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Re: [O] Unicode and Latex export

From: Florian Beck
Subject: Re: [O] Unicode and Latex export
Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2011 20:07:04 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

suvayu ali <address@hidden> writes:

> On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:50 PM, suvayu ali <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> BTW, this only works if you use a font that provides all the characters
>>> you need (and looks nice enough for your taste).
>> I don't usually customise my fonts and go with the default latex
>> fonts. Do you have any suggestions what fonts that would be
>> appropriate here? I tried using XITS, but that didn't help.
> I should clarify, when I say didn't work I mean xelatex couldn't find
> the fonts although I have them installed.

Not sure. XeTeX uses the fonts you have installed on your system, not
those for TeX. Everything in M-: (font-family-list) should work.

Maybe one of the DejaVu fonts? Generally, though, universal fonts aren't the
best choice.

Here is what I do. Create a custom link style for export with XeLaTeX:

(org-add-link-type "uc" 'ignore 'org-unicode-export)

(defun org-unicode-export (path desc format)
  "Export unicode characters."
   ((eql format 'html) (format "%s" desc))
   ((eql format 'latex)
    (format "{\\fontspec[Scale=MatchLowercase]{%s}%s}"
            path desc))
   (t desc)))

And write [[uc:Code2000][⫳]] to use Code2000 as a font.

I use it mostly for greek words, e.g.
[[uc:Alexander][φύσις κρύπτεσθαι φιλεῖ]]

But if you mostly have single characters it might be too much of a hassle.

Florian Beck

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