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[elpa] master 3827d26 36/60: Add docs for user-interface functions & com

From: Junpeng Qiu
Subject: [elpa] master 3827d26 36/60: Add docs for user-interface functions & combinators
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 17:45:15 +0000 (UTC)

branch: master
commit 3827d263fec87080fdacea6fa937a2dbb7598335
Author: Junpeng Qiu <address@hidden>
Commit: Junpeng Qiu <address@hidden>

    Add docs for user-interface functions & combinators
 parsec.el |  145 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 132 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parsec.el b/parsec.el
index 4911142..00073f6 100644
--- a/parsec.el
+++ b/parsec.el
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
                (parsec-error-new-2 expected found)))))))
 (defun parsec-ch (ch)
+  "Parse a character CH."
   (let ((next-char (char-after)))
     (if (and (not (eobp))
              (char-equal next-char ch))
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@
                    :found (parsec-eof-or-char-as-string)))))
 (defun parsec-any-ch ()
+  "Parse any character."
   (if (not (eobp))
       (prog1 (char-to-string (char-after))
@@ -84,6 +86,7 @@
                  :found (parsec-eof-or-char-as-string))))
 (defun parsec-satisfy (pred)
+  "Parse any character that satisfies the predicate PRED."
   (let ((next-char (char-after)))
     (if (and (not (eobp))
              (funcall pred next-char))
@@ -93,15 +96,19 @@
                    :found (parsec-eof-or-char-as-string)))))
 (defun parsec-newline ()
+  "Parse a newline character \"\\n\"."
   (parsec-ch ?\n))
 (defun parsec-crlf ()
+  "Parse a carriage return (\'\\r\') followed by a newline \"\\n\"."
   (parsec-and (parsec-ch ?\r) (parsec-ch ?\n)))
 (defun parsec-eol ()
+  "Parse a newline or a CRLF and return \"\\n\"."
   (parsec-or (parsec-newline) (parsec-crlf)))
 (defun parsec-eob ()
+  "Indicate the end of file (buffer)."
   (unless (eobp)
     (parsec-stop :expected "`EOF'"
                  :found (parsec-eof-or-char-as-string))))
@@ -109,9 +116,11 @@
 (defalias 'parsec-eof 'parsec-eob)
 (defun parsec-eol-or-eof ()
+  "Indicate either eol or eof."
   (parsec-or (parsec-eol) (parsec-eof)))
 (defun parsec-re (regexp)
+  "Parse the input matching the regular expression REGEXP."
   (if (looking-at regexp)
       (progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
              (match-string 0))
@@ -139,27 +148,62 @@
     (concat regex-head regex-str regex-end)))
 (defun parsec-one-of (&rest chars)
+  "Succeed if the current character is in the supplied list of CHARS.
+Return the parsed character.
+>  (parsec-one-of ?a ?e ?i ?o ?u)
+Note this function is just a wrapper of `parsec-re'.  For complicated use 
+consider using `parsec-re' instead."
   (parsec-re (format "[%s]" (parsec-make-alternatives chars))))
 (defun parsec-none-of (&rest chars)
+  "Succeed if the current character not in the supplied list of CHARS.
+Return the parsed character.
+>  (parsec-none-of ?a ?e ?i ?o ?u)
+Note this function is just a wrapper of `parsec-re'.  For complicated use 
+consider using `parsec-re' instead."
   (parsec-re (format "[^%s]" (parsec-make-alternatives chars))))
 (defsubst parsec-str (str)
+  "Parse STR and only consume the input for an exact match.
+Return the parsed string.
+Note this function's behavior is different from the `string'
+function of Haskll's Parsec.  Use `parsec-string' if you want the
+same behavior as in Haskell."
   (parsec-re (regexp-quote str)))
 (defsubst parsec-string (str)
+  "Parse STR and consume the input even for a partial match.
+Return the parsed string.
+It is equivalent to calling `parsec-ch' multiples times so the
+input will be consumed if the parser fails in the middle of the
+STR.  This function has the same behavior as the `string' function
+of Haskell's Parsec.  See also `parsec-str'."
   (mapc (lambda (c) (parsec-ch c)) str))
-(defsubst parsec-num (num &rest args)
+(defsubst parsec-num (num)
+  "Parse the number NUM and return the parsed number as a string."
   (parsec-re (regexp-quote (number-to-string num))))
 (defsubst parsec-letter ()
+  "Parse any English letter."
   (parsec-re "[a-zA-Z]"))
 (defsubst parsec-digit ()
+  "Parse any digit."
   (parsec-re "[0-9]"))
 (defmacro parsec-or (&rest parsers)
+  "Try the PARSERS one by one.
+If the current parser succeeds, return its results.  If the
+current parser fails without consuming any input, try the next
+parser if available.  This combinator fails if the current parser
+fails after consuming some input or there is no more parsers."
   (let ((outer-sym (make-symbol "outer"))
         (parser-sym (make-symbol "parser"))
         (error-sym (make-symbol "err"))
@@ -182,29 +226,40 @@
            (concat "None of the parsers succeeds:\n"
                    (mapconcat #'identity ,error-str-list-sym "\n"))))))))
-(defalias 'parsec-and 'progn)
+(defalias 'parsec-and 'progn
+  "Eval BODY sequentially and return the result of the last parser.
+This combinator fails if one of the parsers fails.")
-(defalias 'parsec-return 'prog1)
+(defalias 'parsec-return 'prog1
+  "Eval FIRST and BODY sequentially and return the results of the first parser.
+This combinator fails if one of the parsers fails.")
-(defalias 'parsec-collect 'list)
+(defalias 'parsec-collect 'list
+  "Collect the results of all the parsers OBJECTS into a list.")
 (defun parsec-collect* (&rest args)
+  "Collect the non-nil results of all the parsers ARGS into a list."
   (delq nil (apply #'parsec-collect args)))
 (defmacro parsec-collect-as-string (&rest forms)
+  "Collect the results of all the parsers FORMS as a string."
   `(parsec-list-to-string (parsec-collect ,@forms)))
 (defmacro parsec-start (&rest forms)
+  "Eval the parsers FORMS and return the results or a `parsec-error'.
+This combinator should be used at the top level as the entry
+point of your parsing program."
   `(catch 'parsec-failed ,@forms))
 (defalias 'parsec-parse 'parsec-start)
-(defmacro parsec-try (&rest forms)
+(defmacro parsec-try (parser)
+  "Try PARSER, and pretend that no input is consumed when an error occurs."
   (let ((orig-pt-sym (make-symbol "orig-pt"))
         (error-sym (make-symbol "err")))
     `(let ((,orig-pt-sym (point)))
        (parsec-eavesdrop-error ,error-sym
-           (parsec-and ,@forms)
+           (parsec-and ,parser)
          (goto-char ,orig-pt-sym)))))
 (defsubst parsec--atom-tag (name)
@@ -237,24 +292,28 @@
        (parsec-throw ,error-sym))))
 (defmacro parsec-with-error-message (msg &rest forms)
+  "Use MSG as the error message if an error occurs when Evaling the FORMS."
   (declare (indent 1))
   `(parsec-eavesdrop-error _
        (parsec-and ,@forms)
      (parsec-throw (parsec-error-new ,msg))))
 (defmacro parsec-ensure (&rest forms)
+  "Exit the program immediately if FORMS fail."
   (let ((error-sym (make-symbol "err")))
     `(parsec-eavesdrop-error ,error-sym
          (parsec-and ,@forms)
        (error "%s" (parsec-error-str ,error-sym)))))
 (defmacro parsec-ensure-with-error-message (msg &rest forms)
+  "Exit the program immediately with MSG if FORMS fail."
   (declare (indent 1))
     (parsec-with-error-message ,msg
       (parsec-and ,@forms))))
 (defmacro parsec-many (parser)
+  "Apply the PARSER zero or more times and return a list of the results."
   (let ((res-sym (make-symbol "results"))
         (error-sym (make-symbol "err")))
     `(let (,res-sym)
@@ -265,6 +324,7 @@
        (nreverse ,res-sym))))
 (defmacro parsec-many1 (parser)
+  "Apply the PARSER one or more times and return a list of the results."
   `(cons ,parser (parsec-many ,parser)))
 (defsubst parsec-list-to-string (l)
@@ -273,12 +333,25 @@
     (mapconcat #'identity l "")))
 (defmacro parsec-many-as-string (parser)
+  "Apply the PARSER zero or more times and return the results as a string."
   `(mapconcat #'identity (parsec-many ,parser) ""))
 (defmacro parsec-many1-as-string (parser)
+  "Apply the PARSER one or more times and return the results as a string."
   `(mapconcat #'identity (parsec-many1 ,parser) ""))
 (defmacro parsec-many-till (parser end &optional type)
+  "Apply PARSER zero or more times until END succeeds.
+The return value is determined by TYPE.  If TYPE is `:both', return
+the cons `(many . end)'.  If TYPE is `:end', return the result of END.
+In other cases, return the result of PARSER.
+Used to scan comments:
+> (parsec-and
+>   (parsec-str \"<--\")
+>   (parsec-many-till (parsec-any-ch) (parsec-str \"-->\")))"
   (let ((res-sym (make-symbol "results"))
         (end-res-sym (make-symbol "end-result")))
     `(let ((,res-sym nil) ,end-res-sym)
@@ -294,21 +367,31 @@
          (t res-sym)))))
 (defmacro parsec-many-till-as-string (parser end &optional type)
+  "Apply PARSER zero or more times until END succeeds.
+Return the result of PARSER or END as a string.  TYPE has the same
+meaning as `parsec-many-till'."
   (let ((res-sym (make-symbol "results")))
      ((eq type :both)
       `(let ((,res-sym (parsec-many-till ,parser ,end ,type)))
-         (cons (parsec-list-to-string (car ,res-sym)) (cdr ,res-sym))))
+         (cons (parsec-list-to-string (car ,res-sym))
+               (parsec-list-to-string (cdr ,res-sym)))))
       `(parsec-list-to-string (parsec-many-till ,parser ,end ,type))))))
 (defmacro parsec-until (parser &optional type)
+  "Parse any characters until PARSER succeeds.
+TYPE has the same meaning as `parsec-many-till'."
   `(parsec-many-till (parsec-any-ch) ,parser ,type))
 (defmacro parsec-until-as-string (parser &optional type)
+  "Parse any characters until PARSER succeeds.
+Return the result of either part as a string.  TYPE has the same
+meaning as `parsec-many-till'."
   `(parsec-many-till-as-string (parsec-any-ch) ,parser ,type))
 (defmacro parsec-not-followed-by (parser)
+  "Succeed only when PARSER fails.  Consume no input."
   (let ((res-sym (make-symbol "results")))
     `(catch 'parsec-not-followed-by
        (let ((,res-sym
@@ -319,39 +402,69 @@
          (parsec-stop :message (format "Unexpected followed by: %s" 
 (defmacro parsec-endby (parser end)
+  "Parse zero or more occurrences of PARSER, separated and ended by END.
+Return a list of values returned by PARSER."
   `(parsec-many (parsec-return ,parser
 (defmacro parsec-sepby (parser separator)
+  "Parse zero or more occurrences of PARSER, separated by SEPARATOR.
+Return a list of values returned by PARSER."
     (cons ,parser (parsec-many (parsec-and ,separator ,parser)))
 (defmacro parsec-between (open close parser)
+  "Parse OPEN, followed by PARSER and CLOSE.
+Return the value returned by PARSER."
      (parsec-return ,parser
 (defmacro parsec-count (n parser)
+  "Parse N occurrences of PARSER.
+Return a list of N values returned by PARSER."
   (let ((res-sym (make-symbol "results")))
     `(let (,res-sym)
        (dotimes (_ ,n ,res-sym)
          (push ,parser ,res-sym)))))
 (defmacro parsec-count-as-string (n parser)
+  "Parse N occurrences of PARSER.
+Return the N values returned by PARSER as a string."
   `(parsec-list-to-string (parsec-count ,n ,parser)))
 (defmacro parsec-option (opt parser)
+  "Try to apply PARSER and return OPT if PARSER fails without comsuming input."
   `(parsec-or ,parser ,opt))
-(defmacro parsec-optional (&rest forms)
-  `(parsec-or (parsec-and ,@forms) nil))
+(defmacro parsec-optional (parser)
+  "Apply PARSER zero or one time.  Fail if PARSER fails after consuming input.
+Return the result of PARSER or nil.
+Note this combinator doesn't discard the result of PARSER so it is
+different from the `optional' function of Haskell's Parsec.  If
+you want the Haskell's behavior, use `parsec-optional*'."
+  `(parsec-or ,parser nil))
-(defmacro parsec-optional* (&rest forms)
-  `(parsec-and (parsec-optional ,@forms) nil))
+(defmacro parsec-optional* (parser)
+  "Apply PARSER zero or one time and discard the result.
+Fail if PARSER fails after consuming input.
+This combinator has the same behavior as the `optional' function of
+Haskell's Parsec."
+  `(parsec-and ,parser nil))
 (defmacro parsec-query (parser &rest args)
+  "Get an alternative return value of the PARSER specified by the ARGS.
+The args can be in the following forms:
+    :beg      --> return the point before applying the PARSER
+    :end      --> return the point after applying the PARSER
+    :nil      --> return nil
+    :groups N --> return Nth group for `parsec-re'."
   (let ((orig-pt-sym (make-symbol "orig-pt"))
         (res-sym (make-symbol "results")))
     `(let ((,orig-pt-sym (point))
@@ -383,18 +496,24 @@
        (eq (car x) 'Just))))
 (defun parsec-from-just (x)
+  "Retrieve the value from Maybe monad X.
+If X is `(Just . p)', return p. Otherwise return nil."
   (and (consp x)
        (eq (car x) 'Just)
        (cdr x)))
-(defmacro parsec-optional-maybe (&rest forms)
+(defmacro parsec-optional-maybe (parser)
+  "Apply PARSER zero or one time and return the value in a Maybe monad.
+If PARSER fails without consuming any input, return `parsec-nothing'.
+Otherwise, return `(Just . p)' where p is the result of PARSER."
   (let ((res-sym (make-symbol "result")))
-    `(let ((,res-sym (parsec-optional ,@forms)))
+    `(let ((,res-sym (parsec-optional ,parser)))
        (if ,res-sym
            (parsec-just ,res-sym)
 (defmacro parsec-with-input (input &rest parsers)
+  "With INPUT, start parsing by applying PARSERS sequentially."
   (declare (indent 1))
      (insert ,input)

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