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[elpa] scratch/org-edna 1dfc66f 01/72: Initial Commit.

From: Ian Dunn
Subject: [elpa] scratch/org-edna 1dfc66f 01/72: Initial Commit.
Date: Sun, 21 May 2017 21:11:18 -0400 (EDT)

branch: scratch/org-edna
commit 1dfc66f8f3e8534a53bfef257eff76b496839f2b
Author: Ian D <address@hidden>
Commit: Ian D <address@hidden>

    Initial Commit.
 org-bat.el | 433 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 433 insertions(+)

diff --git a/org-bat.el b/org-bat.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac2f8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org-bat.el
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+;;; org-bat.el --- Extendable Blockers and Triggers -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Author: Ian Dunn
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Finders:
+;; - self              Self
+;; - siblings          Find all siblings of the current entry
+;; - next-sibling      Find the next sibling on the same level as the entry
+;; - previous-sibling  Find the previous sibling on the same level
+;; - first-child       Find the first child of the current entry
+;; - children          Find all children of the current entry
+;; - parent            Find direct parent of current entry
+;; - descendants       Find all descendants of the current entry
+;; - ancestors         Find all ancestors of the current entry
+;;; Code:
+(require 'org)
+(require 'subr-x)
+(defun org-bat-parse-form (form)
+  "Form should be KEY(ARGS)."
+  (when (string-match "^\\([!]\\)?\\([a-zA-Z-]+\\)\\(?:(\\([^)]+\\))\\)?" form)
+    (list (intern (match-string 2 form))
+          (when-let (args (match-string 3 form))
+            (save-match-data (split-string args ",")))
+          (match-string 1 form)
+          (match-end 0))))
+(defconst org-bat--types
+  '(finder action condition)
+  "Types recognized by org-bat.")
+(defun org-bat--function-for-key (key)
+  (cond
+    ((eq key 'consideration)
+     ;; Function is ignored here
+     (cons 'consideration 'identity))
+    (key
+     (when-let ((func-format (format "org-bat-%%s/%s" key))
+                (new-sym
+                 ;; Find the first bound function
+                 (seq-find
+                  (lambda (sym) (fboundp (intern (format func-format sym))))
+                  org-bat--types)))
+       (cons new-sym (intern (format func-format new-sym)))))))
+(defun org-bat-process-form (form action-or-condition)
+  (let ((targets)
+        (blocking-entry)
+        (form-string form)
+        (consideration 'all)
+        (state nil) ;; Type of operation
+        ;; Keep track of the current headline
+        (last-entry (point-marker)))
+    (while (not (string-empty-p form-string))
+      (pcase-let* ((`(,key ,args ,mod ,new-pos) (org-bat-parse-form 
+                   (`(,type . ,func) (org-bat--function-for-key key)))
+        (unless (and key type func)
+          (user-error "Unrecognized form '%s'" form-string))
+        (setq form-string (string-trim-left (substring form-string new-pos)))
+        (pcase type
+          ('finder
+           (unless (eq state 'finder)
+             ;; We just executed some actions, so reset the entries.
+             (setq targets nil))
+           (setq state 'finder)
+           (let ((markers (apply func args)))
+             ;; Ensure targets is a list so append continues to work
+             (setq targets (append targets (if (consp markers) markers (list 
+          ('action
+           (unless (eq action-or-condition 'action)
+             (user-error "Actions aren't allowed in this context."))
+           (unless targets
+             (user-error "Action specified without targets"))
+           (setq state 'action)
+           (dolist (target targets)
+             (org-with-point-at target
+               (apply func last-entry args))))
+          ('condition
+           (unless (eq action-or-condition 'condition)
+             (user-error "Conditions aren't allowed in this context"))
+           (unless targets
+             (user-error "Condition specified without targets"))
+           (setq state 'condition)
+           (unless blocking-entry ;; We're already blocking
+             ;; Check the condition at each target
+             (when-let ((blocks
+                         (mapcar
+                          (lambda (entry-marker)
+                            (org-with-point-at entry-marker
+                              (apply func mod args)))
+                          targets)))
+               ;; Apply consideration
+               (setq blocking-entry
+                     (org-bat-handle-consideration consideration blocks)))))
+          ('consideration
+           ;; Consideration must be at the start of the targets, so clear out
+           ;; any old targets.
+           (setq targets nil)
+           ;; The actual consideration will be the only argument
+           (setq consideration (org-bat-transform-consideration (nth 0 
+    ;; We exhausted the input string, but didn't find a condition when we were
+    ;; expecting one.
+    (when (and (eq action-or-condition 'condition) ;; Looking for conditions
+               (eq state 'finder)                  ;; but haven't found any
+               (not blocking-entry))                 ;; ever
+      (when-let ((blocks
+                  (mapcar
+                   (lambda (entry-marker)
+                     (org-with-point-at entry-marker
+                       (org-bat-condition/done t)))
+                   targets)))
+        ;; Apply consideration
+        (setq blocking-entry
+              (org-bat-handle-consideration consideration blocks))))
+    ;; Only blockers care about the return value, and this will be non-nil if
+    ;; the entry should be blocked.
+    (setq org-block-entry-blocking blocking-entry)
+    (not blocking-entry)))
+(defmacro org-bat-run (change-plist &rest body)
+  (declare (indent 1))
+  `(let* ((pos (plist-get ,change-plist :position))
+          (type (plist-get ,change-plist :type))
+          (from (plist-get ,change-plist :from))
+          (to (plist-get ,change-plist :to)))
+     (if (and
+          ;; We are only handling todo-state-change
+          (eq type 'todo-state-change)
+          ;; And only from a TODO state to a DONE state
+          (member from (cons 'todo org-not-done-keywords))
+          (member to (cons 'done org-done-keywords)))
+         ,@body
+       ;; Return t for the blocker to let the calling function know that there
+       ;; is no block here.
+       t)))
+(defun org-bat-trigger-function (change-plist)
+  (org-bat-run change-plist
+    (when-let ((form (org-entry-get pos "TRIGGER")))
+      (org-bat-process-form form 'action))))
+(defun org-bat-blocker-function (change-plist)
+  (org-bat-run change-plist
+    (if-let ((form (org-entry-get pos "BLOCKER")))
+        (org-bat-process-form form 'condition)
+      t)))
+(defun org-bat-load ()
+  (interactive)
+  (add-hook 'org-trigger-hook 'org-bat-trigger-function)
+  (add-hook 'org-blocker-hook 'org-bat-blocker-function))
+(defun org-bat-unload ()
+  (interactive)
+  (remove-hook 'org-trigger-hook 'org-bat-trigger-function)
+  (remove-hook 'org-blocker-hook 'org-bat-blocker-function))
+;; Tag Finder
+(defun org-bat-finder/match (match-spec &optional scope skip)
+  "Find entries with match-spec MATCH-SPEC.
+MATCH-SPEC may be any valid match string; it is passed straight
+into `org-map-entries', with 'agenda as the scope.
+SCOPE and SKIP are their counterparts in `org-map-entries', but
+as strings.
+SCOPE defaults to \"agenda\", and SKIP defaults to nil."
+  (setq scope (if scope (intern scope) 'agenda))
+  (when skip (setq skip (intern skip)))
+  (org-map-entries
+   ;; Find all entries in the agenda files that match the given tag.
+   (lambda nil (point-marker))
+   match-spec scope skip))
+;; ID finder
+(defun org-bat-finder/ids (&rest ids)
+  "Find entries with IDs in IDS.
+IDS are all UUIDs as understood by `org-id-find'."
+  (mapcar (lambda (id) (org-id-find id 'marker)) ids))
+(defun org-bat-finder/self ()
+  (point-marker))
+(defun org-bat-finder/siblings ()
+  (org-with-wide-buffer
+   (let ((self (and (ignore-errors (org-back-to-heading t)) (point)))
+         (markers))
+     (org-up-heading-safe)
+     (org-goto-first-child)
+     (push (point-marker) markers)
+     (while (org-get-next-sibling)
+       (unless (equal (point) self)
+         (push (point-marker) markers)))
+     (nreverse markers))))
+(defun org-bat-finder/next-sibling ()
+  (org-with-wide-buffer
+   (and (org-get-next-sibling)
+        (point-marker))))
+(defun org-bat-finder/previous-sibling ()
+  (org-with-wide-buffer
+   (and (org-get-last-sibling)
+        (point-marker))))
+(defun org-bat-finder/first-child ()
+  (org-with-wide-buffer
+   (and (org-goto-first-child)
+        (point-marker))))
+(defun org-bat-finder/children ()
+  (org-with-wide-buffer
+   (let ((markers))
+     (org-goto-first-child)
+     (push (point-marker) markers)
+     (while (org-get-next-sibling)
+       (push (point-marker) markers))
+     (nreverse markers))))
+(defun org-bat-finder/parent ()
+  (org-with-wide-buffer
+   (and (org-up-heading-safe)
+        (point-marker))))
+(defun org-bat-finder/descendants ()
+  (org-with-wide-buffer
+   (org-map-entries
+    (lambda nil (point-marker))
+    nil 'tree)))
+(defun org-bat-finder/ancestors ()
+  (org-with-wide-buffer
+   (let ((markers))
+     (while (org-up-heading-safe)
+       (push (point-marker) markers))
+     (nreverse markers))))
+(defun org-bat-finder/olp (file path)
+  (org-find-olp (cons file (split-string-and-unquote path "/"))))
+(defun org-bat-finder/file (file)
+  ;; If there isn't a buffer visiting file, then there's no point in having a
+  ;; marker to the start of the file.
+  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
+    (point-min-marker)))
+(defun org-bat-finder/org-file (file)
+  "Finds FILE in `org-directory'."
+  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name file 
+    (point-min-marker)))
+;; Set TODO state
+(defun org-bat-action/todo (last-entry new-state)
+  (ignore last-entry)
+  (org-todo new-state))
+;; Set planning info
+(defun org-bat--mod-timestamp (time-stamp n what)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert time-stamp)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (org-timestamp-change n what)
+    (buffer-string)))
+(defun org-bat--get-planning-info (what)
+  (org-entry-get nil (if (eq what 'scheduled) "SCHEDULED" "DEADLINE")))
+(defun org-bat--handle-planning (type last-entry args)
+  (let* ((case-fold-search t)
+         (arg (nth 0 args))
+         (last-ts (org-with-point-at last-entry (org-bat--get-planning-info 
+         (this-ts (org-bat--get-planning-info type))
+         (this-time (and this-ts (org-parse-time-string this-ts)))
+         (current (org-current-time))
+         (current-ts (format-time-string (org-time-stamp-format t) current))
+         (type-map '(("y" . year)
+                     ("m" . month)
+                     ("d" . day)
+                     ("h" . hour)
+                     ("M" . minute))))
+    (cond
+     ((member arg '("rm" "remove"))
+      (org-add-planning-info nil nil type))
+     ((member arg '("cp" "copy"))
+      ;; Copy old time verbatim
+      (org-add-planning-info type last-ts))
+     ((string-match-p "\\`[+-]" arg)
+      ;; We support hours and minutes, so this must be supported separately,
+      ;; since org-read-date-analyze doesn't
+      ;; Starts with a + or -, so assume we're incrementing a timestamp
+      (pcase-let* ((`(,n ,what-string ,def) (org-read-date-get-relative arg 
this-time current))
+                   (ts (if def current-ts this-ts))
+                   (what (cdr (assoc-string what-string type-map))))
+        (org--deadline-or-schedule nil type (org-bat--mod-timestamp ts n 
+     (t
+      ;; For everything else, assume `org-read-date-analyze' can handle it
+      (let* ((parsed-time (org-read-date-analyze arg this-time (decode-time 
+             (final-time (apply 'encode-time parsed-time))
+             (new-ts (format-time-string "%F %R" final-time)))
+        (org--deadline-or-schedule nil type new-ts))))))
+(defun org-bat-action/scheduled (last-entry &rest args)
+  (org-bat--handle-planning 'scheduled last-entry args))
+(defun org-bat-action/deadline (last-entry &rest args)
+  (org-bat--handle-planning 'deadline last-entry args))
+(defun org-bat-action/tag (last-entry tags)
+  (ignore last-entry)
+  (org-set-tags-to tags))
+(defun org-bat-action/set-property (last-entry property value)
+  (ignore last-entry)
+  (org-entry-put nil property value))
+(defun org-bat-action/clock-in (last-entry)
+  (ignore last-entry)
+  (org-clock-in))
+(defun org-bat-action/clock-out (last-entry)
+  (ignore last-entry)
+  (org-clock-out))
+(defun org-bat-action/set-priority (last-entry priority-action)
+  "PRIORITY-ACTION is passed straight to `org-priority'."
+  (ignore last-entry)
+  (org-priority (if (stringp priority-action)
+                    (string-to-char priority-action)
+                  priority-action)))
+;; TODO I will likely want to check the arguments
+(defun org-bat-action/set-effort (last-entry value increment)
+  (ignore last-entry)
+  (org-set-effort value increment))
+(defun org-bat-action/archive (last-entry)
+  (ignore last-entry)
+  (org-archive-subtree-default-with-confirmation))
+;; For most conditions, we return true if condition is true and neg is false, 
+;; if condition is false and neg is true:
+;; | cond | neg | res |
+;; |------+-----+-----|
+;; | t    | t   | f   |
+;; | t    | f   | t   |
+;; | f    | t   | t   |
+;; | f    | f   | f   |
+;; This means that we want to take the exclusive-or of condition and neg.
+(defsubst org-bat--xor (lhs rhs)
+  (or (and lhs (not rhs))
+      (and (not lhs) rhs)))
+(defun org-bat-condition/done (neg)
+  (when-let ((condition
+              (if neg
+                  (member (org-entry-get nil "TODO") org-not-done-keywords)
+                (member (org-entry-get nil "TODO") org-done-keywords))))
+    (org-get-heading)))
+(defun org-bat-condition/todo-state (neg state)
+  (let ((condition (string-equal (org-entry-get nil "TODO") state)))
+    (when (org-bat--xor condition neg)
+      (org-get-heading))))
+;; Block if there are headings
+(defun org-bat-condition/headings (neg)
+  (let ((condition (seq-empty-p (org-map-entries (lambda nil t)))))
+    (when (org-bat--xor condition neg)
+      (buffer-name))))
+(defun org-bat-condition/variable-set (neg var val)
+  (let ((condition (string-equal (symbol-value (intern var)) (read val))))
+    (when (org-bat--xor condition neg)
+      (format "%s %s= %s" var (or neg "=") val))))
+(defun org-bat-transform-consideration (consideration)
+  (pcase consideration
+    ;; Leave symbols alone
+    ('"all" (intern consideration))
+    ;; Change strings into numbers
+    ((pred stringp)
+     (string-to-number consideration))
+    (_
+     (user-error "Unrecognized consideration '%s'" consideration))))
+(defun org-bat-handle-consideration (consideration blocks)
+  (let ((first-block (seq-find #'identity blocks))
+        (total-blocks (seq-length blocks)))
+    (pcase consideration
+      ('all
+       ;; All of them must be fulfilled, so find the first one that isn't.
+       first-block)
+      ((pred integerp)
+       ;; A fixed number of them must be fulfilled, so check how many aren't.
+       (let* ((unfulfilled (seq-count #'identity blocks))
+              (fulfilled   (- total-blocks unfulfilled)))
+         (if (> fulfilled consideration)
+             nil
+           first-block)))
+      ((pred floatp)
+       ;; A certain percentage of them must be fulfilled
+       (let* ((unfulfilled (seq-count #'identity blocks))
+              (fulfilled   (- total-blocks unfulfilled)))
+         (if (> (/ fulfilled total-blocks) consideration)
+             nil
+           first-block))))))
+(provide 'org-bat)
+;;; org-bat.el ends here

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