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[Orgmode] [bug] org archiving and local variables

From: Leo
Subject: [Orgmode] [bug] org archiving and local variables
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 19:16:33 +0000
User-agent: Gnus v5.11, Emacs/ (20061218), Fedora 6 gnu/linux

Hi Carsten,

[Emacs 20061218, default org: 4.56b]


Suppose I have this at the end of my file:

| * Archived Tasks
| Local Variables:
| org-archive-location: "::* Archived Tasks"
| End:

Then when I try to archive a tree it will become:

| * Archived Tasks
| Local Variables:
| org-archive-location: "::* Archived Tasks"
| End:
| ** DONE([2006-12-20 Wed 19:08]) Test archiving
|    CLOSED: [2006-12-20 Wed]

Is this a bug? The start of the local variables list must be no more
than 3000 characters from the end of the file. As the archive grows
the setting of local variables will be out of the range.


If I have local variables in the file, the export engine will export
them as part of the document and they look ugly and redundant.

Leo <sdl.web AT gmail.com>                         (GPG Key: 9283AA3F)

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