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Re: [O] Bug? org-set-tags never uses ido

From: Anders Johansson
Subject: Re: [O] Bug? org-set-tags never uses ido
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 19:37:42 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.4.0

A hack to get ido selection for multiple tags. It uses ido-completing-read-multiple (available here and included below: https://gist.github.com/mgalgs/1329188) to allow for completing one tag at a time and ending it by typing ":".

I haven't tested it much and it might possibly break things (or most certainly it's implemented in an ugly way). Perhaps someone more than me will find it useful.


(defadvice org-icompleting-read
  (around org-use-ido-for-tags
          (prompt coll &optional pred reqm initial hist def)
  "Advised to use ido for multiple completion of tags"
  (setq ad-return-value
        (if (string= "Tags: " prompt)
            (mapconcat 'identity
                         'copy-list org-last-tags-completion-table)
                        pred reqm initial hist def ":")

(defun ido-completing-read-multiple (prompt choices &optional predicate require-match initial-input hist def sentinel)
  "Read multiple items with ido-completing-read. Reading stops
  when the user enters SENTINEL. By default, SENTINEL is
  \"*done*\". SENTINEL is disambiguated with clashing completions
  by appending _ to SENTINEL until it becomes unique. So if there
  are multiple values that look like SENTINEL, the one with the
  most _ at the end is the actual sentinel value. See
  documentation for `ido-completing-read' for details on the
  other parameters."
      ((sentinel (if sentinel sentinel "*done*"))
       (done-reading nil)
       (res ()))

    ;; uniquify the SENTINEL value
    (while (find sentinel choices)
      (setq sentinel (concat sentinel "_")))
    (setq choices (cons sentinel choices))

    ;; read some choices
    (while (not done-reading)
(setq this-choice (ido-completing-read prompt choices predicate require-match initial-input hist def))
      (if (equal this-choice sentinel)
          (setq done-reading t)
        (setq res (cons this-choice res))))

    ;; return the result

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