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[Emacs-diffs] scratch/benchmarks 52c7cc8 5/6: Add ERB, a tool for runnin

From: Gemini Lasswell
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] scratch/benchmarks 52c7cc8 5/6: Add ERB, a tool for running historical benchmarks
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2018 20:11:15 -0500 (EST)

branch: scratch/benchmarks
commit 52c7cc8621593dc9231ed8e84796d11b55e77dec
Author: Gemini Lasswell <address@hidden>
Commit: Gemini Lasswell <address@hidden>

    Add ERB, a tool for running historical benchmarks
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/erb-task.el: New file.
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/erb.el: New file.
 lisp/emacs-lisp/erb-task.el |  299 +++++++
 lisp/emacs-lisp/erb.el      | 2073 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 2372 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/erb-task.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/erb-task.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5041e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/erb-task.el
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+;;; erb-task.el --- Emacs Regression Benchmarking -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Gemini Lasswell
+;; Keywords: lisp, tools
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; ERB is a tool for automated benchmarking in Emacs Lisp.  This file
+;; implements defining and running benchmark tasks within an Emacs
+;; instance.
+;; See the file erb.el for the rest of ERB, which implements a user
+;; interface for building older versions of Emacs, running the
+;; benchmark tasks in them, managing a database of results, and
+;; presenting them.
+;; For usage information, see ERB's info manual.
+;; Significant changes to benchmark.el over the years:
+;;   In Emacs 21 500ae43022, benchmark.el was added.
+;;   In Emacs 23 e2bac5f625, benchmark-elapse was changed to use
+;;     float-time and time-subtract.
+;;   In Emacs 26 c7d2a0dd76, repetitions is allowed to be a symbol.
+;;; Code:
+;; Since it is necessary to load this file into older versions of
+;; Emacs in order to define benchmark tasks for them to run, the code
+;; in this file must avoid using features or libraries which are not
+;; present in those older versions.
+(require 'benchmark)
+;;; Define benchmark tasks
+(defmacro erb-deftask (name _arglist &rest docstring-keys-and-body)
+  "Define NAME (a symbol) as a benchmark task.
+BODY is evaluated as a `progn' when the task is run.  It should
+contain a `erb-task-time' form wrapping the code to be
+benchmarked.  Any setup or cleanup work done outside of the
+`erb-task-time' form will not be benchmarked.
+DOCSTRING-KEYS-AND-BODY may begin with an optional docstring and
+an optional plist.  Valid keywords for use as properties in the
+plist are:
+  A version number for this task, which should be increased if the
+  task is changed sufficiently to invalidate previous measurements.
+  A list of strings to use as arguments to git-rev-list(1) to get
+  the list of commits for which this task should be run.
+  If non-nil, discard the result of the first run of the task.
+  Use this if you notice the first sample is consistently much
+  larger than the following samples.
+  If this exists and the value is `startup' a body for the task
+  is not required, and the benchmark runner will instead time the
+  startup and shutdown of Emacs.  If the value is `own-process',
+  run this task in its own process instead of a process shared
+  with other tasks."
+  (declare (indent 2)
+           (doc-string 3)
+           (debug (&define :name task
+                           name sexp [&optional stringp]
+                           [&optional (&rest keywordp sexp)]
+                           def-body)))
+  (let ((documentation nil)
+        (keys nil))
+    (when (stringp (car-safe docstring-keys-and-body))
+      (setq documentation (car docstring-keys-and-body))
+      (pop docstring-keys-and-body))
+    (when (keywordp (car-safe (car-safe docstring-keys-and-body)))
+      (setq keys (car docstring-keys-and-body))
+      (pop docstring-keys-and-body))
+    `(progn
+       (erb-task--set ',name
+                      (erb-task--create-task ',name ,documentation ',keys
+                                             (lambda ()
+                                               ,@docstring-keys-and-body)))
+       ',name)))
+(defun erb-task--key-plist-p (list)
+  "Return non-nil if LIST is a plist using keywords valid in ERB.
+Those are :version, :rev-list, :discard-first-sample, and
+  (while (consp list)
+    (setq list (if (and (consp (cdr list))
+                        (or (and (eq (car list) :version)
+                                 (stringp (cadr list)))
+                            (and (eq (car list) :rev-list)
+                                 (listp (cadr list)))
+                            (and (eq (car list) :special) (symbolp (cadr 
+                            (eq (car list) :discard-first-sample)))
+                   (cddr list)
+                 'not-plist)))
+  (null list))
+(defvar erb-task--result nil)
+(defmacro erb-task-time (&rest body)
+  "Save timing results for BODY.
+Use this macro inside of a benchmark task defined by
+`benchmark-deftask' to define the code to be benchmarked.  Only
+use it once per task."
+  ;; TODO should this collect gc statistics?
+  ;; as in (memory-use-counts) before and after,
+  ;; do subtraction and sum
+  `(progn
+     (garbage-collect)
+     (setq erb-task--result (benchmark-run ,@body))))
+;;;  Internal representation of tasks
+;; Use an alist so as not to have to worry about what
+;; cl-defstruct was called in old versions of Emacs.
+(defun erb-task--create-task (name doc keys body)
+  (unless (erb-task--key-plist-p keys)
+    (error "Keyword plist for %s contains unexpected keys"
+           name))
+  `((:name . ,name)
+    (:documentation . ,doc)
+    (:key-plist . ,keys)
+    (:body . ,body)
+    ,(cons :results nil)
+    ,(cons :messages nil)))
+(defsubst erb-task--name (task)
+  (alist-get :name task))
+(defsubst erb-task--documentation (task)
+  (alist-get :documentation task))
+(defsubst erb-task--body (task)
+  (alist-get :body task))
+(defsubst erb-task--key-plist (task)
+  (alist-get :key-plist task))
+(defsubst erb-task--results (task)
+  (alist-get :results task))
+(defsubst erb-task--add-result (result task)
+  (push result (alist-get :results task)))
+(defsubst erb-task--discard-result (task)
+  (pop (alist-get :results task)))
+(defsubst erb-task--messages (task)
+  (alist-get :messages task))
+(defsubst erb-task--add-message (message task)
+  (push message (alist-get :messages task)))
+(defun erb-task--boundp (symbol)
+  "Return non-nil if SYMBOL names a task."
+  (and (get symbol 'erb-task) t))
+(defun erb-task--get-task (symbol)
+  "If SYMBOL names a task, return that.  Signal an error otherwise."
+  (unless (erb-task--boundp symbol)
+    (error "No task named `%S'" symbol))
+  (get symbol 'erb-task))
+(defun erb-task--all-symbols ()
+  (apropos-internal "" #'erb-task--boundp))
+(defun erb-task--version (task)
+  (plist-get (erb-task--key-plist task) :version))
+(defun erb-task--rev-list (task)
+  (plist-get (erb-task--key-plist task) :rev-list))
+(defun erb-task--set (symbol definition)
+  "Make SYMBOL name the task DEFINITION, and return DEFINITION."
+  (when (eq symbol 'nil)
+    (error "Attempt to define a task named nil"))
+  (put symbol 'erb-task definition)
+  definition)
+(defun erb-task--make-unbound (symbol)
+  "Make SYMBOL name no task.
+Return SYMBOL."
+  (put symbol 'erb-task nil)
+  symbol)
+(defun erb-delete-all-tasks ()
+  "Make all symbols in `obarray' name no task."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (called-interactively-p 'any)
+    (unless (y-or-n-p "Delete all tasks? ")
+      (user-error "Aborted")))
+  (mapc #'erb-task--make-unbound (erb-task--all-symbols)))
+;;; Running tasks
+(defvar erb-task-repetitions 10
+  "Number of times to run each task.")
+(defun erb-task-run-batch (symbols output-file)
+  "Run defined benchmark tasks in batch mode.
+SYMBOLS is a list of the names of the tasks.  Run each one
+`erb-repetitions' times.  Write to OUTPUT-FILE an list of
+results.  Each entry of the list will be of the form:
+   ((name . NAME)
+    (version . VERSION)
+    (samples . SAMPLES-LIST)
+    (messages . MESSAGES))
+where NAME is the name of the task, VERSION is its version as
+defined in the optional plist given to `erb-deftask',
+SAMPLES-LIST is a list of the return values of benchmark-run, and
+MESSAGES is a list of strings containing the messages issued
+while the task was running.
+If there were errors while running the task,
+elements of SAMPLES-LIST will be of the form (error ERROR-INFO)
+instead.  This function is used as a command-line entry point
+into the target Emacs by `erb-run-start'."
+  (let ((print-level nil)
+        (print-length nil))
+    (dolist (symbol symbols)
+      (let* ((task (erb-task--get-task symbol))
+             (key-plist (erb-task--key-plist task))
+             (discard-first (plist-get key-plist :discard-first-sample)))
+        (unless noninteractive
+          (message "Running %s" symbol))
+        (dotimes (i (+ erb-task-repetitions (if discard-first 1 0)))
+          (erb-task--run symbol)
+          (when (and discard-first (zerop i))
+            (erb-task--discard-result task)))))
+    (with-temp-file output-file
+      (let ((results
+             (mapcar (lambda (symbol)
+                       (let ((task (erb-task--get-task symbol)))
+                         `((name . ,symbol)
+                           (version . ,(erb-task--version task))
+                           (samples ,@(reverse (erb-task--results task)))
+                           (messages ,@(reverse (erb-task--messages task))))))
+                     symbols)))
+        (insert (with-temp-buffer
+                 (prin1 results (current-buffer))
+                 (pp-buffer)
+                 (buffer-string)))))))
+(defun erb-task-run-all (&optional repetitions)
+  "Run all defined benchmark tasks REPETITIONS times and message the results.
+REPETITIONS defaults to 1."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (unless (natnump repetitions) (setq repetitions 1))
+  (dotimes (_i repetitions)
+    (mapc #'erb-task--run (erb-task--all-symbols)))
+  (message "Results:")
+  (mapc #'erb-task--message-results (erb-task--all-symbols)))
+(defun erb-task--run (symbol)
+  "Run the benchmark task associated with SYMBOL."
+  (let ((task (erb-task--get-task symbol))
+        (message-marker (with-current-buffer (messages-buffer)
+                                (point-max-marker))))
+    (condition-case err
+        (progn
+          (setq erb-task--result nil)
+          (funcall (erb-task--body task)))
+      (error (setq erb-task--result err)))
+    (erb-task--add-result erb-task--result task)
+    (erb-task--add-message (with-current-buffer (messages-buffer)
+                             (buffer-substring message-marker (point-max)))
+                           task)))
+(defun erb-task--message-results (symbol)
+  (message "%s: " symbol)
+  (dolist (item (reverse (erb-task--results (erb-task--get-task symbol))))
+    (message "  %s" item)))
+(provide 'erb-task)
+;;; erb-task.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/erb.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/erb.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5327f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/erb.el
@@ -0,0 +1,2073 @@
+;;; erb.el --- Emacs Regression Benchmarks -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Gemini Lasswell
+;; Keywords: lisp, tools
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; ERB is a tool for automated benchmarking in Emacs Lisp.
+;; ERB implements a user interface for building older versions of
+;; Emacs, running the benchmark tasks in them, managing a database of
+;; results, and presenting the results.
+;; TODO define erb-hostname which defaults to system-name, and allow
+;; changing it.
+;; TODO abbreviate commits to 12 characters or whatever.
+;; It would be nice to have filenames like:
+;;    201811012312-47ccee220a49.eld
+;;    201811021014-f05e930ca9ca.eld
+;; because then they could be easily seen in date order in dired.
+;; Or maybe it would be easy to extend dired to sort by date and
+;; show the date.
+;; For usage information, see ERB's info manual.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ansi-color)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'cl-macs) ;; TODO eval-when-compile
+(require 'erb-task)
+(require 'find-func)
+(require 'generator)
+(require 'map)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'pcase))
+(require 'seq)
+;; TODO (eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x))
+(require 'subr-x)
+(require 'thread)
+(defgroup erb nil
+  "ERB, the Emacs regression performance testing tool."
+  :prefix "erb-"
+  :group 'lisp)
+'(defcustom erb-hostname-translation nil
+  "Mapping from system names to machine names in ERB.
+The keys of this alist should be system names as returned by
+`system-name', and the values should be strings containing the
+names to use for those systems in the benchmark results."
+  :type (alist :key-type 'string :value-type 'string)
+  :group 'erb
+  :version "27.1")
+(defconst erb-version "0.1")
+;; TODO Alternatively, look in load-history?
+  (defvar erb-task-el-filename
+    (expand-file-name
+     "erb-task.el"
+     (file-name-directory (or (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file)
+                              load-file-name
+                              buffer-file-name)))
+    "Location of erb.el (or erb.el.gz) for this installation of Emacs."))
+;;; Buffer-local variables used by all ERB buffers
+(defvar-local erb-suite-directory nil
+  "Benchmark suite directory for the current `erb-mode' buffer.")
+;; TODO allow a URL for the project, and create
+;; a customize alist that points to a local clone.
+;; If no local clone, clone it into a temp directory.
+(defvar-local erb--config nil
+  "Benchmark suite configuration for the current `erb-mode' buffer.")
+(defvar-local erb--config-err nil
+  "If non-nil, the error which occurred reading the benchmark configuration.")
+;; TODO add a configurable cooldown time between building and benchmarking.
+(defvar-local erb--machine-config nil
+  "Machine configuration for the current `erb-mode' buffer.")
+(defvar-local erb--machine-config-err nil
+  "If non-nil, the error which occurred reading the machine configuration.")
+;;; ERB directory configuration
+;; TODO implement refusing to read newer configs
+(defconst erb-default-config
+  `((project-name
+     "The name of the project."
+     "GNU Emacs")
+    (project-repo
+     "The path to the git repository for the project to be benchmarked."
+     "/path/to/your/project/git/repo")
+    (benchmark-directory
+     "The directory containing Lisp files declaring benchmark
+tasks, relative to the project's git repository."
+     "path/to/benchmark/tasks")
+    (tags
+     "A list of git tags or commits (as strings) to label on the
+x-axis of benchmark plots."
+     ("release-1.0" "release-2.0"))
+    (erb-version
+     "The ERB version which created this file."
+     ,erb-version)))
+(defun erb-initialize ()
+  "Initialize `erb-suite-directory' to store benchmark results.
+Write the default ERB configuration file to \"config.eld\" at the
+top level of `erb-suite-directory'.  You should hand-edit
+the file as desired."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; TODO prompt to overwrite if file exists
+  (erb--write-formatted-alist-to-file
+   erb-default-config
+   (expand-file-name "config.eld" erb-suite-directory))
+  (erb-summary-revert-buffer))
+(defun erb--write-formatted-alist-to-file (alist filename)
+  "Write ALIST to FILENAME in a human-friendly format.
+Each element of ALIST should be (KEY DOC VALUE).  Write the ALIST
+with DOC converted to comments so that when read back in by the
+Lisp reader each element will become (KEY VALUE)."
+  (let ((first t))
+    (with-temp-file filename
+      (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+        (princ "(")
+        (pcase-dolist (`(,key ,doc ,value) alist)
+          (if first
+              (setq first nil)
+            (princ "\n"))
+          (princ "\n ;; ")
+          (seq-doseq (char doc)
+            (princ (if (eq char ?\n) "\n ;; " (string char))))
+          (princ (format "\n (%s . %S)" key value)))
+        (princ ")\n")))))
+(defun erb--read-config (suite-dir)
+  "Read the configuration file \"config.eld\" from SUITE-DIR."
+  (let* ((filename (expand-file-name "config.eld" suite-dir)))
+    (unless (file-readable-p filename)
+      (error "%s has not been initialized to store benchmark results" 
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert-file-contents filename)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (read (current-buffer)))
+    ;; TODO check that required keys are present,
+    ;; and that it wasn't written by a newer version.
+    ))
+(defun erb--update-config-cache ()
+  ;; TODO check alist structure, keys, value types?
+  (setq erb--config-err nil)
+  (setq erb--config
+        (condition-case err
+            (erb--read-config erb-suite-directory)
+          (error (setq erb--config-err (format "%s" err))
+                 nil)))
+  (unless (or erb--config erb--config-err)
+    (setq erb--config-err "Unable to read benchmark configuration")))
+;;; Machine Configuration
+(defconst erb-default-machine-config
+  `((build-script
+     "Where to look for the build script.  This may be an absolute
+or relative path.  If it is a relative path, see the value
+associated with `build-script-location'."
+     "path/to/build-script")
+    (build-script-location
+     "If the value associated with `build-script' is a relative
+path, look for the build script in the project directory if this
+is `project', or in the ERB directory if this is `ERB'."
+     ERB)
+    (system-info-script
+     "Where to look for the system info script.  This may be an
+absolute or relative path.  If it is a relative path, see the
+value associated with `system-info-script-location'."
+     "path/to/system-info-script")
+    (system-info-script-location
+     "If the value associated with `system-info-script' is a
+relative path, look for the system info script in the project
+directory if this is `project', or in the ERB directory if this
+is `ERB'."
+     ERB)
+    (simultaneous-builds
+     "Number of builds to do at the same time." 1)
+    (emacs-arguments
+     "List of arguments to pass to the benchmarked Emacs executable."
+     ("-Q" "--batch"))
+    (erb-version
+     "The ERB version which created this file."
+     ,erb-version)))
+(defun erb-initialize-machine-config ()
+  "Write a machine configuration file for the current system.
+Write the file to the `config' subdirectory of
+`erb-suite-directory', as \"HOSTNAME.eld\"."
+  (interactive)
+  (unless erb--config
+    (user-error "Use `erb-initialize' to create a benchmark configuration 
+  ;; TODO prompt to overwrite if file exists
+  (let* ((hostname (system-name))
+         (filename (erb--machine-config-filename hostname))
+         (machines-dir (expand-file-name "machines" erb-suite-directory)))
+    (unless (file-directory-p machines-dir)
+      (make-directory machines-dir))
+    (erb--write-formatted-alist-to-file erb-default-machine-config filename))
+  (erb-summary-revert-buffer)
+  (erb-update-saved-machine-info))
+(defun erb--read-machine-config (hostname)
+  "Return the contents of the machine configuration file for HOSTNAME.
+If the machine information file is empty or not present signal an
+  (let* ((filename (erb--machine-config-filename hostname))
+         (config (when (file-readable-p filename)
+                   (with-temp-buffer
+                     (insert-file-contents filename)
+                     (goto-char (point-min))
+                     (read (current-buffer))))))
+    (unless config
+      (error "Machine configuration not found in \"%s\"" filename))
+    config))
+(defun erb--machine-config-filename (hostname)
+  (thread-last erb-suite-directory
+    (expand-file-name "machines")
+    (expand-file-name (concat hostname ".eld"))))
+(defun erb--update-machine-config-cache ()
+  ;; TODO check alist structure, keys, value types?
+  (setq erb--machine-config-err nil)
+  (setq erb--machine-config
+        (condition-case err
+            (erb--read-machine-config (system-name))
+          (error (setq erb--machine-config-err (format "%s" err))
+                 nil)))
+  (unless (or erb--machine-config erb--machine-config-err)
+    (setq erb--machine-config-err
+          "Unable to read machine configuration")))
+(defun erb-update-saved-machine-info ()
+  "Update the information ERB keeps on file about this machine.
+Use this command to see operating system updates reflected in the
+benchmark results report."
+  ;; TODO prompt to confirm.
+  ;; TODO allow adding a note (such as "Replaced hard drive with SSD.")
+  ;; TODO save the configuration too? (emacs-arguments)
+  (interactive)
+  (erb--update-machine-config-cache)
+  (when erb--machine-config-err
+    (error "%s" erb--machine-config-err))
+  (let* ((hostname (system-name))
+         (info-file (erb--machine-info-file-name hostname))
+         (old-info (erb--read-saved-machine-info hostname))
+         (info (erb--get-this-machine-info
+                hostname (erb--get-script-filename 'system-info))))
+    (make-directory (file-name-directory info-file) t)
+    (with-temp-file info-file
+      (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+        (cl-prin1 (cons info old-info))
+        (pp-buffer)))))
+(defun erb--read-saved-machine-info (machine)
+  "Read the saved list of system information about MACHINE.
+Returns a list of alists, the most recent first."
+  (let ((info-file (erb--machine-info-file-name machine)))
+    (when (file-readable-p info-file)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (insert-file-contents info-file)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (read (current-buffer))))))
+(defun erb--machine-info-file-name (machine)
+  (let* ((info-dir (thread-last erb-suite-directory
+                     (expand-file-name "machines")
+                     (expand-file-name "info")))
+         (info-file (expand-file-name (format "%s.eld" machine)
+                                      info-dir)))
+    info-file))
+;; TODO hostname no longer used
+(defun erb--get-this-machine-info (_hostname system-info-script)
+  "Return an alist of information about this machine.
+Use strings for the informational keys of the alist, and include
+a timestamp and the ERB version using keyword keys."
+  (let ((lines (mapcar #'ansi-color-filter-apply
+                       (process-lines system-info-script)))
+        (machine-info `((:time . ,(truncate (time-to-seconds (current-time))))
+                        (:erb-version . ,erb-version))))
+    (dolist (line lines)
+      (when (string-match "[A-Za-z]+: " line)
+        (let ((key (substring line 0 (- (match-end 0) 2)))
+              (value (substring line (match-end 0))))
+          (push (cons key value) machine-info))))
+    machine-info))
+(defun erb--get-script-filename (script-type)
+  "Locate the build script for the machine.
+It could be at some absolute path, in the project repo, or in the
+ERB directory.  The script type can be either `build' or
+  (let ((script-location (map-elt erb--machine-config
+                                  (intern (format "%s-script-location"
+                                                  script-type))))
+        (script (map-elt erb--machine-config
+                         (intern (format "%s-script" script-type)))))
+    (if (file-name-absolute-p script)
+        script
+      (expand-file-name
+       script
+       (cl-case script-location
+         ((ERB)     erb-suite-directory)
+         ((project) (map-elt erb--config 'project-repo))
+         (t (error
+             (concat
+              "In the ERB configuration, the value of `%s-script-location' "
+              "should be either `project' or `ERB'")
+             script-type)))))))
+;;; Benchmark tasks and their metadata
+(cl-defstruct erb--metadata
+  name      ; Name of task defined by erb-deftask.
+  filename  ; Relative pathname of file in which task was defined.
+  version   ; Version of this task from keyword plist in definition.
+  rev-list  ; Arguments to git rev-list.
+  discard-first-sample ; Flag from task definition.
+  documentation  ; Docstring from task definition.
+  special   ; From keyword plist in definition.
+  )
+(defvar erb--benchmark-tasks nil
+  "Information about the benchmark tasks found in the project.
+A list of `erb--metadata' structures.")
+(defun erb--read-benchmark-metadata ()
+  "Extract benchmark task metadata from the project.
+Save the results in `erb--benchmark-tasks' as an alist mapping
+task names to `erb--metadata' structures.  This works by
+evaluating the code in the benchmark task files in the project,
+so it will have whatever side effects are caused by that code.
+As a side effect, and by way of partial cleanup, delete all
+defined benchmark tasks."
+  ;; TODO error handling
+  (let ((benchmark-task-files (directory-files-recursively
+                               (erb--benchmark-dir) "\\-tasks.el$")))
+    (setq erb--benchmark-tasks nil)
+    (erb-delete-all-tasks)
+    (dolist (filename benchmark-task-files)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (insert-file-contents filename)
+        (eval-buffer))
+      (dolist (symbol (erb-task--all-symbols))
+        (let ((task (erb-task--get-task symbol)))
+          (push (apply #'make-erb--metadata
+                       (append
+                        `(:filename ,filename :name ,symbol)
+                        `(:documentation ,(erb-task--documentation task))
+                        (erb-task--key-plist task)))
+                erb--benchmark-tasks)))
+      (erb-delete-all-tasks)))
+  erb--benchmark-tasks)
+(defun erb--benchmark-dir ()
+  (map-let (project-repo benchmark-directory) erb--config
+    (expand-file-name benchmark-directory project-repo)))
+;;; Summary mode definition
+(defvar erb-summary-mode-map
+  (let ((map (copy-keymap special-mode-map)))
+    (set-keymap-parent map button-buffer-map)
+    (define-key map "n" 'next-line)
+    (define-key map "p" 'previous-line)
+    (define-key map "C" 'erb-initialize)
+    (define-key map "M" 'erb-initialize-machine-config)
+    (define-key map "U" 'erb-update-saved-machine-info)
+    (define-key map "r" 'erb-summary-run)
+    (define-key map [follow-link] 'mouse-face)
+    (define-key map [mouse-2] 'mouse-select-window)
+    map)
+  "Local keymap for `erb-summary-mode' buffers.")
+(define-derived-mode erb-mode special-mode "ERB-base"
+  "Parent major mode from which ERB major modes inherit.
+ERB is documented in info node `(erb)'."
+  :group 'erb
+  (buffer-disable-undo)
+  (setq truncate-lines t)
+  (setq buffer-read-only t)
+  (setq show-trailing-whitespace nil)
+  (setq-local line-move-visual t)
+  (setq list-buffers-directory (abbreviate-file-name default-directory))
+  (hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer)
+  (make-local-variable 'text-property-default-nonsticky)
+  (push (cons 'keymap t) text-property-default-nonsticky)
+  ;; (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'magit-section-update-highlight t t)
+  ;; (setq-local redisplay-highlight-region-function 'magit-highlight-region)
+  ;; (setq-local redisplay-unhighlight-region-function 
+  (when (bound-and-true-p global-linum-mode)
+    (linum-mode -1))
+  (when (and (fboundp 'nlinum-mode)
+             (bound-and-true-p global-nlinum-mode))
+    (nlinum-mode -1))
+  (setq-local erb-suite-directory default-directory))
+(define-derived-mode erb-summary-mode erb-mode "ERB"
+  "Summarize information contained in an ERB benchmark suite directory.
+ERB is documented in info node `(erb)'."
+  :group 'erb
+  (setq-local revert-buffer-function #'erb-summary-revert-buffer))
+(defun erb-summary-generate-new-buffer ()
+  (let* ((name (format "*ERB: %s*" (file-name-nondirectory
+                                    (directory-file-name default-directory))))
+         (buffer (generate-new-buffer name)))
+    (with-current-buffer buffer
+      (erb-summary-mode)
+      (add-to-list 'uniquify-list-buffers-directory-modes 'erb-summary-mode)
+      (setq erb-suite-directory default-directory)
+      (setq list-buffers-directory (abbreviate-file-name default-directory)))
+    buffer))
+(defun erb-summary ()
+  "Show an overview of the benchmark suite in the current directory."
+  ;; TODO prompt for directory with prefix argument.
+  ;; OR look for config.eld in current directory and prompt
+  ;; if not found
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((dir default-directory)
+         (buffer (or (seq-find (lambda (buf)
+                                 (and (eq major-mode 'erb-summary-mode)
+                                      (with-current-buffer buf
+                                        (equal dir erb-suite-directory))))
+                               (buffer-list))
+                     (erb-summary-generate-new-buffer))))
+    (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+    (erb-summary-revert-buffer buffer)))
+(defun erb-summary-revert-buffer (&rest _ignored)
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (erb-summary--display-configuration)
+    (when erb--config
+      (erb-summary--display-machine-configuration)
+      (erb-summary--display-results))
+    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
+(defun erb-summary--display-configuration ()
+  (erb--update-config-cache)
+  (if erb--config
+      (let ((fmt "  %-30s%s\n"))
+        (map-let (project-repo benchmark-directory) erb--config
+            (insert
+             (format "Benchmark configuration in %s:\n"
+                     (abbreviate-file-name
+                      (expand-file-name "config.eld" erb-suite-directory)))
+             (format fmt "Project location:"
+                     (abbreviate-file-name project-repo))
+             (format fmt "Benchmark tasks subdirectory:" benchmark-directory)
+             ;; TODO make this a link
+             "\n  Edit Configuration\n\n")))
+    (insert
+     (substitute-command-keys
+      (if (file-readable-p (expand-file-name "config.eld" erb-suite-directory))
+          (format "Could not read the `config.eld' file in %s: %s\n"
+                  erb-suite-directory erb--config-err)
+        (format "No file named `config.eld' found in %s\n"
+                erb-suite-directory)))
+     (substitute-command-keys
+      "\nUse `erb-initialize' to create a new file `config.eld'
+containing a sample configuration for benchmarking.\n")))
+  erb--config)
+(defun erb-summary--display-machine-configuration ()
+  ;; TODO it would be nice to use remote machine if benchmark
+  ;; directory is remote
+  (erb--update-machine-config-cache)
+  (if erb--machine-config
+      (let ((fmt "  %-30s%s\n"))
+        (map-let (build-script build-script-location cpu-cores
+                  system-info-script system-info-script-location
+                  emacs-arguments)
+            erb--machine-config
+          (insert
+           (substitute-command-keys
+            (format "Configuration for `%s':\n" (system-name)))
+           (format fmt "Build script:" build-script)
+           (if (file-name-absolute-p build-script)
+               ""
+             (format fmt "Build script location:"
+                     (cl-case build-script-location
+                       ((ERB) "In the benchmark directory")
+                       ((project) "In the project"))))
+           (format fmt "System info script:" system-info-script)
+           (if (file-name-absolute-p system-info-script)
+               ""
+             (format fmt "System info script location:"
+                     (cl-case system-info-script-location
+                       ((ERB) "In the benchmark directory")
+                       ((project) "In the project"))))
+           (format fmt "CPU cores to use:" cpu-cores)
+           (format fmt "Emacs arguments:"
+                   (mapconcat #'identity emacs-arguments " "))
+           "\n  Change build script\n\n")))
+    (insert
+     (substitute-command-keys
+      (format "Could not read `%s': %s\n"
+              (erb--machine-config-filename (system-name))
+              erb--machine-config-err))
+     (substitute-command-keys
+      (format "\nUse `erb-initialize-machine-config' to create a
+new file `config/%s.eld' containing configuration for this
+machine.\n\n" (system-name))))))
+(defun erb-summary--display-results ()
+  (let* ((machines-dirs (erb--machine-results-dirs)))
+    (if machines-dirs
+        (dolist (machine-dir machines-dirs)
+          (let* ((machine-name (file-name-nondirectory machine-dir))
+                 (runs-dir (expand-file-name "measurements" machine-dir))
+                 (runs (directory-files runs-dir nil ".+\\.eld$" ))
+                 (failed-runs-dir (erb--failed-runs-dir machine-name))
+                 (failed-runs
+                  (ignore-errors
+                    (directory-files failed-runs-dir nil ".+\\.eld$")))
+                 (failed-builds-dir (erb--failed-builds-dir machine-name))
+                 (failed-builds
+                  (ignore-errors
+                    (directory-files failed-builds-dir nil ".+\\.log$"))))
+            (insert (substitute-command-keys
+                     (format "Results for `%s':\n" machine-name)))
+            (insert (format "  %-25s%5d\n  %-25s%5d\n  %-25s%5d\n\n"
+                            "Commits benchmarked:" (length runs)
+                            "Commits with errors:" (length failed-runs)
+                            "Build failures:" (length failed-builds)))))
+      (insert (substitute-command-keys
+               "No results yet.  Use `r' to start running benchmarks.\n")))))
+;;; State variables for the benchmark runner
+(cl-defstruct erb--job
+  buffer
+  commits)
+(defvar erb--job (thread-make-message)
+  "This contains all the information needed about what benchmark job to run.
+It is created by `erb-run-start' and cleared when the benchmark job is
+finished by `erb--benchmark-control-func'.
+`erb-run-cancel' sets this to the symbol `cancel', which will
+cause ERB's threads to stop any job they are working on and clean
+;;; Run mode definition
+(defcustom erb-run-refresh-seconds 0.2
+  "Delay between updates of `erb-run' buffers."
+  :type 'number
+  :group 'erb
+  :version "27.1")
+;; Options settable in the erb-run-mode buffer.
+;; TODO "settable"
+(defvar-local erb-run--commit-range "emacs-25.1..bd013a448b")
+(defvar-local erb-run--number-to-select 8)
+(defvar-local erb-run--skip-building-previous-failures t)
+(defvar erb-run-mode-map
+  (let ((map (copy-keymap special-mode-map)))
+    (set-keymap-parent map button-buffer-map)
+    (define-key map "n" 'next-line)
+    (define-key map "p" 'previous-line)
+    (define-key map "s" 'erb-run-start)
+    (define-key map "c" 'erb-run-cancel)
+    (define-key map [follow-link] 'mouse-face)
+    (define-key map [mouse-2] 'mouse-select-window)
+    map)
+  "Local keymap for `erb-run-mode' buffers.")
+(define-derived-mode erb-run-mode erb-mode "ERB-run"
+  "Mode for configuring and running benchmarks.
+ERB is documented in info node `(erb)'."
+  :group 'erb
+  (setq-local revert-buffer-function #'erb-run-revert-buffer))
+;; TODO make only one buffer? Since there is ony one set of worker threads
+;; What happens if you try to switch directory while a job is running?
+(defun erb-run-generate-new-buffer ()
+  (let* ((name (format "*ERB-run: %s*" (file-name-nondirectory
+                                        (directory-file-name 
+         (buffer (generate-new-buffer name)))
+    (with-current-buffer buffer
+      (erb-run-mode)
+      (run-at-time erb-run-refresh-seconds nil
+                   #'erb-run--timer-func buffer)
+      (add-to-list 'uniquify-list-buffers-directory-modes 'erb-run-mode))
+    buffer))
+;; TODO autoload is just for now
+(defun erb-summary-run ()
+  "Switch to or create an `erb-run-mode' buffer for running benchmarks."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((dir default-directory)
+         (buffer (or (seq-find (lambda (buf)
+                                 (and (eq major-mode 'erb-run-mode)
+                                      (with-current-buffer buf
+                                        (equal dir erb-suite-directory))))
+                               (buffer-list))
+                     (erb-run-generate-new-buffer))))
+    (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+    (erb-run-revert-buffer buffer)))
+(defun erb-run-revert-buffer (&rest _ignored)
+  ;; TODO put all these status variables into a structure or alist so
+  ;; they can be copied, and then only update the buffer if something
+  ;; has changed.
+  ;; TODO save and restore cursor position.
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (erb--update-config-cache)
+    (if (not erb--config)
+        (insert (format "Error reading `config.eld': \n  %s\n" 
+      (map-let (project-repo) erb--config
+        (insert
+         (format "Project: %s\n" project-repo)
+         (format "Commit range: %s\n" erb-run--commit-range)
+         (format "Commits in range: %s\n"
+                 (if-let ((count (erb--vc-get-commit-range-count
+                                  erb-run--commit-range)))
+                     count "Version control error"))
+         "\n"
+         (format "Number to select: %s\n" (if erb-run--number-to-select
+                                              erb-run--number-to-select "All"))
+         (format "Skip building previous failures: %s\n"
+                 (if erb-run--skip-building-previous-failures "Yes" "No"))
+         "\n"
+         (let* ((done (length (erb--status 'finished)))
+                (built (length (erb--status 'built)))
+                (commits (length (erb--status 'commits)))
+                (failed-builds (length (erb--status 'failed-builds)))
+                (failed-runs (length (erb--status 'failed-runs))))
+           (concat
+            (format "Built: %s\n" (if (> built 0) built ""))
+            (format "Benchmarked: %s\n" (if (> done 0) done ""))
+            (format "Build Failures: %s\n" (if (erb--status 'state)
+                                               failed-builds ""))
+            (format "Run Failures: %s\n" (if (erb--status 'state)
+                                             failed-runs ""))
+            (format "Total: %s/%s\n" done commits)))
+         "\n"
+         (format "Started at: %s\n"
+                 (if (erb--status 'start-time)
+                     (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T%z" (erb--status 
+                   ""))
+         ;; TODO Building and Benchmarking, cycle through 0 and 5 .'s
+         (cl-case (erb--status 'state)
+           (building (concat "Building." (erb--dots)))
+           (benchmarking (concat "Benchmarking." (erb--dots)))
+           ((nil) "Ready.")
+           (done "Finished.")
+           (cancelled "Cancelled.")
+           (t (format "State: %s" (erb--status 'state))))
+         (format (if (eq (erb--status 'state) 'cancelled)
+                     "\nCancelled at: %s\n"
+                   "\nFinished at: %s\n")
+                 (if (erb--status 'stop-time)
+                     (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T%z" (erb--status 
+                   ""))))
+      ;; TODO make these all buttons which go to the WIP buffer
+      (unless (null (erb--status 'state))
+        (insert "\n")
+        (dolist (commit (erb--status 'commits))
+          (insert
+           (cond
+            ((memq commit (erb--status 'finished))           ".")
+            ((memq commit (erb--status 'building))           "B")
+            ((memq commit (erb--status 'failed-runs))        "F")
+            ((memq commit (erb--status 'failed-builds))      "E")
+            ((memq commit (erb--status 'benchmarking))       "R")
+            ((memq commit (erb--status 'built))              "b")
+            (t "-"))))
+        (insert "\n")))
+    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
+(defvar erb--status-dot-count 0)
+(defvar erb--status-last-update  (time-to-seconds (current-time)))
+(defvar erb--status-interval 1.0)
+(defconst erb--status-dot-max 5)
+(defun erb--dots ()
+  (prog1
+      (make-string erb--status-dot-count ?.)
+    (when (> (- (time-to-seconds (current-time)) erb--status-last-update)
+             erb--status-interval)
+      (setq erb--status-dot-count (% (1+ erb--status-dot-count)
+                                     erb--status-dot-max)
+            erb--status-last-update (time-to-seconds (current-time))))))
+(defun erb-run--timer-func (buffer)
+  "Revert BUFFER and set a timer to do it again."
+  (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
+    (with-current-buffer buffer
+      (revert-buffer))
+    (run-at-time erb-run-refresh-seconds nil
+                 #'erb-run--timer-func buffer)))
+;;; Run mode commands
+(defun erb-run-start ()
+  "Start running benchmarks."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (thread-message-value erb--job)
+    (user-error "Benchmarks are already running"))
+  (unless erb-run--commit-range
+    (user-error "Choose a commit or range of commits to benchmark"))
+  (erb--update-config-cache)
+  (unless erb--config
+    (user-error "Error reading benchmark configuration: %s" erb--config-err))
+  (erb--update-machine-config-cache)
+  (unless erb--config
+    (user-error "Error reading machine configuration: %s"
+                erb--machine-config-err))
+  (erb--start-benchmark-controller-thread)
+  (erb--adjust-builder-threads)
+  (erb--read-benchmark-metadata)
+  (erb--clear-status)
+  (thread-message-send
+   erb--job
+   (make-erb--job :commits (erb--vc-get-commits erb-run--commit-range
+                                                erb-run--number-to-select)
+                  :buffer (current-buffer))))
+(defun erb-run-cancel ()
+  "Stop running benchmarks."
+  (interactive)
+  (thread-message-send erb--job 'cancel))
+(defun erb--cancel-now-p ()
+  (eq (thread-message-value erb--job) 'cancel))
+;;; The benchmark runner
+;;;; Controller thread
+(defvar erb--unbuilt-commits (thread-make-queue nil 'fifo)
+  "A thread-safe queue of commits waiting to be built.")
+(defvar erb--built-commits (thread-make-queue nil 'fifo)
+  "A thread-safe queue of commits which have been built.")
+(defvar erb--benchmark-controller nil)
+(defun erb--start-benchmark-controller-thread ()
+  "Start the benchmark controller thread if it is not already started."
+  (unless erb--benchmark-controller
+    (setq erb--benchmark-controller
+          (make-thread #'erb--benchmark-control-func "ERB control"))))
+(defun erb--benchmark-control-func ()
+  "Process benchmark jobs.
+Watch for incoming jobs arriving by a thread-safe message in
+`erb--job'.  When a job becomes available, build and
+benchmark all the commits and then clear the message."
+  ;; If erb--job is set to the symbol `stop',
+  ;; exit.  This is meant for development and debugging.
+  (catch 'stop
+    (while t
+      (condition-case-unless-debug err
+          (let* ((job (thread-message-wait erb--job))
+                 (commits (when (erb--job-p job) (erb--job-commits job)))
+                 (count (length commits))
+                 (runbuf (when (erb--job-p job) (erb--job-buffer job)))
+                 builds)
+            (when (eq job 'stop)
+              (message "ERB control thread stopping")
+              (setq erb--benchmark-controller nil)
+              (thread-message-cancel erb--job)
+              (throw 'stop nil))
+            (catch 'cancelled
+              (unless (eq job 'cancel)
+                (with-current-buffer runbuf
+                  ;; First give all the commits to the builder thread(s).
+                  (erb--status-set 'start-time (current-time))
+                  (erb--status-set 'state 'building)
+                  (erb--status-set 'commits commits)
+                  (dolist (commit commits)
+                    (erb--status-add commit 'waiting-to-build)
+                    (thread-queue-put commit erb--unbuilt-commits))
+                  ;; Collect all the build results, to make sure they
+                  ;; are all finished before benchmarking starts.
+                  (while (> count 0)
+                    (let ((build (thread-queue-get erb--built-commits)))
+                      (push build builds))
+                    (cl-decf count))
+                  ;; Reverse the list of finished builds to make the
+                  ;; benchmarking order make a little more sense to the
+                  ;; user watching the progress indicator.
+                  (setq builds (nreverse builds))
+                  ;; TODO customizable processor cooldown delay
+                  ;; before running benchmarks.
+                  ;; Then benchmark the build results, one at a time.
+                  (erb--status-set 'state 'benchmarking)
+                  (pcase-dolist (`(,commit ,result) builds)
+                    (when (erb--cancel-now-p)
+                      (throw 'cancelled nil))
+                    (when result
+                      (message "Benchmarking %s" commit)
+                      (erb--status-set 'benchmarking (list commit))
+                      (erb--cache-commit-time commit)
+                      (erb--benchmark-one-commit commit result)
+                      (erb--status-add commit 'finished)
+                      (with-demoted-errors (delete-directory result t))))
+                  (erb--status-set 'benchmarking nil))))
+            (erb--status-set 'stop-time (current-time))
+            (erb--status-set 'state (if (erb--cancel-now-p)
+                                        'cancelled 'done))
+            (thread-message-cancel erb--job)
+            '(pcase-dolist (`(,_ ,result) builds)
+              (when result
+                (ignore-errors (delete-directory result t)))))
+        ((error quit)
+         (message "Error in ERB benchmark control thread: %s" err)
+         (thread-message-cancel erb--job))))))
+;;;; Builder threads
+(defvar erb--builders 0
+  "The number of threads which have been created to run builds.")
+(defvar erb--builder-number 0
+  "Used to make a unique identifier for each ERB build thread.
+For debugging.")
+(defun erb--adjust-builder-threads ()
+  "Create the desired number of commit-building threads.
+Get the number from the machine configuration.  If there are too
+many threads already running, tell the extra ones to stop."
+  (map-let (cpu-cores) erb--machine-config
+    (unless (natnump cpu-cores)
+      (user-error "The value of `cpu-cores' in the configuration for `%s'
+must be a positive integer" (system-name)))
+    (while (< erb--builders cpu-cores)
+      (make-thread #'erb--builder-func
+                   (format "ERB build %s" erb--builder-number))
+      (cl-incf erb--builder-number)
+      (cl-incf erb--builders))
+    (while (> erb--builders cpu-cores)
+      (thread-queue-put 'stop erb--unbuilt-commits)
+      (cl-decf erb--builders))))
+(defun erb--builder-func ()
+  "Build commits from `erb--unbuilt-commits'."
+  (catch 'stop
+    (while t
+      (condition-case-unless-debug err
+          (let ((commit (thread-queue-get erb--unbuilt-commits))
+                build-result)
+            (when (eq commit 'stop)
+              (message "ERB builder thread stopping")
+              (throw 'stop nil))
+            (erb--status-remove commit 'waiting-to-build)
+            (erb--status-add commit 'building)
+            (unwind-protect
+                (let ((job (thread-message-value erb--job)))
+                  (unless (eq job 'cancel)
+                    (with-current-buffer (erb--job-buffer job)
+                      (setq build-result (erb--build commit)))))
+              (erb--status-remove commit 'building)
+              (if build-result
+                  (erb--status-add commit 'built)
+                (erb--status-add commit 'failed-builds))
+              (thread-queue-put (list commit build-result)
+                                erb--built-commits)))
+        ;; TODO in the event of an error, need to put commit on built-commmits.
+        ((error quit) (message "Error in ERB benchmark build thread: %s" 
+(defun erb--build (commit)
+  "Build Emacs from COMMIT.
+Run the build in an asynchonous process in a temporary directory.
+Save the directory name if the build is successful.  If the build
+fails, save the output of the build script in the file COMMIT.log
+in the results/MACHINE/failed-builds directory of
+  ;; TODO make temp file on same machine as build script
+  (let* ((temp-dir (file-name-as-directory (make-temp-file "erb" t)))
+         (default-directory temp-dir)
+         (name (format "ERB-build-%s" commit))
+         (outbuf (generate-new-buffer name))
+         (build-script (erb--get-script-filename 'build))
+         process success)
+    (unwind-protect
+        (unless (and erb-run--skip-building-previous-failures
+                     (erb--failure-log-exists-p commit))
+          (map-let (project-repo) erb--config
+            (setq project-repo (expand-file-name project-repo))
+            (setq process
+                  (condition-case _err
+                      (start-file-process name outbuf build-script project-repo
+                                          commit)
+                    ((error quit) nil)))
+            (if (null process)
+                (progn
+                  (message "Failed to start build process for commit `%s'"
+                           commit)
+                  (erb-run--record-failure commit "Failed to start build 
+              (catch 'quit
+                (while (process-live-p process)
+                  ;; TODO narrow conditions to repro the EBADF heisenbug
+                  ;; at process.c 5510.  Has happened whether passing
+                  ;; process or nil to accept-process-output.  Attempt
+                  ;; at standalone code sample in emacs/misc/apo.el, but
+                  ;; it won't repro.
+                  (accept-process-output nil 0.5)
+                  (when (erb--cancel-now-p)
+                    (delete-process process)
+                    (throw 'quit nil)))
+                (if (= (process-exit-status process) 0)
+                    (progn
+                      (setq success temp-dir)
+                      (erb-run--remove-old-failure commit))
+                  (message "Building commit `%s' failed" commit)
+                  (erb-run--record-failure commit outbuf))))))
+      (unless success
+        ;; Delete temp directory.
+        (delete-directory temp-dir t))
+      (kill-buffer outbuf))
+    success))
+(defun erb-run--record-failure (commit explanation)
+  "Record a failed build of COMMIT.
+EXPLANATION may be a string containing an error message or a
+buffer containing a log of the failed build.  Write EXPLANATION
+to the file COMMIT.log in the results/MACHINE/failed-builds
+directory of `erb-suite-directory', where MACHINE is the
+current system."
+  (let ((failures-dir (erb--failed-builds-dir))
+        (text (if (stringp explanation)
+                  (concat explanation "\n")
+                (with-current-buffer explanation
+                  (if (= (point-min) (point-max))
+                      "Build failed without producing any output\n"
+                    (buffer-string))))))
+    (make-directory failures-dir t)
+    (with-temp-file (erb-run--failure-log-file-name commit)
+      (insert text))))
+(defun erb--failure-log-exists-p (commit)
+  "Return non-nil if a build failure log exists for COMMIT."
+  (file-readable-p (erb-run--failure-log-file-name commit)))
+(defun erb-run--remove-old-failure (commit)
+  "Remove any old failure log which may be present for COMMIT.
+If COMMIT.log exists in the results/MACHINE/failed-builds
+directory of `erb-suite-directory', where MACHINE is the current
+system, remove it."
+  (ignore-errors
+    (delete-file (erb-run--failure-log-file-name commit))))
+(defun erb-run--failure-log-file-name (commit)
+  (expand-file-name (format "%s.log" commit) (erb--failed-builds-dir)))
+;;;; Run benchmarks
+(defun erb--benchmark-one-commit (commit target-emacs)
+  "Run the benchmark tasks for one COMMIT and record the results.
+The executable to run should be found in the subdirectory
+'result' of the directory TARGET-EMACS."
+  (let* ((tasks (erb--vc-tasks-for-commmit commit))
+         (benchmark-task-files (directory-files-recursively
+                                (erb--benchmark-dir) "\\.el$"))
+         (all-run-results (make-erb--run-results)))
+    (when tasks
+      (dolist (file benchmark-task-files)
+        (when-let* ((selected-tasks (erb--filter-by-file tasks file)))
+          (let* ((this-run-results (erb--run-tasks target-emacs
+                                                   file selected-tasks)))
+            (setq all-run-results
+                  (erb--merge-run-results all-run-results
+                                          this-run-results))
+            (thread-yield)))))
+    (erb--record-run-results commit (system-name) all-run-results)))
+(defun erb--filter-by-file (tasks file)
+  "Return the list of TASKS which can be found in FILE.
+TASKS should be a list of `erb--metadata' structures."
+  (seq-filter (lambda (task)
+                (string= (erb--metadata-filename task) file))
+              tasks))
+(defun erb--run-tasks (target-emacs file tasks)
+  "Run the TASKS in FILE in TARGET-EMACS.
+Return the benchmark results, messages, errors and process output
+in `erb-run-result' structures.
+TARGET-EMACS should be a directory, and the Emacs executable
+should be in \"result/bin/emacs\" within that directory.  TASKS
+should be a list of `erb--metadata' structures."
+  (let* ((filename (file-relative-name file (erb--benchmark-dir)))
+         (special-tasks (seq-filter #'erb--metadata-special tasks))
+         (regular-tasks (cl-set-difference tasks special-tasks))
+         results outputs failures messages)
+    (when regular-tasks
+      (let ((target-output
+             (erb--run-target-emacs target-emacs file regular-tasks
+                                    erb-task-repetitions)))
+        (setq results (erb--get-successful-results target-output)
+              outputs (erb--get-outputs target-output)
+              failures (erb--get-failures target-output))
+        messages (erb--get-messages target-output)))
+    ;; TODO consider making a way to define and dispatch special
+    ;; tasks instead of putting them all into this cl-case.  What
+    ;; other special tasks might be interesting?
+    (dolist (task special-tasks)
+      (cl-case (erb--metadata-special task)
+        ;; Don't load ERB or tasks, just see how long the target Emas
+        ;; takes to start up and shut down.
+        (startup
+         (let (samples)
+           (catch 'break
+             (dotimes (_ erb-task-repetitions)
+               ;; TODO quit early if no results are returned (which means 
+               (let* (target-output
+                      (sample (benchmark-run
+                                  (setq target-output
+                                        (erb--run-target-emacs target-emacs
+                                                               file nil 1))))
+                      (startup-outputs (erb--get-outputs target-output))
+                      (startup-failures (erb--get-failures target-output)))
+                 (setq failures (nconc failures startup-failures)
+                       outputs (nconc outputs startup-outputs))
+                 (if startup-failures
+                     (throw 'break nil)
+                   (push sample samples)))))
+           (when (= erb-task-repetitions (length samples))
+             (push (make-erb--result :name (erb--metadata-name task)
+                                     :version (erb--metadata-version task)
+                                     :file filename
+                                     :time (truncate (time-to-seconds
+                                                      (current-time)))
+                                     :samples samples)
+                   results))))
+        ;; Run the task in its own process, and invoke multiple processes
+        ;; to get multiple samples.
+        (own-process
+         (let (single-process-samples)
+           (catch 'break
+             (dotimes (_ erb-task-repetitions)
+               (let* ((target-output
+                       (erb--run-target-emacs target-emacs file
+                                              (list task) 1))
+                      (sp-failures (erb--get-failures target-output))
+                      (sp-outputs (erb--get-outputs target-output))
+                      (sp-messages (erb--get-messages target-output))
+                      (sp-results (erb--get-successful-results target-output))
+                      (sample
+                       (when sp-results
+                         (car (erb--result-samples (car sp-results))))))
+                 (setq failures (nconc failures sp-failures)
+                       messages (nconc messages sp-messages)
+                       outputs (nconc outputs sp-outputs))
+                 (if sp-failures
+                     (throw 'break nil)
+                   (push sample single-process-samples)))))
+           (when (= erb-task-repetitions (length single-process-samples))
+             (push (make-erb--result :name (erb--metadata-name task)
+                                     :version (erb--metadata-version task)
+                                     :file filename
+                                     :time (truncate (time-to-seconds
+                                                      (current-time)))
+                                     :samples single-process-samples)
+                   results))))
+        (t (message "Unknown special task type %s used in %s"
+                    (erb--metadata-special task)
+                    (erb--metadata-name task)))))
+    (make-erb--run-results :results results :messages messages
+                           :outputs outputs :failures failures)))
+(cl-defstruct erb--target-output
+  file               ; Filename of file containing tasks
+                     ; (relative to benchmark dir).
+  tasks              ; Task name symbol or list of them.
+  exit-code          ; Process exit code.
+  output             ; Process stdout+stderr.
+  results            ; Lisp object read from results file, or nil.
+  results-string     ; Text read from results file.
+  time)              ; Unix timestamp.
+;; TODO should this copy erb.el to the Emacs directory, what if it is remote?
+;; Ditto for file with benchmarks.
+(defun erb--run-target-emacs (target-emacs file tasks repetitions)
+  "Invoke a target Emacs to run TASKS from FILE, REPETITIONS times.
+TARGET-EMACS is the directory in which the target Emacs was
+built, and the executable should be in \"result/bin/emacs\"
+relative to TARGET-EMACS.
+Return an `erb--target-output' structure containing the results
+of running the process, including exit code, benchmark results
+and output.  If TASKS is nil, do not load ERB in the target Emacs
+  (let* ((filename (file-relative-name file (erb--benchmark-dir)))
+         (tasks-file (when tasks
+                       (erb--compile-tasks-file target-emacs file)))
+         (results-file (expand-file-name "results.eld" target-emacs))
+         ;; TODO wrap loads and evals with with-demoted-errors
+         ;; to guarantee we always get to kill-emacs, even when running
+         ;; interactively.
+         (executable (expand-file-name "result/bin/emacs" target-emacs))
+         (invoke-emacs-args (map-elt erb--machine-config 'emacs-arguments))
+         (load-erb-and-task-args (when tasks
+                                   `("-l" ,erb-task-el-filename
+                                     "-l" ,tasks-file)))
+         (repetitions-args
+          `("--eval" ,(format "(setq erb-task-repetitions %s)" repetitions)))
+         (task-names (mapcar #'erb--metadata-name tasks))
+         (task-list (mapconcat #'symbol-name task-names " "))
+         (invoke-erb-args
+          (when tasks
+            `("--eval" ,(format "(erb-task-run-batch '(%s) %S)"
+                                task-list results-file))))
+         (kill-emacs-args '("--eval" "(kill-emacs)"))
+         (args (append invoke-emacs-args
+                       repetitions-args
+                       load-erb-and-task-args
+                       invoke-erb-args
+                       kill-emacs-args))
+         (target-output (erb--call-process-read-results executable args
+                                                        results-file)))
+    (setf (erb--target-output-file target-output) filename
+          (erb--target-output-tasks target-output) task-names)
+    target-output))
+(defun erb--call-process-read-results (executable args file &optional _async)
+  "Invoke EXECUTABLE with ARGS.
+Return the results of the process in an `erb--target-output'
+FILE should be a filename.  If the file exists after the process
+finishes, read a Lisp object from it and put it in the `results'
+slot of the returned structure."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    ;; TODO asynchronicity
+    (let* ((outbuf (generate-new-buffer "ERB-task"))
+           (exit-code (apply #'call-process
+                             (append `(,executable nil ,outbuf nil) args)))
+           (retval (make-erb--target-output
+                    :exit-code exit-code
+                    :output (with-current-buffer outbuf (buffer-string))
+                    :time (truncate (time-to-seconds (current-time))))))
+      (kill-buffer outbuf)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (when (file-readable-p file)
+          (insert-file-contents file)
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (condition-case err
+              (setf (erb--target-output-results retval)
+                    (read (current-buffer)))
+            (error
+             (message "Invalid Lisp object in ERB: %s (%s)" err args)
+             (setf (erb--target-output-results-string retval)
+                   (buffer-string))))))
+      retval)))
+(defun erb--compile-tasks-file (target-emacs file)
+  ;; TODO make a benchmark subdirectory in target-emacs and compile there
+  (let ((dest (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file) target-emacs)))
+    (copy-file file dest t)
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (let ((exit-code (call-process
+                        (expand-file-name "result/bin/emacs" target-emacs)
+                        nil t nil
+                        "-Q" "--batch"
+                        "-l" erb-task-el-filename
+                        "-f" "batch-byte-compile" dest)))
+        (when (> (point-max) (point-min))
+          (message "%s" (buffer-string)))
+        (unless (equal 0 exit-code)
+          (message "Failed to byte-compile %s" file))
+        ;; TODO log this somehow
+        (format "%s%s" dest (if (equal 0 exit-code) "c" ""))))))
+;;;; Benchmark runner status
+;; TODO make this a cl-defstruct and implement clear with
+;; introspection
+(defconst erb--status-fields
+  '(state                  ; nil, building, benchmarking or done
+    waiting-to-build       ; The commits which have not yet been built.
+    commits                ; All the commits in the job.
+    building               ; The commits currently being built.
+    built                  ; Commits which have been successfully built.
+    failed-builds          ; Commits we tried and failed to build.
+    waiting-to-benchmark   ; Built and waiting to be benchmarked.
+    benchmarking           ; Commits currently being benchmarked.
+    failed-runs            ; Commits with errors during benchmarking.
+    finished               ; Commits done benchmarking.
+    start-time             ; Time stamp when run started (see `current-time').
+    stop-time))            ; Time stamp when run stopped.
+(defvar erb--status (mapcar #'list erb--status-fields)
+  "An alist containing the status of the ERB benchmark runner.")
+(make-symbol-mutex 'erb--status)
+(defun erb--clear-status ()
+  "Reset all the ERB benchmarking status variables to their initial state."
+  (with-symbol-mutex erb--status
+    (setq erb--status (mapcar #'list erb--status-fields))))
+(defun erb--status-set (field value)
+  (with-symbol-mutex erb--status
+    (setf (map-elt erb--status field)  value)))
+(defun erb--status-add (value field)
+  (with-symbol-mutex erb--status
+    (push value (map-elt erb--status field))))
+(defun erb--status-remove (value field)
+  (with-symbol-mutex erb--status
+    (setf (map-elt erb--status field)
+          (remove value (map-elt erb--status field)))))
+(defun erb--status (field)
+  (with-symbol-mutex erb--status
+    (map-elt erb--status field)))
+;;;; Store and retrieve benchmark results
+;;;;; Benchmark result data structures
+(cl-defstruct erb--result
+  machine commit name version file time samples)
+(defun erb--result< (a b)
+  "Return non-nil if A should be sorted before B.
+A and B should be `erb--result' structures."
+  (catch 'done
+    (let ((slots '(file name version machine commit)))
+      (dolist (slot slots)
+        (let ((a-val (cl-struct-slot-value 'erb--result slot a))
+              (b-val (cl-struct-slot-value 'erb--result slot b)))
+          (unless (string= a-val b-val)
+            (throw 'done (string< a-val b-val)))))
+      (< (erb--result-time a) (erb--result-time b)))))
+(defun erb--struct-match-p (type slots a b)
+  "Return non-nil if the SLOTS in A and B are the same (using `equal').
+SLOTS should be a list of symbols which are slot names in
+TYPE (as defined by `cl-defstruct'), and A and B should be
+instances of TYPE."
+  (catch 'result
+    (dolist (slot slots)
+      (unless (equal (cl-struct-slot-value type slot a)
+                     (cl-struct-slot-value type slot b))
+        (throw 'result nil)))
+    t))
+(iter-defun erb--chunk-list (type slots structs)
+  "Yield lists of entries from STRUCTS in which the values of SLOTS match.
+STRUCTS should be a list of instances of TYPE (as defined by
+`cl-defstruct') and SLOTS should be a list of symbols
+corresponding to slots in TYPE.  Yield a list containing the
+first remaining element of STRUCTS plus those elements immediately
+following it which have the same slot values."
+  (while structs
+    (let ((first (car structs))
+          matching)
+      (while (and structs (erb--struct-match-p type slots first (car structs)))
+        (push (pop structs) matching))
+      (iter-yield (nreverse matching)))))
+(cl-defstruct erb--failure
+  machine    ; Hostname the target Emacs was run on.
+  commit     ; Commit the target Emacs was built from.
+  file       ; Name of the benchmark task definition file, relative to the
+             ; benchmark directory.
+  tasks      ; Single task or list of tasks provided to Emacs (as symbols).
+  error      ; (SYMBOL MESSAGE)
+  time       ; Integer Unix timestamp.
+  )
+(cl-defstruct erb--output
+  machine commit file tasks output time)
+(cl-defstruct erb--messages
+  machine commit file name messages time)
+(cl-defstruct erb--run-results
+  results   ; A list of `erb--result's.
+  messages  ; A list of `erb--messages'.
+  outputs   ; A list of `erb--output's.
+  failures  ; A list of `erb--failure's.
+  )
+(defun erb--merge-run-results (a b)
+  "Return an `erb--run-results' structure by combining A and B.
+A and B should be `erb--run-results' structures.   Destructively
+modify A."
+  (make-erb--run-results
+   :results
+   (nconc (erb--run-results-results a) (erb--run-results-results b))
+   :messages
+   (nconc (erb--run-results-messages a) (erb--run-results-messages b))
+   :outputs
+   (nconc (erb--run-results-outputs a) (erb--run-results-outputs b))
+   :failures
+   (nconc (erb--run-results-failures a) (erb--run-results-failures b))))
+(defconst erb--run-result-dir-names-alist
+  '((results "measurements")
+    (messages "logs" "messages")
+    (outputs "logs" "process-output")
+    (failures "task-errors"))
+  "Directories in which to save the components of `erb--run-results'.
+An alist mapping `erb--run-results' slot names to lists of strings,
+which are used to construct directory names.")
+(defun erb--run-result-dir-name (slot)
+  "Return the directory name used by SLOT of `erb--run-result.'"
+  (let ((names (alist-get slot erb--run-result-dir-names-alist))
+        (dirname (erb--results-dir)))
+    (dolist (name names)
+      (setq dirname (expand-file-name name dirname)))
+    dirname))
+(defun erb--record-run-results (commit machine run-result)
+  "Add the contents of RUN-RESULT to the data saved for COMMIT and MACHINE."
+  (dolist (slot (mapcar #'car erb--run-result-dir-names-alist))
+    (when-let ((entries (cl-struct-slot-value 'erb--run-results slot 
+               (directory (erb--run-result-dir-name slot))
+               (file (expand-file-name (format "%s.eld" commit) directory)))
+      (make-directory directory t)
+      (let ((table (if (file-readable-p file)
+                       (erb--table-read file)
+                     (make-erb--table-for-type
+                      (type-of (car entries))
+                      :constants (list :commit commit :machine machine)))))
+        (erb--table-insert table entries)
+        (erb--table-write table file)))))
+;;;;; Detect errors
+(defun erb--get-failures (target-output)
+  "Return a list of failure conditions found in TARGET-OUTPUT.
+Return a list of `erb-failure' structures for the following
+conditions: nonzero process exit code, results that were entirely
+missing, missing or invalid samples, errors recorded in samples,
+and tasks without results."
+  (let* (failures
+         (file           (erb--target-output-file            target-output))
+         (tasks          (erb--target-output-tasks           target-output))
+         (results        (erb--target-output-results         target-output))
+         (results-string (erb--target-output-results-string  target-output))
+         (exit-code      (erb--target-output-exit-code       target-output))
+         (time           (erb--target-output-time            target-output))
+         (filename (file-relative-name file (erb--benchmark-dir))))
+    (cl-flet ((add-failure (task err)
+                           (push (make-erb--failure :file filename :tasks task
+                                                    :error err :time time)
+                                 failures)))
+      (cond
+       ((not (equal 0 exit-code))
+        (add-failure tasks `(erb--process-failed
+                             ,(format "Process exit code: %s" exit-code))))
+       ((and tasks (null results))
+        (add-failure tasks `(erb--invalid-results
+                             ,(format "Contents of results file: %S"
+                                      results-string))))
+       (t (let (found)
+            (dolist (result results)
+              (map-let (name samples) result
+                (push name found)
+                (if (null samples)
+                    (add-failure name '(erb--no-samples "No samples 
+                  (catch 'break
+                    (dolist (sample samples)
+                      (cond
+                       ((and sample
+                             (= (length sample) 2)
+                             (symbolp (nth 0 sample))
+                             (stringp (nth 1 sample)))
+                        (add-failure name sample)
+                        (throw 'break))
+                       ((not (erb--valid-sample-p sample))
+                        (add-failure name `(erb--invalid-sample
+                                            ,(format "Invalid sample: %s"
+                                                     sample)))
+                        (throw 'break))))))))
+            (dolist (not-found (cl-set-difference (if (listp tasks)
+                                                      tasks (list tasks))
+                                                  found))
+              (add-failure not-found
+                           `(erb--missing-task
+                             ,(format "No samples created for task"))))))))
+    failures))
+(defun erb--valid-sample-p (sample)
+  "Return non-nil if SAMPLE resembles a return value of `benchmark-run'."
+  (and (listp sample)
+       (= (length sample) 3)
+       (floatp (nth 0 sample))
+       (integerp (nth 1 sample))
+       (floatp (nth 2 sample))))
+;;;;; Extract structured data from output of target process
+(defun erb--get-messages (target-output)
+  "Make all the messages in TARGET-OUTPUT into `erb-message' structures.
+Return a list."
+  (let (message-structs
+        (file           (erb--target-output-file      target-output))
+        (results        (erb--target-output-results   target-output))
+        (exit-code      (erb--target-output-exit-code target-output))
+        (time           (erb--target-output-time      target-output)))
+    (when (equal 0 exit-code)
+      (dolist (result results)
+        (map-let (name messages) result
+          (let* ((unique-messages
+                  (cl-remove-duplicates (remove "" messages)
+                                        :test #'string=)))
+            (when unique-messages
+              (push (make-erb--messages :file file :name name
+                                        :messages unique-messages :time time)
+                    message-structs))))))
+    message-structs))
+(defun erb--get-outputs (target-output)
+  "Return the process output from TARGET-OUTPUT, if there was any.
+Return it as a list containing a single `erb--output' structure, or
+nil if there was no output."
+  (let ((file (erb--target-output-file target-output))
+        (tasks (erb--target-output-tasks target-output))
+        (output (erb--target-output-output target-output))
+        (time (erb--target-output-time target-output)))
+    (unless (string= output "")
+      (list
+       (make-erb--output :file file :tasks tasks :output output :time time)))))
+(defun erb--get-successful-results (target-output)
+  "Return only those results in TARGET-OUTPUT representing successful runs.
+Returns a list of `erb--result' structures."
+  (let (result-structs
+        (file           (erb--target-output-file      target-output))
+        (results        (erb--target-output-results   target-output))
+        (exit-code      (erb--target-output-exit-code target-output))
+        (time           (erb--target-output-time      target-output)))
+    (when (equal 0 exit-code)
+      (dolist (result results)
+        (map-let (name version samples) result
+          (when (and samples
+                     (seq-every-p #'erb--valid-sample-p samples))
+            (push (make-erb--result :file file :name name :version version
+                                    :samples samples :time time)
+                  result-structs)))))
+    result-structs))
+;;;;; Filenames and directories for benchmark results
+(defun erb--failed-runs-dir (&optional machine)
+  (expand-file-name "task-errors" (erb--results-dir machine)))
+(defun erb--failed-builds-dir (&optional machine)
+  (expand-file-name "build-errors" (erb--results-dir machine)))
+(defun erb--results-dir (&optional machine)
+  (unless machine (setq machine (system-name)))
+  (thread-last erb-suite-directory
+    (expand-file-name "results")
+    (expand-file-name machine)))
+(defun erb--machine-results-dirs ()
+  (let ((files (directory-files
+                (expand-file-name "results" erb-suite-directory) t
+                "[^.].*")))
+    (seq-filter #'file-directory-p files)))
+;;; Minimal database API
+(cl-defstruct (erb--table
+               (:constructor make-erb--table)
+               (:constructor make-erb--table-for-type
+                             (type
+                              &key (constants nil)
+                              &aux
+                              ;; Only those keys not in `constants'
+                              (keys (erb--table-find-keys type constants)))))
+  type keys constants rows)
+(defun erb--table-find-keys (type constants)
+  "Return the list of keys to be saved in the file.
+Return the list of slot names for TYPE converted to keywords,
+and without any keywords found in the plist CONSTANTS."
+  (let* ((slots (cdr (mapcar #'car (cl-struct-slot-info type))))
+         (keywords (mapcar (lambda (slot)
+                             (intern (format ":%s" (symbol-name slot))))
+                           slots))
+         (constants (cl-loop for k in constants by #'cddr
+                             collect k)))
+    (cl-set-difference keywords constants)))
+(defun erb--table-insert (table rows)
+  "Insert ROWS into TABLE.
+ROWS may be a single object or a list."
+  (unless (listp rows)
+    (setq rows (list rows)))
+  (let ((type (erb--table-type table)))
+    (mapc (lambda (rec) (cl-assert (eq (type-of rec) type))) rows))
+  (setf (erb--table-rows table) (nconc (erb--table-rows table) rows))
+  table)
+(defun erb--table-read (filename)
+  "Read a `erb--table' from FILENAME."
+  (let (table)
+    (condition-case err
+        (when (file-readable-p filename)
+          (with-temp-buffer
+            (insert-file-contents filename)
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (setq table (read (current-buffer)))))
+      (error "Error reading %s: %s" filename err))
+    (unless (and table
+                 (null (cl-set-exclusive-or (map-keys table)
+                                            '(erb-version type keys
+                                              constants rows))))
+      ;; TODO the right thing about older/newer ERB versions
+      ;; have an argument to the constructor for that
+      (error "Incorrect keys in ERB data file: %s" filename))
+    (map-let (erb-version type keys constants rows) table
+      (let ((constructor (apply-partially #'erb--make-record
+                                          type keys constants)))
+        (make-erb--table :type type
+                         :keys keys
+                         :constants constants
+                         :rows (mapcar constructor rows))))))
+(defun erb--make-record (type keys constants values)
+  "Return a new structure of TYPE initialized by VALUES.
+The slots corresponding to KEYS will be set to the respective values in
+VALUES.  The plist CONSTANTS will be included in the arguments
+passed to the constructor."
+  (let* ((kv-pairs (cl-mapcar #'list keys values))
+         (kv-args (apply #'append kv-pairs))
+         (args (append constants kv-args))
+         (constructor (intern-soft (format "make-%s" (symbol-name type)))))
+     (apply constructor args)))
+(defun erb--table-write (table filename)
+  "Write TABLE to FILENAME."
+  (let* ((rows (erb--table-rows table))
+         (values (mapcar (apply-partially #'erb--get-record-values table) 
+         (alist `((erb-version     . ,erb-version)
+                  (type            . ,(erb--table-type table))
+                  (keys            . ,(erb--table-keys table))
+                  (constants       . ,(erb--table-constants table))
+                  (rows            . ,values))))
+    (with-temp-file filename
+      (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+        (cl-prin1 alist)
+        (pp-buffer)))))
+(defun erb--get-record-values (table record)
+  "Return a list of the values corresponding to KEYS in RECORD."
+  (mapcar (lambda (key)
+            (cl-struct-slot-value (erb--table-type table)
+                                  (intern (substring (symbol-name key) 1))
+                                  record))
+          (erb--table-keys table)))
+(defun erb--table-select (table func)
+  "Return all rows in TABLE for which FUNC returns non-nil."
+  (let (results)
+    (dolist (row (erb--table-rows table))
+      (when (funcall func row)
+        (push row results)))
+    (nreverse results)))
+(defun erb--table-update (table select-func update-func)
+  "Update selected rows in TABLE.
+Call SELECT-FUNC on each row in TABLE.  If it returns non-nil,
+call UPDATE-FUNC on the row."
+  (dolist (row (erb--table-rows table))
+    (when (funcall select-func row)
+      (funcall update-func row))))
+;;; Cache commit times
+(cl-defstruct erb--commit
+  commit time)
+(defun erb--cache-commit-time (commit)
+  "Get the time of COMMIT from git if that has not yet been done.
+Save it in a database in the \"commits\" subdirectory of the
+machine results directory.  These could be combined into a single
+file instead of one file per machine, but that would make
+git-merging results harder."
+  ;; TODO function to generate filename
+  (let* ((dirname (expand-file-name "cache" (erb--results-dir)))
+         (filename (progn (make-directory dirname t)
+                          (expand-file-name "commits.eld" dirname)))
+         (commit-db
+          (if (file-readable-p filename)
+              (erb--table-read filename)
+            (make-erb--table-for-type 'erb--commit)))
+         (select-func (lambda (rec) (string= commit (erb--commit-commit 
+    (unless (erb--table-select commit-db select-func)
+      (erb--table-insert commit-db
+                         (make-erb--commit :commit commit
+                                           :time (erb--vc-get-commit-time
+                                                  commit)))
+      (erb--table-write commit-db filename))))
+(defun erb--read-commit-cache ()
+  "Read all the cached commit times and return them in a hash table."
+  (let ((all-commits (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+    (dolist (machine (erb--machine-results-dirs))
+      (when-let ((commit-file (thread-last machine
+                                (expand-file-name "cache")
+                                (expand-file-name "commits.eld")))
+                 (table (with-demoted-errors "Error: %s"
+                          (erb--table-read commit-file))))
+        (dolist (row (erb--table-rows table))
+          (puthash (erb--commit-commit row) (erb--commit-time row)
+                   all-commits))))
+    all-commits))
+;;; Communication with version control
+(defun erb--vc-get-commit-time (commit)
+  "Get the UNIX timestamp for COMMIT."
+  (let ((default-directory (map-elt erb--config 'project-repo)))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (call-process "git" nil t nil
+                    "log" "-1" "--format=%ct" commit)
+      (string-to-number (buffer-string)))))
+(defun erb--vc-tasks-for-commmit (commit)
+  "Return the list of tasks which should be run for COMMIT."
+  (map-let (project-repo) erb--config
+    (seq-filter (lambda (task)
+                  (erb--vc-commit-appropriate-p task project-repo commit))
+                erb--benchmark-tasks)))
+;; TODO
+(defun erb--vc-commit-appropriate-p (_task _src-repo _commit)
+  "Return non-nil if TASK should be run for a build of COMMIT."
+  t)
+(defvar erb--commit-range-count-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defun erb--vc-get-commit-range-count (range)
+  "Return the number of commits in RANGE.
+If there is an error trying to determine that, return nil."
+  (if-let ((cached (gethash range erb--commit-range-count-cache)))
+      cached
+    (let ((default-directory (map-elt erb--config 'project-repo)))
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (when (= (call-process "git" nil t nil "rev-list" "--count" range) 0)
+          (let ((result (string-to-number (buffer-string))))
+            (puthash range result erb--commit-range-count-cache)
+            result))))))
+(defun erb--vc-get-commits (range &optional select-count)
+  "Return the list of commits in RANGE, ordered oldest to newest.
+If SELECT-COUNT is provided, limit the number of commits returned
+to that number, choosing them at intervals spaced out over the
+entire list of commits."
+  (let* ((default-directory (map-elt erb--config 'project-repo))
+         (lines (process-lines "git" "rev-list" "--first-parent" range))
+         (count (length lines))
+         (num (or select-count count))
+         (gap (max 1 (/ (- count 1) (if (> num 1) (- num 1.0) 1.0))))
+         (indices (let ((index 0)
+                        result)
+                    (while (and (< index count) (< (length result) num))
+                      (push (truncate index) result)
+                      (cl-incf index gap))
+                    (when (< (length result) num)
+                      (push (1- count) result))
+                    (cl-remove-duplicates result :test #'=))))
+    (mapcar (lambda (index) (nth index lines)) indices)))
+;;; Publish results
+;;;; Customize which results are used and shown
+(defcustom erb--include-older-samples nil
+  "When non-nil, average the results of all the runs of each task."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'erb
+  :version "27.1")
+(defcustom erb--show-all-task-versions nil
+  "When non-nil, show results for older versions of tasks.
+Otherwise only the results of the newest version of the task will
+be shown."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'erb
+  :version "27.1")
+;;;; Data structure for summarized results
+(cl-defstruct erb--summary
+  name           ; from erb--result
+  file           ; from erb--result
+  version-values ; ((VERSION . COMMIT-VALUES) ...)
+                 ; COMMIT-VALUES is list (commit VALUES)
+                 ; VALUES is an array of floats indexed by machine number
+  )
+;;;; Read and summarize benchmark results
+(defun erb--read-all-results ()
+  "Read all the benchmarking results from all the machines.
+Return a sorted list of `erb-result' structures."
+  (let ((machine-dirs (erb--machine-results-dirs))
+        all-results
+        (all-commits (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+    ;; Collect all results from all machines into one list.
+    (dolist (machine machine-dirs)
+      (let ((measurements-dir (expand-file-name "measurements" machine)))
+        (dolist (commit-file (directory-files measurements-dir t ".+\\.eld$"))
+          (when-let ((commit (substring (file-name-nondirectory commit-file)
+                                        0 (- (length ".eld"))))
+                     (commit-time (gethash commit all-commits 0))
+                     (table (erb--table-read commit-file)))
+            (dolist (row (erb--table-rows table))
+              (push row all-results))))))
+    (sort all-results #'erb--result<)))
+(defun erb--calculate-result-averages (results)
+  "Calculate average times for each benchmark task.
+RESULTS should be a sorted list of `erb--result' structures, one
+for each task run.  Calculate the averages of all the samples for
+each task run for each commit on each machine, and return a list
+of `erb-result' structures, with the `samples' slot containing
+the calculated average time."
+  (let (averaged-results)
+    (iter-do (matching (erb--chunk-list 'erb--result
+                                        '(machine commit name file version)
+                                        results))
+      (let* ((newest (car (last matching)))
+             (copy (copy-erb--result newest)))
+        (setf (erb--result-samples copy)
+              (erb--average-of-samples
+               (if erb--include-older-samples
+                   (let ((all-samples (apply #'append
+                                             (mapcar #'erb--result-samples
+                                                     matching))))
+                     all-samples)
+                 (erb--result-samples newest))))
+        (push copy averaged-results)))
+    (nreverse averaged-results)))
+(defun erb--average-of-samples (samples)
+  (/ (seq-reduce #'+ (mapcar #'car samples) 0.0) (length samples)))
+(defun erb--summarize-task-results (machines averaged-results)
+  "Collect results for each task into `erb--summary' structures.
+MACHINES is a list of machine names.  AVERAGED-RESULTS should be
+a sorted list of `erb--result' structures.  Collect all the
+results for all the runs of each task into one `erb--summary'
+structure per task."
+  (let (summaries last-machine last-machine-index)
+    ;; Since the list of results is sorted by machine, avoid
+    ;; calls to cl-position by caching it.
+    (cl-flet ((machine-index (machine)
+                (unless (equal last-machine machine)
+                  (setq last-machine machine
+                        last-machine-index (cl-position machine machines
+                                                        :test 'equal)))
+                last-machine-index))
+      (iter-do (task-results (erb--chunk-list 'erb--result '(name file)
+                                              averaged-results))
+        (let* ((first (car task-results))
+               (summary (make-erb--summary :name (erb--result-name first)
+                                           :file (erb--result-file first))))
+          (iter-do (version-results (erb--chunk-list 'erb--result
+                                                     '(version)
+                                                     task-results))
+            ;; Now we have a list where all entries have the same
+            ;; file, task, name and version but different machines and
+            ;; commits.  Make an alist where the keys are commits and
+            ;; the values are arrays of measurements indexed by machines.
+            ;; All commits are not necessarily present on all machines.
+            (let ((commit-values-ht (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+                  (version (erb--result-version (car version-results))))
+              (dolist (result version-results)
+                (let ((existing (gethash (erb--result-commit result)
+                                         commit-values-ht)))
+                  (unless existing
+                    (setq existing (make-vector (length machines) nil)))
+                  (aset existing (machine-index (erb--result-machine result))
+                        (erb--result-samples result))
+                  (puthash (erb--result-commit result) existing
+                           commit-values-ht)))
+              ;; Convert the hash table to an alist.
+              (let (commit-values)
+                (maphash #'(lambda (c v) (push (cons c v) commit-values))
+                         commit-values-ht)
+                (push (cons version commit-values)
+                      (erb--summary-version-values summary)))))
+          (setf (erb--summary-version-values summary)
+                (nreverse (erb--summary-version-values summary)))
+          (push summary summaries))))
+    (nreverse summaries)))
+;;; Write org file containing results with gnuplot graphs
+;; Todo something like sockeye (nixos) and rainbow (darwin) in graph keys
+(defun erb-write-result-org-file ()
+  (interactive)
+  (erb--update-config-cache)
+  (unless erb--config
+    (insert (format "Error reading `config.eld': \n  %s\n" erb--config-err)))
+  (unless erb--benchmark-tasks
+    (erb--read-benchmark-metadata))
+  (let* ((report-dir (expand-file-name "report" erb-suite-directory))
+         (report-file (progn (make-directory report-dir t)
+                             (expand-file-name "report.org" report-dir)))
+         (machines (sort (mapcar #'file-name-nondirectory
+                                 (erb--machine-results-dirs))
+                         #'string<))
+         (results (erb--read-all-results))
+         (averages (erb--calculate-result-averages results))
+         (summaries (erb--summarize-task-results machines averages))
+         (commit-cache (erb--read-commit-cache))
+         (title (format "#+TITLE: %s Benchmarks\n"
+                        (map-elt erb--config 'project-name)))
+         (xtics (format "set xtics rotate by -45 \\\n    (%s)\n"
+                        (mapconcat (lambda (commit)
+                                     (format "\"%s\" %s" commit
+                                             (erb--vc-get-commit-time commit)))
+                                   (map-elt erb--config 'tags) ", \\\n     ")))
+         (this-buffer (current-buffer)))
+    ;; TODO what does gnuplot do with empty list?
+    (make-directory (expand-file-name "plots" report-dir) t)
+    (with-temp-file report-file
+      (insert
+       title
+       "#+OPTIONS: toc:2 num:2 author:nil\n"
+       "#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=0.5in]{geometry}\n"
+       "* Benchmark results\n")
+      (iter-do (file-summaries (erb--chunk-list 'erb--summary
+                                                '(file) summaries))
+        (let ((file (erb--summary-file (car file-summaries))))
+          (insert
+           (format "** %s\n" (with-current-buffer this-buffer
+                               (erb--benchmark-file-description file)))
+           (format "=%s=\n" file)))
+        (dolist (summary file-summaries)
+          (let* ((name (erb--summary-name summary))
+                 (vv-alist (erb--summary-version-values summary))
+                 (multiple-versions (> (length vv-alist) 1))
+                 (versions (mapcar #'car
+                                   (if erb--show-all-task-versions
+                                       vv-alist
+                                     (last vv-alist))))
+                 (data-tables ""))
+            (insert
+             (format "*** %s\n" name)
+             (if-let ((metadata
+                       (seq-find (lambda (m)
+                                   (equal name (erb--metadata-name m)))
+                                 erb--benchmark-tasks)))
+                 (format "%s\n" (substitute-command-keys
+                                 (erb--metadata-documentation metadata)))
+               ""))
+            (dolist (version versions)
+              (let* ((data-table-name (format "%s-%s" name version))
+                     (measurements (erb--summary-measurements
+                                    commit-cache version summary))
+                     (x-axis (erb--analyze-x-axis measurements))
+                     (y-axis (erb--analyze-y-axis measurements)))
+                (insert
+                 "#+BEGIN_SRC gnuplot "
+                 (format ":var data=%1$s() :file plots/%1$s.png :noweb yes\n"
+                         data-table-name)
+                 "reset\n"
+                 "set terminal png size 800, 600\n"
+                 (format "set title \"%s%s\"\n" name
+                         (if multiple-versions (format "-%s" version) ""))
+                 "set xlabel \"Commit\"\n"
+                 (format "set xrange [%s:%s]\n"
+                         (map-elt x-axis 'actual-min)
+                         (map-elt x-axis 'actual-max))
+                 "<<xtics>>\n"
+                 "set ylabel \"Run time (seconds)\"\n"
+                 (format "set yrange [%s:%s]\n"
+                         0 (* 1.1 (map-elt y-axis 'actual-max)))
+                 "set key right bottom\n"
+                 "plot "
+                 (mapconcat (lambda (mach-index)
+                              (format "data u 2:%d w lp lw 2 title '%s'"
+                                      (+ mach-index 3)
+                                      (nth mach-index machines)))
+                            (number-sequence 0 (1- (length machines)))
+                            ", \\\n     ")
+                 "\n"
+                 "#+END_SRC\n\n")
+                ;; Because of the :noexport: tags, the data tables
+                ;; have to come after the plots.  Print them to a
+                ;; string now and insert them after the version loop,
+                ;; to avoid having to recalculate `measurements'.
+                (setq data-tables
+                      (concat data-tables
+                              (format "*** Measurements for %s :noexport:\n"
+                                      data-table-name)
+                              (format "#+NAME: %s\n" data-table-name)
+                              "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp\n"
+                              (with-temp-buffer
+                                (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+                                  (princ "'")
+                                  (cl-prin1 measurements))
+                                (pp-buffer)
+                                (buffer-string))
+                              "#+END_SRC\n\n"))))
+            (insert data-tables))))
+      (insert "* Benchmark machine information\n")
+      (dolist (machine machines)
+        (let ((config (with-demoted-errors "Error: %s"
+                        (erb--read-machine-config machine)))
+              (info (with-demoted-errors "Error: %s"
+                      (car-safe (erb--read-saved-machine-info machine))))
+              (important '("OS" "Kernel" "CPU" "GPU" "Memory")))
+          (insert
+           (format "** %s\n" machine)
+           "*** Configuration\n"
+           (format "Arguments used to invoke Emacs: =%s=\n"
+                   (mapconcat #'identity (map-elt config 'emacs-arguments) " 
+           "*** System information\n"
+           "#+OPTIONS: ^:nil\n")
+          (if (null info)
+              (insert "Unavailable\n")
+            (insert
+             "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results value table :exports results\n"
+             (with-temp-buffer
+               (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
+                     cleaned-info)
+                 (dolist (key important)
+                   (when-let ((value (map-elt info key nil #'equal)))
+                     (push (list key value) cleaned-info)))
+                 (dolist (key (cl-set-difference (mapcar #'car info) important
+                                                 :test #'equal))
+                   (when-let ((is-string (stringp key))
+                              (value (map-elt info key nil #'equal)))
+                     (push (list key value) cleaned-info)))
+                 (princ "'")
+                 (cl-prin1 (nreverse cleaned-info)))
+               (pp-buffer)
+               (buffer-string))
+             "#+END_SRC\n\n"
+             (format-time-string
+              "System information last updated: %Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M\n"
+              (map-elt info :time))
+             "* Xtics :noexport:\n"
+             "#+BEGIN_SRC gnuplot :export none\n"
+             xtics
+             "#+END_SRC\n")))))))
+(defun erb--benchmark-file-description (file)
+  (let ((filename (expand-file-name file (erb--benchmark-dir))))
+    (condition-case _err
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          (insert-file-contents filename)
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (re-search-forward ";+ .+? --- \\(.+?\\)\\( -*-.+?\\)$"
+                             (save-excursion (forward-line) (point)))
+          (match-string 1))
+      (error "Failed to find description in first line"))))
+(defun erb--analyze-x-axis (measurements)
+  (erb--analyze-axis (mapcar #'cadr measurements)))
+(defun erb--analyze-y-axis (measurements)
+  (let* ((count (- (length (car measurements)) 2))
+        (y-values (mapcar (lambda (measurement)
+                            (last measurement count))
+                          measurements)))
+    (erb--analyze-axis (apply #'append y-values))))
+;; TODO cl-defstruct
+(defun erb--analyze-axis (numbers)
+  (setq numbers (remq nil numbers))
+  (let* ((actual-min (seq-reduce #'min numbers (car numbers)))
+         (actual-max (seq-reduce #'max numbers (car numbers)))
+         (range (- actual-max actual-min))
+         (padded-min (max 0 (- actual-min (* 0.2 range))))
+         (padded-max (+ actual-max (* 0.2 range))))
+    `((actual-min . ,actual-min)
+      (actual-max . ,actual-max)
+      (range      . ,range)
+      (padded-min . ,padded-min)
+      (padded-max . ,padded-max))))
+(defun erb--summary-measurements (commit-time-cache version summary)
+  (let* ((values (map-elt (erb--summary-version-values summary) version
+                          nil #'equal))
+         (measurements
+          (mapcar
+           (pcase-lambda (`(,commit . ,machine-values))
+             (let ((commit-time (gethash commit commit-time-cache 0)))
+               (append (list commit commit-time) machine-values nil)))
+           values)))
+    ;; Return list sorted by commit time.
+    (sort measurements (lambda (a b) (< (nth 1 a) (nth 1 b))))))
+(provide 'erb)
+;;; erb.el ends here

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