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Re: [Orgmode] Changing star character

From: Javier M Mora
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Changing star character
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 21:54:29 +0100
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On 26/02/11 16:36, Bastien wrote:
Hi Javier,

Javier M Mora<address@hidden>  writes:

If I can change star symbol from "*" char to "%" char (comment mark in
LaTeX). It become possible.

Is it possible?


Is there a variable to change star symbol?
Is "*" so hardcoded that it is impossible change behavior?


Besides, I don't really get what you are trying to achieve, an example
would be better - but this example won't make it easier to change what
you suggest ;)

I like org-mode, and I like Auctex mode and both are major modes so it's not possible use both simultaneous.

I'd like to write scientific text in LaTeX using org-mode way:

% Section: Importance of This
\section{Importance of This}
%% What is it "This"
   To talk about \emph{this} is important look to several factors:
%%% "This" depends on "That"
   \emph{That} is very important in \emph{this} and bla, bla, bla...
%%% This depends on "These"
   Also, \emph{These} is another. bla bla bla...
%%% This is not "another".
   And don't forget another has anything.
%%%% SubIdea

% is the comment in LaTeX and is the outline of my ideas. And the text associated to every headline is the text of the article. With org-mode, I can sort ideas (and lines of text associated) moving subtrees. org-mode relate ideas with text.

% char is LaTeX comment so LaTeX ignores until the end of line.

The problem is org-mode only works with star '*' character to mark headlines and LaTeX would print lots of star in the text. org-mode LaTeX export is not enough good for this idea, because every headline in org-mode becomes a headline in LaTeX and as you can see in my example this is not always the better. The export org-mode to LaTeX of this example is:

\section{Section: Importance of This}
\section{Importance of This}
\subsection{What is it "This"}
   To talk about \emph{this} is important look to several factors:
\subsubsection{"This" depends on "That"}
   \emph{That} is very important in \emph{this} and bla, bla, bla...
\subsubsection{This depends on "These"}
   Also, \emph{These} is another. bla bla bla...
\subsubsection{This is not "another".}
   And don't forget another has anything.

When the desired objetive is put everything in a paragraph:

\section{Importance of This}
   To talk about \emph{this} is important look to several factors:
   \emph{That} is very important in \emph{this} and bla, bla, bla...
   Also, \emph{These} is another. bla bla bla...
   And don't forget another has anything.


Before and after of send email to org-mode mail list, I read source code and I thought star character was hard coded in it. (IMHO star char must be a configuration var). But I wanted to hear the opinion of experts from the maillist before doing anything.

So, I created two elisp functions to make a translation.:

(defun org2latex ()
  "Convert star to comments in LaTeX"
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "^\*+" nil t)
;      (while (search-backward "*" (beginning-of-line) t)
;       (replace-match "%" nil t))
      (let ((finalsearch (point)))
        (move-beginning-of-line nil)
        (while (search-forward "*" finalsearch t)
          (replace-match "%" nil t))

(defun latex2org ()
  "Convert comments in LaTeX to stars in org-mode"
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "^%+" nil t)
;      (while (search-backward "%" (beginning-of-line) t)
;       (replace-match "*" nil t))
      (let ((finalsearch (point)))
        (move-beginning-of-line nil)
        (while (search-forward "%" finalsearch t)
          (replace-match "*" nil t))
;doesn't work. I want open/see the currently (sub)tree
  (let ((position (point)))
        (goto-char position)

I'm a newbie with elisp. This works but:

1.- I don't spend to much time with search-backward, and didn't work for me. So, I had to make a detour with search-forward.

2.- From Latex2org when I start org-mode, All trees are closed. I'd like keep open the tree in the cursor.

That all. I hope these functions can help someone or inspire to solve a similar problem. To make programs?

Again, I'm not in maillist. Please send me a copy to my email.

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