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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r103785: * progmodes/python.el (pytho

From: Christoph Scholtes
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r103785: * progmodes/python.el (python-default-interpreter)
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 16:44:07 -0600
User-agent: Bazaar (2.0.3)

revno: 103785
committer: Christoph Scholtes <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2011-03-30 16:44:07 -0600
  * progmodes/python.el (python-default-interpreter)
  (python-python-command-args, python-jython-command-args)
  (python-which-shell, python-which-args, python-which-bufname)
  (python-file-queue, python-comint-output-filter-function)
  (python-toggle-shells, python-shell): Remove obsolete defcustoms,
  variables and functions.
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2011-03-30 22:25:57 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2011-03-30 22:44:07 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2011-03-30  Christoph Scholtes  <address@hidden>
+       * progmodes/python.el (python-default-interpreter)
+       (python-python-command-args, python-jython-command-args)
+       (python-which-shell, python-which-args, python-which-bufname)
+       (python-file-queue, python-comint-output-filter-function)
+       (python-toggle-shells, python-shell): Remove obsolete defcustoms,
+       variables and functions.
 2011-03-30  Stefan Monnier  <address@hidden>
        * minibuffer.el (completion-table-dynamic): Optimize `boundaries'.

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/python.el'
--- a/lisp/progmodes/python.el  2011-01-26 08:36:39 +0000
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/python.el  2011-03-30 22:44:07 +0000
@@ -499,44 +499,6 @@
   :type 'integer)
-(defcustom python-default-interpreter 'cpython
-  "*Which Python interpreter is used by default.
-The value for this variable can be either `cpython' or `jpython'.
-When the value is `cpython', the variables `python-python-command' and
-`python-python-command-args' are consulted to determine the interpreter
-and arguments to use.
-When the value is `jpython', the variables `python-jpython-command' and
-`python-jpython-command-args' are consulted to determine the interpreter
-and arguments to use.
-Note that this variable is consulted only the first time that a Python
-mode buffer is visited during an Emacs session.  After that, use
-\\[python-toggle-shells] to change the interpreter shell."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "Python (a.k.a. CPython)" cpython)
-                (const :tag "JPython" jpython))
-  :group 'python)
-(defcustom python-python-command-args '("-i")
-  "*List of string arguments to be used when starting a Python shell."
-  :type '(repeat string)
-  :group 'python)
-(defcustom python-jython-command-args '("-i")
-  "*List of string arguments to be used when starting a Jython shell."
-  :type '(repeat string)
-  :group 'python
-  :tag "JPython Command Args")
-;; for toggling between CPython and JPython
-(defvar python-which-shell nil)
-(defvar python-which-args  python-python-command-args)
-(defvar python-which-bufname "Python")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'python-which-shell)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'python-which-args)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'python-which-bufname)
 (defcustom python-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p t
   "*Controls whether the pdbtrack feature is enabled or not.
@@ -562,11 +524,6 @@
     (push '(python-pdbtrack-is-tracking-p python-pdbtrack-minor-mode-string)
-;; Bind python-file-queue before installing the kill-emacs-hook.
-(defvar python-file-queue nil
-  "Queue of Python temp files awaiting execution.
-Currently-active file is at the head of the list.")
 (defcustom python-shell-prompt-alist
   '(("ipython" . "^In \\[[0-9]+\\]: *")
     (t . "^>>> "))
@@ -2584,20 +2541,6 @@
 ;; pdbtrack features
-(defun python-comint-output-filter-function (string)
-  "Watch output for Python prompt and exec next file waiting in queue.
-This function is appropriate for `comint-output-filter-functions'."
-  ;; TBD: this should probably use split-string
-  (when (and (string-match python--prompt-regexp string)
-            python-file-queue)
-    (condition-case nil
-        (delete-file (car python-file-queue))
-      (error nil))
-    (setq python-file-queue (cdr python-file-queue))
-    (if python-file-queue
-       (let ((pyproc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
-         (python-execute-file pyproc (car python-file-queue))))))
 (defun python-pdbtrack-overlay-arrow (activation)
   "Activate or deactivate arrow at beginning-of-line in current buffer."
   (if activation
@@ -2742,45 +2685,6 @@
           (setq got buf)))
-(defun python-toggle-shells (arg)
-  "Toggles between the CPython and JPython shells.
-With positive argument ARG (interactively \\[universal-argument]),
-uses the CPython shell, with negative ARG uses the JPython shell, and
-with a zero argument, toggles the shell.
-Programmatically, ARG can also be one of the symbols `cpython' or
-`jpython', equivalent to positive arg and negative arg respectively."
-  (interactive "P")
-  ;; default is to toggle
-  (if (null arg)
-      (setq arg 0))
-  ;; preprocess arg
-  (cond
-   ((equal arg 0)
-    ;; toggle
-    (if (string-equal python-which-bufname "Python")
-       (setq arg -1)
-      (setq arg 1)))
-   ((equal arg 'cpython) (setq arg 1))
-   ((equal arg 'jpython) (setq arg -1)))
-  (let (msg)
-    (cond
-     ((< 0 arg)
-      ;; set to CPython
-      (setq python-which-shell python-python-command
-           python-which-args python-python-command-args
-           python-which-bufname "Python"
-           msg "CPython"
-           mode-name "Python"))
-     ((> 0 arg)
-      (setq python-which-shell python-jython-command
-           python-which-args python-jython-command-args
-           python-which-bufname "JPython"
-           msg "JPython"
-           mode-name "JPython")))
-    (message "Using the %s shell" msg)))
 ;; Python subprocess utilities and filters
 (defun python-execute-file (proc filename)
   "Send to Python interpreter process PROC \"execfile('FILENAME')\".
@@ -2801,71 +2705,6 @@
       (set-buffer curbuf))
     (process-send-string proc cmd)))
-(defun python-shell (&optional argprompt)
-  "Start an interactive Python interpreter in another window.
-This is like Shell mode, except that Python is running in the window
-instead of a shell.  See the `Interactive Shell' and `Shell Mode'
-sections of the Emacs manual for details, especially for the key
-bindings active in the `*Python*' buffer.
-With optional \\[universal-argument], the user is prompted for the
-flags to pass to the Python interpreter.  This has no effect when this
-command is used to switch to an existing process, only when a new
-process is started.  If you use this, you will probably want to ensure
-that the current arguments are retained (they will be included in the
-prompt).  This argument is ignored when this function is called
-Note: You can toggle between using the CPython interpreter and the
-JPython interpreter by hitting \\[python-toggle-shells].  This toggles
-buffer local variables which control whether all your subshell
-interactions happen to the `*JPython*' or `*Python*' buffers (the
-latter is the name used for the CPython buffer).
-Warning: Don't use an interactive Python if you change sys.ps1 or
-sys.ps2 from their default values, or if you're running code that
-prints `>>> ' or `... ' at the start of a line.  `python-mode' can't
-distinguish your output from Python's output, and assumes that `>>> '
-at the start of a line is a prompt from Python.  Similarly, the Emacs
-Shell mode code assumes that both `>>> ' and `... ' at the start of a
-line are Python prompts.  Bad things can happen if you fool either
-Warning:  If you do any editing *in* the process buffer *while* the
-buffer is accepting output from Python, do NOT attempt to `undo' the
-changes.  Some of the output (nowhere near the parts you changed!) may
-be lost if you do.  This appears to be an Emacs bug, an unfortunate
-interaction between undo and process filters; the same problem exists in
-non-Python process buffers using the default (Emacs-supplied) process
-  (interactive "P")
-  (require 'ansi-color) ; For ipython
-  ;; Set the default shell if not already set
-  (when (null python-which-shell)
-    (python-toggle-shells python-default-interpreter))
-  (let ((args python-which-args))
-    (when (and argprompt
-              (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
-              (fboundp 'split-string))
-      ;; TBD: Perhaps force "-i" in the final list?
-      (setq args (split-string
-                 (read-string (concat python-which-bufname
-                                      " arguments: ")
-                              (concat
-                               (mapconcat 'identity python-which-args " ") " ")
-                              ))))
-    (switch-to-buffer-other-window
-     (apply 'make-comint python-which-bufname python-which-shell nil args))
-    (set-process-sentinel (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
-                          'python-sentinel)
-    (python--set-prompt-regexp)
-    (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
-             'python-comint-output-filter-function nil t)
-    ;; pdbtrack
-    (set-syntax-table python-mode-syntax-table)
-    (use-local-map python-shell-map)))
 (defun python-pdbtrack-toggle-stack-tracking (arg)
   (interactive "P")
   (if (not (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))

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