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Re: [Orgmode] Ditaa and babel goofing again?

From: Erik Iverson
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Ditaa and babel goofing again?
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2010 16:28:18 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090812)

I see the following in my *Messages* buffer after running.

executing Ditaa code block...
java -jar /home/fileserv/tacc/eriki/emacs/lisp/org-mode/contrib/scripts/ditaa.jar /tmp/babel-31845pim/ditaa-318455Fo example.png

DiTAA version 0.8, Copyright (C) 2004--2009  Efstathios Sideris

Running with options:
Reading file: /tmp/babel-31845pim/ditaa-318455Fo
Locale: en_US
Rendering to file: example.png
Done in 0sec

Do you see something similar?

Have you tried giving a full path to :file ?? Maybe the png
is getting written somewhere you're not expecting.

John Hendy wrote:

See this post for reference: http://www.mail-archive.com/address@hidden/msg27725.html

With that issue, ditaa just wasn't cooperating for some reason. Now everything /appears/ to cooperate but I get no output! Completely baffled...

Per the mailing list resolution above, I tried the exact same thing:
- using the minimal.el file attached (with the path to my orgmode folder and ditaa path)
- start emacs with "emacs -Q -l ~/path/to/minimal.el
- C-c C-c on the #+begin_src line of this (the only thing in the .org file):

#+begin_src ditaa :file example.png
  |               |
  | ditaa example |
  |               |

"Executing ditaa code block" flashes in the minibuffer, then "finished", and this is inserted into the file as one would expect:


but no example.png file is created!

Just to check my sanity, I can create a file dit.txt with only this:

  |               |
  | ditaa example |
  |               |

and run "java -jar ~/path/to/ditaa.jar dit.txt" and get an output picture just fine. The path in this command is the same as that in my .emacs config and in minimal.el attached...

What in the world is going on?!?


P.S. In case it's really something I'm overlooking here's a copy and paste straight from my .emacs file of my ditaa pertinent stuff:

(setq org-ditaa-jar-path "~/.elisp/org.git/contrib/scripts/ditaa.jar")
 '((ditaa . t)
  (gnuplot . t)))


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