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[elpa] externals/clipboard-collector 55421be 02/31: Add clipboard-collec

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/clipboard-collector 55421be 02/31: Add clipboard-collector and Readme
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2019 17:16:18 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/clipboard-collector
commit 55421be19f1c23f16288fbc144e989e1b83f36cf
Author: Clemera <address@hidden>
Commit: Clemera <address@hidden>

    Add clipboard-collector and Readme
 README.org             |  16 ++++
 clipboard-collector.el | 209 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 225 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d274e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+;; example capturing org propertry drawer items for org capture:
+(clipboard-collector-create cc-capture-rss
+ (("^http.*twitter.com"                           ":TWITTER: %s")
+  ("^http.*reddit.com"                            ":REDDIT: %s")
+  ("^http.*github.com"                            ":GITHUB: %s")
+  ("^http.*youtube.com"                           ":YOUTUBE: %s")
+  ("^http.*stack.*.com"                           ":STACK: %s")
+  ("^https?://.*\\.[a-z]+/?\\'"                   ":DOMAIN: %s")
+  ("address@hidden"                                       ":MAIL: %s")
+  ("^http.*\\(dotemacs\\|.?emacs\\|.?emacs.d\\)"  ":DOTEMACS: %s"))
+ (lambda (items)
+   (clipboard-collector-finish-default items)
+   (org-capture-finalize)))
diff --git a/clipboard-collector.el b/clipboard-collector.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e03853f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clipboard-collector.el
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;;; clipboard-collector.el --- Collect clipboard entries according to regex 
rules  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018  clemera
+;; Author: clemera <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: convenience
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Provides a macro `clipboard-collector-create' which creates a command to
+;; collects clipboard items according to specific rules and afterwards act on
+;; the collected items.
+;;; Code:
+(defvar clipboard-collector--last-clip nil
+  "Save last clipboard entry.")
+(defun clipboard-collector--apply-rule (clip &optional rules)
+  "Apply first rule of `clipboard-collector--rules' for CLIP.
+Returns cons of matching regex of used rule and clipboard
+contents transformed according to matched rule."
+  (cl-dolist (rules (or rules clipboard-collector--rules))
+    (when (string-match (car rules) clip)
+      (let ((main (cond ((functionp (car (cddr rules)))
+                         (funcall (car (cddr rules)) clip))
+                        (t clip)))
+            (format (cond ((functionp (cadr rules))
+                           (funcall (cadr rules) (match-string 1 clip)))
+                          ((stringp (cadr rules))
+                           (cadr rules))
+                          (t "%s"))))
+        (cl-return (cons (car rules)
+                         (format format main)))))))
+(defun clipboard-collector--try-collect ()
+  "If Clibboard changed and matches rule collect it."
+  (let ((clip (gui-get-selection 'CLIPBOARD))
+        (item nil))
+    (when (and (not (string-empty-p clip))
+               (not (string= clip
+                             clipboard-collector--last-clip))
+               (setq item (clipboard-collector--apply-rule clip)))
+      (setq clipboard-collector--last-clip clip)
+      (clipboard-collector--collect item))))
+(defvar clipboard-collector--items nil
+  "Saves collected items.")
+(defun clipboard-collector--collect (item)
+  "Collect ITEM.
+ITEM is added to `clipboard-collector--items'."
+  ;; replace if new match for same rule
+  (cl-delete item clipboard-collector--items
+             :test (lambda (i1 i2)
+                     (string= (car i1) (car i1))))
+  (push item clipboard-collector--items)
+  (funcall clipboard-collector-display-function (cdr item)))
+;; configure those for collecting
+(defvar clipboard-collector--rules nil
+  "Clipboard collection rules.
+Uses the following list format:
+    (match-regex [transform-format-string] [transform-clipboard-func])
+MATCH-REGEX is the triggering regex, if clipboard contents match
+this regex the clipboard entry will be collected.
+Optional TRANSFORM-FORMAT-STRING should be a format string where
+the placeholder is replaced by the clipboard contents.
+If you want to transform the clipboard contents using a function
+specify TRANSFORM-CLIPBOARD-FUNC. This is applied before contents
+are applied to TRANSFORM-FORMAT-STRING.")
+(defvar clipboard-collector--finish-function nil
+  "Default function used by `clipboard-collector-finish'.")
+(defvar clipboard-collector--timer nil)
+(define-minor-mode clipboard-collector-mode
+  "This mode is for internal use only.
+Used by `clipboard-collector-start-watch' to setup an exit
+(defun clipboard-collector-start-watch ()
+  "Run a timer to watch for clipboard changes.
+If one of regexes of `clipboard-collector--rules' matches call
+`clipboard-collector--collect' with first matching group and
+clipboard contents."
+  (interactive)
+  (when clipboard-collector--timer
+    (clipboard-collector-stop-watch))
+  (setq clipboard-collector--last-clip "")
+  (funcall interprogram-cut-function "")
+  (setq clipboard-collector--items nil)
+  (setq clipboard-collector--timer
+        (run-at-time 0 0.2 #'clipboard-collector--try-collect))
+  (clipboard-collector-mode 1)
+  (message "Start collecting, finish with %s."
+           (substitute-command-keys "\\[clipboard-collector-finish]")))
+(defvar clipboard-collector-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (prog1 map
+      (define-key map "\r" 'clipboard-collector-finish))))
+(defun clipboard-collector-stop-watch ()
+  "Run a timer to watch for clipboard changes.
+If one of regexes of `clipboard-collector--rules' matches call
+`clipboard-collector--collect' with first matching group and
+clipboard contents."
+  (interactive)
+  (when clipboard-collector--timer
+    (cancel-timer clipboard-collector--timer)
+    (setq clipboard-collector--timer nil)))
+(defun clipboard-collector-finish ()
+  "Run a timer to watch for clipboard changes.
+If one of regexes of `clipboard-collector--rules' matches call
+`clipboard-collector--collect' with first matching group and
+clipboard contents."
+  (interactive)
+  (clipboard-collector-stop-watch)
+  (unwind-protect
+      (funcall clipboard-collector--finish-function
+               (mapcar #'cdr clipboard-collector--items))
+    (clipboard-collector-mode -1)))
+(defvar clipboard-collector-display-function
+  #'clipboard-collector-display
+  "Function to display collected item.
+Called with collected item.")
+(defun clipboard-collector-display (item)
+  "Display message for ITEM."
+  (message "%s" item))
+(defun clipboard-collector-finish-default (items)
+  "Insert ITEMS separated by newlines."
+  (save-excursion
+    (while items
+      (insert (pop items)
+              (if items "\n" "")))))
+(defmacro clipboard-collector-create (name rules &optional finishf)
+  "Create clipboard collector command named NAME.
+Calling the command will start a timer which checks the clipboard
+for changes. If the content of a clipboard change match a rule of
+RULES with format of `clipboard-collector--rules', it is
+collected according to the rule.
+The command will enable `clipboard-collector-mode' which will
+bind `clipboard-collector-finish' to finish collecting items
+using FINISHF which defaults to
+  `(defun ,name ()
+     ,(format "Start timer to collect clipboard items according
+to the following rules (see `clipboard-collector--rules'):
+This command enables `clipboard-collector-mode' which binds
+`clipboard-collector-finish' to apply function
+on the collected items. "
+              (pp rules) (pp finishf))
+     (interactive)
+     (setq clipboard-collector--finish-function
+           (or ',finishf #'clipboard-collector-finish-default))
+     (setq clipboard-collector--rules ',rules)
+     (clipboard-collector-start-watch)))
+(provide 'clipboard-collector)
+;;; clipboard-collector.el ends here

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