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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Problem with 7.02 - org-capture-templates not set from

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: Problem with 7.02 - org-capture-templates not set from init file
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 16:30:01 +0100

On Nov 2, 2010, at 3:29 PM, Jeffrey DeLeo wrote:

One thing I noticed that changed in org-install.el from 7.01h to 7.02 -
in 7.02 is being explicitly defined in org-install.el as nil, that
wasn't happening before.

That is right. However, when org-capture gets loaded, the value will change to the customize value - I hope.


- Carsten

;;;### (autoloads (org-capture-import-remember-templates org-capture- insert-template-here
;;;;;;  org-capture) "org-capture" "lisp/org-capture.el" (19549 1164))
;;; Generated autoloads from lisp/org-capture.el

(autoload 'org-capture "org-capture" "\
Capture something.
This will let you select a template from `org-capture-templates', and then
file the newly captured information.  The text is immediately inserted
at the target location, and an indirect buffer is shown where you can
edit it. Pressing \\[org-capture-finalize] brings you back to the previous state
of Emacs, so that you can continue your work.

When called interactively with a \\[universal-argument] prefix argument GOTO, don't capture
anything, just go to the file/headline where the selected template
stores its notes. With a double prefix argument \\[universal- argument] \\[universal-argument], go to the last note

When called with a `C-0' (zero) prefix, insert a template at point.

Lisp programs can set KEYS to a string associated with a template in
`org-capture-templates'.  In this case, interactive selection will be

\(fn &optional GOTO KEYS)" t nil)

;;;### (autoloads (org-capture-import-remember-templates org-capture- insert-template-here ;;;;;; org-capture org-capture-templates) "org-capture" "lisp/org- capture.el"
;;;;;;  (19658 27920))
;;; Generated autoloads from lisp/org-capture.el

(defvar org-capture-templates nil "\
Templates for the creation of new entries.

Each entry is a list with the following items:

keys The keys that will select the template, as a string, characters only, for example \"a\" for a template to be selected with a single key, or \"bt\" for selection with two keys. When using several keys, keys using the same prefix key must be together in the list and preceded by a 2-element entry explaining the
             prefix key, for example

                     (\"b\" \"Templates for marking stuff to buy\")

             The \"C\" key is used by default for quick access to the
customization of the template variable. But if you want to use
             that key for a template, you can.

description A short string describing the template, will be shown during

type         The type of entry.  Valid types are:
               entry       an Org-mode node, with a headline. Will be
filed as the child of the target entry or as
                           a top-level entry.
               item        a plain list item, will be placed in the
                           first plain list at the target
               checkitem   a checkbox item.  This differs from the
                           plain list item only is so far as it uses a
                           different default template.
table-line a new line in the first table at target location.
               plain       text to be inserted as it is.

target Specification of where the captured item should be placed. In Org-mode files, targets usually define a node. Entries will become children of this node, other types will be added to the
             table or list in the body of this node.

             Valid values are:

             (file \"path/to/file\")
Text will be placed at the beginning or end of that file

             (id \"id of existing org entry\")
File as child of this entry, or in the body of the entry

             (file+headline \"path/to/file\" \"node headline\")
Fast configuration if the target heading is unique in the file

(file+olp \"path/to/file\" \"Level 1 heading\" \"Level 2\" ...)
                 For non-unique headings, the full path is safer

(file+regexp \"path/to/file\" \"regexp to find location \")
                 File to the entry matching regexp

             (file+datetree \"path/to/file\")
                 Will create a heading in a date tree

(file+function \"path/to/file\" function-finding- location)
                 A function to find the right location in the file

                File to the entry that is currently being clocked

             (function function-finding-location)
                Most general way, write your own function to find both
                file and location

template The template for creating the capture item. If you leave this empty, an appropriate default template will be used. See below for more details. Instead of a string, this may also be one of

                 (file \"/path/to/template-file\")
                 (function function-returning-the-template)

             in order to get a template from a file, or dynamically
             from a function.

The rest of the entry is a property list of additional options. Recognized
properties are:

:prepend Normally newly captured information will be appended at
                     the target location (last child, last table line,
                     last list item...).  Setting this property will
                     change that.

:immediate-finish When set, do not offer to edit the information, just file it away immediately. This makes sense if the
                     template only needs information that can be added

:empty-lines Set this to the number of lines the should be inserted before and after the new item. Default 0, only common
                     other value is 1.

 :clock-in           Start the clock in this item.

:clock-resume Start the interrupted clock when finishing the capture.

 :unnarrowed         Do not narrow the target buffer, simply show the
                     full buffer.  Default is to narrow it so that you
                     only see the new stuff.

:table-line-pos Specification of the location in the table where the new line should be inserted. It looks like \"II-3\" which means that the new line should become the third
                     line before the second horizontal separator line.

:kill-buffer If the target file was not yet visited by a buffer when capture was invoked, kill the buffer again after capture
                     is finalized.

The template defines the text to be inserted. Often this is an org- mode entry (so the first line should start with a star) that will be filed as a
child of the target headline.  It can also be freely formatted text.
Furthermore, the following %-escapes will be replaced with content:

%^{prompt} prompt the user for a string and replace this sequence with it. A default value and a completion table ca be specified like this:
  %t          time stamp, date only
  %T          time stamp with date and time
  %u, %U      like the above, but inactive time stamps
  %^t         like %t, but prompt for date.  Similarly %^T, %^u, %^U.
              You may define a prompt like %^{Please specify birthday
  %n          user name (taken from `user-full-name')
%a annotation, normally the link created with `org-store- link' %i initial content, copied from the active region. If %i is indented, the entire inserted text will be indented as well.
  %c          current kill ring head
  %x          content of the X clipboard
  %^C         interactive selection of which kill or clip to use
  %^L         like %^C, but insert as link
  %k          title of currently clocked task
  %K          link to currently clocked task
  %^g         prompt for tags, with completion on tags in target file
%^G prompt for tags, with completion on all tags in all agenda files
  %^{prop}p   prompt the user for a value for property `prop'
  %:keyword   specific information for certain link types, see below
  %[pathname] insert the contents of the file given by `pathname'
  %(sexp)     evaluate elisp `(sexp)' and replace with the result

  %?          After completing the template, position cursor here.

Apart from these general escapes, you can access information specific to the link type that is created. For example, calling `org-capture' in emails or gnus will record the author and the subject of the message, which you
can access with \"%:from\" and \"%:subject\", respectively.  Here is a
complete list of what is recorded for each link type.

Link type               |  Available information
------------------------ +------------------------------------------------------
bbdb                    |  %:type %:name %:company
vm, wl, mh, mew, rmail  |  %:type %:subject %:message-id
                        |  %:from %:fromname %:fromaddress
                        |  %:to   %:toname   %:toaddress
| %:fromto (either \"to NAME\" or \"from NAME\")
                        |  %:date
                        |  %:date-timestamp (as active timestamp)
| %:date-timestamp-inactive (as inactive timestamp)
gnus                    |  %:group, for messages also all email fields
w3, w3m                 |  %:type %:url
info                    |  %:type %:file %:node
calendar                |  %:type %:date")

(custom-autoload 'org-capture-templates "org-capture" t)

(autoload 'org-capture "org-capture" "\
Capture something.
This will let you select a template from `org-capture-templates', and then
file the newly captured information.  The text is immediately inserted
at the target location, and an indirect buffer is shown where you can
edit it. Pressing \\[org-capture-finalize] brings you back to the previous state
of Emacs, so that you can continue your work.

When called interactively with a \\[universal-argument] prefix argument GOTO, don't capture
anything, just go to the file/headline where the selected template
stores its notes. With a double prefix argument \\[universal- argument] \\[universal-argument], go to the last note

When called with a `C-0' (zero) prefix, insert a template at point.

Lisp programs can set KEYS to a string associated with a template in
`org-capture-templates'.  In this case, interactive selection will be

\(fn &optional GOTO KEYS)" t nil)

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- Carsten

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