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[Emacs-diffs] scratch/with-url 3733456 2/8: Adapt to the new cache

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] scratch/with-url 3733456 2/8: Adapt to the new cache
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2017 22:25:22 +0000 (UTC)

branch: scratch/with-url
commit 3733456914c0563783e8245188ad6df2b59ed34b
Author: Lars Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Lars Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>

    Adapt to the new cache
 lisp/net/shr.el |   81 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/net/shr.el b/lisp/net/shr.el
index d1e829c..8581033 100644
--- a/lisp/net/shr.el
+++ b/lisp/net/shr.el
@@ -926,20 +926,23 @@ If EXTERNAL, browse the URL using `shr-external-browser'."
 (defun shr-image-fetched (buffer start end &optional flags)
   (when (and (buffer-name buffer)
-    (let ((data (shr-parse-image-data)))
+    (let ((data (shr-parse-image-data
+                 (intern (car
+                          (mail-header-parse-content-type
+                           (or (url-header 'content-type) "text/plain")))
+                         obarray))))
       (with-current-buffer buffer
-        (save-excursion
-          (let ((alt (buffer-substring start end))
-                (properties (text-properties-at start))
-                (inhibit-read-only t))
-            (delete-region start end)
-            (goto-char start)
-            (funcall shr-put-image-function data alt flags)
-            (while properties
-              (let ((type (pop properties))
-                    (value (pop properties)))
-                (unless (memq type '(display image-size))
-                  (put-text-property start (point) type value))))))))))
+        (let ((alt (buffer-substring start end))
+              (properties (text-properties-at start))
+              (inhibit-read-only t))
+          (delete-region start end)
+          (goto-char start)
+          (funcall shr-put-image-function data alt flags)
+          (while properties
+            (let ((type (pop properties))
+                  (value (pop properties)))
+              (unless (memq type '(display image-size))
+                (put-text-property start (point) type value)))))))))
 (defun shr-image-from-data (data)
   "Return an image from the data: URI content DATA."
@@ -1042,40 +1045,8 @@ WIDTH and HEIGHT are the sizes given in the HTML data, 
if any."
          :max-height max-height
          :format content-type)))))
-;; url-cache-extract autoloads url-cache.
-(declare-function url-cache-create-filename "url-cache" (url))
-(autoload 'mm-disable-multibyte "mm-util")
 (autoload 'browse-url-mail "browse-url")
-(defun shr-get-image-data (url)
-  "Get image data for URL.
-Return a string with image data."
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (mm-disable-multibyte)
-    (when (ignore-errors
-           (url-cache-extract (url-cache-create-filename (shr-encode-url url)))
-           t)
-      ;;; !!! This is all just an ugly kludge until a new URL caching method
-      ;;; been established.
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (when (re-search-forward "\r?\n\r?\n" nil t)
-        (let ((content-type
-               (save-excursion
-                 (save-restriction
-                   (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
-                   (goto-char (point-min))
-                   (while (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
-                     (replace-match "\n"))
-                   (let ((content-type (mail-fetch-field "content-type")))
-                     (and content-type
-                          ;; Remove any comments in the type string.
-                          (intern (replace-regexp-in-string ";.*" "" 
-                                  obarray)))))))
-          (goto-char (point-min))
-          (when (re-search-forward "\r?\n\r?\n" nil t)
-            (delete-region (point) (point-min))
-            (shr-parse-image-data content-type)))))))
 (declare-function libxml-parse-xml-region "xml.c"
                  (start end &optional base-url discard-comments))
@@ -1499,20 +1470,20 @@ The preference is a float determined from 
          (setq shr-start (point))
           (shr-insert alt))
         ((and (not shr-ignore-cache)
-              (url-is-cached (shr-encode-url url)))
-         (funcall shr-put-image-function (shr-get-image-data url) alt
-                   (list :width width :height height)))
-        (t
-         (when (and shr-ignore-cache
-                    (url-is-cached (shr-encode-url url)))
-           (let ((file (url-cache-create-filename (shr-encode-url url))))
-             (when (file-exists-p file)
-               (delete-file file))))
+              (with-url-cached-p (shr-encode-url url)))
+          (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
+                end)
+            (insert "-")
+            (setq end (set-marker (make-marker) (point)))
+            (with-url ((shr-encode-url url) :cache t)
+              (shr-image-fetched buffer start end
+                                 (list :width width :height height)))))
+         (t
           (when (image-type-available-p 'svg)
              (shr-make-placeholder-image dom)
              (or alt "")))
-          (insert " ")
+          (insert "-")
           (shr-encode-url url) 'shr-image-fetched
           (list (current-buffer) start (set-marker (make-marker) (point))

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