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[Orgmode] Re: PocketMod for org-mode

From: Leo
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: PocketMod for org-mode
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 02:37:35 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 Emacs/23.0.50 (20071010) Fedora 7 (gnu/linux)

On 2007-10-18 02:47 +0100, Bastien wrote:
> Christian Egli <address@hidden> writes:
>> Now what would be really nice is if I could export the agenda view to
>> latex. I couldn't find any code in org-export-latex.el to do that. Am
>> I missing something, Bastien?
> No you're not. 
> For now you can use `org-write-agenda' (C-x C-w) to export the agenda
> view to HTML or postscript, depending on the extension you're using.
> The postscript output is obtained with `ps-print-buffer-with-faces',
> which might not be always very readable.

> Then I guess being able to export the agenda to LaTeX makes sense.
> Can you describe what would be the expected LaTeX output for you?

Anything like the following would be really really nice:


> Thanks,
> NB: I tried to add the .tex format to `org-write-agenda' by using the
> verbatim content of the agenda buffer, but I'm not satisfied with this.
> Was just a quick hack anyway.

.:  Leo  :.  [ sdl.web AT gmail.com ]  .:  [ GPG Key: 9283AA3F ]  :.

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