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Re: [O] Mathjax vs. problems with imagemagick

From: Joseph Vidal-Rosset
Subject: Re: [O] Mathjax vs. problems with imagemagick
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 09:38:26 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Le  ven. 11  juil. 2014  à 02:59:23  , Nick  Dokos <address@hidden>  a
envoyé ce message:

> Can you please post an example org file and the tex file that's produced
> that gives you such bad images?

Dear Nick,

I sent an email three days ago to tell you that I've got the solution. I

" I have put again in my init.el the code from the page 
[[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-preview.html]] , i.e.

(setq org-latex-listings 'minted) (require 'ox-latex) (add-to-list 
'org-latex-packages-alist '("" "minted"))

and I have added :

;; Let the exporter use the -shell-escape option to let latex
;; execute external programs.
;; This obviously and can be dangerous to activate!
(setq org-latex-pdf-process
      '("xelatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o 

Now it works. But I do not know really why." End of quotation .

I would have been happy to show you an example. But now I meet again, as
often, the tiring same problem: 

Creating LaTeX Image...
Failed to create dvi file from /tmp/orgtex15065yFA.tex
Creating LaTeX Image...
Failed to create dvi file from /tmp/orgtex15065MaM.tex
Ispell process killed
Starting new Ispell process [aspell::en] ...
Mark set
Mark set [2 times]
mm-insert-file-contents: Opening input file: aucun fichier ou dossier de ce 
type, /tmp/ltxpng/latex15065_PG_37f10648c57a40194a74eaabbaa5c1678a5d2046.png
Mark set

Nevertheless,  the png  file is  in  /tmp/ltxpng and  it is  a nice  png

I  remind  that the  error  in  creating the  dvi  file  was created  by
minted. I  deleted every reference  to minted and  it worked, but  now I
realize that  without minted the  use of bussproofs.sty cannot  work for
html conversion. :S 

I guess that I have to put in  my .bashrc a command to say that I always
want to use latex with -shell-escape option  , but I am not sure that it
is the best solution. 

Every help is welcome. 

Best regards,


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