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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r109529: * align.el (align-region): D

From: Chong Yidong
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r109529: * align.el (align-region): Delete temporary markers.
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 15:34:53 +0800
User-agent: Bazaar (2.5.0)

revno: 109529
fixes bug: http://debbugs.gnu.org/10047
committer: Chong Yidong <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2012-08-09 15:34:53 +0800
  * align.el (align-region): Delete temporary markers.
  Plus some code cleanups.
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2012-08-09 07:15:04 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2012-08-09 07:34:53 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2012-08-09  Chong Yidong  <address@hidden>
+       * align.el (align-region): Delete temporary markers (Bug#10047).
+       Plus some code cleanups.
 2012-08-09  Fabián Ezequiel Gallina  <address@hidden>
        * progmodes/python.el (python-pdbtrack-tracked-buffer)

=== modified file 'lisp/align.el'
--- a/lisp/align.el     2012-01-19 07:21:25 +0000
+++ b/lisp/align.el     2012-08-09 07:34:53 +0000
@@ -1295,7 +1295,8 @@
        (report (and (not func) align-large-region beg end
                     (>= (- end beg) align-large-region)))
        (rule-index 1)
-       (rule-count (length rules)))
+       (rule-count (length rules))
+       markers)
     (if (and align-indent-before-aligning real-beg end-mark)
        (indent-region real-beg end-mark nil))
     (while rules
@@ -1315,14 +1316,14 @@
                 (thissep (if rulesep (cdr rulesep) separate))
                 same (eol 0)
-                group group-c
+                groups group-c
                 spacing spacing-c
                 tab-stop tab-stop-c
                 repeat repeat-c
                 valid valid-c
                 regions index
-                last-point b e
+                last-point
@@ -1386,7 +1387,7 @@
              (when (or (not func)
                        (funcall func beg end rule))
-                   (let (exclude-areas)
+                   (let (rule-beg exclude-areas)
                      ;; determine first of all where the exclusions
                      ;; lie in this region
                      (when exclude-rules
@@ -1451,11 +1452,10 @@
                        ;; lookup the `group' attribute the first time
                        ;; that we need it
                        (unless group-c
-                         (setq group (or (cdr (assq 'group rule)) 1))
-                         (if (listp group)
-                             (setq first (car group))
-                           (setq first group group (list group)))
-                         (setq group-c t))
+                         (setq groups (or (cdr (assq 'group rule)) 1))
+                         (unless (listp groups)
+                           (setq groups (list groups)))
+                         (setq first (car groups)))
                        (unless spacing-c
                          (setq spacing (cdr (assq 'spacing rule))
@@ -1464,19 +1464,19 @@
                        (unless tab-stop-c
                          (setq tab-stop
                                (let ((rule-ts (assq 'tab-stop rule)))
-                                 (if rule-ts
-                                     (cdr rule-ts)
-                                   (if (symbolp align-to-tab-stop)
-                                       (symbol-value align-to-tab-stop)
-                                     align-to-tab-stop)))
+                                 (cond (rule-ts
+                                        (cdr rule-ts))
+                                       ((symbolp align-to-tab-stop)
+                                        (symbol-value align-to-tab-stop))
+                                       (t
+                                        align-to-tab-stop)))
                                tab-stop-c t))
                        ;; test whether we have found a match on the same
                        ;; line as a previous match
-                       (if (> (point) eol)
-                           (progn
-                              (setq same nil)
-                              (align--set-marker eol (line-end-position))))
+                       (when (> (point) eol)
+                         (setq same nil)
+                         (align--set-marker eol (line-end-position)))
                        ;; lookup the `repeat' attribute the first time
                        (or repeat-c
@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@
                        ;; match, and save the match-data, since either
                        ;; the `valid' form, or the code that searches for
                        ;; section separation, might alter it
-                       (setq b (match-beginning first)
+                       (setq rule-beg (match-beginning first)
                              save-match-data (match-data))
                        ;; unless the `valid' attribute is set, and tells
@@ -1504,15 +1504,13 @@
                          ;; section.  If so, we should align what we've
                          ;; collected so far, and then begin collecting
                          ;; anew for the next alignment section
-                         (if (and last-point
-                                  (align-new-section-p last-point b
-                                                       thissep))
-                             (progn
-                               (align-regions regions align-props
-                                              rule func)
-                               (setq regions nil)
-                                (setq align-props nil)))
-                          (align--set-marker last-point b t)
+                         (when (and last-point
+                                    (align-new-section-p last-point rule-beg
+                                                         thissep))
+                           (align-regions regions align-props rule func)
+                           (setq regions nil)
+                           (setq align-props nil))
+                          (align--set-marker last-point rule-beg t)
                          ;; restore the match data
                          (set-match-data save-match-data)
@@ -1522,62 +1520,60 @@
                          (let ((excls exclude-areas))
                            (setq exclude-p nil)
                            (while excls
-                             (if (and (< (match-beginning (car group))
+                             (if (and (< (match-beginning (car groups))
                                          (cdar excls))
-                                      (> (match-end (car (last group)))
+                                      (> (match-end (car (last groups)))
                                          (caar excls)))
                                  (setq exclude-p t
                                        excls nil)
                                (setq excls (cdr excls)))))
-                         ;; go through the list of parenthesis groups
-                         ;; matching whitespace text to be
-                         ;; contracted/expanded (or possibly
-                         ;; justified, if the `justify' attribute was
-                         ;; set)
+                         ;; go through the parenthesis groups
+                         ;; matching whitespace to be contracted or
+                         ;; expanded (or possibly justified, if the
+                         ;; `justify' attribute was set)
                          (unless exclude-p
-                           (let ((g group))
-                             (while g
-                               ;; we have to use markers, since
-                               ;; `align-areas' may modify the buffer
-                               (setq b (copy-marker
-                                        (match-beginning (car g)) t)
-                                     e (copy-marker (match-end (car g)) t))
-                               ;; record this text region for alignment
+                           (dolist (g groups)
+                             ;; We must use markers, since
+                             ;; `align-areas' may modify the buffer.
+                             ;; Avoid polluting the markers.
+                             (let* ((group-beg (copy-marker
+                                                (match-beginning g) t))
+                                    (group-end (copy-marker
+                                                (match-end g) t))
+                                    (region (cons group-beg group-end))
+                                    (props (cons (if (listp spacing)
+                                                     (car spacing)
+                                                   spacing)
+                                                 (if (listp tab-stop)
+                                                     (car tab-stop)
+                                                   tab-stop))))
+                               (push group-beg markers)
+                               (push group-end markers)
                                (setq index (if same (1+ index) 0))
-                               (let ((region (cons b e))
-                                     (props (cons
-                                             (if (listp spacing)
-                                                 (car spacing)
-                                               spacing)
-                                             (if (listp tab-stop)
-                                                 (car tab-stop)
-                                               tab-stop))))
-                                 (if (nth index regions)
-                                     (setcar (nthcdr index regions)
-                                             (cons region
-                                                   (nth index regions)))
-                                   (if regions
-                                       (progn
-                                         (nconc regions
-                                                (list (list region)))
-                                         (nconc align-props (list props)))
-                                     (setq regions
-                                           (list (list region)))
-                                     (setq align-props (list props)))))
-                               ;; if any further rule matches are
-                               ;; found before `eol', then they are
-                               ;; on the same line as this one; this
-                               ;; can only happen if the `repeat'
-                               ;; attribute is non-nil
-                               (if (listp spacing)
-                                   (setq spacing (cdr spacing)))
-                               (if (listp tab-stop)
-                                   (setq tab-stop (cdr tab-stop)))
-                               (setq same t g (cdr g))))
+                               (cond
+                                ((nth index regions)
+                                 (setcar (nthcdr index regions)
+                                         (cons region
+                                               (nth index regions))))
+                                (regions
+                                 (nconc regions
+                                        (list (list region)))
+                                 (nconc align-props (list props)))
+                                (t
+                                 (setq regions
+                                       (list (list region)))
+                                 (setq align-props (list props)))))
+                             ;; If any further rule matches are found
+                             ;; before `eol', they are on the same
+                             ;; line as this one; this can only
+                             ;; happen if the `repeat' attribute is
+                             ;; non-nil.
+                             (if (listp spacing)
+                                 (setq spacing (cdr spacing)))
+                             (if (listp tab-stop)
+                                 (setq tab-stop (cdr tab-stop)))
+                             (setq same t))
                            ;; if `repeat' has not been set, move to
                            ;; the next line; don't bother searching
@@ -1598,6 +1594,11 @@
                  (setq case-fold-search current-case-fold)))))))
       (setq rules (cdr rules)
            rule-index (1+ rule-index)))
+    ;; This function can use a lot of temporary markers, so instead of
+    ;; waiting for the next GC we delete them immediately (Bug#10047).
+    (set-marker end-mark nil)
+    (dolist (m markers)
+      (set-marker m nil))
     (if report
        (message "Aligning...done"))))

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