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[elpa] externals/ebdb 18be9ad 04/21: Add ebdb-field-bank-account class

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb 18be9ad 04/21: Add ebdb-field-bank-account class
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 15:32:45 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ebdb
commit 18be9ad1520cf8c04c232af0da4db259b7e77732
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>

    Add ebdb-field-bank-account class
    * ebdb.el (ebdb-field-bank-account): New class holding bank account 
      (ebdb-read, ebdb-string): Basic methods, no ebdb-parse.
    * ebdb-com.el (ebdb-fmt-field): Special output for this class.
 ebdb-com.el |   7 ++++
 ebdb.el     | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 111 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ebdb-com.el b/ebdb-com.el
index 2fe1b22..2f495b0 100644
--- a/ebdb-com.el
+++ b/ebdb-com.el
@@ -458,6 +458,13 @@ property is the field instance itself."
   (propertize "HIDDEN" 'face 'ebdb-field-hidden))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((_fmt ebdb-formatter-ebdb)
+                             (field ebdb-field-bank-account)
+                             _style
+                             (_record ebdb-record))
+  (with-slots (bank-name account-name) field
+    (format "%s: %s" bank-name account-name)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((_fmt ebdb-formatter-ebdb)
                              (field ebdb-field-mail)
                              (_record ebdb-record))
diff --git a/ebdb.el b/ebdb.el
index 1f84f40..fc9081f 100644
--- a/ebdb.el
+++ b/ebdb.el
@@ -2185,6 +2185,110 @@ See `ebdb-url-valid-schemes' for a list of acceptable 
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-string ((field ebdb-field-gender))
   (symbol-name (slot-value field 'gender)))
+;;; Bank account field
+(defclass ebdb-field-bank-account (ebdb-field-user)
+  ((bank-name
+    :initarg :bank-name
+    :type string
+    :custom string
+    :documentation "Bank name")
+   (bank-address
+    :initarg :bank-address
+    :type (or ebdb-field-address null)
+    :initform nil
+    :custom ebdb-field-address
+    :documentation "Bank address")
+   (routing-aba
+    :initarg :routing-aba
+    :type (or string null)
+    :initform nil
+    :custom string
+    :documentation "Routing number or ABA")
+   (swift-bic
+    :initarg :swift-bic
+    :type (or string null)
+    :initform nil
+    :custom string
+    :documentation "SWIFT or BIC code, for international transfers")
+   (account-name
+    :initarg :account-name
+    :type string
+    :custom string
+    :documentation "Name of account")
+   (account-numbers
+    :initarg :account-numbers
+    :type list
+    :custom (repeat (cons (string :tag "Account label")
+                         (string :tag "Account number")))
+    :documentation "A list of account labels and numbers/IBANs")
+   (notes
+    :initarg :notes
+    :type (or ebdb-field-notes null)
+    :custom ebdb-field-notes
+    :initform nil
+    :documentation "Additional notes"))
+  :human-readable "bank account"
+  :documentation "A field holding information for a bank account.")
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-read ((class (subclass ebdb-field-bank-account))
+                        &optional slots obj)
+  (let ((bank-name (or (plist-get slots :bank-name)
+                      (ebdb-read-string "Bank name: "
+                                        (when obj (slot-value obj 
+       (bank-address (or (plist-get slots :bank-address)
+                         (ebdb-with-exit
+                          (ebdb-read 'ebdb-field-address '(:object-name 
+                                     (when obj (slot-value obj 
+       (routing-aba (or (plist-get slots :routing-aba)
+                        (ebdb-with-exit
+                         (ebdb-read-string "Routing or ABA number: "
+                                           (when obj (slot-value obj 
+       (swift-bic (or (plist-get slots :swift-bic)
+                      (ebdb-with-exit
+                       (ebdb-read-string "SWIFT or BIC code: "
+                                         (when obj (slot-value obj 
+       (account-name (or (plist-get slots :account-name)
+                         (ebdb-read-string "Account name: "
+                                           (when obj (slot-value obj 
+       (account-numbers
+        (or (plist-get slots :account-numbers)
+            (ebdb-loop-with-exit
+             (cons (ebdb-read-string "Account label (eg. \"checking\"): ")
+                   (ebdb-read-string "Account number/IBAN: ")))))
+       (notes (or (plist-get slots :notes)
+                  (ebdb-with-exit
+                   (ebdb-read 'ebdb-field-notes nil
+                              (when obj (slot-value obj 'notes)))))))
+    (cl-call-next-method
+     class
+     `(:bank-name ,bank-name
+                 :bank-address ,bank-address
+                 :routing-aba ,routing-aba
+                 :swift-bic ,swift-bic
+                 :account-name ,account-name
+                 :account-numbers ,account-numbers
+                 :notes ,notes)
+     obj)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-string ((acct ebdb-field-bank-account))
+  (with-slots (bank-name bank-address routing-aba swift-bic
+                        account-name account-numbers notes)
+      acct
+    (concat bank-name "\n\n"
+           (ebdb-string bank-address) "\n"
+           (when routing-aba
+             (format "Routing/ABA: %s\n" routing-aba))
+           (when swift-bic
+             (format "SWIFT/BIC: %s\n" swift-bic))
+           "\n" account-name "\n"
+           (mapconcat
+            (lambda (a)
+              (format "%s: %s" (car a) (cdr a)))
+            account-numbers "\n")
+           (when notes
+             (format "\n%s\n" notes)))))
 ;; Tags field.
 ;; This field class holds a list of tags that apply to the record.

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