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[Emacs-diffs] scratch/with-url 917d3e7: Start implementation

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] scratch/with-url 917d3e7: Start implementation
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2016 15:53:20 +0000 (UTC)

branch: scratch/with-url
commit 917d3e79017f83728cd1f2bb7dc981a711a6aaa5
Author: Lars Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Lars Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>

    Start implementation
 lisp/url/with-url.el |  431 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 431 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lisp/url/with-url.el b/lisp/url/with-url.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87681c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/url/with-url.el
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+;;; with-url.el --- High-Level URL Interface -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: http url
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'url)
+(require 'puny)
+(cl-defstruct url-request
+  original-url wait timeout read-timeout
+  silent inhibit-cookies inhibit-cache headers
+  method
+  data data-charset data-encoding
+  callback redirect-times
+  url parsed-url process
+  response-size start-time last-read-time timer)
+(cl-defmacro with-url ((header-variable
+                        url
+                        &key wait timeout
+                        read-timeout silent
+                        inhibit-cookies
+                        inhibit-cache
+                        headers
+                        (method "GET")
+                        data
+                        (data-charset 'utf-8)
+                        data-encoding)
+                       &body body)
+  "Retrieve URL and execute BODY with point in a buffer with the response.
+  (with-url (headers \"http://fsf.org/\";)
+    (message \"The size of the FSF front page is %s\" (buffer-size)))
+The buffer is killed after BODY has exited.
+HEADER-VARIABLE is bound to a structure that contains the response
+headers and status.  These can be accessed with `url-header' like this:
+  (url-header headers \"Content-Type\")
+Case is not significant.
+Additional keywords can be given to `with-url' to alter its operation.
+:wait t
+Normal `with-url' operation is asynchronous.  If this parameter is given,
+the retrieval will be synchronous instead.
+:timeout SECONDS
+Give up after approximately SECONDS seconds and execute BODY.
+:read-timeout SECONDS
+If no data has been received for the last SECONDS seconds, give
+up and execute BODY.
+:silent t
+Issue no messages during operation.
+:inhibit-cookies t
+Neither send nor store cookies.
+:headers ALIST
+Add ALIST to the headers sent over to the server.  This should typically
+look like
+  ((\"User-Agent\" \"Emacs\"))
+If the header name is the same as one of the automatically
+generated headers, the value from this list will override the
+automatically generated header.  To disable the header
+completely, use nil as the value.
+Additional elements in this alist are interpreted as the coding
+system (defaulting to `utf-8') and the encoding
+method (defaulting to `url-encode').
+:method GET/POST/etc
+The method to use for retrieving an HTTP(S) resource.  This defaults
+to GET, and other popular values are POST, UPDATE and PUT.
+Data to include in the body of the HTTP(S) request when using
+POST, UPDATE or PUT.  This can either be a string or an alist of POST values
+on this form:
+  '((\"NAME\" \"VALUE\")
+    (\"submit\")
+    ((\"NAME1\" \"VALUE1\")
+     (\"NAME2\" \"VALUE2\")))
+Elements with several values only make sense with the `multipart'
+encoding (see below).
+:data-coding-system CODING-SYSTEM
+What coding system this data should be encoded as.  This defaults
+to `utf-8'.
+:data-encoding ENCODING
+When using the posting methods, the data is usually encoded in
+some fashion.  Supported encodings are `url-form', `multipart'
+and `base64'."
+  (let ((hv (gensym "header-variable"))
+        (requestv (gensym "request")))
+    `(let ((,requestv 
+            (make-url-request :original-url ,url
+                              :timeout ,timeout
+                              :read-timeout ,read-timeout
+                              :silent ,silent
+                              :inhibit-cookies ,inhibit-cookies
+                              :inhibit-cache ,inhibit-cache
+                              :headers ',headers
+                              :method ,method
+                              :data ,data
+                              :data-charset ',data-charset
+                              :data-encoding ,data-encoding
+                              :start-time (current-time)
+                              :last-read-time (current-time)
+                              :redirect-times 0)))
+       ,(if wait
+            `(let ((,header-variable (with-url--fetch ,requestv)))
+               ,@body)
+          `(progn
+             (setf (url-request-callback ,requestv)
+                   (lambda ()
+                     (let ((,header-variable with-url--headers))
+                       ,@body)))
+             (with-url--fetch ,requestv))))))
+(defun with-url--fetch (req)
+  (unless (url-request-url req)
+    (setf (url-request-url req) (url-request-original-url req)))
+  (setf (url-request-parsed-url req)
+        (url-generic-parse-url (url-request-url req)))
+  (when (or (url-request-timeout req)
+            (url-request-read-timeout req))
+    (setf (url-request-timer req)
+          (run-at-time 1 1 (lambda ()
+                             (with-url--timer req)))))
+  (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*request*")
+    (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+    (let* ((coding-system-for-read 'binary)
+           (coding-system-for-write 'binary)
+           (process
+            (make-network-process
+             :name (url-request-url req)
+             :buffer (current-buffer)
+             :host (url-host (url-request-parsed-url req))
+             :service (or (url-portspec (url-request-parsed-url req))
+                          (if (equal (url-type (url-request-parsed-url req))
+                                     "https")
+                              443
+                            80))
+             :nowait t
+             :plist (list :request req)
+             :tls-parameters
+             (and (equal (url-type (url-request-parsed-url req)) "https")
+                  (cons 'gnutls-x509pki
+                        (gnutls-boot-parameters
+                         :hostname (puny-encode-string
+                                    (url-host (url-request-parsed-url req))))))
+             :sentinel #'with-url--sentinel
+             :filter #'with-url--filter)))
+      (setf (url-request-process req) process))))
+(defun with-url--timer (req)
+  (let ((now (float-time)))
+    ;; There are two possible timeouts: One for the overall time of
+    ;; the entire request...
+    (when (or (and (url-request-timeout req)
+                   (> (- now (float-time (url-request-start-time req)))
+                      (url-request-timeout req)))
+              ;; ... and one that's updated whenever new data arrives from the
+              ;; server.
+              (and (url-request-read-timeout req)
+                   (> (- now (float-time (url-request-last-read-time req)))
+                      (url-request-read-timeout req))))
+      (with-url--callback (url-request-process req)))))
+(defun with-url--sentinel (process change)
+  (message "%s %s" process change)
+  (cond
+   ((equal change "open\n")
+    (with-url--send-request process))
+   ))
+(defun with-url--send-request (process)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+    (let* ((req (plist-get (process-plist process) :request))
+           (parsed (url-request-parsed-url req)))
+      (insert (format "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+                      (if (zerop (length (url-filename parsed)))
+                          "/"
+                        (url-filename parsed))))
+      (let* ((data (with-url--data req))
+             (headers
+              (list
+               (list "User-Agent" url-user-agent)
+               (list "Connection" "close")
+               (list "Accept-Encoding"
+                     (and (fboundp 'zlib-available-p)
+                          (zlib-available-p)
+                          "gzip"))
+               (list "Accept" "*/*")
+               (list "Content-Type" (car data))
+               (list "Content-Length" (length (cdr data)))
+               (list "Cookies" (and (not (url-request-inhibit-cookies req))
+                                    (with-url--cookies parsed)))
+               (list "Host" (puny-encode-string (url-host parsed))))))
+        (cl-loop for (name value) in headers
+                 when (and (not (cl-assoc name (url-request-headers req)
+                                          :test #'cl-equalp))
+                           value)
+                 do (format "%s: %s\n\r" name value))
+        (cl-loop for (name value) in (url-request-headers req)
+                 when value
+                 do (format "%s: %s\n\r" name value))
+        (insert "\r\n")
+        (when data
+          (insert data))))
+    (process-send-region process (point-min) (point-max))))
+(defun with-url--data (req)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+    (when (url-request-data req)
+      (insert (encode-coding-string (url-request-data req)
+                                    (url-request-data-charset req)))
+      (cl-case (url-request-data-encoding req)
+        (url-encode
+         (cons "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+               (mm-url-form-encode-xwfu (buffer-string))))
+        (multipart
+         (let ((boundary (mml-compute-boundary '())))
+           (cons (concat "multipart/form-data; boundary=" boundary)
+                 (mm-url-encode-multipart-form-data values boundary))))
+        (base64
+         (base64-encode-region (point-min) (point-max))
+         (cons "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+               (buffer-string)))))))
+(defun with-url--filter (process string)
+  (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
+    (goto-char (point-max))
+    (insert string)
+    (let ((req (plist-get (process-plist process) :request)))
+      (setf (url-request-last-read-time req) (current-time))
+      ;; Check whether we've got all the data.  We may already have
+      ;; saved the response size.
+      (unless (url-request-response-size req)
+        ;; Get it the hard way.
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (save-match-data
+          (let ((case-fold-search t))
+            (when-let ((header-end (re-search-forward "^\r?\n" nil t)))
+              (goto-char (point-min))
+              ;; Only search until header-end since there may be no
+              ;; Content-Length header here and we don't want to
+              ;; search the contents.
+              (cond
+               ;; Content-Length header that says what the size is.
+               ((re-search-forward "content-length: *\\([0-9]+\\)"
+                                   header-end t)
+                (let ((size (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
+                  (setf (url-request-response-size req)
+                        ;; The buffer should end up being the size of
+                        ;; the headers plus the body.
+                        (+ header-end size -1))))
+               ;; No Content-Length; instead the data is passed in
+               ;; chunks.
+               ((re-search-forward "Transfer-Encoding: *chunked" nil t)
+                (goto-char header-end)
+                (let (length)
+                  (while (looking-at "\\([0-9A-Za-z]+\\)\r?\n")
+                    (setq length (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16))
+                    (forward-line)
+                    (if (zerop length)
+                        (setf (url-request-response-size req) (buffer-size))
+                      ;; Skip ahead, and then past the CRLF.
+                      (goto-char (+ (point) length 2)))))))))))
+      (when (and (url-request-response-size req)
+                 (>= (buffer-size) (url-request-response-size req)))
+        (with-url--process-reply process)))))
+(defun url-header (header name)
+  (cdr (assq name header)))
+(defun with-url--process-reply (process)
+  (let* ((headers (with-url--parse-headers))
+         (code (car (url-header headers 'http-status)))
+         (req (plist-get (process-plist process) :request)))
+    (cond
+     ;; We got the expected response.
+     ((<= 200 code 299)
+      (with-url--callback process))
+     ;; Redirects.
+     ((<= 300 code 399)
+      (cl-incf (url-request-redirect-times req))
+      (if (> (url-request-redirect-times req) 10)
+          (with-url--callback req)
+        (with-url--redirect process (url-header headers 'location))))
+     )))
+(defvar with-url--headers)
+(defun with-url--callback (process)
+  (message "Calling back")
+  (let ((req (plist-get (process-plist process) :request))
+        (buffer (process-buffer process)))
+    (delete-process process)
+    (when (url-request-timer req)
+      (cancel-timer (url-request-timer req)))
+    (set-process-sentinel process nil)
+    (set-process-filter process nil)
+    (with-current-buffer buffer
+      (let ((headers (with-url--parse-headers)))
+        (setq-local with-url--headers headers)
+        ;; Delete the headers from the buffer.
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (when (re-search-forward "^\r?\n" nil t)
+          (delete-region (point-min) (point)))
+        ;; If we have a chunked transfer encoding, then we have to
+        ;; remove the chunk length indicators from the response.
+        (when (cl-equalp (url-header headers 'transfer-encoding) "chunked")
+          (with-url--decode-chunked))
+        ;; Text responses should have the CRLF things removed.
+        (when (string-match "^text/" (or (url-header headers 'content-type)
+                                         "text/html"))
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (while (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
+            (forward-char -1)
+            (delete-char -1)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (unwind-protect
+            (funcall (url-request-callback req))
+          (kill-buffer buffer))))))
+(defun with-url--decode-chunked ()
+  (let (length)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (while (looking-at "\\([0-9A-Za-z]+\\)\r?\n")
+      (setq length (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16))
+      (forward-line)
+      (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (point))
+      (if (zerop length)
+          (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (point-max))
+        ;; Skip ahead, and then past the CRLF.
+        (goto-char (+ (point) length 2))))))
+(defun with-url--redirect (process location)
+  (let ((req (plist-get (process-plist process) :request)))
+    (setf (url-request-url req) location
+          (url-request-parsed-url req) nil
+          (url-request-response-size req) nil)
+    (set-process-sentinel process nil)
+    (set-process-filter process nil)
+    (when (url-request-timer req)
+      (cancel-timer (url-request-timer req)))
+    (delete-process process)
+    (kill-buffer (process-buffer process))
+    (with-url--fetch req)))
+(defun with-url--cookies (parsed)
+  (mapconcat
+   (lambda (cookie)
+     (format "%s=%s" (url-cookie-name cookie) (url-cookie-value cookie)))
+   ;; Have to sort this for sending most specific cookies first.
+   (sort (url-cookie-retrieve (url-host parsed)
+                              (url-filename parsed)
+                              (equal (url-type parsed) "https"))
+         (lambda (x y)
+           (> (length (url-cookie-localpart x))
+              (length (url-cookie-localpart y)))))
+   "; "))
+(defun with-url--parse-headers ()
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (let ((headers nil))
+    (while (not (looking-at "\r?$"))
+      (cond
+       ;; The first line is the status line.
+       ((null headers)
+        ;; Well-formed status line.
+        (if (looking-at "\\([^ \n]+\\) +\\([0-9]+\\) +\\([^\r\n]*\\)")
+            (push (list 'http-status
+                        (string-to-number (match-string 2))
+                        (match-string 3)
+                        (match-string 1))
+                  headers)
+          ;; Non-well-formed status line.
+          (push (cons 'http-status (buffer-substring
+                                    (point)
+                                    (and (re-search-forward "\r?$")
+                                         (match-beginning 0))))
+                headers)))
+       ;; Ignore all non-header lines in the header.
+       ((looking-at "\\([^\r\n:]+\\): *\\([^\r\n]+\\)")
+        (push (cons (intern (downcase (match-string 1)) obarray)
+                    (match-string 2))
+              headers)))
+      (forward-line 1))
+    (nreverse headers)))                                                     
+(provide 'with-url)
+;;; with-url.el ends here

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