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[Emacs-diffs] scratch/nonspecial-handlers 2e2dfd1: Test and fix "/:" quo

From: Noam Postavsky
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] scratch/nonspecial-handlers 2e2dfd1: Test and fix "/:" quoted file name handlers (Bug#30243)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 09:00:24 -0500 (EST)

branch: scratch/nonspecial-handlers
commit 2e2dfd181fd00ffc9ade9362b5c0012fca5f0f14
Author: Noam Postavsky <address@hidden>
Commit: Noam Postavsky <address@hidden>

    Test and fix "/:" quoted file name handlers (Bug#30243)
    * lisp/files.el (file-name-non-special): Strip the "/:" from
    `default-directory' for `temporary-file-directory' operation; both
    arguments to `file-name-completion', `file-name-all-completion', and
    `file-equal-p' operations; `buffer-file-name' for
    `make-auto-save-file-name' and 'set-visited-file-modtime' operations.
    Don't touch any operands of `file-notify-rm-watch' and
    `file-notify-valid-p' as they receive descriptors; not file
    names (this is not sufficient to fix these operations for "/:" quoted
    file names though).
    * test/lisp/files-tests.el (files-tests--with-temp-dir): New macro.
    (files-file-name-non-special-handlers): New tests.
 lisp/files.el            |  21 +++++-
 test/lisp/files-tests.el | 186 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/files.el b/lisp/files.el
index 66420e7..5766403 100644
--- a/lisp/files.el
+++ b/lisp/files.el
@@ -6999,7 +6999,7 @@ only these files will be asked to be saved."
            ;; Bug#25949.
           (if (memq operation
                      '(insert-directory process-file start-file-process
-                                        shell-command))
+                                        shell-command 
                 (unhandled-file-name-directory default-directory)))
@@ -7023,15 +7023,22 @@ only these files will be asked to be saved."
                            ;; temporarily to unquoted filename.
                            (verify-visited-file-modtime unquote-then-quote)
                            ;; List the arguments which are filenames.
-                           (file-name-completion 1)
-                           (file-name-all-completions 1)
+                           (file-name-completion 0 1)
+                           (file-name-all-completions 0 1)
+                            (file-equal-p 0 1)
                            (write-region 2 5)
                            (rename-file 0 1)
                            (copy-file 0 1)
                            (copy-directory 0 1)
                            (file-in-directory-p 0 1)
                            (make-symbolic-link 0 1)
-                           (add-name-to-file 0 1))))
+                           (add-name-to-file 0 1)
+                            (make-auto-save-file-name buffer-file-name)
+                            (set-visited-file-modtime buffer-file-name)
+                            ;; These file-notify-* operations take a
+                            ;; descriptor.
+                            (file-notify-rm-watch . nil)
+                            (file-notify-valid-p . nil))))
                   ;; For all other operations, treat the first argument only
                   ;; as the file name.
                   '(nil 0))))
@@ -7054,6 +7061,12 @@ only these files will be asked to be saved."
     (pcase method
       (`identity (car arguments))
       (`add (file-name-quote (apply operation arguments)))
+      (`buffer-file-name
+       (let ((buffer-file-name
+              (if (string-match "\\`/:" buffer-file-name)
+                  (substring buffer-file-name (match-end 0))
+                buffer-file-name)))
+         (apply operation arguments)))
        (let ((visit (nth 1 arguments)))
diff --git a/test/lisp/files-tests.el b/test/lisp/files-tests.el
index 8dbfc29..4738a50 100644
--- a/test/lisp/files-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/files-tests.el
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
 (require 'ert)
 (require 'nadvice)
+(require 'bytecomp) ; `byte-compiler-base-file-name'.
+(require 'dired) ; `dired-uncache'.
+(require 'filenotify) ; `file-notify-add-watch'.
 ;; Set to t if the local variable was set, `query' if the query was
 ;; triggered.
@@ -286,6 +289,14 @@ be $HOME."
          (progn ,@body)
        (delete-file ,name))))
+(defmacro files-tests--with-temp-dir (name &rest body)
+  (declare (indent 1))
+  (cl-check-type name symbol)
+  `(let ((,name (make-temp-file "emacs" t)))
+     (unwind-protect
+         (progn ,@body)
+       (delete-directory ,name t))))
 (ert-deftest files-tests--file-name-non-special--buffers ()
   "Check that Bug#25951 is fixed.
 We call `verify-visited-file-modtime' on a buffer visiting a file
@@ -327,6 +338,181 @@ be invoked with the right arguments."
                       `((verify-visited-file-modtime ,buffer-visiting-file)
                         (verify-visited-file-modtime nil))))))))
+(ert-deftest files-file-name-non-special-notify-handlers ()
+  :expected-result :failed
+  (files-tests--with-temp-file tmpfile
+    (let* ((nospecial (concat "/:" tmpfile))
+           (watch (file-notify-add-watch nospecial '(change) #'ignore)))
+      (should (file-notify-valid-p watch))
+      (file-notify-rm-watch watch))))
+(ert-deftest files-file-name-non-special-handlers ()
+  (files-tests--with-temp-file tmpfile
+    (files-tests--with-temp-dir tmpdir
+      (let ((nospecial (concat "/:" tmpfile))
+            (nospecial-dir (concat "/:" tmpdir)))
+        (should (null (access-file nospecial "test")))
+        (let ((newname (concat nospecial "add-name")))
+          (add-name-to-file nospecial newname)
+          (should (file-exists-p newname)))
+        (should (equal (byte-compiler-base-file-name nospecial)
+                       (byte-compiler-base-file-name tmpfile)))
+        (let ((newname (concat (directory-file-name nospecial-dir)
+                               "copy-dir")))
+          (copy-directory nospecial-dir newname)
+          (should (file-directory-p newname))
+          (delete-directory newname)
+          (should-not (file-directory-p newname)))
+        (let ((newname (concat (directory-file-name nospecial)
+                               "copy-file")))
+          (copy-file nospecial newname)
+          (should (file-exists-p newname))
+          (delete-file newname)
+          (should-not (file-exists-p newname)))
+        (should (equal (diff-latest-backup-file nospecial)
+                       (diff-latest-backup-file tmpfile)))
+        (should (equal (directory-file-name nospecial-dir)
+                       (concat "/:" (directory-file-name tmpdir))))
+        (should (equal (directory-files nospecial-dir)
+                       (directory-files tmpdir)))
+        (should (equal (directory-files-and-attributes nospecial-dir)
+                       (directory-files-and-attributes tmpdir)))
+        (dired-compress-file (dired-compress-file nospecial))
+        (dired-uncache nospecial-dir)
+        (should (equal (expand-file-name nospecial)
+                       nospecial))
+        (should (file-accessible-directory-p nospecial-dir))
+        (should (equal (file-acl nospecial)
+                       (file-acl tmpfile)))
+        (should (equal (file-attributes nospecial)
+                       (file-attributes tmpfile)))
+        (should (equal (file-directory-p nospecial-dir)
+                       (file-directory-p tmpdir)))
+        (should (file-equal-p nospecial tmpfile))
+        (should (file-equal-p tmpfile nospecial))
+        (should-not (file-executable-p nospecial))
+        (should (file-exists-p nospecial))
+        (should (file-in-directory-p nospecial temporary-file-directory))
+        (should-not (file-in-directory-p nospecial nospecial-dir))
+        (should-not (file-in-directory-p tmpfile nospecial-dir))
+        (should-not (file-local-copy nospecial)) ; Already local.
+        (should (equal (file-modes nospecial)
+                       (file-modes tmpfile)))
+        (should (equal (file-name-all-completions nospecial nospecial-dir)
+                       (file-name-all-completions tmpfile tmpdir)))
+        (file-name-as-directory nospecial)
+        (should (equal (file-name-case-insensitive-p nospecial)
+                       (file-name-case-insensitive-p tmpfile)))
+        (should (equal (file-name-completion nospecial nospecial-dir)
+                       (file-name-completion tmpfile tmpdir)))
+        (should (equal (file-name-directory nospecial)
+                       (concat "/:" temporary-file-directory)))
+        (should (equal (file-name-nondirectory nospecial)
+                       (file-name-nondirectory tmpfile)))
+        (should (equal (file-name-sans-versions nospecial)
+                       nospecial))
+        (should-not (file-newer-than-file-p nospecial tmpfile))
+        (should (equal (file-ownership-preserved-p nospecial)
+                       (file-ownership-preserved-p tmpfile)))
+        (should (file-readable-p nospecial))
+        (should (file-regular-p nospecial))
+        (should-not (file-remote-p nospecial))
+        (should (equal (file-selinux-context nospecial)
+                       (file-selinux-context tmpfile)))
+        (should-not (file-symlink-p nospecial))
+        (file-truename nospecial)
+        (should (file-writable-p nospecial))
+        (should (equal (find-backup-file-name nospecial)
+                       (mapcar (lambda (f) (concat "/:" f))
+                               (find-backup-file-name tmpfile))))
+        (should-not (get-file-buffer nospecial))
+        (should (equal (with-temp-buffer
+                         (insert-directory nospecial-dir nil)
+                         (buffer-string))
+                       (with-temp-buffer
+                         (insert-directory tmpdir nil)
+                         (buffer-string))))
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          (insert-file-contents nospecial)
+          (should (zerop (buffer-size))))
+        (should (load nospecial))
+        (save-current-buffer
+          (should (equal (prog2 (set-buffer (find-file-noselect nospecial))
+                             (make-auto-save-file-name)
+                           (kill-buffer))
+                         (prog2 (set-buffer (find-file-noselect tmpfile))
+                             (make-auto-save-file-name)
+                           (kill-buffer)))))
+        (let ((default-directory nospecial-dir))
+          (make-directory "dir")
+          (should (file-directory-p "dir"))
+          (delete-directory "dir")
+          (make-directory-internal "dir")
+          (should (file-directory-p "dir"))
+          (delete-directory "dir")
+          (let ((near-tmpfile (make-nearby-temp-file "file")))
+            (should (file-exists-p near-tmpfile))
+            (delete-file near-tmpfile)))
+        (let* ((linkname (expand-file-name "link" tmpdir))
+               (may-symlink (ignore-errors (make-symbolic-link tmpfile 
+                                           t)))
+          (when may-symlink
+            (should (file-symlink-p linkname))
+            (delete-file linkname)
+            (let ((linkname (expand-file-name "link" nospecial-dir)))
+              (make-symbolic-link tmpfile linkname)
+              (should (file-symlink-p linkname))
+              (delete-file linkname))))
+        ;; `files-tests--file-name-non-special--subprocess' already
+        ;; tests `process-file'.
+        (rename-file nospecial (concat nospecial "x"))
+        (rename-file (concat nospecial "x") nospecial)
+        (rename-file tmpfile (concat nospecial "x"))
+        (rename-file (concat nospecial "x") nospecial)
+        (rename-file nospecial (concat tmpfile "x"))
+        (rename-file (concat nospecial "x") nospecial)
+        (set-file-acl nospecial (file-acl nospecial))
+        (set-file-modes nospecial (file-modes nospecial))
+        (set-file-selinux-context nospecial (file-selinux-context nospecial))
+        (set-file-times nospecial)
+        ;; `files-tests--file-name-non-special--buffers' already tests
+        ;; `verify-visited-file-modtime'.
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          (write-region nil nil nospecial nil :visit))
+        (save-current-buffer
+          (set-buffer (find-file-noselect nospecial))
+          (set-visited-file-modtime)
+          (kill-buffer))
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          (let ((default-directory nospecial-dir))
+            (shell-command (concat (shell-quote-argument
+                                    (concat invocation-directory 
+                                   " --version")
+                           (current-buffer))
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            (should (search-forward emacs-version nil t))))
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          (let ((default-directory nospecial-dir))
+            (let ((proc (start-file-process
+                         "emacs" (current-buffer)
+                         (concat invocation-directory invocation-name)
+                         "--version")))
+              (accept-process-output proc)
+              (goto-char (point-min))
+              (should (search-forward emacs-version nil t))
+              (kill-process proc)
+              (accept-process-output proc ))))
+        (let ((process-environment (cons "FOO=foo" process-environment)))
+          ;; The "/:" prevents substitution.
+          (equal (substitute-in-file-name nospecial) nospecial))
+        (let ((default-directory nospecial-dir))
+          (equal (temporary-file-directory) temporary-file-directory))
+        (equal (unhandled-file-name-directory nospecial-dir)
+               (file-name-as-directory tmpdir))
+        (should (equal (vc-registered nospecial)
+                       (vc-registered tmpfile)))))))
 (ert-deftest files-tests--insert-directory-wildcard-in-dir-p ()
   (let ((alist (list (cons "/home/user/*/.txt" (cons "/home/user/" "*/.txt"))
                      (cons "/home/user/.txt" nil)

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