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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r103832: Add lisp/gnus/registry.el.

From: Katsumi Yamaoka
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r103832: Add lisp/gnus/registry.el.
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 23:37:02 +0000
User-agent: Bazaar (2.0.3)

revno: 103832
author: Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden>
committer: Katsumi Yamaoka <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2011-04-05 23:37:02 +0000
  Add lisp/gnus/registry.el.
=== added file 'lisp/gnus/registry.el'
--- a/lisp/gnus/registry.el     1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/lisp/gnus/registry.el     2011-04-05 23:37:02 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+;;; registry.el --- Track and remember data items by various fields
+;; Copyright (C) 2011  Teodor Zlatanov
+;; Author: Teodor Zlatanov <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: data
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This library provides a general-purpose EIEIO-based registry
+;; database with persistence, initialized with these fields:
+;; version: a float, 0.1 currently (don't change it)
+;; max-hard: an integer, default 5000000
+;; max-soft: an integer, default 50000
+;; precious: a list of symbols
+;; tracked: a list of symbols
+;; tracker: a hashtable tuned for 100 symbols to track (you should
+;; only access this with the :lookup2-function and the
+;; :lookup2+-function)
+;; data: a hashtable with default size 10K and resize threshold 2.0
+;; (this reflects the expected usage so override it if you know better)
+;; ...plus methods to do all the work: `registry-search',
+;; `registry-lookup', `registry-lookup-secondary',
+;; `registry-lookup-secondary-value', `registry-insert',
+;; `registry-delete', `registry-prune', `registry-size' which see
+;; and with the following properties:
+;; Every piece of data has a unique ID and some general-purpose fields
+;; (F1=D1, F2=D2, F3=(a b c)...) expressed as an alist, e.g.
+;; ((F1 D1) (F2 D2) (F3 a b c))
+;; Note that whether a field has one or many pieces of data, the data
+;; is always a list of values.
+;; The user decides which fields are "precious", F2 for example.  At
+;; PRUNE TIME (when the :prune-function is called), the registry will
+;; trim any entries without the F2 field until the size is :max-soft
+;; or less.  No entries with the F2 field will be removed at PRUNE
+;; TIME.
+;; When an entry is inserted, the registry will reject new entries
+;; if they bring it over the max-hard limit, even if they have the F2
+;; field.
+;; The user decides which fields are "tracked", F1 for example.  Any
+;; new entry is then indexed by all the tracked fields so it can be
+;; quickly looked up that way.  The data is always a list (see example
+;; above) and each list element is indexed.
+;; Precious and tracked field names must be symbols.  All other
+;; fields can be any other Emacs Lisp types.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'ert))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+  (or (ignore-errors (progn
+                       (require 'eieio)
+                       (require 'eieio-base)))
+      ;; gnus-fallback-lib/ from gnus/lisp/gnus-fallback-lib
+      (ignore-errors
+        (let ((load-path (cons (expand-file-name
+                                "gnus-fallback-lib/eieio"
+                                (file-name-directory (locate-library "gnus")))
+                               load-path)))
+          (require 'eieio)
+          (require 'eieio-base)))
+      (error
+       "eieio not found in `load-path' or gnus-fallback-lib/ directory.")))
+(defclass registry-db (eieio-persistent)
+  ((version :initarg :version
+            :initform 0.1
+            :type float
+            :custom float
+            :documentation "The registry version.")
+   (max-hard :initarg :max-hard
+             :initform 5000000
+             :type integer
+             :custom integer
+             :documentation "Never accept more than this many elements.")
+   (max-soft :initarg :max-soft
+             :initform 50000
+             :type integer
+             :custom integer
+             :documentation "Prune as much as possible to get to this size.")
+   (tracked :initarg :tracked
+            :initform nil
+            :type t
+            :documentation "The tracked (indexed) fields, a list of symbols.")
+   (precious :initarg :precious
+             :initform nil
+             :type t
+             :documentation "The precious fields, a list of symbols.")
+   (tracker :initarg :tracker
+            :type hash-table
+            :documentation "The field tracking hashtable.")
+   (data :initarg :data
+         :type hash-table
+         :documentation "The data hashtable.")))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((this registry-db) slots)
+  "Set value of data slot of THIS after initialization."
+  (with-slots (data tracker) this
+    (unless (member :data slots)
+      (setq data (make-hash-table :size 10000 :rehash-size 2.0 :test 'equal)))
+    (unless (member :tracker slots)
+      (setq tracker (make-hash-table :size 100 :rehash-size 2.0)))))
+(defmethod registry-lookup ((db registry-db) keys)
+  "Search for KEYS in the registry-db THIS.
+Returns a alist of the key followed by the entry in a list, not a cons cell."
+  (let ((data (oref db :data)))
+    (delq nil
+          (mapcar
+           (lambda (k)
+             (when (gethash k data)
+               (list k (gethash k data))))
+           keys))))
+(defmethod registry-lookup-breaks-before-lexbind ((db registry-db) keys)
+  "Search for KEYS in the registry-db THIS.
+Returns a alist of the key followed by the entry in a list, not a cons cell."
+  (let ((data (oref db :data)))
+    (delq nil
+          (loop for key in keys
+                when (gethash key data)
+                collect (list key (gethash key data))))))
+(defmethod registry-lookup-secondary ((db registry-db) tracksym
+                                      &optional create)
+  "Search for TRACKSYM in the registry-db THIS.
+When CREATE is not nil, create the secondary index hashtable if needed."
+  (let ((h (gethash tracksym (oref db :tracker))))
+    (if h
+        h
+      (when create
+        (puthash tracksym
+                 (make-hash-table :size 800 :rehash-size 2.0 :test 'equal)
+                 (oref db :tracker))
+        (gethash tracksym (oref db :tracker))))))
+(defmethod registry-lookup-secondary-value ((db registry-db) tracksym val
+                                            &optional set)
+  "Search for TRACKSYM with value VAL in the registry-db THIS.
+When SET is not nil, set it for VAL (use t for an empty list)."
+  ;; either we're asked for creation or there should be an existing index
+  (when (or set (registry-lookup-secondary db tracksym))
+    ;; set the entry if requested,
+    (when set
+      (puthash val (if (eq t set) '() set)
+               (registry-lookup-secondary db tracksym t)))
+    (gethash val (registry-lookup-secondary db tracksym))))
+(defun registry--match (mode entry check-list)
+  ;; for all members
+  (when check-list
+    (let ((key (nth 0 (nth 0 check-list)))
+          (vals (cdr-safe (nth 0 check-list)))
+          found)
+      (while (and key vals (not found))
+        (setq found (case mode
+                      (:member
+                       (member (car-safe vals) (cdr-safe (assoc key entry))))
+                      (:regex
+                       (string-match (car vals)
+                                     (mapconcat
+                                      'prin1-to-string
+                                      (cdr-safe (assoc key entry))
+                                      "\0"))))
+              vals (cdr-safe vals)))
+      (or found
+          (registry--match mode entry (cdr-safe check-list))))))
+(defmethod registry-search ((db registry-db) &rest spec)
+  "Search for SPEC across the registry-db THIS.
+For example calling with :member '(a 1 2) will match entry '((a 3 1)).
+Calling with :all t (any non-nil value) will match all.
+Calling with :regex '\(a \"h.llo\") will match entry '((a \"hullo\" \"bye\").
+The test order is to check :all first, then :member, then :regex."
+  (when db
+    (let ((all (plist-get spec :all))
+          (member (plist-get spec :member))
+          (regex (plist-get spec :regex)))
+      (loop for k being the hash-keys of (oref db :data) using (hash-values v)
+            when (or
+                  ;; :all non-nil returns all
+                  all
+                  ;; member matching
+                  (and member (registry--match :member v member))
+                  ;; regex matching
+                  (and regex (registry--match :regex v regex)))
+            collect k))))
+(defmethod registry-delete ((db registry-db) keys assert &rest spec)
+  "Delete KEYS from the registry-db THIS.
+If KEYS is nil, use SPEC to do a search.
+Updates the secondary ('tracked') indices as well.
+With assert non-nil, errors out if the key does not exist already."
+  (let* ((data (oref db :data))
+         (keys (or keys
+                   (apply 'registry-search db spec)))
+         (tracked (oref db :tracked)))
+    (dolist (key keys)
+      (let ((entry (gethash key data)))
+        (when assert
+          (assert entry nil
+                  "Key %s does not exists in database" key))
+        ;; clean entry from the secondary indices
+        (dolist (tr tracked)
+          ;; is this tracked symbol indexed?
+          (when (registry-lookup-secondary db tr)
+            ;; for every value in the entry under that key...
+            (dolist (val (cdr-safe (assq tr entry)))
+              (let* ((value-keys (registry-lookup-secondary-value db tr val)))
+              (when (member key value-keys)
+                ;; override the previous value
+                (registry-lookup-secondary-value
+                 db tr val
+                 ;; with the indexed keys MINUS the current key
+                 ;; (we pass t when the list is empty)
+                 (or (delete key value-keys) t)))))))
+        (remhash key data)))
+    keys))
+(defmethod registry-insert ((db registry-db) key entry)
+  "Insert ENTRY under KEY into the registry-db THIS.
+Updates the secondary ('tracked') indices as well.
+Errors out if the key exists already."
+  (assert (not (gethash key (oref db :data))) nil
+          "Key already exists in database")
+  (assert (< (registry-size db)
+             (oref db :max-hard))
+          nil
+          "max-hard size limit reached")
+  ;; store the entry
+  (puthash key entry (oref db :data))
+  ;; store the secondary indices
+  (dolist (tr (oref db :tracked))
+    ;; for every value in the entry under that key...
+    (dolist (val (cdr-safe (assq tr entry)))
+      (let* ((value-keys (registry-lookup-secondary-value db tr val)))
+        (pushnew key value-keys :test 'equal)
+        (registry-lookup-secondary-value db tr val value-keys))))
+  entry)
+(defmethod registry-size ((db registry-db))
+  "Returns the size of the registry-db object THIS.
+This is the key count of the :data slot."
+  (hash-table-count (oref db :data)))
+(defmethod registry-prune ((db registry-db))
+  "Prunes the registry-db object THIS.
+Removes only entries without the :precious keys."
+  (let* ((precious (oref db :precious))
+         (precious-p (lambda (entry-key) (cdr (memq (car entry-key) 
+         (data (oref db :data))
+         (limit (oref db :max-soft))
+         (size (registry-size db))
+         (candidates (loop for k being the hash-keys of data
+                           using (hash-values v)
+                           when (notany precious-p v)
+                           collect k))
+         (candidates-count (length candidates))
+         ;; are we over max-soft?
+         (prune-needed (> size limit)))
+    ;; while we have more candidates than we need to remove...
+    (while (and (> candidates-count (- size limit)) candidates)
+      (decf candidates-count)
+      (setq candidates (cdr candidates)))
+    (registry-delete db candidates nil)))
+(ert-deftest registry-instantiation-test ()
+  (should (registry-db "Testing")))
+(ert-deftest registry-match-test ()
+  (let ((entry '((hello "goodbye" "bye") (blank))))
+    (message "Testing :regex matching")
+    (should (registry--match :regex entry '((hello "nye" "bye"))))
+    (should (registry--match :regex entry '((hello "good"))))
+    (should-not (registry--match :regex entry '((hello "nye"))))
+    (should-not (registry--match :regex entry '((hello))))
+    (message "Testing :member matching")
+    (should (registry--match :member entry '((hello "bye"))))
+    (should (registry--match :member entry '((hello "goodbye"))))
+    (should-not (registry--match :member entry '((hello "good"))))
+    (should-not (registry--match :member entry '((hello "nye"))))
+    (should-not (registry--match :member entry '((hello)))))
+  (message "Done with matching testing."))
+(defun registry-make-testable-db (n &optional name file)
+  (let* ((db (registry-db
+              (or name "Testing")
+              :file (or file "unused")
+              :max-hard n
+              :max-soft 0               ; keep nothing not precious
+              :precious '(extra more-extra)
+              :tracked '(sender subject groups))))
+    (dotimes (i n)
+      (registry-insert db i `((sender "me")
+                              (subject "about you")
+                              (more-extra) ; empty data key should be pruned
+                              ;; first 5 entries will NOT have this extra data
+                              ,@(when (< 5 i) (list (list 'extra "more data")))
+                              (groups ,(number-to-string i)))))
+    db))
+(ert-deftest registry-usage-test ()
+  (let* ((n 100)
+         (db (registry-make-testable-db n)))
+    (message "size %d" n)
+    (should (= n (registry-size db)))
+    (message "max-hard test")
+    (should-error (registry-insert db "new" '()))
+    (message "Individual lookup")
+    (should (= 58 (caadr (registry-lookup db '(1 58 99)))))
+    (message "Grouped individual lookup")
+    (should (= 3 (length (registry-lookup db '(1 58 99)))))
+    (message "Individual lookup (breaks before lexbind)")
+    (should (= 58
+               (caadr (registry-lookup-breaks-before-lexbind db '(1 58 99)))))
+    (message "Grouped individual lookup (breaks before lexbind)")
+    (should (= 3
+               (length (registry-lookup-breaks-before-lexbind db '(1 58 99)))))
+    (message "Search")
+    (should (= n (length (registry-search db :all t))))
+    (should (= n (length (registry-search db :member '((sender "me"))))))
+    (message "Secondary index search")
+    (should (= n (length (registry-lookup-secondary-value db 'sender "me"))))
+    (should (equal '(74) (registry-lookup-secondary-value db 'groups "74")))
+    (message "Delete")
+    (should (registry-delete db '(1) t))
+    (decf n)
+    (message "Search after delete")
+    (should (= n (length (registry-search db :all t))))
+    (message "Secondary search after delete")
+    (should (= n (length (registry-lookup-secondary-value db 'sender "me"))))
+    (message "Pruning")
+    (let* ((tokeep (registry-search db :member '((extra "more data"))))
+           (count (- n (length tokeep)))
+           (pruned (registry-prune db))
+           (prune-count (length pruned)))
+      (message "Expecting to prune %d entries and pruned %d"
+               count prune-count)
+      (should (and (= count 5)
+                   (= count prune-count))))
+    (message "Done with usage testing.")))
+(ert-deftest registry-persistence-test ()
+  (let* ((n 100)
+         (tempfile (make-temp-file "registry-persistence-"))
+         (name "persistence tester")
+         (db (registry-make-testable-db n name tempfile))
+         size back)
+    (message "Saving to %s" tempfile)
+    (eieio-persistent-save db)
+    (setq size (nth 7 (file-attributes tempfile)))
+    (message "Saved to %s: size %d" tempfile size)
+    (should (< 0 size))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert-file-contents-literally tempfile)
+      (should (looking-at (concat ";; Object "
+                                  name
+                                  "\n;; EIEIO PERSISTENT OBJECT"))))
+    (message "Reading object back")
+    (setq back (eieio-persistent-read tempfile))
+    (should back)
+    (message "Read object back: %d keys, expected %d==%d"
+             (registry-size back) n (registry-size db))
+    (should (= (registry-size back) n))
+    (should (= (registry-size back) (registry-size db)))
+    (delete-file tempfile))
+  (message "Done with persistence testing."))
+(provide 'registry)
+;;; registry.el ends here

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