section).  Also don't wrap them into :tstart and :tend.
+  Default is nil.
+  When set to an integer N, skip the first N lines of the table.
+  Horizontal separation lines do count for this parameter!
-:hline      String to be inserted on horizontal separation lines.
-            May be nil to ignore hlines.
+  List of columns that should be skipped.  If the table has
+  a column with calculation marks, that column is automatically
+  discarded as well.  Please note that the translator function
+  sees the table after the removal of these columns, the function
+  never knows that there have been additional columns.
-:sep        Separator between two fields
-:remove-nil-lines Do not include lines that evaluate to nil.
+  String to be inserted on horizontal separation lines. May
+  be nil to ignore hlines.
+  Separator between two fields, as a string.
 Each in the following group may be either a string or a function
 of no arguments returning a string:
-:tstart     String to start the table.  Ignored when :splice is t.
-:tend       String to end the table.  Ignored when :splice is t.
-:lstart     String to start a new table line.
-:llstart    String to start the last table line, defaults to :lstart.
-:lend       String to end a table line
-:llend      String to end the last table line, defaults to :lend.
-Each in the following group may be a string, a function of one
-argument (the field or line) returning a string, or a plist
-mapping columns to either of the above:
-:lfmt       Format for entire line, with enough %s to capture all fields.
-            If this is present, :lstart, :lend, and :sep are ignored.
-:llfmt      Format for the entire last line, defaults to :lfmt.
-:fmt        A format to be used to wrap the field, should contain
-            %s for the original field value.  For example, to wrap
-            everything in dollars, you could use :fmt \"$%s$\".
-            This may also be a property list with column numbers and
-            formats.  For example :fmt (2 \"$%s$\" 4 \"%s%%\")
-:hlstart :hllstart :hlend :hllend :hlsep :hlfmt :hllfmt :hfmt
-            Same as above, specific for the header lines in the table.
-            All lines before the first hline are treated as header.
-            If any of these is not present, the data line value is used.
+  String to start the table.  Ignored when :splice is t.
+  String to end the table.  Ignored when :splice is t.
+  String to start a new table line.
+  String to start the last table line, defaults to :lstart.
+  String to end a table line.
+  String to end the last table line, defaults to :lend.
+Each in the following group may be a string or a function of
+several arguments (one for each cell in row) returning a string:
+  Format for entire line, with enough %s to capture all fields.
+  If this is present, :lstart, :lend, and :sep are ignored.
+  Format for the entire last line, defaults to :lfmt.
+  A format to be used to wrap the field, should contain %s for
+  the original field value.  For example, to wrap everything in
+  dollars, you could use :fmt \"$%s$\".  This may also be
+  a property list with column numbers and format strings, or
+  functions, e.g.,
+    \(:fmt (2 \"$%s$\" 4 (lambda (c) (format \"$%s$\" c))))
+:hlstart :hllstart :hlend :hllend :hsep :hlfmt :hllfmt :hfmt
+ Same as above, specific for the header lines in the table.
+ All lines before the first hline are treated as header.  If
+ any of these is not present, the data line value is used.
 This may be either a string or a function of two arguments:
-:efmt       Use this format to print numbers with exponentials.
-            The format should have %s twice for inserting mantissa
-            and exponent, for example \"%s\\\\times10^{%s}\".  This
-            may also be a property list with column numbers and
-            formats.  :fmt will still be applied after :efmt.
-In addition to this, the parameters :skip and :skipcols are always handled
-directly by `orgtbl-send-table'.  See manual."
-  (let* ((splicep (plist-get params :splice))
-        (hline (plist-get params :hline))
-        (skipheadrule (plist-get params :skipheadrule))
-        (remove-nil-linesp (plist-get params :remove-nil-lines))
-        (remove-newlines (plist-get params :remove-newlines))
-        (*orgtbl-hline* hline)
-        (*orgtbl-table* table)
-        (*orgtbl-sep* (plist-get params :sep))
-        (*orgtbl-efmt* (plist-get params :efmt))
-        (*orgtbl-lstart* (plist-get params :lstart))
-        (*orgtbl-llstart* (or (plist-get params :llstart) *orgtbl-lstart*))
-        (*orgtbl-lend* (plist-get params :lend))
-        (*orgtbl-llend* (or (plist-get params :llend) *orgtbl-lend*))
-        (*orgtbl-lfmt* (plist-get params :lfmt))
-        (*orgtbl-llfmt* (or (plist-get params :llfmt) *orgtbl-lfmt*))
-        (*orgtbl-fmt* (plist-get params :fmt))
-        *orgtbl-rtn*)
-    ;; Convert cells content to backend BACKEND
-    (when backend
-      (setq *orgtbl-table*
-           (mapcar
-            (lambda(r)
-              (if (listp r)
-                  (mapcar
-                   (lambda (c)
-                     (org-trim (org-export-string-as c backend t 
'(:with-tables t))))
-                   r)
-                r))
-            *orgtbl-table*)))
-    ;; Put header
-    (unless splicep
-      (when (plist-member params :tstart)
-       (let ((tstart (orgtbl-eval-str (plist-get params :tstart))))
-         (if tstart (push tstart *orgtbl-rtn*)))))
-    ;; If we have a heading, format it and handle the trailing hline.
-    (if (and (not splicep)
-            (or (consp (car *orgtbl-table*))
-                (consp (nth 1 *orgtbl-table*)))
-            (memq 'hline (cdr *orgtbl-table*)))
-       (progn
-         (when (eq 'hline (car *orgtbl-table*))
-           ;; There is a hline before the first data line
-           (and hline (push hline *orgtbl-rtn*))
-           (pop *orgtbl-table*))
-         (let* ((*orgtbl-lstart* (or (plist-get params :hlstart)
-                                     *orgtbl-lstart*))
-                (*orgtbl-llstart* (or (plist-get params :hllstart)
-                                      *orgtbl-llstart*))
-                (*orgtbl-lend* (or (plist-get params :hlend) *orgtbl-lend*))
-                (*orgtbl-llend* (or (plist-get params :hllend)
-                                    (plist-get params :hlend) *orgtbl-llend*))
-                (*orgtbl-lfmt* (or (plist-get params :hlfmt) *orgtbl-lfmt*))
-                (*orgtbl-llfmt* (or (plist-get params :hllfmt)
-                                    (plist-get params :hlfmt) *orgtbl-llfmt*))
-                (*orgtbl-sep* (or (plist-get params :hlsep) *orgtbl-sep*))
-                (*orgtbl-fmt* (or (plist-get params :hfmt) *orgtbl-fmt*)))
-           (orgtbl-format-section 'hline))
-         (if (and hline (not skipheadrule)) (push hline *orgtbl-rtn*))
-         (pop *orgtbl-table*)))
-    ;; Now format the main section.
-    (orgtbl-format-section nil)
-    (unless splicep
-      (when (plist-member params :tend)
-       (let ((tend (orgtbl-eval-str (plist-get params :tend))))
-         (if tend (push tend *orgtbl-rtn*)))))
-    (mapconcat (if remove-newlines
-                  (lambda (tend)
-                    (replace-regexp-in-string "[\n\r\t\f]" "\\\\n" tend))
-                'identity)
-              (nreverse (if remove-nil-linesp
-                            (remq nil *orgtbl-rtn*)
-                          *orgtbl-rtn*)) "\n")))
+  Use this format to print numbers with exponential.  The format
+  should have %s twice for inserting mantissa and exponent, for
+  example \"%s\\\\times10^{%s}\".  This may also be a property
+  list with column numbers and format strings or functions.
+  :fmt will still be applied after :efmt."
+  (let ((backend (plist-get params :backend)))
+    (when (and backend (symbolp backend) (not (org-export-get-backend 
+      (user-error "Unknown :backend value"))
+    (when (or (not backend) (plist-get params :raw)) (require 'ox-org))
+    (org-trim
+     (org-export-string-as
+      ;; Return TABLE as Org syntax.  Tolerate non-string cells.
+      (with-output-to-string
+       (dolist (e table)
+         (cond ((eq e 'hline) (princ "|--\n"))
+               ((consp e)
+                (princ "| ") (dolist (c e) (princ c) (princ " |"))
+                (princ "\n")))))
+      ;; Build a custom back-end according to PARAMS.  Before defining
+      ;; a translator, check if there is anything to do.  When there
+      ;; isn't, let BACKEND handle the element.
+      (org-export-create-backend
+       :parent (or backend 'org)
+       :filters
+       '((:filter-parse-tree
+         ;; Handle :skip parameter.
+         (lambda (tree backend info)
+           (let ((skip (plist-get info :skip)))
+             (when skip
+               (unless (wholenump skip) (user-error "Wrong :skip value"))
+               (let ((n 0))
+                 (org-element-map tree 'table-row
+                   (lambda (row)
+                     (if (>= n skip) t
+                       (org-element-extract-element row)
+                       (incf n)
+                       nil))
+                   info t))
+               tree)))
+         ;; Handle :skipcols parameter.
+         (lambda (tree backend info)
+           (let ((skipcols (plist-get info :skipcols)))
+             (when skipcols
+               (unless (consp skipcols) (user-error "Wrong :skipcols value"))
+               (org-element-map tree 'table
+                 (lambda (table)
+                   (let ((specialp
+                          (org-export-table-has-special-column-p table)))
+                     (dolist (row (org-element-contents table))
+                       (when (eq (org-element-property :type row) 'standard)
+                         (let ((c 1))
+                           (dolist (cell (nthcdr (if specialp 1 0)
+                                                 (org-element-contents row)))
+                             (when (memq c skipcols)
+                               (org-element-extract-element cell))
+                             (incf c)))))))
+                 info)
+               tree)))))
+       :transcoders
+       `((table . ,(org-table--to-generic-table params))
+        (table-row . ,(org-table--to-generic-row params))
+        (table-cell . ,(org-table--to-generic-cell params))
+        ;; Section.  Return contents to avoid garbage around table.
+        (section . (lambda (s c i) c))))
+      'body-only (org-combine-plists params '(:with-tables t))))))
+(defun org-table--to-generic-table (params)
+  "Return custom table transcoder according to PARAMS.
+PARAMS is a plist.  See `orgtbl-to-generic' for more information.
+Return nil if no transcoder is needed."
+  (let ((backend (plist-get params :backend))
+       (splice (plist-get params :splice))
+       (tstart (plist-get params :tstart))
+       (tend (plist-get params :tend)))
+    `(lambda (table contents info)
+       (concat ,@(cond ((or splice (not tstart)) nil)
+                      ((functionp tstart) `((funcall ',tstart) "\n"))
+                      ((stringp tstart) `(,tstart "\n"))
+                      (t (user-error "Wrong :tstart value")))
+              ,(if (and backend (not (or tstart tend splice)))
+                   `(org-export-with-backend ',backend table contents info)
+                 'contents)
+              ,(cond ((or splice (not tend)) nil)
+                     ((functionp tend) `(funcall ',tend))
+                     ((stringp tend) tend)
+                     (t (user-error "Wrong :tend value")))))))
+(defun org-table--to-generic-row (params)
+  "Return custom table row transcoder according to PARAMS.
+PARAMS is a plist.  See `orgtbl-to-generic' for more
+  (let* ((backend (plist-get params :backend))
+        (lstart (plist-get params :lstart))
+        (llstart (or (plist-get params :llstart) lstart))
+        (hlstart (or (plist-get params :hlstart) lstart))
+        (hllstart (or (plist-get params :hllstart) hlstart))
+        (lend (plist-get params :lend))
+        (llend (or (plist-get params :llend) lend))
+        (hlend (or (plist-get params :hlend) lend))
+        (hllend (or (plist-get params :hllend) hlend))
+        (lfmt (plist-get params :lfmt))
+        (llfmt (or (plist-get params :llfmt) lfmt))
+        (hlfmt (or (plist-get params :hlfmt) lfmt))
+        (hllfmt (or (plist-get params :hllfmt) hlfmt))
+        (splice (plist-get params :splice)))
+    `(lambda (row contents info)
+       (if (eq (org-element-property :type row) 'rule)
+          ,(cond ((plist-member params :hline) (plist-get params :hline))
+                 (backend `(org-export-with-backend ',backend row info)))
+        (let ((headerp
+               (and (org-export-table-has-header-p
+                     (org-element-property :parent row) info)
+                    (= (org-export-table-row-group row info) 1)))
+              (lastp (not (org-export-get-next-element row info)))
+              (last-header-p (org-export-table-row-ends-header-p row info)))
+          (when (and contents ,(or (not splice) '(not headerp)))
+            ;; Check if we can apply `:lfmt', `:llfmt', `:hlfmt', or
+            ;; `:hllfmt' to CONTENTS.  Otherwise, fallback on
+            ;; `:lstart', `:lend' and their relatives.
+            ,(let ((use
+                    (lambda (v p)
+                      `(apply
+                        ,@(cond
+                           ((functionp v) `(',v))
+                           ((stringp v) `(#'format ,v))
+                           (t (user-error "Wrong %s value" p)))
+                        (org-element-map row 'table-cell
+                          (lambda (cell)
+                            ;; Use `org-export-data-with-backend'
+                            ;; instead of `org-export-data' to avoid
+                            ;; cached values, which
+                            ;; ignore :orgtbl-ignore-sep parameter.
+                            (org-export-data-with-backend
+                             cell
+                             (plist-get info :back-end)
+                             (org-combine-plists
+                              info '(:orgtbl-ignore-sep t))))
+                          info)))))
+               `(cond
+                 ,(and hllfmt `(last-header-p ,(funcall use hllfmt ":hllfmt")))
+                 ,(and hlfmt `(headerp ,(funcall use hlfmt ":hlfmt")))
+                 ,(and llfmt `(lastp ,(funcall use llfmt ":llfmt")))
+                 (t
+                  ,(if lfmt (funcall use lfmt ":lfmt")
+                     (let ((use
+                            (lambda (v p)
+                              (cond ((null v) nil)
+                                    ((functionp v) `(funcall ',v))
+                                    ((stringp v) v)
+                                    (t (user-error "Wrong %s value" p))))))
+                       `(concat
+                         (cond
+                          ,(and (or hllstart hllend)
+                                `(last-header-p
+                                  (concat ,(funcall use hllstart ":hllstart")
+                                          contents
+                                          ,(funcall use hllend ":hllend"))))
+                          ,(and (or hlstart hlend)
+                                `(headerp
+                                  (concat ,(funcall use hlstart ":hlstart")
+                                          contents
+                                          ,(funcall use hlend ":hlend"))))
+                          ,(and (or llstart llend)
+                                `(lastp
+                                  (concat ,(funcall use llstart ":llstart")
+                                          contents
+                                          ,(funcall use llend ":llend"))))
+                          (t
+                           ,(cond
+                             ((or lstart lend)
+                              `(concat ,(funcall use lstart ":lstart")
+                                       contents
+                                       ,(funcall use lend ":lend")))
+                             (backend
+                              `(org-export-with-backend
+                                ',backend row contents info))
+                             (t 'contents))))))))))))))))
+(defun org-table--to-generic-cell (params)
+  "Return custom table cell transcoder according to PARAMS.
+PARAMS is a plist.  See `orgtbl-to-generic' for more
+  (let* ((backend (plist-get params :backend))
+        (efmt (plist-get params :efmt))
+        (fmt (plist-get params :fmt))
+        (hfmt (or (plist-get params :hfmt) fmt))
+        (sep (plist-get params :sep))
+        (hsep (or (plist-get params :hsep) sep)))
+    `(lambda (cell contents info)
+       (let ((column (1+ (cdr (org-export-table-cell-address cell info))))
+            (headerp (= (org-export-table-row-group
+                         (org-export-get-parent-element cell) info)
+                        1))
+            (lastp (not (org-export-get-next-element cell info))))
+        ;; Make sure that contents are exported as Org data when :raw
+        ;; parameter is non-nil.
+        ,(when (and backend (plist-get params :raw))
+           `(setq contents
+                  (org-export-data-with-backend
+                   (org-element-contents cell) 'org info)))
+        (when contents
+          ;; Check if we can apply `:efmt' on CONTENTS.  If `:efmt'
+          ;; binds columns to format strings or functions, first
+          ;; get the right one.
+          ,(when efmt
+             `(when (string-match orgtbl-exp-regexp contents)
+                (let ((mantissa (match-string 1 contents))
+                      (exponent (match-string 2 contents)))
+                  (setq contents
+                        ,(cond
+                          ((stringp efmt)
+                           `(format ,efmt mantissa exponent))
+                          ((functionp efmt)
+                           `(funcall #',efmt mantissa exponent))
+                          ((consp efmt)
+                           `(let ((efmt (cadr (memq column ',efmt))))
+                              (cond
+                               ((null efmt) contents)
+                               ((stringp efmt)
+                                (format efmt mantissa exponent))
+                               ((functionp efmt)
+                                (funcall efmt mantissa exponent))
+                               (t (user-error "Wrong :efmt value")))))
+                          (t (user-error "Wrong :efmt value")))))))
+          ;; Check if we can apply FMT (or HFMT) on CONTENTS.  If
+          ;; FMT binds columns to format strings, first get the
+          ;; right one.
+          ,(when hfmt
+             (let ((value
+                    (lambda (v p)
+                      (cond
+                       ((null v) 'contents)
+                       ((functionp v) `(funcall #',v contents))
+                       ((stringp v) `(format ,v contents))
+                       ((consp v)
+                        `(let ((fmt (cadr (memq column ',v))))
+                           (cond
+                            ((null fmt) contents)
+                            ((stringp fmt) (format fmt contents))
+                            ((functionp fmt) (funcall fmt contents))
+                            (t (user-error "Wrong %s value" p)))))
+                       (t (user-error "Wrong %s value" p))))))
+               `(setq contents
+                      (if headerp ,(funcall value hfmt ":hfmt")
+                        ,(funcall value fmt ":fmt"))))))
+        ;; If a separator is provided, use it instead of BACKEND's.
+        ;; Separators are ignored when LFMT (or equivalent) is
+        ;; provided.
+        (if (and ,hsep
+                 (not lastp)
+                 (not (plist-get info :orgtbl-ignore-sep)))
+            (concat contents (or (and headerp ,hsep) ,sep))
+          ,(if (not backend) 'contents
+             `(org-export-with-backend ',backend cell contents info)))))))
 (defun orgtbl-to-tsv (table params)
   "Convert the orgtbl-mode table to TAB separated material."
   (orgtbl-to-generic table (org-combine-plists '(:sep "\t") params)))
 (defun orgtbl-to-csv (table params)
   "Convert the orgtbl-mode table to CSV material.
 This does take care of the proper quoting of fields with comma or quotes."
-  (orgtbl-to-generic table (org-combine-plists
-                           '(:sep "," :fmt org-quote-csv-field)
-                           params)))
+  (orgtbl-to-generic table
+                    (org-combine-plists '(:sep "," :fmt org-quote-csv-field)
+                                        params)))
 (defun orgtbl-to-latex (table params)
   "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE to LaTeX.
-TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for a horizontal
-separator line, or a list of fields for that line.
-PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can influence the conversion.
-Supports all parameters from `orgtbl-to-generic'.  Most important for
-LaTeX are:
-:splice    When set to t, return only table body lines, don't wrap
-           them into a tabular environment.  Default is nil.
-:fmt       A format to be used to wrap the field, should contain %s for the
-           original field value.  For example, to wrap everything in dollars,
-           use :fmt \"$%s$\".  This may also be a property list with column
-           numbers and formats.  For example :fmt (2 \"$%s$\" 4 \"%s%%\")
-           The format may also be a function that formats its one argument.
-:efmt      Format for transforming numbers with exponentials.  The format
-           should have %s twice for inserting mantissa and exponent, for
-           example \"%s\\\\times10^{%s}\".  LaTeX default is \"%s\\\\,(%s)\".
-           This may also be a property list with column numbers and formats.
-           The format may also be a function that formats its two arguments.
-:llend     If you find too much space below the last line of a table,
-           pass a value of \"\" for :llend to suppress the final \\\\.
-The general parameters :skip and :skipcols have already been applied when
-this function is called."
-  (let* ((alignment (mapconcat (lambda (x) (if x "r" "l"))
-                              org-table-last-alignment ""))
-        (params2
-         (list
-          :tstart (concat "\\begin{tabular}{" alignment "}")
-          :tend "\\end{tabular}"
-          :lstart "" :lend " \\\\" :sep " & "
-          :efmt "%s\\,(%s)" :hline "\\hline")))
-    (require 'ox-latex)
-    (orgtbl-to-generic table (org-combine-plists params2 params) 'latex)))
+TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for
+a horizontal separator line, or a list of fields for that line.
+PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can influence the
+conversion.  All parameters from `orgtbl-to-generic' are
+supported.  Additionally, it is also possible to use the
+following parameters:
+  When non-nil, use formal \"booktabs\" style.
+  Specify environment to use, as a string.  If you use
+  \"longtable\", you may also want to specify :language property,
+  as a string, to get proper continuation strings.
+The general parameters :skip and :skipcols have already been
+applied when this function is called."
+  (require 'ox-latex)
+  (orgtbl-to-generic
+   table
+   (org-combine-plists
+    ;; Provide sane default values.
+    (list :backend 'latex
+         :latex-default-table-mode 'table
+         :latex-tables-centered nil
+         :latex-tables-booktabs (plist-get params :booktabs)
+         :latex-table-scientific-notation (plist-get params :efmt)
+         :latex-default-table-environment
+         (or (plist-get params :environment) "tabular"))
+    params
+    '(:efmt nil))))
 (defun orgtbl-to-html (table params)
   "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE to HTML.
-TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for a horizontal
-separator line, or a list of fields for that line.
-PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can influence the conversion.
-Currently this function recognizes the following parameters:
-:splice    When set to t, return only table body lines, don't wrap
-           them into a <table> environment.  Default is nil.
+TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for
+a horizontal separator line, or a list of fields for that line.
+PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can influence the
+conversion.  All parameters from `orgtbl-to-generic' are
+supported.  Additionally, it is also possible to use the
+following parameter:
-The general parameters :skip and :skipcols have already been applied when
-this function is called.  The function does *not* use `orgtbl-to-generic',
-so you cannot specify parameters for it."
+  Attributes and values, as a plist, which will be used in
+  <table> tag.
+The general parameters :skip and :skipcols have already been
+applied when this function is called."
   (require 'ox-html)
-  (let ((output (org-export-string-as
-                (orgtbl-to-orgtbl table nil) 'html t '(:with-tables t))))
-    (if (not (plist-get params :splice)) output
-      (org-trim
-       (replace-regexp-in-string
-       "\\`<table .*>\n" ""
-       (replace-regexp-in-string "</table>\n*\\'" "" output))))))
+  (orgtbl-to-generic
+   table
+   (org-combine-plists
+    ;; Provide sane default values.
+    (list :backend 'html
+         :html-table-data-tags '("<td%s>" . "</td>")
+         :html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column nil
+         :html-table-align-individual-fields t
+         :html-table-row-tags '("<tr>" . "</tr>")
+         :html-table-attributes
+         (if (plist-member params :attributes)
+             (plist-get params :attributes)
+           '(:border "2" :cellspacing "0" :cellpadding "6" :rules "groups"
+                     :frame "hsides")))
+    params)))
 (defun orgtbl-to-texinfo (table params)
-  "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE to TeXInfo.
-TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for a horizontal
-separator line, or a list of fields for that line.
-PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can influence the conversion.
-Supports all parameters from `orgtbl-to-generic'.  Most important for
-TeXInfo are:
-:splice nil/t      When set to t, return only table body lines, don't wrap
-                   them into a multitable environment.  Default is nil.
-:fmt fmt           A format to be used to wrap the field, should contain
-                   %s for the original field value.  For example, to wrap
-                   everything in @kbd{}, you could use :fmt \"@kbd{%s}\".
-                   This may also be a property list with column numbers and
-                   formats.  For example :fmt (2 \"@kbd{%s}\" 4 \"@code{%s}\").
-                   Each format also may be a function that formats its one
-                   argument.
-:cf \"f1 f2..\"    The column fractions for the table.  By default these
-                   are computed automatically from the width of the columns
-                   under org-mode.
+  "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE to Texinfo.
+TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for
+a horizontal separator line, or a list of fields for that line.
+PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can influence the
+conversion.  All parameters from `orgtbl-to-generic' are
+supported.  Additionally, it is also possible to use the
+following parameter:
+  Column widths, as a string.  When providing column fractions,
+  \"@columnfractions\" command can be omitted.
 The general parameters :skip and :skipcols have already been applied when
 this function is called."
-  (let* ((total (float (apply '+ org-table-last-column-widths)))
-        (colfrac (or (plist-get params :cf)
-                     (mapconcat
-                      (lambda (x) (format "%.3f" (/ (float x) total)))
-                      org-table-last-column-widths " ")))
-        (params2
-         (list
-          :tstart (concat "@multitable @columnfractions " colfrac)
-          :tend "@end multitable"
-          :lstart "@item " :lend "" :sep " @tab "
-          :hlstart "@headitem ")))
-    (require 'ox-texinfo)
-    (orgtbl-to-generic table (org-combine-plists params2 params) 'texinfo)))
+  (require 'ox-texinfo)
+  (let ((output
+        (orgtbl-to-generic
+         table
+         (org-combine-plists
+          (list :backend 'texinfo
+                :texinfo-tables-verbatim nil
+                :latex-table-scientific-notation (plist-get params :efmt))
+          params
+          (list :efmt nil))))
+       (columns (let ((w (plist-get params :columns)))
+                  (cond ((not w) nil)
+                        ((org-string-match-p "{\\|@columnfractions " w) w)
+                        (t (concat "@columnfractions " w))))))
+    (if (not columns) output
+      (replace-regexp-in-string
+       "@multitable \\(.*\\)" columns output t nil 1))))
 (defun orgtbl-to-orgtbl (table params)
@@ -4967,21 +5040,8 @@ Useful when slicing one table into many.  The :hline, 
 :lstart, and :lend provide orgtbl framing.  The default nil :tstart
 and :tend suppress strings without splicing; they can be set to
 provide ORGTBL directives for the generated table."
-  (let* ((params2
-         (list
-          :remove-newlines t
-          :tstart nil :tend nil
-          :hline "|---"
-          :sep " | "
-          :lstart "| "
-          :lend " |"))
-        (params (org-combine-plists params2 params)))
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (insert (orgtbl-to-generic table params))
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (while (re-search-forward org-table-hline-regexp nil t)
-       (org-table-align))
-      (buffer-substring 1 (buffer-size)))))
+  (require 'ox-org)
+  (orgtbl-to-generic table (org-combine-plists (list :backend 'org))))
 (defun orgtbl-to-table.el (table params)
   "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE into a table.el table."
@@ -4994,19 +5054,38 @@ provide ORGTBL directives for the generated table."
 (defun orgtbl-to-unicode (table params)
   "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE into a table with unicode characters.
-You need the ascii-art-to-unicode.el package for this.  You can download
-it here: http://gnuvola.org/software/j/aa2u/ascii-art-to-unicode.el.";
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (insert (orgtbl-to-table.el table params))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (if (or (featurep 'ascii-art-to-unicode)
-           (require 'ascii-art-to-unicode nil t))
-       (aa2u)
-      (unless (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (l) (string-match "aa2u" (car l))) 
-       (push '("http://gnuvola.org/software/j/aa2u/ascii-art-to-unicode.el";
-               "Link to ascii-art-to-unicode.el") org-stored-links))
-      (user-error "Please download ascii-art-to-unicode.el (use C-c C-l to 
insert the link to it)"))
-    (buffer-string)))
+TABLE is a list, each entry either the symbol `hline' for
+a horizontal separator line, or a list of fields for that line.
+PARAMS is a property list of parameters that can influence the
+conversion.  All parameters from `orgtbl-to-generic' are
+supported.  Additionally, it is also possible to use the
+following parameters:
+  When non-nil, use \"ascii-art-to-unicode\" package to translate
+  the table.  You can download it here:
+  http://gnuvola.org/software/j/aa2u/ascii-art-to-unicode.el.
+  When non-nil, narrow columns width than provided width cookie,
+  using \"=>\" as an ellipsis, just like in an Org mode buffer.
+The general parameters :skip and :skipcols have already been
+applied when this function is called."
+  (require 'ox-ascii)
+  (orgtbl-to-generic
+   table
+   (org-combine-plists
+    (list :backend 'ascii
+         :ascii-charset 'utf-8
+         :ascii-table-keep-all-vertical-lines (plist-get params :)
+         :ascii-table-widen-columns (not (plist-get params :narrow))
+         :ascii-table-use-ascii-art (plist-get params :ascii-art))
+    params)))
 (defun org-table-get-remote-range (name-or-id form)
   "Get a field value or a list of values in a range from table at ID.
diff --git a/testing/lisp/test-org-table.el b/testing/lisp/test-org-table.el
index 40101be..d99d735 100644
--- a/testing/lisp/test-org-table.el
+++ b/testing/lisp/test-org-table.el
@@ -1168,6 +1168,357 @@ See also `test-org-table/copy-field'."
       (should (string= got
+;;; Radio Tables
+(ert-deftest test-org-table/to-generic ()
+  "Test `orgtbl-to-generic' specifications."
+  ;; Test :splice parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n|---|\n| b |")
+                            '(:splice t))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a\nb"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n| b |") '(:splice t))))
+  ;; Test :hline parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a\nb"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n|---|\n| b |")
+                            '(:hline nil))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a\n~\nb"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n|---|\n| b |")
+                            '(:hline "~"))))
+  ;; Test :sep parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b\nc!d"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |")
+          '(:sep "!"))))
+  ;; Test :hsep parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b\nc?d"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |")
+          '(:sep "?" :hsep "!"))))
+  ;; Test :tstart parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "<begin>\na"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") '(:tstart "<begin>"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "<begin>\na"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |")
+                            '(:tstart (lambda () "<begin>")))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |")
+                            '(:tstart "<begin>" :splice t))))
+  ;; Test :tend parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a\n<end>"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") '(:tend "<end>"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a\n<end>"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |")
+                            '(:tend (lambda () "<end>")))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |")
+                            '(:tend "<end>" :splice t))))
+  ;; Test :lstart parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "> a"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") '(:lstart "> "))))
+  (should
+   (equal "> a"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |")
+                            '(:lstart (lambda () "> ")))))
+  ;; Test :llstart parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "> a\n>> b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n|---|\n| b |")
+                            '(:lstart "> " :llstart ">> "))))
+  ;; Test :hlstart parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "!> a\n> b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n|---|\n| b |")
+                            '(:lstart "> " :hlstart "!> "))))
+  ;; Test :hllstart parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "!> a\n!!> b\n> c"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n| b |\n|---|\n| c |")
+                            '(:lstart "> " :hlstart "!> " :hllstart "!!> "))))
+  ;; Test :lend parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a <"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") '(:lend " <"))))
+  ;; Test :llend parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a <\nb <<"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n|---|\n| b |")
+                            '(:lend " <" :llend " <<"))))
+  ;; Test :hlend parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a <!\nb <"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n|---|\n| b |")
+                            '(:lend " <" :hlend " <!"))))
+  ;; Test :hllend parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a <!\nb <!!\nc <"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n| b |\n|---|\n| c |")
+                            '(:lend " <" :hlend " <!" :hllend " <!!"))))
+  ;; Test :lfmt parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:lfmt "%s!%s"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a+b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:lfmt (lambda (c1 c2) (concat c1 "+" c2))))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:lfmt "%s!%s" :lstart ">" :lend "<" :sep " "))))
+  ;; Test :llfmt parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:llfmt "%s!%s"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b\nc+d"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n| c | d |")
+          '(:lfmt "%s!%s" :llfmt (lambda (c1 c2) (concat c1 "+" c2))))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:llfmt "%s!%s" :lstart ">" :lend "<" :sep " "))))
+  ;; Test :hlfmt parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b\ncd"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |")
+          '(:hlfmt "%s!%s"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a+b\ncd"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |")
+          '(:hlfmt (lambda (c1 c2) (concat c1 "+" c2))))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b\n>c d<"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |")
+          '(:hlfmt "%s!%s" :lstart ">" :lend "<" :sep " "))))
+  ;; Test :hllfmt parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b\ncd"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |")
+          '(:hllfmt "%s!%s"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a+b\ncd"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |")
+          '(:hllfmt (lambda (c1 c2) (concat c1 "+" c2))))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a!b\n>c d<"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |")
+          '(:hllfmt "%s!%s" :lstart ">" :lend "<" :sep " "))))
+  ;; Test :fmt parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal ">a<\n>b<"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n|---|\n| b |")
+                            '(:fmt ">%s<"))))
+  (should
+   (equal ">a<b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:fmt (1 ">%s<" 2 (lambda (c) c))))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:fmt (2 " %s")))))
+  (should
+   (equal ">a<"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |")
+                            '(:fmt (lambda (c) (format ">%s<" c))))))
+  ;; Test :hfmt parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal ">a<\nb"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |\n|---|\n| b |")
+                            '(:hfmt ">%s<"))))
+  (should
+   (equal ">a<b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:hfmt (1 ">%s<" 2 identity)))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a b"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:hfmt (2 " %s")))))
+  (should
+   (equal ">a<"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| a |")
+                            '(:hfmt (lambda (c) (format ">%s<" c))))))
+  ;; Test :efmt parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "2x10^3"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| 2e3 |")
+                            '(:efmt "%sx10^%s"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "2x10^3"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| 2e3 |")
+                            '(:efmt (lambda (m e) (concat m "x10^" e))))))
+  (should
+   (equal "2x10^3"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| 2e3 |")
+                            '(:efmt (1 "%sx10^%s")))))
+  (should
+   (equal "2x10^3"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| 2e3 |")
+          '(:efmt (1 (lambda (m e) (format "%sx10^%s" m e)))))))
+  (should
+   (equal "2e3"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| 2e3 |") '(:efmt nil))))
+  ;; Test :skip parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "cd"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| \ | <c> |\n| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |")
+          '(:skip 2))))
+  ;; Test :skipcols parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "a\nc"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n| c | d |") '(:skipcols (2)))))
+  (should
+   (equal "a\nc"
+         (orgtbl-to-generic
+          (org-table-to-lisp
+           "| / | <c> | <c> |\n| # | a | b |\n|---+---+---|\n|   | c | d |")
+          '(:skipcols (2)))))
+  ;; Test :raw parameter.
+  (when (featurep 'ox-latex)
+    (should
+     (org-string-match-p
+      "/a/"
+      (orgtbl-to-generic (org-table-to-lisp "| /a/ | b |")
+                        '(:backend latex :raw t))))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-table/to-latex ()
+  "Test `orgtbl-to-latex' specifications."
+  (should
+   (equal "\\begin{tabular}{l}\na\\\\\n\\end{tabular}"
+         (orgtbl-to-latex (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") nil)))
+  ;; Test :environment parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "\\begin{tabularx}{l}\na\\\\\n\\end{tabularx}"
+         (orgtbl-to-latex (org-table-to-lisp "| a |")
+                          '(:environment "tabularx"))))
+  ;; Test :booktabs parameter.
+  (should
+   (org-string-match-p
+    "\\toprule" (orgtbl-to-latex (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") '(:booktabs t)))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-table/to-html ()
+  "Test `orgtbl-to-html' specifications."
+  (should
+   (equal (orgtbl-to-html (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") nil)
+         "<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" 
rules=\"groups\" frame=\"hsides\">
+<col  class=\"left\" />
+<td class=\"left\">a</td>
+  ;; Test :attributes parameter.
+  (should
+   (org-string-match-p
+    "<table>"
+    (orgtbl-to-html (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") '(:attributes nil))))
+  (should
+   (org-string-match-p
+    "<table border=\"2\">"
+    (orgtbl-to-html (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") '(:attributes (:border 
+(ert-deftest test-org-table/to-texinfo ()
+  "Test `orgtbl-to-texinfo' specifications."
+  (should
+   (equal "@multitable address@hidden address@hidden multitable"
+         (orgtbl-to-texinfo (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") nil)))
+  ;; Test :columns parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "@multitable @columnfractions .4 address@hidden address@hidden 
address@hidden multitable"
+         (orgtbl-to-texinfo (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:columns ".4 .6"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "@multitable @columnfractions .4 address@hidden address@hidden 
address@hidden multitable"
+         (orgtbl-to-texinfo (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:columns "@columnfractions .4 .6"))))
+  (should
+   (equal "@multitable {xxx} address@hidden address@hidden address@hidden 
+         (orgtbl-to-texinfo (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |")
+                            '(:columns "{xxx} {xx}")))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-table/to-orgtbl ()
+  "Test `orgtbl-to-orgtbl' specifications."
+  (should
+   (equal "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |"
+         (orgtbl-to-orgtbl
+          (org-table-to-lisp "| a | b |\n|---+---|\n| c | d |") nil))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-table/to-unicode ()
+  "Test `orgtbl-to-unicode' specifications."
+  (should
+   (equal "━━━\n a \n━━━"
+         (orgtbl-to-unicode (org-table-to-lisp "| a |") nil)))
+  ;; Test :narrow parameter.
+  (should
+   (equal "━━━━\n => \n━━━━"
+         (orgtbl-to-unicode (org-table-to-lisp "| <2> |\n| xxx |")
+                            '(:narrow t)))))
+(ert-deftest test-org-table/send-region ()
+  "Test `orgtbl-send-table' specifications."
+  ;; Error when not at a table.
+  (should-error
+   (org-test-with-temp-text "Paragraph"
+     (orgtbl-send-table)))
+  ;; Error when destination is missing.
+  (should-error
+   (org-test-with-temp-text "#+ORGTBL: SEND\n<point>| a |"
+     (orgtbl-send-table)))
+  ;; Error when transformation function is not specified.
+  (should-error
+   (org-test-with-temp-text "
+#+ORGTBL: SEND table
+<point>| a |"
+     (orgtbl-send-table)))
+  ;; Standard test.
+  (should
+   (equal "| a |\n|---|\n| b |\n"
+         (org-test-with-temp-text "
+#+ORGTBL: SEND table orgtbl-to-orgtbl :hlines nil
+<point>| a |\n|---|\n| b |"
+           (orgtbl-send-table)
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (buffer-substring-no-properties
+            (search-forward "# BEGIN RECEIVE ORGTBL table\n")
+            (progn (search-forward "# END RECEIVE ORGTBL table")
+                   (match-beginning 0)))))))
 (provide 'test-org-table)
 ;;; test-org-table.el ends here

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