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[elpa] 01/01: * javaimp: New package.

From: Filipp Gunbin
Subject: [elpa] 01/01: * javaimp: New package.
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 17:49:50 +0000

fgunbin pushed a commit to branch master
in repository elpa.

commit 340a48c4eebe38fd0eff38986fb1e3eb1ebff691
Author: Filipp Gunbin <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Jul 10 21:49:28 2014 +0400

    * javaimp: New package.
 packages/javaimp/javaimp.el |  577 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 577 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/javaimp/javaimp.el b/packages/javaimp/javaimp.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6fb182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/javaimp/javaimp.el
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+;;; javaimp.el --- Add and reorder Java import statements in Maven projects
+;; Copyright (C) 2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Filipp Gunbin <address@hidden>
+;; Maintainer: Filipp Gunbin <address@hidden>
+;; Version: 0.4
+;; Keywords: java, maven, programming
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Allows to manage Java import statements in Maven projects.
+;;   Quick start: customize `javaimp-import-group-alist', `javaimp-jdk-home'
+;; and call `javaimp-maven-visit-root-pom', then in a Java buffer visiting a
+;; file under that module or one of its submodules call
+;; `javaimp-organize-imports' or `javaimp-add-import'.  `javaimp-add-import'
+;; will provide you a helpful completion, and the default value (the one
+;; you'll get if you hit `M-n' in the minibuffer) is the symbol under point,
+;; so usually it's enough to hit `M-n', then add some starting letters of a
+;; package and hit `TAB'.  The module does not add all needed imports
+;; automatically!  It only helps you to quickly add imports when stepping
+;; through compilation errors.
+;; If Maven failed, you can see its output in the buffer named by
+;; `javaimp-debug-buffer-name' (default is "*javaimp-debug*").
+;; Contents of jar files and Maven project structures (pom.xml) are cached,
+;; so usually only first command should take a considerable amount of time
+;; to complete.  When it is detected that a particular jar or pom.xml file's
+;; timestamp changed, it is re-read and cache is updated.
+;; Details on variables.
+;;   `javaimp-import-group-alist' defines the order of import statement
+;; groups.  By default java.* and javax.* imports are assigned an order of
+;; 10, which is low, so it puts those imports at the beginning.  Your
+;; project's imports typically should come after, so the sample config below
+;; sets 80 for them.
+;;  `javaimp-jdk-home' is a path for JDK.  It is used to scan JDK jars.
+;; Usually you will need to set this.
+;;  `javaimp-mvn-program' defines path of the `mvn' program.  Use if it's
+;; not on `exec-path'.
+;;  `javaimp-cygpath-program' defines path of the `cygpath' program (applies
+;; to Cygwin only, of course).  Use if it's not on `exec-path'.
+;;  `javaimp-jar-program' defines path of the `jar' program.  Use if it's
+;; not on `exec-path'.
+;; Details on commands.
+;;   `javaimp-maven-visit-root-pom' is the first command you should issue to
+;; use this module.  It reads the pom structure recursively and records
+;; which files belong to which module.  Maven help:effective-pom command is
+;; used to do that.
+;;   `javaimp-organize-imports' groups import statement and writes those
+;; group according to the value of `javaimp-import-group-alist'.  Imports
+;; which are not matched by any regexp in that variable are assigned a
+;; default order defined by `javaimp-import-default-order' (50 by default).
+;; Sample setup (put this into your .emacs):
+;; (require 'javaimp)
+;; (add-to-list
+;;   'javaimp-import-group-alist '("\\`\\(ru\\.yota\\.\\|tv\\.okko\\.\\)" . 
+;; (setq javaimp-jdk-home "/opt/java")
+;; (add-hook 'java-mode-hook
+;;       (lambda ()
+;;         (local-set-key "\C-ci" 'javaimp-add-import)
+;;         (local-set-key "\C-co" 'javaimp-organize-imports)))
+;; TODO:
+;; Support adding static imports by giving a prefix argument to
+;; `javaimp-add-import'.
+;; Use functions `cygwin-convert-file-name-from-windows' and
+;; `cygwin-convert-file-name-to-windows' when they are available instead of
+;; calling `cygpath'.  See
+;; https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-03/msg00228.html.
+;;; Code:
+;;; User options
+(defcustom javaimp-import-group-alist '(("\\`javax?\\." . 10))
+  "Specifies how to group classes and how to order resulting groups in the
+imports list.  Each element should be of the form `(CLASSNAME-REGEXP
+. ORDER)' where `CLASSNAME-REGEXP' is a regexp matching the fully qualified
+class name.  The order of classes which were not matched is defined by
+(defcustom javaimp-import-default-order 50
+  "Defines the order of classes which were not matched by
+(defcustom javaimp-jdk-home nil
+  "Path to the JDK.")
+(defcustom javaimp-mvn-program "mvn"
+  "Path to the `mvn' program.")
+(defcustom javaimp-cygpath-program "cygpath"
+  "Path to the `cygpath' program.")
+(defcustom javaimp-jar-program "jar"
+  "Path to the `jar' program")
+(defcustom javaimp-include-current-project-classes t
+  "If non-nil, current project's classes are included into
+  completion alternatives.  Only top-level classes are included.")
+;;; Variables and constants
+(defvar javaimp-maven-root-modules nil
+  "Loaded root Maven modules.")
+(defvar javaimp-jar-classes-cache nil
+  "Jar classes cache.")
+(defconst javaimp-debug-buf-name "*javaimp-debug*")
+;;; Dealing with XML
+(defun javaimp-xml-child-list (xml-tree child-name)
+  "Returns list of children of XML-TREE filtered by CHILD-NAME."
+  (let (result)
+    (dolist (child (cddr xml-tree) result)
+      (when (and (listp child)
+                (eq (car child) child-name))
+       (push child result)))))
+;; A module is represented as a list of the form `(ARTIFACT-ID POM-FILE
+(defsubst javaimp-make-mod (artifact-id pom-file source-dir test-source-dir
+                                       pom-file-mod-ts jars-list)
+  (list artifact-id pom-file source-dir test-source-dir
+       pom-file-mod-ts jars-list))
+(defsubst javaimp-get-mod-artifact-id (module)
+  (nth 0 module))
+(defsubst javaimp-get-mod-pom-file (module)
+  (nth 1 module))
+(defsubst javaimp-get-mod-source-dir (module)
+  (nth 2 module))
+(defsubst javaimp-get-mod-test-source-dir (module)
+  (nth 3 module))
+(defsubst javaimp-get-mod-pom-mod-ts (module)
+  (nth 4 module))
+(defsubst javaimp-set-mod-pom-mod-ts (module value)
+  (setcar (nthcdr 4 module) value))
+(defsubst javaimp-get-mod-pom-deps (module)
+  (nth 5 module))
+(defsubst javaimp-set-mod-pom-deps (module value)
+  (setcar (nthcdr 5 module) value))
+;; A jar is represented as follows: `(JAR-PATH JAR-MOD-TS . CLASSES-LIST).
+(defsubst javaimp-make-jar (jar-path jar-mod-ts classes-list)
+  (cons jar-path (cons jar-mod-ts classes-list)))
+(defsubst javaimp-get-jar-path (jar)
+  (car jar))
+(defsubst javaimp-get-jar-mod-ts (jar)
+  (cadr jar))
+(defsubst javaimp-set-jar-mod-ts (jar value)
+  (setcar (cdr jar) value))
+(defsubst javaimp-get-jar-classes-list (jar)
+  (cddr jar))
+(defsubst javaimp-set-jar-classes-list (jar value)
+  (setcdr (cdr jar) value))
+;;; Loading maven projects tree
+(defun javaimp-maven-visit-root (path)
+  (interactive "DVisit maven root project: ")
+  "Loads all modules starting from root module identified by
+PATH.  PATH should point to a directory."
+  (let ((root-pom (expand-file-name
+                  (concat (file-name-as-directory path) "pom.xml")))
+       modules root-module)
+    (unless (file-readable-p root-pom)
+      (error "Cannot read root pom: %s" root-pom))
+    (setq modules (javaimp-maven-load-module-tree root-pom))
+    ;; if a root module with such path is already loaded, replace its
+    ;; modules
+    (setq existing-module (assoc root-pom javaimp-maven-root-modules))
+    (if existing-module
+       (setcdr existing-module modules)
+      (push (cons root-pom modules) javaimp-maven-root-modules))
+    (message "Loaded modules for %s" path)))
+(defun javaimp-maven-load-module-tree (pom)
+  "Returns an alist of all Maven modules in a hierarchy starting
+with POM"
+  (message "Loading root pom %s..." pom)
+  (javaimp-call-mvn
+   pom "help:effective-pom"
+   (lambda ()
+     (let (xml-tree xml-start-pos xml-end-pos project-extractor)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (search-forward "<?xml")
+       (setq xml-start-pos (match-beginning 0))
+       ;; build module tree
+       (setq project-extractor
+            (cond ((search-forward "</projects>" nil t)
+             ;; returns all <project> nodes below <projects>
+             (lambda (xml-tree)
+               (javaimp-xml-child-list (assq 'projects xml-tree) 'project)))
+            ((search-forward "</project>" nil t)
+             ;; returns a list with a single <project> as the sole element
+             (lambda (xml-tree)
+               (list (assq 'project xml-tree))))
+            (t (error "Cannot find projects in mvn output"))))
+       (setq xml-end-pos (match-end 0))
+       (javaimp-maven-build-module-tree 
+       (funcall project-extractor (xml-parse-region xml-start-pos xml-end-pos))
+       (javaimp-build-artifact-pomfile-alist (list pom)))))))
+(defun javaimp-maven-build-module-tree (projects artifact-pomfile-alist)
+  (let (result)
+    (dolist (proj projects result)
+      (let* ((artifact-id (car (cddr (assq 'artifactId (cddr proj)))))
+            (pom-file-path (cdr (assoc artifact-id artifact-pomfile-alist)))
+            (source-dir (car (cddr (assq 'sourceDirectory 
+                                          (cddr (assq 'build (cddr proj)))))))
+            (test-source-dir (car (cddr (assq 'testSourceDirectory 
+                                               (cddr (assq 'build (cddr 
+       (push (javaimp-make-mod 
+              artifact-id pom-file-path
+              (file-name-as-directory
+               (if (eq system-type 'cygwin) 
+                   (car (process-lines javaimp-cygpath-program "-u" 
+                                       source-dir))
+                 source-dir))
+              (file-name-as-directory
+               (if (eq system-type 'cygwin) 
+                   (car (process-lines javaimp-cygpath-program "-u" 
+                                       test-source-dir))
+                 test-source-dir))
+              nil nil)
+             result)))))
+(defun javaimp-build-artifact-pomfile-alist (pom-file-list)
+  "Recursively builds an alist where each element is of the
+form (\"ARTIFACT-ID\" . \"POM-FILE-PATH\"). This is needed
+because there is no pom file path in the output of `mvn
+help:effective-pom'.  Each pom file path in POM-FILE-LIST should
+be in platform's default format."
+  (when pom-file-list
+    (let ((pom-file (car pom-file-list))
+         xml-tree project)
+      (message "Saving artifact id -> pom file mapping for %s" pom-file)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+       (insert-file-contents pom-file)
+       (setq xml-tree (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+      (setq project (if (assq 'top xml-tree)
+                       (assq 'project (cddr (assq 'top xml-tree)))
+                     (assq 'project xml-tree)))
+      (cons
+       ;; this pom
+       (cons (car (cddr (assq 'artifactId (cddr project)))) pom-file)
+       (append
+       ;; submodules
+       (javaimp-build-artifact-pomfile-alist
+        (mapcar (lambda (submodule)
+                  (expand-file-name
+                   (concat
+                    ;; this pom's path
+                    (file-name-directory pom-file)
+                    ;; relative submodule directory
+                    (file-name-as-directory
+                     (let ((submodule-path (car (cddr submodule))))
+                       (if (eq system-type 'cygwin)
+                           (car (process-lines javaimp-cygpath-program "-u" 
+                                               submodule-path))
+                         submodule-path)))
+                    ;; well-known file name
+                    "pom.xml")))
+                (javaimp-xml-child-list (assq 'modules (cddr project)) 
+       ;; rest items
+       (javaimp-build-artifact-pomfile-alist (cdr pom-file-list)))))))
+(defun javaimp-call-mvn (pom-file target handler)
+  "Runs Maven target TARGET on POM-FILE, then calls HANDLER in
+the temporary buffer and returns its result."
+  (message "Calling \"mvn %s\" on pom: %s" target pom-file)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let* ((pom-file (if (eq system-type 'cygwin) 
+                        (car (process-lines javaimp-cygpath-program 
+                                            "-m" pom-file))
+                      pom-file))
+          (status
+           ;; FIXME on GNU/Linux Maven strangely outputs ^M chars. Check
+           ;; also jar output with the same var binding below.
+           (let ((coding-system-for-read (when (eq system-type 'cygwin) 
+             (process-file javaimp-mvn-program nil t nil "-f" pom-file 
+          (output-buf (current-buffer)))
+      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create javaimp-debug-buf-name)
+         (erase-buffer)
+         (insert-buffer-substring output-buf))
+      (unless (and (numberp status) (= status 0))
+       (error "Maven target \"%s\" failed with status \"%s\""
+              target status))
+      (funcall handler))))
+;;; Reading and caching dependencies
+(defun javaimp-maven-fetch-module-deps (module)
+  "Returns list of dependency jars for MODULE."
+  (javaimp-call-mvn
+   (javaimp-get-mod-pom-file module) "dependency:build-classpath"
+   (lambda ()
+     (let (deps-line)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (search-forward "Dependencies classpath:")
+       (forward-line 1)
+       (setq deps-line (thing-at-point 'line))
+       (when (eq system-type 'cygwin)
+        (setq deps-line (car (process-lines javaimp-cygpath-program 
+                                            "-up" 
+                                            deps-line))))
+       (split-string deps-line (concat "[" path-separator "\n" "]+") t)))))
+(defun javaimp-get-dep-jars-cached (module)
+  "Returns a list of dependency jar file paths for a MODULE."
+  (let ((current-pom-file-mod-ts
+        (nth 5 (file-attributes (javaimp-get-mod-pom-file module)))))
+    (unless (and (javaimp-get-mod-pom-mod-ts module)
+                (equal (float-time (javaimp-get-mod-pom-mod-ts module))
+                       (float-time current-pom-file-mod-ts)))
+      ;; cache entry does not exist or is invalid - refresh it
+      (javaimp-set-mod-pom-deps module (javaimp-maven-fetch-module-deps 
+      (javaimp-set-mod-pom-mod-ts module current-pom-file-mod-ts))
+    (javaimp-get-mod-pom-deps module)))
+(defun javaimp-get-jdk-jars ()
+  "Returns list of jars from the jre/lib subdirectory of the JDK
+  (when javaimp-jdk-home
+    (directory-files (concat (file-name-as-directory javaimp-jdk-home)
+                            (file-name-as-directory "jre/lib"))
+                    t "\\.jar$")))
+(defun javaimp-get-jar-classes-cached (jar)
+  (let ((current-jar-mod-ts
+        (nth 5 (file-attributes (javaimp-get-jar-path jar)))))
+    (unless (equal (float-time (javaimp-get-jar-mod-ts jar))
+                  (float-time current-jar-mod-ts))
+      (javaimp-set-jar-classes-list jar (javaimp-fetch-jar-classes jar))
+      (javaimp-set-jar-mod-ts jar current-jar-mod-ts))
+    (javaimp-get-jar-classes-list jar)))
+(defun javaimp-fetch-jar-classes (jar)
+  (let ((jar-file (javaimp-get-jar-path jar))
+       result)
+    (message "Reading classes in jar: %s" jar-file)
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (let ((jar-file (if (eq system-type 'cygwin) 
+                         (car (process-lines javaimp-cygpath-program 
+                                             "-m" jar-file))
+                       jar-file))
+           (coding-system-for-read (when (eq system-type 'cygwin) 'utf-8-dos)))
+       (process-file javaimp-jar-program nil t nil "-tf" jar-file))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (re-search-forward "^\\(.+\\)\\.class$" nil t)
+       (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[/$]" "." (match-string 1))
+             result))
+      result)))
+(defun javaimp-collect-jar-classes (jar-paths)
+  (let (result jar)
+    (dolist (jar-path jar-paths result)
+      (setq jar (assoc jar-path javaimp-jar-classes-cache))
+      (unless jar
+       (setq jar (javaimp-make-jar jar-path nil nil))
+       (push jar javaimp-jar-classes-cache))
+      (setq result (append (javaimp-get-jar-classes-cached jar) result)))))
+(defun javaimp-determine-module (file)
+  "Returns a module in which the source file FILE resides."
+  (let ((root-modules javaimp-maven-root-modules)
+       result)
+    (while (and root-modules (not result))
+      (setq result (javaimp-determine-module-from-root file (car 
+      (setq root-modules (cdr root-modules)))
+    result))
+(defun javaimp-determine-module-from-root (file root-module)
+  "Searches a hierarchy of modules starting at ROOT-MODULE for
+source file FILE."
+  (let ((modules (cdr root-module))
+       result)
+    (while (and modules (not result))
+      (if (or (string-prefix-p (javaimp-get-mod-source-dir (car modules)) file)
+             (string-prefix-p (javaimp-get-mod-test-source-dir (car modules)) 
+         (setq result (car modules)))
+      (setq modules (cdr modules)))
+    result))
+;;; Adding and organizing imports
+(defun javaimp-add-import (classname)
+  "Imports CLASSNAME in the current file.  Interactively,
+performs class name completion based on the current module's
+dependencies, JDK jars and top-level classes in the current
+  (interactive
+   (let* ((file (expand-file-name
+                (or buffer-file-name
+                    (error "Buffer is not visiting a file!"))))
+         (module (or (javaimp-determine-module file)
+                     (error "Cannot determine module for file: %s" file))))
+     (list (completing-read
+           "Import: "
+           (append
+            (javaimp-collect-jar-classes
+             (append (javaimp-get-dep-jars-cached module)
+                     (javaimp-get-jdk-jars)))
+            (and javaimp-include-current-project-classes
+                 (javaimp-get-module-classes module)))
+           nil t nil nil (word-at-point)))))
+  (javaimp-organize-imports classname))
+(defun javaimp-get-module-classes (module)
+  "Scans current project and returns a list of top-level classes in both the
+source directory and test source directory"
+  (let ((src-dir (javaimp-get-mod-source-dir module))
+       (test-src-dir (javaimp-get-mod-test-source-dir module)))
+  (append (and (file-accessible-directory-p src-dir)
+              (javaimp-get-directory-classes src-dir nil))
+         (and (file-accessible-directory-p test-src-dir)
+              (javaimp-get-directory-classes test-src-dir nil)))))
+(defun javaimp-get-directory-classes (dir prefix)
+  "Returns the list of classes found in the directory DIR.  PREFIX is the
+initial package prefix."
+  (let (result)
+    ;; traverse subdirectories
+    (dolist (file (directory-files-and-attributes dir nil nil t))
+      (if (and (eq (cadr file) t)
+              (not (or (string= (car file) ".")
+                       (string= (car file) ".."))))
+         (setq result
+               (append (javaimp-get-directory-classes 
+                        (concat dir (file-name-as-directory (car file)))
+                        (concat prefix (car file) "."))
+                       result))))
+    ;; add .java files in the current directory
+    (dolist (file (directory-files-and-attributes dir nil "\\.java\\'" t))
+      (unless (cadr file)
+       (push (concat prefix (file-name-sans-extension (car file))) result)))
+    result))
+(defun javaimp-add-to-import-group (class group-sym)
+  "Subroutine of `javaimp-organize-imports'."
+  (let* ((order (or (assoc-default class javaimp-import-group-alist
+                                  'string-match)
+                   javaimp-import-default-order))
+        (group (assoc order (symbol-value group-sym))))
+    (if group
+       ;; check if this class is already added
+       (unless (member class (cdr group))
+         (setcdr group (cons class (cdr group))))
+      (set group-sym (cons (cons order (list class))
+                          (symbol-value group-sym))))))
+(defun javaimp-insert-import-groups (groups static-p)
+  "Inserts all imports in GROUPS.  Non-nil STATIC-P means that
+  all imports are static."
+  (when groups
+    (dolist (group (sort groups (lambda (g1 g2)
+                                 (< (car g1) (car g2)))))
+      (dolist (class (sort (cdr group) 'string<))
+       (insert (concat "import " (when static-p "static ") class ";\n")))
+      (insert ?\n))
+    ;; remove newline after the last group
+    (delete-char -1)))
+(defun javaimp-organize-imports (&rest new-classes)
+  "Groups and orders import statements in the current buffer.  Groups are
+formed and ordered according to `javaimp-import-group-alist'.  Classes within a
+single group are ordered in a lexicographic order. Optional NEW-CLASSES
+argument is a list of additional classes to import."
+  (interactive)
+  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((kill-whole-line t)
+         import-groups static-import-groups old-imports-start)
+      ;; existing imports
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (re-search-forward
+             "^\\s-*import\\s-+\\(static\\s-+\\)?\\([._[:word:]]+\\)"
+             nil t)
+       (javaimp-add-to-import-group (match-string 2)
+                                    (if (null (match-string 1))
+                                        'import-groups
+                                      'static-import-groups))
+       (beginning-of-line)
+       (unless old-imports-start (setq old-imports-start (point)))
+       (kill-line)
+       ;; delete whatever happened to be between import statements
+       (when (not (equal (point) old-imports-start))
+         (delete-region old-imports-start (point))))
+      ;; new imports
+      (dolist (class new-classes)
+       (javaimp-add-to-import-group class 'import-groups))
+      ;; insert all
+      (if (or import-groups static-import-groups)
+         (progn
+           ;; prepare the position
+           (cond (old-imports-start
+                  ;; here we do not mangle with empty lines at all
+                  (goto-char old-imports-start))
+                 ((re-search-forward "^\\s-*package\\s-" nil t)
+                  ;; try to preserve all empty lines (if any) before the
+                  ;; following text
+                  (when (equal (forward-line) 1) (insert ?\n)) ;; last line?
+                  (insert ?\n))
+                 (t
+                  ;; start from the bob; add one line after the insert pos
+                  (goto-char (point-min))
+                  (insert ?\n)
+                  (backward-char)))
+           (javaimp-insert-import-groups import-groups nil)
+           (and import-groups static-import-groups (insert ?\n))
+           (javaimp-insert-import-groups static-import-groups t))
+       (message "Nothing to organize")))))
+(defun javaimp-invalidate-jar-classes-cache ()
+  (interactive)
+  "(for debug) Resets jar classes cache"
+  (setq javaimp-jar-classes-cache nil))
+(defun javaimp-forget-all-visited-modules ()
+  (interactive)
+  "(for debug) Resets `javaimp-maven-root-modules'"
+  (setq javaimp-maven-root-modules nil))
+(defun javaimp-reset ()
+  (interactive)
+  (javaimp-forget-all-visited-modules)
+  (javaimp-invalidate-jar-classes-cache))
+(provide 'javaimp)
+;;; javaimp.el ends here

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