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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r103291: * net/soap-client.el:

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r103291: * net/soap-client.el:
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 10:25:37 +0100
User-agent: Bazaar (2.0.3)

revno: 103291
committer: Michael Albinus <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2011-02-16 10:25:37 +0100
  * net/soap-client.el:
  * net/soap-inspect.el: New files.
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2011-02-16 08:51:39 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2011-02-16 09:25:37 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2011-02-16  Alex Harsanyi  <address@hidden>
+       * net/soap-client.el:
+       * net/soap-inspect.el: New files.
 2011-02-16  Leo  <address@hidden>
        * dired-x.el (dired-mode-map, dired-extra-startup):

=== added file 'lisp/net/soap-client.el'
--- a/lisp/net/soap-client.el   1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/lisp/net/soap-client.el   2011-02-16 09:25:37 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1694 @@
+;;;; soap.el -- Access SOAP web services from Emacs
+;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Alex Harsanyi <address@hidden>
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;; Author: Alexandru Harsanyi (address@hidden)
+;; Created: December, 2009
+;; Keywords: soap, web-services
+;; Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/emacs-soap-client
+;;; Commentary:
+;; To use the SOAP client, you first need to load the WSDL document for the
+;; service you want to access, using `soap-load-wsdl-from-url'.  A WSDL
+;; document describes the available operations of the SOAP service, how their
+;; parameters and responses are encoded.  To invoke operations, you use the
+;; `soap-invoke' method passing it the WSDL, the service name, the operation
+;; you wish to invoke and any required parameters.
+;; Idealy, the service you want to access will have some documentation about
+;; the operations it supports.  If it does not, you can try using
+;; `soap-inspect' to browse the WSDL document and see the available operations
+;; and their parameters.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'xml)
+(require 'warnings)
+(require 'url)
+(require 'url-http)
+(require 'url-util)
+(require 'mm-decode)
+(defsubst soap-warning (message &rest args)
+  "Display a warning MESSAGE with ARGS, using the 'soap-client warning type."
+  (display-warning 'soap-client (apply 'format message args) :warning))
+(defgroup soap-client nil
+  "Access SOAP web services from Emacs."
+  :group 'tools)
+;;;; Support for parsing XML documents with namespaces
+;; XML documents with namespaces are difficult to parse because the names of
+;; the nodes depend on what "xmlns" aliases have been defined in the document.
+;; To work with such documents, we introduce a translation layer between a
+;; "well known" namespace tag and the local namespace tag in the document
+;; being parsed.
+(defconst *soap-well-known-xmlns*
+  '(("apachesoap" . "http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap";)
+    ("soapenc" . "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";)
+    ("wsdl" . "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";)
+    ("wsdlsoap" . "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/";)
+    ("xsd" . "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";)
+    ("xsi" . "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";)
+    ("soap" . "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";)
+    ("soap12" . "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/";)
+    ("http" . "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/";)
+    ("mime" . "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/";))
+  "A list of well known xml namespaces and their aliases.")
+(defvar *soap-local-xmlns* nil
+  "A list of local namespace aliases.
+This is a dynamically bound variable, controlled by
+(defvar *soap-default-xmlns* nil
+  "The default XML namespaces.
+Names in this namespace will be unqualified.  This is a
+dynamically bound variable, controlled by
+(defvar *soap-target-xmlns* nil
+  "The target XML namespace.
+New XSD elements will be defined in this namespace, unless they
+are fully qualified for a different namespace.  This is a
+dynamically bound variable, controlled by
+(defun soap-wk2l (well-known-name)
+  "Return local variant of WELL-KNOWN-NAME.
+This is done by looking up the namespace in the
+`*soap-well-known-xmlns*' table and resolving the namespace to
+the local name based on the current local translation table
+`*soap-local-xmlns*'.  See also `soap-with-local-xmlns'."
+  (let ((wk-name-1 (if (symbolp well-known-name)
+                       (symbol-name well-known-name)
+                       well-known-name)))
+    (cond
+      ((string-match "^\\(.*\\):\\(.*\\)$" wk-name-1)
+       (let ((ns (match-string 1 wk-name-1))
+             (name (match-string 2 wk-name-1)))
+         (let ((namespace (cdr (assoc ns *soap-well-known-xmlns*))))
+           (cond ((equal namespace *soap-default-xmlns*)
+                  ;; Name is unqualified in the default namespace
+                  (if (symbolp well-known-name)
+                      (intern name)
+                      name))
+                 (t
+                  (let* ((local-ns (car (rassoc namespace *soap-local-xmlns*)))
+                         (local-name (concat local-ns ":" name)))
+                    (if (symbolp well-known-name)
+                        (intern local-name)
+                        local-name)))))))
+          (t well-known-name))))
+(defun soap-l2wk (local-name)
+  "Convert LOCAL-NAME into a well known name.
+The namespace of LOCAL-NAME is looked up in the
+`*soap-well-known-xmlns*' table and a well known namespace tag is
+used in the name.
+nil is returned if there is no well-known namespace for the
+namespace of LOCAL-NAME."
+  (let ((l-name-1 (if (symbolp local-name)
+                       (symbol-name local-name)
+                       local-name))
+        namespace name)
+    (cond
+      ((string-match "^\\(.*\\):\\(.*\\)$" l-name-1)
+       (setq name (match-string 2 l-name-1))
+       (let ((ns (match-string 1 l-name-1)))
+         (setq namespace (cdr (assoc ns *soap-local-xmlns*)))
+         (unless namespace
+           (error "Soap-l2wk(%s): no namespace for alias %s" local-name ns))))
+      (t
+       (setq name l-name-1)
+       (setq namespace *soap-default-xmlns*)))
+    (if namespace
+        (let ((well-known-ns (car (rassoc namespace *soap-well-known-xmlns*))))
+          (if well-known-ns
+              (let ((well-known-name (concat well-known-ns ":" name)))
+                (if (symbol-name local-name)
+                    (intern well-known-name)
+                    well-known-name))
+              (progn
+                ;; (soap-warning "soap-l2wk(%s): namespace %s has no 
well-known tag"
+                ;;               local-name namespace)
+                nil)))
+        ;; if no namespace is defined, just return the unqualified name
+        name)))
+(defun soap-l2fq (local-name &optional use-tns)
+  "Convert LOCAL-NAME into a fully qualified name.
+A fully qualified name is a cons of the namespace name and the
+name of the element itself.  For example \"xsd:string\" is
+converted to \(\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\"; . \"string\"
+The USE-TNS argument specifies what to do when LOCAL-NAME has no
+namespace tag.  If USE-TNS is non-nil, the `*soap-target-xmlns*'
+will be used as the element's namespace, otherwise
+`*soap-default-xmlns*' will be used.
+This is needed because different parts of a WSDL document can use
+different namespace aliases for the same element."
+  (let ((local-name-1 (if (symbolp local-name)
+                          (symbol-name local-name)
+                          local-name)))
+    (cond ((string-match "^\\(.*\\):\\(.*\\)$" local-name-1)
+           (let ((ns (match-string 1 local-name-1))
+                 (name (match-string 2 local-name-1)))
+             (let ((namespace (cdr (assoc ns *soap-local-xmlns*))))
+               (if namespace
+                   (cons namespace name)
+                   (error "Soap-l2fq(%s): unknown alias %s" local-name ns)))))
+          (t
+           (cons (if use-tns
+                     *soap-target-xmlns*
+                     *soap-default-xmlns*)
+                 local-name)))))
+(defun soap-extract-xmlns (node &optional xmlns-table)
+  "Return a namespace alias table for NODE by extending XMLNS-TABLE."
+  (let (xmlns default-ns target-ns)
+    (dolist (a (xml-node-attributes node))
+      (let ((name (symbol-name (car a)))
+            (value (cdr a)))
+        (cond ((string= name "targetNamespace")
+               (setq target-ns value))
+              ((string= name "xmlns")
+               (setq default-ns value))
+              ((string-match "^xmlns:\\(.*\\)$" name)
+               (push (cons (match-string 1 name) value) xmlns)))))
+    (let ((tns (assoc "tns" xmlns)))
+      (cond ((and tns target-ns)
+             ;; If a tns alias is defined for this node, it must match the 
+             ;; namespace.
+             (unless (equal target-ns (cdr tns))
+               (soap-warning "soap-extract-xmlns(%s): tns alias and 
targetNamespace mismatch"
+                             (xml-node-name node))))
+            ((and tns (not target-ns))
+             (setq target-ns (cdr tns)))
+            ((and (not tns) target-ns)
+             ;; a tns alias was not defined in this node.  See if the node has
+             ;; a "targetNamespace" attribute and add an alias to this.  Note
+             ;; that we might override an existing tns alias in XMLNS-TABLE,
+             ;; but that is intended.
+             (push (cons "tns" target-ns) xmlns))))
+    (list default-ns target-ns (append xmlns xmlns-table))))
+(defmacro soap-with-local-xmlns (node &rest body)
+  "Install a local alias table from NODE and execute BODY."
+  (declare (debug (form &rest form)) (indent 1))
+  (let ((xmlns (make-symbol "xmlns")))
+    `(let ((,xmlns (soap-extract-xmlns ,node *soap-local-xmlns*)))
+       (let ((*soap-default-xmlns* (or (nth 0 ,xmlns) *soap-default-xmlns*))
+             (*soap-target-xmlns* (or (nth 1 ,xmlns) *soap-target-xmlns*))
+             (*soap-local-xmlns* (nth 2 ,xmlns)))
+         ,@body))))
+(defun soap-get-target-namespace (node)
+  "Return the target namespace of NODE.
+This is the namespace in which new elements will be defined."
+  (or (xml-get-attribute-or-nil node 'targetNamespace)
+      (cdr (assoc "tns"  *soap-local-xmlns*))
+      *soap-target-xmlns*))
+(defun soap-xml-get-children1 (node child-name)
+  "Return the children of NODE named CHILD-NAME.
+This is the same as `xml-get-children', but CHILD-NAME can have
+namespace tag."
+  (let (result)
+    (dolist (c (xml-node-children node))
+      (when (and (consp c)
+                 (soap-with-local-xmlns c
+                   ;; We use `ignore-errors' here because we want to silently
+                   ;; skip nodes for which we cannot convert them to a
+                   ;; well-known name.
+                   (eq (ignore-errors (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name c))) 
+        (push c result)))
+    (nreverse result)))
+(defun soap-xml-get-attribute-or-nil1 (node attribute)
+  "Return the NODE's ATTRIBUTE, or nil if it does not exist.
+This is the same as `xml-get-attribute-or-nil', but ATTRIBUTE can
+be tagged with a namespace tag."
+  (catch 'found
+    (soap-with-local-xmlns node
+      (dolist (a (xml-node-attributes node))
+        ;; We use `ignore-errors' here because we want to silently skip
+        ;; attributes for which we cannot convert them to a well-known name.
+        (when (eq (ignore-errors (soap-l2wk (car a))) attribute)
+          (throw 'found (cdr a)))))))
+;;;; XML namespaces
+;; An element in an XML namespace, "things" stored in soap-xml-namespaces will
+;; be derived from this object.
+(defstruct soap-element
+  name
+  ;; The "well-known" namespace tag for the element.  For example, while
+  ;; parsing XML documents, we can have different tags for the XMLSchema
+  ;; namespace, but internally all our XMLSchema elements will have the "xsd"
+  ;; tag.
+  namespace-tag)
+(defun soap-element-fq-name (element)
+  "Return a fully qualified name for ELEMENT.
+A fq name is the concatenation of the namespace tag and the
+element name."
+  (concat (soap-element-namespace-tag element)
+          ":" (soap-element-name element)))
+;; a namespace link stores an alias for an object in once namespace to a
+;; "target" object possibly in a different namespace
+(defstruct (soap-namespace-link (:include soap-element))
+  target)
+;; A namespace is a collection of soap-element objects under a name (the name
+;; of the namespace).
+(defstruct soap-namespace
+  (name nil :read-only t)               ; e.g "http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap";
+  (elements (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :read-only t))
+(defun soap-namespace-put (element ns)
+  "Store ELEMENT in NS.
+Multiple elements with the same name can be stored in a
+namespace.  When retrieving the element you can specify a
+discriminant predicate to `soap-namespace-get'"
+  (let ((name (soap-element-name element)))
+    (push element (gethash name (soap-namespace-elements ns)))))
+(defun soap-namespace-put-link (name target ns &optional replace)
+  "Store a link from NAME to TARGET in NS.
+An error will be signaled if an element by the same name is
+already present in NS, unless REPLACE is non nil.
+TARGET can be either a SOAP-ELEMENT or a string denoting an
+element name into another namespace.
+If NAME is nil, an element with the same name as TARGET will be
+added to the namespace."
+  (unless (and name (not (equal name "")))
+    ;; if name is nil, use TARGET as a name...
+    (cond ((soap-element-p target)
+           (setq name (soap-element-name target)))
+          ((stringp target)
+           (cond ((string-match "^\\(.*\\):\\(.*\\)$" target)
+                  (setq name (match-string 2 target)))
+                 (t
+                  (setq name target))))))
+  (assert name)                         ; by now, name should be valid
+  (push (make-soap-namespace-link :name name :target target)
+        (gethash name (soap-namespace-elements ns))))
+(defun soap-namespace-get (name ns &optional discriminant-predicate)
+  "Retrieve an element with NAME from the namespace NS.
+If multiple elements with the same name exist,
+DISCRIMINANT-PREDICATE is used to pick one of them.  This allows
+storing elements of different types (like a message type and a
+binding) but the same name."
+  (assert (stringp name))
+  (let ((elements (gethash name (soap-namespace-elements ns))))
+    (cond (discriminant-predicate
+           (catch 'found
+             (dolist (e elements)
+               (when (funcall discriminant-predicate e)
+                 (throw 'found e)))))
+          ((= (length elements) 1) (car elements))
+          ((> (length elements) 1)
+           (error "Soap-namespace-get(%s): multiple elements, discriminant 
needed" name))
+          (t
+           nil))))
+;;;; WSDL documents
+;;;;; WSDL document elements
+(defstruct (soap-basic-type (:include soap-element))
+  kind                              ; a symbol of: string, dateTime, long, int
+  )
+(defstruct soap-sequence-element
+  name type nillable? multiple?)
+(defstruct (soap-sequence-type (:include soap-element))
+  parent                                ; OPTIONAL WSDL-TYPE name
+  elements                              ; LIST of SOAP-SEQUCENCE-ELEMENT
+  )
+(defstruct (soap-array-type (:include soap-element))
+  element-type                          ; WSDL-TYPE of the array elements
+  )
+(defstruct (soap-message (:include soap-element))
+  parts                                 ; ALIST of NAME => WSDL-TYPE name
+  )
+(defstruct (soap-operation (:include soap-element))
+  parameter-order
+  input                                 ; (NAME . MESSAGE)
+  output                                ; (NAME . MESSAGE)
+  faults)                               ; a list of (NAME . MESSAGE)
+(defstruct (soap-port-type (:include soap-element))
+  operations)                           ; a namespace of operations
+;; A bound operation is an operation which has a soap action and a use
+;; method attached -- these are attached as part of a binding and we
+;; can have different bindings for the same operations.
+(defstruct soap-bound-operation
+  operation                             ; SOAP-OPERATION
+  soap-action                           ; value for SOAPAction HTTP header
+  use                                   ; 'literal or 'encoded, see 
+  )
+(defstruct (soap-binding (:include soap-element))
+  port-type
+  (operations (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :readonly t))
+(defstruct (soap-port (:include soap-element))
+  service-url
+  binding)
+(defun soap-default-xsd-types ()
+  "Return a namespace containing some of the XMLSchema types."
+  (let ((ns (make-soap-namespace :name "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";)))
+    (dolist (type '("string" "dateTime" "boolean" "long" "int" "float"
+                    "base64Binary" "anyType" "Array" "byte[]"))
+      (soap-namespace-put
+       (make-soap-basic-type :name type :kind (intern type))
+       ns))
+    ns))
+(defun soap-default-soapenc-types ()
+  "Return a namespace containing some of the SOAPEnc types."
+  (let ((ns (make-soap-namespace :name 
+    (dolist (type '("string" "dateTime" "boolean" "long" "int" "float"
+                    "base64Binary" "anyType" "Array" "byte[]"))
+      (soap-namespace-put
+       (make-soap-basic-type :name type :kind (intern type))
+       ns))
+    ns))
+(defun soap-type-p (element)
+  "Return t if ELEMENT is a SOAP data type (basic or complex)."
+  (or (soap-basic-type-p element)
+      (soap-sequence-type-p element)
+      (soap-array-type-p element)))
+;;;;; The WSDL document
+;; The WSDL data structure used for encoding/decoding SOAP messages
+(defstruct soap-wsdl
+  origin                         ; file or URL from which this wsdl was loaded
+  ports                          ; a list of SOAP-PORT instances
+  alias-table                    ; a list of namespace aliases
+  namespaces                     ; a list of namespaces
+  )
+(defun soap-wsdl-add-alias (alias name wsdl)
+  "Add a namespace ALIAS for NAME to the WSDL document."
+  (push (cons alias name) (soap-wsdl-alias-table wsdl)))
+(defun soap-wsdl-find-namespace (name wsdl)
+  "Find a namespace by NAME in the WSDL document."
+  (catch 'found
+    (dolist (ns (soap-wsdl-namespaces wsdl))
+      (when (equal name (soap-namespace-name ns))
+        (throw 'found ns)))))
+(defun soap-wsdl-add-namespace (ns wsdl)
+  "Add the namespace NS to the WSDL document.
+If a namespace by this name already exists in WSDL, individual
+elements will be added to it."
+  (let ((existing (soap-wsdl-find-namespace (soap-namespace-name ns) wsdl)))
+    (if existing
+        ;; Add elements from NS to EXISTING, replacing existing values.
+        (maphash (lambda (key value)
+                   (dolist (v value)
+                     (soap-namespace-put v existing)))
+                 (soap-namespace-elements ns))
+        (push ns (soap-wsdl-namespaces wsdl)))))
+(defun soap-wsdl-get (name wsdl &optional predicate use-local-alias-table)
+  "Retrieve element NAME from the WSDL document.
+PREDICATE is used to differentiate between elements when NAME
+refers to multiple elements.  A typical value for this would be a
+structure predicate for the type of element you want to retrieve.
+For example, to retrieve a message named \"foo\" when other
+elements named \"foo\" exist in the WSDL you could use:
+  (soap-wsdl-get \"foo\" WSDL 'soap-message-p)
+If USE-LOCAL-ALIAS-TABLE is not nil, `*soap-local-xmlns*` will be
+used to resolve the namespace alias."
+  (let ((alias-table (soap-wsdl-alias-table wsdl))
+        namespace element-name element)
+    (when (symbolp name)
+      (setq name (symbol-name name)))
+    (when use-local-alias-table
+      (setq alias-table (append *soap-local-xmlns* alias-table)))
+    (cond ((consp name) ; a fully qualified name, as returned by `soap-l2fq'
+           (setq element-name (cdr name))
+           (when (symbolp element-name)
+             (setq element-name (symbol-name element-name)))
+           (setq namespace (soap-wsdl-find-namespace (car name) wsdl))
+           (unless namespace
+             (error "Soap-wsdl-get(%s): unknown namespace: %s" name 
+          ((string-match "^\\(.*\\):\\(.*\\)$" name)
+           (setq element-name (match-string 2 name))
+           (let* ((ns-alias (match-string 1 name))
+                  (ns-name (cdr (assoc ns-alias alias-table))))
+             (unless ns-name
+               (error "Soap-wsdl-get(%s): cannot find namespace alias %s" name 
+             (setq namespace (soap-wsdl-find-namespace ns-name wsdl))
+             (unless namespace
+               (error "Soap-wsdl-get(%s): unknown namespace %s, referenced by 
alias %s"
+                      name ns-name ns-alias))))
+          (t
+           (error "Soap-wsdl-get(%s): bad name" name)))
+    (setq element (soap-namespace-get
+                   element-name namespace
+                   (if predicate
+                       (lambda (e)
+                         (or (funcall 'soap-namespace-link-p e)
+                             (funcall predicate e)))
+                       nil)))
+    (unless element
+      (error "Soap-wsdl-get(%s): cannot find element" name))
+    (if (soap-namespace-link-p element)
+        ;; NOTE: don't use the local alias table here
+        (soap-wsdl-get (soap-namespace-link-target element) wsdl predicate)
+        element)))
+;;;;; Resolving references for wsdl types
+;; See `soap-wsdl-resolve-references', which is the main entry point for
+;; resolving references
+(defun soap-resolve-references-for-element (element wsdl)
+  "Resolve references in ELEMENT using the WSDL document.
+This is a generic function which invokes a specific function
+depending on the element type.
+If ELEMENT has no resolver function, it is silently ignored.
+All references are resolved in-place, that is the ELEMENT is
+  (let ((resolver (get (aref element 0) 'soap-resolve-references)))
+    (when resolver
+      (funcall resolver element wsdl))))
+(defun soap-resolve-references-for-sequence-type (type wsdl)
+  "Resolve references for a sequence TYPE using WSDL document.
+See also `soap-resolve-references-for-element' and
+  (let ((parent (soap-sequence-type-parent type)))
+    (when (or (consp parent) (stringp parent))
+      (setf (soap-sequence-type-parent type)
+            (soap-wsdl-get parent wsdl 'soap-type-p))))
+  (dolist (element (soap-sequence-type-elements type))
+    (let ((element-type (soap-sequence-element-type element)))
+      (cond ((or (consp element-type) (stringp element-type))
+             (setf (soap-sequence-element-type element)
+                   (soap-wsdl-get element-type wsdl 'soap-type-p)))
+            ((soap-element-p element-type)
+             ;; since the element already has a child element, it
+             ;; could be an inline structure.  we must resolve
+             ;; references in it, because it might not be reached by
+             ;; scanning the wsdl names.
+             (soap-resolve-references-for-element element-type wsdl))))))
+(defun soap-resolve-references-for-array-type (type wsdl)
+  "Resolve references for an array TYPE using WSDL.
+See also `soap-resolve-references-for-element' and
+  (let ((element-type (soap-array-type-element-type type)))
+    (when (or (consp element-type) (stringp element-type))
+      (setf (soap-array-type-element-type type)
+            (soap-wsdl-get element-type wsdl 'soap-type-p)))))
+(defun soap-resolve-references-for-message (message wsdl)
+  "Resolve references for a MESSAGE type using the WSDL document.
+See also `soap-resolve-references-for-element' and
+  (let (resolved-parts)
+    (dolist (part (soap-message-parts message))
+      (let ((name (car part))
+            (type (cdr part)))
+        (when (stringp name)
+          (setq name (intern name)))
+        (when (or (consp type) (stringp type))
+          (setq type (soap-wsdl-get type wsdl 'soap-type-p)))
+        (push (cons name type) resolved-parts)))
+     (setf (soap-message-parts message) (nreverse resolved-parts))))
+(defun soap-resolve-references-for-operation (operation wsdl)
+  "Resolve references for an OPERATION type using the WSDL document.
+See also `soap-resolve-references-for-element' and
+  (let ((input (soap-operation-input operation))
+        (counter 0))
+    (let ((name (car input))
+          (message (cdr input)))
+      ;; Name this part if it was not named
+      (when (or (null name) (equal name ""))
+        (setq name (format "in%d" (incf counter))))
+      (when (or (consp message) (stringp message))
+        (setf (soap-operation-input operation)
+              (cons (intern name) (soap-wsdl-get message wsdl 
+  (let ((output (soap-operation-output operation))
+        (counter 0))
+    (let ((name (car output))
+          (message (cdr output)))
+      (when (or (null name) (equal name ""))
+        (setq name (format "out%d" (incf counter))))
+      (when (or (consp message) (stringp message))
+        (setf (soap-operation-output operation)
+              (cons (intern name) (soap-wsdl-get message wsdl 
+  (let ((resolved-faults nil)
+        (counter 0))
+    (dolist (fault (soap-operation-faults operation))
+      (let ((name (car fault))
+            (message (cdr fault)))
+        (when (or (null name) (equal name ""))
+          (setq name (format "fault%d" (incf counter))))
+        (if (or (consp message) (stringp message))
+            (push (cons (intern name) (soap-wsdl-get message wsdl 
+                  resolved-faults)
+            (push fault resolved-faults))))
+    (setf (soap-operation-faults operation) resolved-faults))
+  (when (= (length (soap-operation-parameter-order operation)) 0)
+    (setf (soap-operation-parameter-order operation)
+          (mapcar 'car (soap-message-parts
+                        (cdr (soap-operation-input operation))))))
+  (setf (soap-operation-parameter-order operation)
+        (mapcar (lambda (p)
+                  (if (stringp p)
+                      (intern p)
+                      p))
+                (soap-operation-parameter-order operation))))
+(defun soap-resolve-references-for-binding (binding wsdl)
+ "Resolve references for a BINDING type using the WSDL document.
+See also `soap-resolve-references-for-element' and
+  (when (or (consp (soap-binding-port-type binding))
+            (stringp (soap-binding-port-type binding)))
+    (setf (soap-binding-port-type binding)
+          (soap-wsdl-get (soap-binding-port-type binding) wsdl 
+  (let ((port-ops (soap-port-type-operations (soap-binding-port-type 
+    (maphash (lambda (k v)
+               (setf (soap-bound-operation-operation v)
+                     (soap-namespace-get k port-ops 'soap-operation-p)))
+             (soap-binding-operations binding))))
+(defun soap-resolve-references-for-port (port wsdl)
+  "Resolve references for a PORT type using the WSDL document.
+See also `soap-resolve-references-for-element' and
+  (when (or (consp (soap-port-binding port))
+            (stringp (soap-port-binding port)))
+    (setf (soap-port-binding port)
+          (soap-wsdl-get (soap-port-binding port) wsdl 'soap-binding-p))))
+;; Install resolvers for our types
+  (put (aref (make-soap-sequence-type) 0) 'soap-resolve-references
+       'soap-resolve-references-for-sequence-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-array-type) 0) 'soap-resolve-references
+       'soap-resolve-references-for-array-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-message) 0) 'soap-resolve-references
+       'soap-resolve-references-for-message)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-operation) 0) 'soap-resolve-references
+       'soap-resolve-references-for-operation)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-binding) 0) 'soap-resolve-references
+       'soap-resolve-references-for-binding)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-port) 0) 'soap-resolve-references
+       'soap-resolve-references-for-port))
+(defun soap-wsdl-resolve-references (wsdl)
+  "Resolve all references inside the WSDL structure.
+When the WSDL elements are created from the XML document, they
+refer to each other by name.  For example, the ELEMENT-TYPE slot
+of an SOAP-ARRAY-TYPE will contain the name of the element and
+the user would have to call `soap-wsdl-get' to obtain the actual
+After the entire document is loaded, we resolve all these
+references to the actual elements they refer to so that at
+runtime, we don't have to call `soap-wsdl-get' each time we
+traverse an element tree."
+  (let ((nprocessed 0)
+        (nstag-id 0)
+        (alias-table (soap-wsdl-alias-table wsdl)))
+    (dolist (ns (soap-wsdl-namespaces wsdl))
+      (let ((nstag (car-safe (rassoc (soap-namespace-name ns) alias-table))))
+        (unless nstag
+          ;; If this namespace does not have an alias, create one for it.
+          (catch 'done
+            (while t
+              (setq nstag (format "ns%d" (incf nstag-id)))
+              (unless (assoc nstag alias-table)
+                (soap-wsdl-add-alias nstag (soap-namespace-name ns) wsdl)
+                (throw 'done t)))))
+        (maphash (lambda (name element)
+                   (cond ((soap-element-p element) ; skip links
+                          (incf nprocessed)
+                          (soap-resolve-references-for-element element wsdl)
+                          (setf (soap-element-namespace-tag element) nstag))
+                         ((listp element)
+                          (dolist (e element)
+                            (when (soap-element-p e)
+                              (incf nprocessed)
+                              (soap-resolve-references-for-element e wsdl)
+                              (setf (soap-element-namespace-tag e) nstag))))))
+                 (soap-namespace-elements ns))))
+    (message "Processed %d" nprocessed))
+    wsdl)
+;;;;; Loading WSDL from XML documents
+(defun soap-load-wsdl-from-url (url)
+  "Load a WSDL document from URL and return it.
+The returned WSDL document needs to be used for `soap-invoke'
+  (let ((url-request-method "GET")
+        (url-package-name "soap-client.el")
+        (url-package-version "1.0")
+        (url-mime-charset-string "utf-8;q=1, iso-8859-1;q=0.5")
+        (url-request-coding-system 'utf-8)
+        (url-http-attempt-keepalives nil))
+    (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)))
+      (with-current-buffer buffer
+        (declare (special url-http-response-status))
+        (if (> url-http-response-status 299)
+            (error "Error retrieving WSDL: %s" url-http-response-status))
+        (let ((mime-part (mm-dissect-buffer t t)))
+          (unless mime-part
+            (error "Failed to decode response from server"))
+          (unless (equal (car (mm-handle-type mime-part)) "text/xml")
+            (error "Server response is not an XML document"))
+          (with-temp-buffer
+            (mm-insert-part mime-part)
+            (let ((wsdl-xml (car (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
+              (prog1
+                  (let ((wsdl (soap-parse-wsdl wsdl-xml)))
+                    (setf (soap-wsdl-origin wsdl) url)
+                    wsdl)
+                (kill-buffer buffer)))))))))
+(defun soap-load-wsdl (file)
+  "Load a WSDL document from FILE and return it."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert-file-contents file)
+    (let ((xml (car (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
+      (let ((wsdl (soap-parse-wsdl xml)))
+        (setf (soap-wsdl-origin wsdl) file)
+        wsdl))))
+(defun soap-parse-wsdl (node)
+  "Construct a WSDL structure from NODE, which is an XML document."
+  (soap-with-local-xmlns node
+    (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'wsdl:definitions)
+            nil
+            "soap-parse-wsdl: expecting wsdl:definitions node, got %s"
+            (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+    (let ((wsdl (make-soap-wsdl)))
+      ;; Add the local alias table to the wsdl document -- it will be used for
+      ;; all types in this document even after we finish parsing it.
+      (setf (soap-wsdl-alias-table wsdl) *soap-local-xmlns*)
+      ;; Add the XSD types to the wsdl document
+      (let ((ns (soap-default-xsd-types)))
+        (soap-wsdl-add-namespace ns wsdl)
+        (soap-wsdl-add-alias "xsd" (soap-namespace-name ns) wsdl))
+      ;; Add the soapenc types to the wsdl document
+      (let ((ns (soap-default-soapenc-types)))
+        (soap-wsdl-add-namespace ns wsdl)
+        (soap-wsdl-add-alias "soapenc" (soap-namespace-name ns) wsdl))
+      ;; Find all the 'xsd:schema nodes which are children of wsdl:types nodes
+      ;; and build our type-library
+      (let ((types (car (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'wsdl:types))))
+        (dolist (node (xml-node-children types))
+          ;; We cannot use (xml-get-children node (soap-wk2l 'xsd:schema))
+          ;; because each node can install its own alias type so the schema
+          ;; nodes might have a different prefix.
+          (when (consp node)
+            (soap-with-local-xmlns node
+              (when (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'xsd:schema)
+                (soap-wsdl-add-namespace (soap-parse-schema node) wsdl))))))
+      (let ((ns (make-soap-namespace :name (soap-get-target-namespace node))))
+        (dolist (node (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'wsdl:message))
+          (soap-namespace-put (soap-parse-message node) ns))
+        (dolist (node (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'wsdl:portType))
+          (let ((port-type (soap-parse-port-type node)))
+            (soap-namespace-put port-type ns)
+            (soap-wsdl-add-namespace (soap-port-type-operations port-type) 
+        (dolist (node (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'wsdl:binding))
+          (soap-namespace-put (soap-parse-binding node) ns))
+        (dolist (node (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'wsdl:service))
+          (dolist (node (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'wsdl:port))
+            (let ((name (xml-get-attribute node 'name))
+                  (binding (xml-get-attribute node 'binding))
+                  (url (let ((n (car (soap-xml-get-children1 node 
+                         (xml-get-attribute n 'location))))
+              (let ((port (make-soap-port
+                           :name name :binding (soap-l2fq binding 'tns) 
:service-url url)))
+                (soap-namespace-put port ns)
+                (push port (soap-wsdl-ports wsdl))))))
+        (soap-wsdl-add-namespace ns wsdl))
+      (soap-wsdl-resolve-references wsdl)
+      wsdl)))
+(defun soap-parse-schema (node)
+  "Parse a schema NODE.
+Return a SOAP-NAMESPACE containing the elements."
+  (soap-with-local-xmlns node
+    (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'xsd:schema)
+            nil
+            "soap-parse-schema: expecting an xsd:schema node, got %s"
+            (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+    (let ((ns (make-soap-namespace :name (soap-get-target-namespace node))))
+      ;; NOTE: we only extract the complexTypes from the schema, we wouldn't
+      ;; know how to handle basic types beyond the built in ones anyway.
+      (dolist (node (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'xsd:complexType))
+        (soap-namespace-put (soap-parse-complex-type node) ns))
+      (dolist (node (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'xsd:element))
+        (soap-namespace-put (soap-parse-schema-element node) ns))
+      ns)))
+(defun soap-parse-schema-element (node)
+  "Parse NODE and construct a schema element from it."
+  (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'xsd:element)
+          nil
+          "soap-parse-schema-element: expecting xsd:element node, got %s"
+          (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+  (let ((name (xml-get-attribute-or-nil node 'name))
+        type)
+    ;; A schema element that contains an inline complex type --
+    ;; construct the actual complex type for it.
+    (let ((type-node (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'xsd:complexType)))
+      (when (> (length type-node) 0)
+        (assert (= (length type-node) 1)) ; only one complex type definition 
per element
+        (setq type (soap-parse-complex-type (car type-node)))))
+    (setf (soap-element-name type) name)
+    type))
+(defun soap-parse-complex-type (node)
+  "Parse NODE and construct a complex type from it."
+  (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'xsd:complexType)
+          nil
+          "soap-parse-complex-type: expecting xsd:complexType node, got %s"
+          (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+  (let ((name (xml-get-attribute-or-nil node 'name))
+        ;; Use a dummy type for the complex type, it will be replaced
+        ;; with the real type below, except when the complex type node
+        ;; is empty...
+        (type (make-soap-sequence-type :elements nil)))
+    (dolist (c (xml-node-children node))
+      (when (consp c)               ; skip string nodes, which are whitespace
+        (let ((node-name (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name c))))
+          (cond
+            ((eq node-name 'xsd:sequence)
+             (setq type (soap-parse-complex-type-sequence c)))
+            ((eq node-name 'xsd:complexContent)
+             (setq type (soap-parse-complex-type-complex-content c)))
+            ((eq node-name 'xsd:attribute)
+             ;; The name of this node comes from an attribute tag
+             (let ((n (xml-get-attribute-or-nil c 'name)))
+               (setq name n)))
+            (t
+             (error "Unknown node type %s" node-name))))))
+    (setf (soap-element-name type) name)
+    type))
+(defun soap-parse-sequence (node)
+  "Parse NODE and a list of sequence elements that it defines.
+NODE is assumed to be an xsd:sequence node.  In that case, each
+of its children is assumed to be a sequence element.  Each
+sequence element is parsed constructing the corresponding type.
+A list of these types is returned."
+  (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'xsd:sequence)
+          nil
+          "soap-parse-sequence: expecting xsd:sequence node, got %s"
+          (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+  (let (elements)
+    (dolist (e (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'xsd:element))
+      (let ((name (xml-get-attribute-or-nil e 'name))
+            (type (xml-get-attribute-or-nil e 'type))
+            (nillable? (or (equal (xml-get-attribute-or-nil e 'nillable) 
+                           (let ((e (xml-get-attribute-or-nil e 'minOccurs)))
+                             (and e (equal e "0")))))
+            (multiple? (let ((e (xml-get-attribute-or-nil e 'maxOccurs)))
+                         (and e (not (equal e "1"))))))
+        (if type
+            (setq type (soap-l2fq type 'tns))
+            ;; The node does not have a type, maybe it has a complexType
+            ;; defined inline...
+            (let ((type-node (soap-xml-get-children1 e 'xsd:complexType)))
+              (when (> (length type-node) 0)
+                (assert (= (length type-node) 1)
+                        nil
+                        "only one complex type definition per element 
+                (setq type (soap-parse-complex-type (car type-node))))))
+        (push (make-soap-sequence-element
+               :name (intern name) :type type :nillable? nillable? :multiple? 
+              elements)))
+    (nreverse elements)))
+(defun soap-parse-complex-type-sequence (node)
+  "Parse NODE as a sequence type."
+  (let ((elements (soap-parse-sequence node)))
+    (make-soap-sequence-type :elements elements)))
+(defun soap-parse-complex-type-complex-content (node)
+  "Parse NODE as a xsd:complexContent node.
+A sequence or an array type is returned depending on the actual
+  (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'xsd:complexContent)
+          nil
+          "soap-parse-complex-type-complex-content: expecting 
xsd:complexContent node, got %s"
+          (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+  (let (array? parent elements)
+    (let ((extension (car-safe (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'xsd:extension)))
+          (restriction (car-safe (soap-xml-get-children1 node 
+      ;; a complex content node is either an extension or a restriction
+      (cond (extension
+             (setq parent (xml-get-attribute-or-nil extension 'base))
+             (setq elements (soap-parse-sequence
+                             (car (soap-xml-get-children1 extension 
+            (restriction
+             (let ((base (xml-get-attribute-or-nil restriction 'base)))
+               (assert (equal base "soapenc:Array")
+                       nil
+                       "restrictions supported only for soapenc:Array types, 
this is a %s"
+                       base))
+             (setq array? t)
+             (let ((attribute (car (soap-xml-get-children1 restriction 
+               (let ((array-type (soap-xml-get-attribute-or-nil1 attribute 
+                 (when (string-match "^\\(.*\\)\\[\\]$" array-type)
+                   (setq parent (match-string 1 array-type))))))
+            (t
+             (error "Unknown complex type"))))
+    (if parent
+        (setq parent (soap-l2fq parent 'tns)))
+    (if array?
+        (make-soap-array-type :element-type parent)
+        (make-soap-sequence-type :parent parent :elements elements))))
+(defun soap-parse-message (node)
+  "Parse NODE as a wsdl:message and return the corresponding type."
+  (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'wsdl:message)
+          nil
+          "soap-parse-message: expecting wsdl:message node, got %s"
+          (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+  (let ((name (xml-get-attribute-or-nil node 'name))
+        parts)
+    (dolist (p (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'wsdl:part))
+      (let ((name (xml-get-attribute-or-nil p 'name))
+            (type (xml-get-attribute-or-nil p 'type))
+            (element (xml-get-attribute-or-nil p 'element)))
+        (when type
+          (setq type (soap-l2fq type 'tns)))
+        (when element
+          (setq element (soap-l2fq element 'tns)))
+        (push (cons name (or type element)) parts)))
+    (make-soap-message :name name :parts (nreverse parts))))
+(defun soap-parse-port-type (node)
+  "Parse NODE as a wsdl:portType and return the corresponding port."
+  (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'wsdl:portType)
+          nil
+          "soap-parse-port-type: expecting wsdl:portType node got %s"
+          (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+  (let ((ns (make-soap-namespace
+             :name (concat "urn:" (xml-get-attribute node 'name)))))
+    (dolist (node (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'wsdl:operation))
+      (let ((o (soap-parse-operation node)))
+        (let ((other-operation (soap-namespace-get (soap-element-name o) ns 
+          (if other-operation
+              ;; Unfortunately, the Confluence WSDL defines two operations
+              ;; named "search" which differ only in parameter names...
+              (soap-warning "Discarding duplicate operation: %s" 
(soap-element-name o))
+              (progn
+                (soap-namespace-put o ns)
+                ;; link all messages from this namespace, as this namespace
+                ;; will be used for decoding the response.
+                (destructuring-bind (name . message) (soap-operation-input o)
+                  (soap-namespace-put-link name message ns))
+                (destructuring-bind (name . message) (soap-operation-output o)
+                  (soap-namespace-put-link name message ns))
+                (dolist (fault (soap-operation-faults o))
+                  (destructuring-bind (name . message) fault
+                    (soap-namespace-put-link name message ns 'replace)))
+                )))))
+    (make-soap-port-type :name (xml-get-attribute node 'name)
+                        :operations ns)))
+(defun soap-parse-operation (node)
+  "Parse NODE as a wsdl:operation and return the corresponding type."
+  (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'wsdl:operation)
+          nil
+          "soap-parse-operation: expecting wsdl:operation node, got %s"
+          (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+  (let ((name (xml-get-attribute node 'name))
+        (parameter-order (split-string (xml-get-attribute node 
+        input output faults)
+    (dolist (n (xml-node-children node))
+      (when (consp n)                 ; skip string nodes which are whitespace
+        (let ((node-name (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name n))))
+          (cond
+            ((eq node-name 'wsdl:input)
+             (let ((message (xml-get-attribute n 'message))
+                   (name (xml-get-attribute n 'name)))
+               (setq input (cons name (soap-l2fq message 'tns)))))
+            ((eq node-name 'wsdl:output)
+             (let ((message (xml-get-attribute n 'message))
+                   (name (xml-get-attribute n 'name)))
+               (setq output (cons name (soap-l2fq message 'tns)))))
+            ((eq node-name 'wsdl:fault)
+             (let ((message (xml-get-attribute n 'message))
+                   (name (xml-get-attribute n 'name)))
+               (push (cons name (soap-l2fq message 'tns)) faults)))))))
+    (make-soap-operation
+     :name name
+     :parameter-order parameter-order
+     :input input
+     :output output
+     :faults (nreverse faults))))
+(defun soap-parse-binding (node)
+  "Parse NODE as a wsdl:binding and return the corresponding type."
+  (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'wsdl:binding)
+          nil
+          "soap-parse-binding: expecting wsdl:binding node, got %s"
+          (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+  (let ((name (xml-get-attribute node 'name))
+        (type (xml-get-attribute node 'type)))
+    (let ((binding (make-soap-binding :name name :port-type (soap-l2fq type 
+      (dolist (wo (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'wsdl:operation))
+        (let ((name (xml-get-attribute wo 'name))
+              soap-action
+              use)
+          (dolist (so (soap-xml-get-children1 wo 'wsdlsoap:operation))
+            (setq soap-action (xml-get-attribute-or-nil so 'soapAction)))
+          ;; Search a wsdlsoap:body node and find a "use" tag.  The
+          ;; same use tag is assumed to be present for both input and
+          ;; output types (although the WDSL spec allows separate
+          ;; "use"-s for each of them...
+          (dolist (i (soap-xml-get-children1 wo 'wsdl:input))
+            (dolist (b (soap-xml-get-children1 i 'wsdlsoap:body))
+              (setq use (or use
+                            (xml-get-attribute-or-nil b 'use)))))
+          (unless use
+            (dolist (i (soap-xml-get-children1 wo 'wsdl:output))
+              (dolist (b (soap-xml-get-children1 i 'wsdlsoap:body))
+                (setq use (or use
+                              (xml-get-attribute-or-nil b 'use))))))
+          (puthash name (make-soap-bound-operation :operation name
+                                                   :soap-action soap-action
+                                                   :use (and use (intern use)))
+                   (soap-binding-operations binding))))
+      binding)))
+;;;; SOAP type decoding
+(defvar *soap-multi-refs* nil
+  "The list of multi-ref nodes in the current SOAP response.
+This is a dynamically bound variable used during decoding the
+SOAP response.")
+(defvar *soap-decoded-multi-refs* nil
+  "List of decoded multi-ref nodes in the current SOAP response.
+This is a dynamically bound variable used during decoding the
+SOAP response.")
+(defvar *soap-current-wsdl* nil
+  "The current WSDL document used when decoding the SOAP response.
+This is a dynamically bound variable.")
+(defun soap-decode-type (type node)
+  "Use TYPE (an xsd type) to decode the contents of NODE.
+NODE is an XML node, representing some SOAP encoded value or a
+reference to another XML node (a multiRef).  This function will
+resolve the multiRef reference, if any, than call a TYPE specific
+decode function to perform the actual decoding."
+  (let ((href (xml-get-attribute-or-nil node 'href)))
+    (cond (href
+           (catch 'done
+             ;; NODE is actually a HREF, find the target and decode that.
+             ;; Check first if we already decoded this multiref.
+             (let ((decoded (cdr (assoc href *soap-decoded-multi-refs*))))
+               (when decoded
+                 (throw 'done decoded)))
+             (string-match "^#\\(.*\\)$" href) ; TODO: check that it matched
+             (let ((id (match-string 1 href)))
+               (dolist (mr *soap-multi-refs*)
+                 (let ((mrid (xml-get-attribute mr 'id)))
+                   (when (equal id mrid)
+                     ;; recurse here, in case there are multiple HREF's
+                     (let ((decoded (soap-decode-type type mr)))
+                       (push (cons href decoded) *soap-decoded-multi-refs*)
+                       (throw 'done decoded)))))
+               (error "Cannot find href %s" href))))
+          (t
+           (soap-with-local-xmlns node
+             (if (equal (soap-xml-get-attribute-or-nil1 node 'xsi:nil) "true")
+                 nil
+                 (let ((decoder (get (aref type 0) 'soap-decoder)))
+                   (assert decoder nil "no soap-decoder for %s type" (aref 
type 0))
+                   (funcall decoder type node))))))))
+(defun soap-decode-any-type (node)
+  "Decode NODE using type information inside it."
+  ;; If the NODE has type information, we use that...
+  (let ((type (soap-xml-get-attribute-or-nil1 node 'xsi:type)))
+    (if type
+        (let ((wtype (soap-wsdl-get type *soap-current-wsdl* 'soap-type-p)))
+          (if wtype
+              (soap-decode-type wtype node)
+              ;; The node has type info encoded in it, but we don't know how
+              ;; to decode it...
+              (error "Soap-decode-any-type: node has unknown type: %s" type)))
+        ;; No type info in the node...
+        (let ((contents (xml-node-children node)))
+          (if (and (= (length contents) 1) (stringp (car contents)))
+              ;; contents is just a string
+              (car contents)
+              ;; we assume the NODE is a sequence with every element a
+              ;; structure name
+              (let (result)
+                (dolist (element contents)
+                  (let ((key (xml-node-name element))
+                        (value (soap-decode-any-type element)))
+                    (push (cons key value) result)))
+                (nreverse result)))))))
+(defun soap-decode-array (node)
+  "Decode NODE as an Array using type information inside it."
+  (let ((type (soap-xml-get-attribute-or-nil1 node 'soapenc:arrayType))
+        (wtype nil)
+        (contents (xml-node-children node))
+        result)
+    (when type
+        ;; Type is in the format "someType[NUM]" where NUM is the number of
+        ;; elements in the array.  We discard the [NUM] part.
+        (setq type (replace-regexp-in-string "\\[[0-9]+\\]\\'" "" type))
+        (setq wtype (soap-wsdl-get type *soap-current-wsdl* 'soap-type-p))
+        (unless wtype
+          ;; The node has type info encoded in it, but we don't know how to
+          ;; decode it...
+          (error "Soap-decode-array: node has unknown type: %s" type)))
+    (dolist (e contents)
+      (when (consp e)
+        (push (if wtype
+                  (soap-decode-type wtype e)
+                  (soap-decode-any-type e))
+              result)))
+    (nreverse result)))
+(defun soap-decode-basic-type (type node)
+  "Use TYPE to decode the contents of NODE.
+TYPE is a `soap-basic-type' struct, and NODE is an XML document.
+A LISP value is returned based on the contents of NODE and the
+type-info stored in TYPE."
+  (let ((contents (xml-node-children node))
+        (type-kind (soap-basic-type-kind type)))
+    (if (null contents)
+        nil
+        (ecase type-kind
+          (string (car contents))
+          (dateTime (car contents))     ; TODO: convert to a date time
+          ((long int float) (string-to-number (car contents)))
+          (boolean (string= (downcase (car contents)) "true"))
+          (base64Binary (base64-decode-string (car contents)))
+          (anyType (soap-decode-any-type node))
+          (Array (soap-decode-array node))))))
+(defun soap-decode-sequence-type (type node)
+  "Use TYPE to decode the contents of NODE.
+TYPE is assumed to be a sequence type and an ALIST with the
+contents of the NODE is returned."
+  (let ((result nil)
+        (parent (soap-sequence-type-parent type)))
+    (when parent
+      (setq result (nreverse (soap-decode-type parent node))))
+    (dolist (element (soap-sequence-type-elements type))
+      (let ((instance-count 0)
+            (e-name (soap-sequence-element-name element))
+            (e-type (soap-sequence-element-type element)))
+        (dolist (node (xml-get-children node e-name))
+          (incf instance-count)
+          (push (cons e-name (soap-decode-type e-type node)) result))
+        ;; Do some sanity checking
+        (cond ((and (= instance-count 0)
+                    (not (soap-sequence-element-nillable? element)))
+               (soap-warning "While decoding %s: missing non-nillable slot %s"
+                             (soap-element-name type) e-name))
+              ((and (> instance-count 1)
+                    (not (soap-sequence-element-multiple? element)))
+               (soap-warning "While decoding %s: multiple slots named %s"
+                             (soap-element-name type) e-name)))))
+    (nreverse result)))
+(defun soap-decode-array-type (type node)
+  "Use TYPE to decode the contents of NODE.
+TYPE is assumed to be an array type.  Arrays are decoded as lists.
+This is because it is easier to work with list results in LISP."
+  (let ((result nil)
+        (element-type (soap-array-type-element-type type)))
+    (dolist (node (xml-node-children node))
+      (when (consp node)
+        (push (soap-decode-type element-type node) result)))
+    (nreverse result)))
+  (put (aref (make-soap-basic-type) 0)
+       'soap-decoder 'soap-decode-basic-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-sequence-type) 0)
+       'soap-decoder 'soap-decode-sequence-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-array-type) 0)
+       'soap-decoder 'soap-decode-array-type))
+;;;; Soap Envelope parsing
+(put 'soap-error
+     'error-conditions
+     '(error soap-error))
+(put 'soap-error 'error-message "SOAP error")
+(defun soap-parse-envelope (node operation wsdl)
+  "Parse the SOAP envelope in NODE and return the response.
+OPERATION is the WSDL operation for which we expect the response,
+WSDL is used to decode the NODE"
+  (soap-with-local-xmlns node
+    (assert (eq (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)) 'soap:Envelope)
+            nil
+            "soap-parse-envelope: expecting soap:Envelope node, got %s"
+            (soap-l2wk (xml-node-name node)))
+    (let ((body (car (soap-xml-get-children1 node 'soap:Body))))
+      (let ((fault (car (soap-xml-get-children1 body 'soap:Fault))))
+        (when fault
+          (let ((fault-code (let ((n (car (xml-get-children fault 
+                              (car-safe (xml-node-children n))))
+                (fault-string (let ((n (car (xml-get-children fault 
+                                (car-safe (xml-node-children n)))))
+          (while t
+            (signal 'soap-error (list fault-code fault-string))))))
+      ;; First (non string) element of the body is the root node of he
+      ;; response
+      (let ((response (if (eq (soap-bound-operation-use operation) 'literal)
+                          ;; For 'literal uses, the response is the actual body
+                          body
+                          ;; ...otherwise the first non string element
+                          ;; of the body is the response
+                          (catch 'found
+                            (dolist (n (xml-node-children body))
+                              (when (consp n)
+                                (throw 'found n)))))))
+        (soap-parse-response response operation wsdl body)))))
+(defun soap-parse-response (response-node operation wsdl soap-body)
+  "Parse RESPONSE-NODE and return the result as a LISP value.
+OPERATION is the WSDL operation for which we expect the response,
+WSDL is used to decode the NODE.
+SOAP-BODY is the body of the SOAP envelope (of which
+RESPONSE-NODE is a sub-node).  It is used in case RESPONSE-NODE
+reference multiRef parts which are external to RESPONSE-NODE."
+  (let* ((*soap-current-wsdl* wsdl)
+         (op (soap-bound-operation-operation operation))
+         (use (soap-bound-operation-use operation))
+         (message (cdr (soap-operation-output op))))
+    (soap-with-local-xmlns response-node
+      (when (eq use 'encoded)
+        (let* ((received-message-name (soap-l2fq (xml-node-name 
+               (received-message (soap-wsdl-get received-message-name wsdl 
+          (unless (eq received-message message)
+            (error "Unexpected message: got %s, expecting %s"
+                   received-message-name
+                   (soap-element-name message)))))
+      (let ((decoded-parts nil)
+            (*soap-multi-refs* (xml-get-children soap-body 'multiRef))
+            (*soap-decoded-multi-refs* nil))
+        (dolist (part (soap-message-parts message))
+          (let ((tag (car part))
+                (type (cdr part))
+                node)
+            (setq node
+                  (cond
+                    ((eq use 'encoded)
+                     (car (xml-get-children response-node tag)))
+                    ((eq use 'literal)
+                     (catch 'found
+                       (let* ((ns-aliases (soap-wsdl-alias-table wsdl))
+                              (ns-name (cdr (assoc (soap-element-namespace-tag 
type) ns-aliases)))
+                              (fqname (cons ns-name (soap-element-name type))))
+                         (dolist (c (xml-node-children response-node))
+                           (when (consp c)
+                             (soap-with-local-xmlns c
+                               (when (equal (soap-l2fq (xml-node-name c)) 
+                                 (throw 'found c))))))))))
+            (unless node
+              (error "Soap-parse-response(%s): cannot find message part %s"
+                     (soap-element-name op) tag))
+            (push (soap-decode-type type node) decoded-parts)))
+        decoded-parts))))
+;;;; SOAP type encoding
+(defvar *soap-encoded-namespaces* nil
+  "A list of namespace tags used during encoding a message.
+This list is populated by `soap-encode-value' and used by
+`soap-create-envelope' to add aliases for these namespace to the
+XML request.
+This variable is dynamically bound in `soap-create-envelope'.")
+(defun soap-encode-value (xml-tag value type)
+  "Encode inside an XML-TAG the VALUE using TYPE.
+The resulting XML data is inserted in the current buffer
+at (point)/
+TYPE is one of the soap-*-type structures which defines how VALUE
+is to be encoded.  This is a generic function which finds an
+encoder function based on TYPE and calls that encoder to do the
+  (let ((encoder (get (aref type 0) 'soap-encoder)))
+    (assert encoder nil "no soap-encoder for %s type" (aref type 0))
+    ;; XML-TAG can be a string or a symbol, but we pass only string's to the
+    ;; encoders
+    (when (symbolp xml-tag)
+      (setq xml-tag (symbol-name xml-tag)))
+    (funcall encoder xml-tag value type))
+  (add-to-list '*soap-encoded-namespaces* (soap-element-namespace-tag type)))
+(defun soap-encode-basic-type (xml-tag value type)
+  "Encode inside XML-TAG the LISP VALUE according to TYPE.
+Do not call this function directly, use `soap-encode-value'
+  (let ((xsi-type (soap-element-fq-name type))
+        (basic-type (soap-basic-type-kind type)))
+    ;; try to classify the type based on the value type and use that type when
+    ;; encoding
+    (when (eq basic-type 'anyType)
+      (cond ((stringp value)
+             (setq xsi-type "xsd:string" basic-type 'string))
+            ((integerp value)
+             (setq xsi-type "xsd:int" basic-type 'int))
+            ((memq value '(t nil))
+             (setq xsi-type "xsd:boolean" basic-type 'boolean))
+            (t
+             (error "Soap-encode-basic-type(%s, %s, %s): cannot classify 
anyType value"
+                    xml-tag value xsi-type))))
+    (insert "<" xml-tag " xsi:type=\"" xsi-type "\"")
+    ;; We have some ambiguity here, as a nil value represents "false" when the
+    ;; type is boolean, we will never have a "nil" boolean type...
+    (if (or value (eq basic-type 'boolean))
+        (progn
+          (insert ">")
+          (case basic-type
+            (string
+             (unless (stringp value)
+               (error "Soap-encode-basic-type(%s, %s, %s): not a string value"
+                      xml-tag value xsi-type))
+             (insert (url-insert-entities-in-string value)))
+            (dateTime
+             (cond ((and (consp value) ; is there a time-value-p ?
+                         (>= (length value) 2)
+                         (numberp (nth 0 value))
+                         (numberp (nth 1 value)))
+                    ;; Value is a (current-time) style value, convert to a 
+                    (insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" value)))
+                   ((stringp value)
+                    (insert (url-insert-entities-in-string value)))
+                   (t
+                    (error "Soap-encode-basic-type(%s, %s, %s): not a dateTime 
+                           xml-tag value xsi-type))))
+            (boolean
+             (unless (memq value '(t nil))
+               (error "Soap-encode-basic-type(%s, %s, %s): not a boolean value"
+                      xml-tag value xsi-type))
+             (insert (if value "true" "false")))
+            ((long int)
+             (unless (integerp value)
+               (error "Soap-encode-basic-type(%s, %s, %s): not an integer 
+                      xml-tag value xsi-type))
+             (insert (number-to-string value)))
+            (base64Binary
+             (unless (stringp value)
+               (error "Soap-encode-basic-type(%s, %s, %s): not a string value"
+                      xml-tag value xsi-type))
+             (insert (base64-encode-string value)))
+            (otherwise
+             (error "Soap-encode-basic-type(%s, %s, %s): don't know how to 
+                    xml-tag value xsi-type))))
+        (insert " xsi:nil=\"true\">"))
+    (insert "</" xml-tag ">\n")))
+(defun soap-encode-sequence-type (xml-tag value type)
+  "Encode inside XML-TAG the LISP VALUE according to TYPE.
+Do not call this function directly, use `soap-encode-value'
+  (let ((xsi-type (soap-element-fq-name type)))
+    (insert "<" xml-tag " xsi:type=\"" xsi-type "\"")
+    (if value
+        (progn
+          (insert ">\n")
+          (let ((parents (list type))
+                (parent (soap-sequence-type-parent type)))
+            (while parent
+              (push parent parents)
+              (setq parent (soap-sequence-type-parent parent)))
+            (dolist (type parents)
+              (dolist (element (soap-sequence-type-elements type))
+                (let ((instance-count 0)
+                      (e-name (soap-sequence-element-name element))
+                      (e-type (soap-sequence-element-type element)))
+                  (dolist (v value)
+                    (when (equal (car v) e-name)
+                      (incf instance-count)
+                      (soap-encode-value e-name (cdr v) e-type)))
+                  ;; Do some sanity checking
+                  (cond ((and (= instance-count 0)
+                              (not (soap-sequence-element-nillable? element)))
+                         (soap-warning "While encoding %s: missing 
non-nillable slot %s"
+                                       (soap-element-name type) e-name))
+                        ((and (> instance-count 1)
+                              (not (soap-sequence-element-multiple? element)))
+                         (soap-warning "While encoding %s: multiple slots 
named %s"
+                                       (soap-element-name type) e-name))))))))
+        (insert " xsi:nil=\"true\">"))
+    (insert "</" xml-tag ">\n")))
+(defun soap-encode-array-type (xml-tag value type)
+  "Encode inside XML-TAG the LISP VALUE according to TYPE.
+Do not call this function directly, use `soap-encode-value'
+  (unless (vectorp value)
+    (error "Soap-encode: %s(%s) expects a vector, got: %s"
+           xml-tag (soap-element-fq-name type) value))
+  (let* ((element-type (soap-array-type-element-type type))
+         (array-type (concat (soap-element-fq-name element-type)
+                             "[" (format "%s" (length value)) "]")))
+    (insert "<" xml-tag
+            " soapenc:arrayType=\"" array-type "\" "
+            " xsi:type=\"soapenc:Array\">\n")
+    (loop for i below (length value)
+         do (soap-encode-value xml-tag (aref value i) element-type))
+    (insert "</" xml-tag ">\n")))
+  (put (aref (make-soap-basic-type) 0)
+       'soap-encoder 'soap-encode-basic-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-sequence-type) 0)
+       'soap-encoder 'soap-encode-sequence-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-array-type) 0)
+       'soap-encoder 'soap-encode-array-type))
+(defun soap-encode-body (operation parameters wsdl)
+  "Create the body of a SOAP request for OPERATION in the current buffer.
+PARAMETERS is a list of parameters supplied to the OPERATION.
+The OPERATION and PARAMETERS are encoded according to the WSDL
+  (let* ((op (soap-bound-operation-operation operation))
+         (use (soap-bound-operation-use operation))
+         (message (cdr (soap-operation-input op)))
+         (parameter-order (soap-operation-parameter-order op)))
+    (unless (= (length parameter-order) (length parameters))
+      (error "Wrong number of parameters for %s: expected %d, got %s"
+             (soap-element-name op)
+             (length parameter-order)
+             (length parameters)))
+    (insert "<soap:Body>\n")
+    (when (eq use 'encoded)
+      (add-to-list '*soap-encoded-namespaces* (soap-element-namespace-tag op))
+      (insert "<" (soap-element-fq-name op) ">\n"))
+    (let ((param-table (loop for formal in parameter-order
+                          for value in parameters
+                          collect (cons formal value))))
+      (dolist (part (soap-message-parts message))
+        (let* ((param-name (car part))
+               (type (cdr part))
+               (tag-name (if (eq use 'encoded)
+                             param-name
+                             (soap-element-name type)))
+               (value (cdr (assoc param-name param-table)))
+               (start-pos (point)))
+          (soap-encode-value tag-name value type)
+          (when (eq use 'literal)
+            ;; hack: add the xmlns attribute to the tag, the only way
+            ;; ASP.NET web services recognize the namespace of the
+            ;; element itself...
+            (save-excursion
+              (goto-char start-pos)
+              (when (re-search-forward " ")
+                (let* ((ns (soap-element-namespace-tag type))
+                       (namespace (cdr (assoc ns (soap-wsdl-alias-table 
+                  (when namespace
+                    (insert "xmlns=\"" namespace "\" ")))))))))
+    (when (eq use 'encoded)
+      (insert "</" (soap-element-fq-name op) ">\n"))
+    (insert "</soap:Body>\n")))
+(defun soap-create-envelope (operation parameters wsdl)
+  "Create a SOAP request envelope for OPERATION using PARAMETERS.
+WSDL is the wsdl document used to encode the PARAMETERS."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((*soap-encoded-namespaces* '("xsi" "soap" "soapenc"))
+          (use (soap-bound-operation-use operation)))
+      ;; Create the request body
+      (soap-encode-body operation parameters wsdl)
+      ;; Put the envelope around the body
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (insert "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<soap:Envelope\n")
+      (when (eq use 'encoded)
+        (insert "    
+      (dolist (nstag *soap-encoded-namespaces*)
+        (insert "    xmlns:" nstag "=\"")
+        (let ((nsname (cdr (assoc nstag *soap-well-known-xmlns*))))
+          (unless nsname
+            (setq nsname (cdr (assoc nstag (soap-wsdl-alias-table wsdl)))))
+          (insert nsname)
+        (insert "\"\n")))
+      (insert ">\n")
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (insert "</soap:Envelope>\n"))
+    (buffer-string)))
+;;;; invoking soap methods
+(defcustom soap-debug nil
+  "When t, enable some debugging facilities."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'soap-client)
+(defun soap-invoke (wsdl service operation-name &rest parameters)
+  "Invoke a SOAP operation and return the result.
+WSDL is used for encoding the request and decoding the response.
+It also contains information about the WEB server address that
+will service the request.
+SERVICE is the SOAP service to invoke.
+OPERATION-NAME is the operation to invoke.
+PARAMETERS -- the remaining parameters are used as parameters for
+the SOAP request.
+NOTE: The SOAP service provider should document the available
+operations and their parameters for the service.  You can also
+use the `soap-inspect' function to browse the available
+operations in a WSDL document."
+  (let ((port (catch 'found
+                (dolist (p (soap-wsdl-ports wsdl))
+                  (when (equal service (soap-element-name p))
+                    (throw 'found p))))))
+    (unless port
+      (error "Unknown SOAP service: %s" service))
+    (let* ((binding (soap-port-binding port))
+           (operation (gethash operation-name (soap-binding-operations 
+      (unless operation
+        (error "No operation %s for SOAP service %s" operation-name service))
+      (let ((url-request-method "POST")
+            (url-package-name "soap-client.el")
+            (url-package-version "1.0")
+            (url-http-version "1.0")
+            (url-request-data (soap-create-envelope operation parameters wsdl))
+            (url-mime-charset-string "utf-8;q=1, iso-8859-1;q=0.5")
+            (url-request-coding-system 'utf-8)
+            (url-http-attempt-keepalives t)
+            (url-request-extra-headers (list
+                                        (cons "SOAPAction" 
(soap-bound-operation-soap-action operation))
+                                        (cons "Content-Type" "text/xml; 
+        (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously (soap-port-service-url 
+          (condition-case err
+              (with-current-buffer buffer
+                (declare (special url-http-response-status))
+                (if (null url-http-response-status)
+                    (error "No HTTP response from server"))
+                (if (and soap-debug (> url-http-response-status 299))
+                    ;; This is a warning because some SOAP errors come
+                    ;; back with a HTTP response 500 (internal server
+                    ;; error)
+                    (warn "Error in SOAP response: HTTP code %s" 
+                                 (when (> (buffer-size) 1000000)
+                                   (soap-warning "Received large message: %s 
bytes" (buffer-size)))
+                (let ((mime-part (mm-dissect-buffer t t)))
+                  (unless mime-part
+                    (error "Failed to decode response from server"))
+                  (unless (equal (car (mm-handle-type mime-part)) "text/xml")
+                    (error "Server response is not an XML document"))
+                  (with-temp-buffer
+                    (mm-insert-part mime-part)
+                    (let ((response (car (xml-parse-region (point-min) 
+                      (prog1
+                          (soap-parse-envelope response operation wsdl)
+                        (kill-buffer buffer)
+                        (mm-destroy-part mime-part))))))
+            (soap-error
+             ;; Propagate soap-errors -- they are error replies of the
+             ;; SOAP protocol and don't indicate a communication
+             ;; problem or a bug in this code.
+             (signal (car err) (cdr err)))
+            (error
+             (when soap-debug
+               (pop-to-buffer buffer))
+             (error (error-message-string err)))))))))
+(provide 'soap-client)
+;;; Local Variables:
+;;; mode: emacs-lisp
+;;; mode: outline-minor
+;;; outline-regexp: ";;;;+"
+;;; End:
+;;; soap-client.el ends here

=== added file 'lisp/net/soap-inspect.el'
--- a/lisp/net/soap-inspect.el  1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/lisp/net/soap-inspect.el  2011-02-16 09:25:37 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+;;;; soap-inspect.el -- Interactive inspector for soap WSDL structures
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011  Alex Harsanyi <address@hidden>
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;; Author: Alexandru Harsanyi (address@hidden)
+;; Created: October 2010
+;; Keywords: soap, web-services
+;; Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/emacs-soap-client
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package provides an inspector for a WSDL document loaded with
+;; `soap-load-wsdl' or `soap-load-wsdl-from-url'.  To use it, evaluate:
+;; (soap-inspect *wsdl*)
+;; This will pop-up the inspector buffer.  You can click on ports, operations
+;; and types to explore the structure of the wsdl document.
+(require 'soap-client)
+;;; Code:
+;;; sample-value
+(defun soap-sample-value (type)
+  "Provide a sample value for TYPE, a WSDL type.
+A sample value is a LISP value which soap-client.el will accept
+for encoding it using TYPE when making SOAP requests.
+This is a generic function, depending on TYPE a specific function
+will be called."
+  (let ((sample-value (get (aref type 0) 'soap-sample-value)))
+    (if sample-value
+        (funcall sample-value type)
+        (error "Cannot provide sample value for type %s" (aref type 0)))))
+(defun soap-sample-value-for-basic-type (type)
+  "Provide a sample value for TYPE which is a basic type.
+This is a specific function which should not be called directly,
+use `soap-sample-value' instead."
+  (case (soap-basic-type-kind type)
+    (string "a string value")
+    (boolean t)                         ; could be nil as well
+    ((long int) (random 4200))
+    ;; TODO: we need better sample values for more types.
+    (t (format "%s" (soap-basic-type-kind type)))))
+(defun soap-sample-value-for-seqence-type (type)
+  "Provide a sample value for TYPE which is a sequence type.
+Values for sequence types are ALISTS of (slot-name . VALUE) for
+each sequence element.
+This is a specific function which should not be called directly,
+use `soap-sample-value' instead."
+  (let ((sample-value nil))
+    (dolist (element (soap-sequence-type-elements type))
+      (push (cons (soap-sequence-element-name element)
+                  (soap-sample-value (soap-sequence-element-type element)))
+            sample-value))
+    (when (soap-sequence-type-parent type)
+      (setq sample-value
+            (append (soap-sample-value (soap-sequence-type-parent type))
+                    sample-value)))
+    sample-value))
+(defun soap-sample-value-for-array-type (type)
+  "Provide a sample value for TYPE which is an array type.
+Values for array types are LISP vectors of values which are
+array's element type.
+This is a specific function which should not be called directly,
+use `soap-sample-value' instead."
+  (let* ((element-type (soap-array-type-element-type type))
+         (sample1 (soap-sample-value element-type))
+         (sample2 (soap-sample-value element-type)))
+    ;; Our sample value is a vector of two elements, but any number of
+    ;; elements are permissible
+    (vector sample1 sample2 '&etc)))
+(defun soap-sample-value-for-message (message)
+  "Provide a sample value for a WSDL MESSAGE.
+This is a specific function which should not be called directly,
+use `soap-sample-value' instead."
+  ;; NOTE: parameter order is not considered.
+  (let (sample-value)
+    (dolist (part (soap-message-parts message))
+      (push (cons (car part)
+                  (soap-sample-value (cdr part)))
+            sample-value))
+    (nreverse sample-value)))
+  ;; Install soap-sample-value methods for our types
+  (put (aref (make-soap-basic-type) 0) 'soap-sample-value
+       'soap-sample-value-for-basic-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-sequence-type) 0) 'soap-sample-value
+       'soap-sample-value-for-seqence-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-array-type) 0) 'soap-sample-value
+       'soap-sample-value-for-array-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-message) 0) 'soap-sample-value
+       'soap-sample-value-for-message) )
+;;; soap-inspect
+(defvar soap-inspect-previous-items nil
+  "A stack of previously inspected items in the *soap-inspect* buffer.
+Used to implement the BACK button.")
+(defvar soap-inspect-current-item nil
+  "The current item being inspected in the *soap-inspect* buffer.")
+  (make-variable-buffer-local 'soap-inspect-previous-items)
+  (make-variable-buffer-local 'soap-inspect-current-item))
+(defun soap-inspect (element)
+  "Inspect a SOAP ELEMENT in the *soap-inspect* buffer.
+The buffer is populated with information about ELEMENT with links
+to its sub elements.  If ELEMENT is the WSDL document itself, the
+entire WSDL can be inspected."
+  (let ((inspect (get (aref element 0) 'soap-inspect)))
+    (unless inspect
+      (error "Soap-inspect: no inspector for element"))
+    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*soap-inspect*")
+      (setq buffer-read-only t)
+      (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+        (erase-buffer)
+        (when soap-inspect-current-item
+          (push soap-inspect-current-item
+                soap-inspect-previous-items))
+        (setq soap-inspect-current-item element)
+        (funcall inspect element)
+        (unless (null soap-inspect-previous-items)
+          (insert "\n\n")
+          (insert-text-button
+           "[back]"
+           'type 'soap-client-describe-back-link
+           'item element)
+          (insert "\n"))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))))
+(define-button-type 'soap-client-describe-link
+    'face 'italic
+    'help-echo "mouse-2, RET: describe item"
+    'follow-link t
+    'action (lambda (button)
+              (let ((item (button-get button 'item)))
+                (soap-inspect item)))
+    'skip t)
+(define-button-type 'soap-client-describe-back-link
+    'face 'italic
+    'help-echo "mouse-2, RET: browse the previous item"
+    'follow-link t
+    'action (lambda (button)
+              (let ((item (pop soap-inspect-previous-items)))
+                (when item
+                  (setq soap-inspect-current-item nil)
+                  (soap-inspect item))))
+    'skip t)
+(defun soap-insert-describe-button (element)
+  "Insert a button to inspect ELEMENT when pressed."
+  (insert-text-button
+   (soap-element-fq-name element)
+   'type 'soap-client-describe-link
+   'item element))
+(defun soap-inspect-basic-type (basic-type)
+  "Insert information about BASIC-TYPE into the current buffer."
+  (insert "Basic type: " (soap-element-fq-name basic-type))
+  (insert "\nSample value\n")
+  (pp (soap-sample-value basic-type) (current-buffer)))
+(defun soap-inspect-sequence-type (sequence)
+  "Insert information about SEQUENCE into the current buffer."
+  (insert "Sequence type: " (soap-element-fq-name sequence) "\n")
+  (when (soap-sequence-type-parent sequence)
+    (insert "Parent: ")
+    (soap-insert-describe-button
+     (soap-sequence-type-parent sequence))
+    (insert "\n"))
+  (insert "Elements: \n")
+  (dolist (element (soap-sequence-type-elements sequence))
+    (insert "\t" (symbol-name (soap-sequence-element-name element))
+            "\t")
+    (soap-insert-describe-button
+     (soap-sequence-element-type element))
+    (when (soap-sequence-element-multiple? element)
+      (insert " multiple"))
+    (when (soap-sequence-element-nillable? element)
+      (insert " optional"))
+    (insert "\n"))
+  (insert "Sample value:\n")
+  (pp (soap-sample-value sequence) (current-buffer)))
+(defun soap-inspect-array-type (array)
+  "Insert information about the ARRAY into the current buffer."
+  (insert "Array name: " (soap-element-fq-name array) "\n")
+  (insert "Element type: ")
+  (soap-insert-describe-button
+   (soap-array-type-element-type array))
+  (insert "\nSample value:\n")
+  (pp (soap-sample-value array) (current-buffer)))
+(defun soap-inspect-message (message)
+  "Insert information about MESSAGE into the current buffer."
+  (insert "Message name: " (soap-element-fq-name message) "\n")
+  (insert "Parts:\n")
+  (dolist (part (soap-message-parts message))
+    (insert "\t" (symbol-name (car part))
+            " type: ")
+    (soap-insert-describe-button (cdr part))
+    (insert "\n")))
+(defun soap-inspect-operation (operation)
+  "Insert information about OPERATION into the current buffer."
+  (insert "Operation name: " (soap-element-fq-name operation) "\n")
+  (let ((input (soap-operation-input operation)))
+    (insert "\tInput: " (symbol-name (car input)) " (" )
+    (soap-insert-describe-button (cdr input))
+    (insert ")\n"))
+  (let ((output (soap-operation-output operation)))
+    (insert "\tOutput: " (symbol-name (car output)) " (")
+    (soap-insert-describe-button (cdr output))
+    (insert ")\n"))
+  (insert "\n\nSample invocation:\n")
+  (let ((sample-message-value (soap-sample-value (cdr (soap-operation-input 
+        (funcall (list 'soap-invoke '*WSDL* "SomeService" (soap-element-name 
+    (let ((sample-invocation (append funcall (mapcar 'cdr 
+      (pp sample-invocation (current-buffer)))))
+(defun soap-inspect-port-type (port-type)
+  "Insert information about PORT-TYPE into the current buffer."
+  (insert "Port-type name: " (soap-element-fq-name port-type) "\n")
+  (insert "Operations:\n")
+  (loop for o being the hash-values of
+       (soap-namespace-elements (soap-port-type-operations port-type))
+       do (progn
+            (insert "\t")
+            (soap-insert-describe-button (car o)))))
+(defun soap-inspect-binding (binding)
+  "Insert information about BINDING into the current buffer."
+  (insert "Binding: " (soap-element-fq-name binding) "\n")
+  (insert "\n")
+  (insert "Bound operations:\n")
+  (let* ((ophash (soap-binding-operations binding))
+         (operations (loop for o being the hash-keys of ophash
+                        collect o))
+         op-name-width)
+    (setq operations (sort operations 'string<))
+    (setq op-name-width (loop for o in operations maximizing (length o)))
+    (dolist (op operations)
+      (let* ((bound-op (gethash op ophash))
+             (soap-action (soap-bound-operation-soap-action bound-op))
+             (use (soap-bound-operation-use bound-op)))
+        (unless soap-action
+          (setq soap-action ""))
+        (insert "\t")
+        (soap-insert-describe-button (soap-bound-operation-operation bound-op))
+        (when (or use (not (equal soap-action "")))
+          (insert (make-string (- op-name-width (length op)) ?\s))
+          (insert " (")
+          (insert soap-action)
+          (when use
+            (insert " " (symbol-name use)))
+          (insert ")"))
+        (insert "\n")))))
+(defun soap-inspect-port (port)
+  "Insert information about PORT into the current buffer."
+  (insert "Port name:   " (soap-element-name port) "\n"
+          "Service URL: " (soap-port-service-url port) "\n"
+          "Binding:     ")
+  (soap-insert-describe-button (soap-port-binding port)))
+(defun soap-inspect-wsdl (wsdl)
+  "Insert information about WSDL into the current buffer."
+  (insert "WSDL Origin: " (soap-wsdl-origin wsdl) "\n")
+  (insert "Ports:")
+  (dolist (p (soap-wsdl-ports wsdl))
+    (insert "\n--------------------\n")
+    ;; (soap-insert-describe-button p)
+    (soap-inspect-port p))
+  (insert "\n--------------------\nNamespace alias table:\n")
+  (dolist (a (soap-wsdl-alias-table wsdl))
+    (insert "\t" (car a) " => " (cdr a) "\n")))
+  ;; Install the soap-inspect methods for our types
+  (put (aref (make-soap-basic-type) 0) 'soap-inspect
+       'soap-inspect-basic-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-sequence-type) 0) 'soap-inspect
+       'soap-inspect-sequence-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-array-type) 0) 'soap-inspect
+       'soap-inspect-array-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-message) 0) 'soap-inspect
+       'soap-inspect-message)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-operation) 0) 'soap-inspect
+       'soap-inspect-operation)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-port-type) 0) 'soap-inspect
+       'soap-inspect-port-type)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-binding) 0) 'soap-inspect
+       'soap-inspect-binding)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-port) 0) 'soap-inspect
+       'soap-inspect-port)
+  (put (aref (make-soap-wsdl) 0) 'soap-inspect
+       'soap-inspect-wsdl))
+(provide 'soap-inspect)
+;;; soap-inspect.el ends here

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