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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r101685: Remove some obsolete appt.el

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r101685: Remove some obsolete appt.el code.
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 19:15:17 -0700
User-agent: Bazaar (2.0.3)

revno: 101685
committer: Glenn Morris <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2010-09-29 19:15:17 -0700
  Remove some obsolete appt.el code.
  * lisp/calendar/appt.el (appt-issue-message, appt-visible, appt-msg-window):
  Remove options, obsolete since 22.1.
  (appt-display-format, appt-display-message): Remove
  backwards-compatibility code.
  (appt-check): No longer check appt-issue-message.
  (appt-make-list): No longer autoload it.  Doc fix.  No longer
  activate the package.
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2010-09-29 13:25:24 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2010-09-30 02:15:17 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2010-09-30  Glenn Morris  <address@hidden>
+       * calendar/appt.el (appt-issue-message, appt-visible, appt-msg-window):
+       Remove options, obsolete since 22.1.
+       (appt-display-format, appt-display-message): Remove
+       backwards-compatibility code.
+       (appt-check): No longer check appt-issue-message.
+       (appt-make-list): No longer autoload it.  Doc fix.  No longer
+       activate the package.
 2010-09-29  Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen  <address@hidden>
        * net/gnutls.el (starttls-negotiate): Loop a lot longer.

=== modified file 'lisp/calendar/appt.el'
--- a/lisp/calendar/appt.el     2010-09-29 04:19:30 +0000
+++ b/lisp/calendar/appt.el     2010-09-30 02:15:17 +0000
@@ -83,17 +83,6 @@
   :prefix "appt-"
   :group 'calendar)
-(defcustom appt-issue-message t
-  "Non-nil means check for appointments in the diary buffer.
-To be detected, the diary entry must have the format described in the
-documentation of the function `appt-check'."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'appt)
-(make-obsolete-variable 'appt-issue-message
-                        "use the function `appt-activate', and the \
-variable `appt-display-format' instead." "22.1")
 (defcustom appt-message-warning-time 12
   "Time in minutes before an appointment that the warning begins."
   :type 'integer
@@ -104,41 +93,20 @@
   :type 'boolean
   :group 'appt)
-(defcustom appt-visible t
-  "Non-nil means display appointment message in echo area.
-This variable is only relevant if `appt-msg-window' is nil."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'appt)
-(make-obsolete-variable 'appt-visible 'appt-display-format "22.1")
-(defcustom appt-msg-window t
-  "Non-nil means display appointment message in another window.
-If non-nil, this variable overrides `appt-visible'."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'appt)
-(make-obsolete-variable 'appt-msg-window 'appt-display-format "22.1")
 ;; TODO - add popup.
-(defcustom appt-display-format 'ignore
+(defcustom appt-display-format 'window
   "How appointment reminders should be displayed.
 The options are:
    window - use a separate window
    echo   - use the echo area
    nil    - no visible reminder.
-See also `appt-audible' and `appt-display-mode-line'.
-The default value is 'ignore, which means to fall back on the value
-of the (obsolete) variables `appt-msg-window' and `appt-visible'."
+See also `appt-audible' and `appt-display-mode-line'."
   :type '(choice
           (const :tag "Separate window" window)
           (const :tag "Echo-area" echo)
-          (const :tag "No visible display" nil)
-          (const :tag "Backwards compatibility setting - choose another value"
-                 ignore))
+          (const :tag "No visible display" nil))
   :group 'appt
-  :version "22.1")
+  :version "24.1") ; no longer inherit from deleted obsolete variables
 (defcustom appt-display-mode-line t
   "Non-nil means display minutes to appointment and time on the mode line.
@@ -236,25 +204,18 @@
 The string STRING describes the appointment, due in integer MINS minutes.
 The format of the visible reminder is controlled by `appt-display-format'.
 The variable `appt-audible' controls the audible reminder."
-  ;; Let-binding for backwards compatibility.  Remove when obsolete
-  ;; vars appt-msg-window and appt-visible are dropped.
-  (let ((appt-display-format
-         (if (eq appt-display-format 'ignore)
-             (cond (appt-msg-window 'window)
-                   (appt-visible 'echo))
-           appt-display-format)))
-    (if appt-audible (beep 1))
-    (cond ((eq appt-display-format 'window)
-           (funcall appt-disp-window-function
-                    (number-to-string mins)
-                    ;; TODO - use calendar-month-abbrev-array rather than %b?
-                    (format-time-string "%a %b %e " (current-time))
-                    string)
-           (run-at-time (format "%d sec" appt-display-duration)
-                        nil
-                        appt-delete-window-function))
-          ((eq appt-display-format 'echo)
-           (message "%s" string)))))
+  (if appt-audible (beep 1))
+  (cond ((eq appt-display-format 'window)
+         (funcall appt-disp-window-function
+                  (number-to-string mins)
+                  ;; TODO - use calendar-month-abbrev-array rather than %b?
+                  (format-time-string "%a %b %e " (current-time))
+                  string)
+         (run-at-time (format "%d sec" appt-display-duration)
+                      nil
+                      appt-delete-window-function))
+        ((eq appt-display-format 'echo)
+         (message "%s" string))))
 (defun appt-check (&optional force)
@@ -348,7 +309,7 @@
         ;; If there are entries in the list, and the user wants a
         ;; message issued, get the first time off of the list and
         ;; calculate the number of minutes until the appointment.
-        (when (and appt-issue-message appt-time-msg-list)
+        (when appt-time-msg-list
           (setq appt-comp-time (caar (car appt-time-msg-list))
                 appt-warn-time (or (nth 3 (car appt-time-msg-list))
@@ -515,8 +476,7 @@
 (defvar number)
 (defvar original-date)
 (defvar diary-entries-list)
-;; Autoload for the old way of using this package.  Can be removed sometime.
 (defun appt-make-list ()
   "Update the appointments list from today's diary buffer.
 The time must be at the beginning of a line for it to be
@@ -525,92 +485,86 @@
 NUMBER hold the arguments that `diary-list-entries' received.
 They specify the range of dates that the diary is being processed for.
-Any appointments made with `appt-add' are not affected by this function.
-For backwards compatibility, this function activates the
-appointment package (if it is not already active)."
-  ;; See comments above appt-activate defun.
-  (if (not appt-timer)
-      (appt-activate 1)
-    ;; We have something to do if the range of dates that the diary is
-    ;; considering includes the current date.
-    (if (and (not (calendar-date-compare
-                   (list (calendar-current-date))
-                   (list original-date)))
-             (calendar-date-compare
-              (list (calendar-current-date))
-              (list (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute
-                     (+ (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian original-date)
-                        number)))))
-        (save-excursion
-          ;; Clear the appointments list, then fill it in from the diary.
-          (dolist (elt appt-time-msg-list)
-            ;; Delete any entries that were not made with appt-add.
-            (unless (nth 2 elt)
-              (setq appt-time-msg-list
-                    (delq elt appt-time-msg-list))))
-          (if diary-entries-list
-              ;; Cycle through the entry-list (diary-entries-list)
-              ;; looking for entries beginning with a time.  If the
-              ;; entry begins with a time, add it to the
-              ;; appt-time-msg-list.  Then sort the list.
-              (let ((entry-list diary-entries-list)
-                    (new-time-string "")
-                    time-string)
-                ;; Below, we assume diary-entries-list was in date
-                ;; order.  It is, unless something on
-                ;; diary-list-entries-hook has changed it, eg
-                ;; diary-include-other-files (bug#7019).  It must be
-                ;; in date order if number = 1.
-                (and diary-list-entries-hook
-                     appt-display-diary
-                     (not (eq diary-number-of-entries 1))
-                     (not (memq (car (last diary-list-entries-hook))
-                                '(diary-sort-entries sort-diary-entries)))
-                     (setq entry-list (sort entry-list 'diary-entry-compare)))
-                ;; Skip diary entries for dates before today.
-                (while (and entry-list
-                            (calendar-date-compare
-                             (car entry-list) (list (calendar-current-date))))
-                  (setq entry-list (cdr entry-list)))
-                ;; Parse the entries for today.
-                (while (and entry-list
-                            (calendar-date-equal
-                             (calendar-current-date) (caar entry-list)))
-                  (setq time-string (cadr (car entry-list)))
-                  (while (string-match appt-time-regexp time-string)
-                    (let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
-                           ;; Get just the time for this appointment.
-                           (only-time (match-string 0 time-string))
-                           ;; Find the end of this appointment
-                           ;; (the start of the next).
-                           (end (string-match
-                                 (concat "\n[ \t]*" appt-time-regexp)
-                                 time-string
-                                 (match-end 0)))
-                           ;; Get the whole string for this appointment.
-                           (appt-time-string
-                            (substring time-string beg end))
-                           (appt-time (list (appt-convert-time only-time)))
-                           (time-msg (list appt-time appt-time-string)))
-                      ;; Add this appointment to appt-time-msg-list.
-                      (setq appt-time-msg-list
-                            (nconc appt-time-msg-list (list time-msg))
-                            ;; Discard this appointment from the string.
-                            time-string
-                            (if end (substring time-string end) ""))))
-                  (setq entry-list (cdr entry-list)))))
-          (setq appt-time-msg-list (appt-sort-list appt-time-msg-list))
-          ;; Convert current time to minutes after midnight (12:01am = 1),
-          ;; so that elements in the list that are earlier than the
-          ;; present time can be removed.
-          (let* ((now (decode-time))
-                 (cur-comp-time (+ (* 60 (nth 2 now)) (nth 1 now)))
-                 (appt-comp-time (caar (car appt-time-msg-list))))
-            (while (and appt-time-msg-list (< appt-comp-time cur-comp-time))
-              (setq appt-time-msg-list (cdr appt-time-msg-list))
-              (if appt-time-msg-list
-                  (setq appt-comp-time (caar (car appt-time-msg-list))))))))))
+Any appointments made with `appt-add' are not affected by this function."
+  ;; We have something to do if the range of dates that the diary is
+  ;; considering includes the current date.
+  (if (and (not (calendar-date-compare
+                 (list (calendar-current-date))
+                 (list original-date)))
+           (calendar-date-compare
+            (list (calendar-current-date))
+            (list (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute
+                   (+ (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian original-date)
+                      number)))))
+      (save-excursion
+        ;; Clear the appointments list, then fill it in from the diary.
+        (dolist (elt appt-time-msg-list)
+          ;; Delete any entries that were not made with appt-add.
+          (unless (nth 2 elt)
+            (setq appt-time-msg-list
+                  (delq elt appt-time-msg-list))))
+        (if diary-entries-list
+            ;; Cycle through the entry-list (diary-entries-list)
+            ;; looking for entries beginning with a time.  If the
+            ;; entry begins with a time, add it to the
+            ;; appt-time-msg-list.  Then sort the list.
+            (let ((entry-list diary-entries-list)
+                  (new-time-string "")
+                  time-string)
+              ;; Below, we assume diary-entries-list was in date
+              ;; order.  It is, unless something on
+              ;; diary-list-entries-hook has changed it, eg
+              ;; diary-include-other-files (bug#7019).  It must be
+              ;; in date order if number = 1.
+              (and diary-list-entries-hook
+                   appt-display-diary
+                   (not (eq diary-number-of-entries 1))
+                   (not (memq (car (last diary-list-entries-hook))
+                              '(diary-sort-entries sort-diary-entries)))
+                   (setq entry-list (sort entry-list 'diary-entry-compare)))
+              ;; Skip diary entries for dates before today.
+              (while (and entry-list
+                          (calendar-date-compare
+                           (car entry-list) (list (calendar-current-date))))
+                (setq entry-list (cdr entry-list)))
+              ;; Parse the entries for today.
+              (while (and entry-list
+                          (calendar-date-equal
+                           (calendar-current-date) (caar entry-list)))
+                (setq time-string (cadr (car entry-list)))
+                (while (string-match appt-time-regexp time-string)
+                  (let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
+                         ;; Get just the time for this appointment.
+                         (only-time (match-string 0 time-string))
+                         ;; Find the end of this appointment
+                         ;; (the start of the next).
+                         (end (string-match
+                               (concat "\n[ \t]*" appt-time-regexp)
+                               time-string
+                               (match-end 0)))
+                         ;; Get the whole string for this appointment.
+                         (appt-time-string
+                          (substring time-string beg end))
+                         (appt-time (list (appt-convert-time only-time)))
+                         (time-msg (list appt-time appt-time-string)))
+                    ;; Add this appointment to appt-time-msg-list.
+                    (setq appt-time-msg-list
+                          (nconc appt-time-msg-list (list time-msg))
+                          ;; Discard this appointment from the string.
+                          time-string
+                          (if end (substring time-string end) ""))))
+                (setq entry-list (cdr entry-list)))))
+        (setq appt-time-msg-list (appt-sort-list appt-time-msg-list))
+        ;; Convert current time to minutes after midnight (12:01am = 1),
+        ;; so that elements in the list that are earlier than the
+        ;; present time can be removed.
+        (let* ((now (decode-time))
+               (cur-comp-time (+ (* 60 (nth 2 now)) (nth 1 now)))
+               (appt-comp-time (caar (car appt-time-msg-list))))
+          (while (and appt-time-msg-list (< appt-comp-time cur-comp-time))
+            (setq appt-time-msg-list (cdr appt-time-msg-list))
+            (if appt-time-msg-list
+                (setq appt-comp-time (caar (car appt-time-msg-list)))))))))
 (defun appt-sort-list (appt-list)
@@ -650,30 +604,6 @@
          (appt-check t)))
-;; In Emacs-21.3, the manual documented the following procedure to
-;; activate this package:
-;;     (display-time)
-;;     (add-hook 'diary-hook 'appt-make-list)
-;;     (diary 0)
-;; The display-time call was not necessary, AFAICS.
-;; What was really needed was to add the hook and load this file.
-;; Calling (diary 0) once the hook had been added was in some sense a
-;; roundabout way of loading this file.  This file used to have code at
-;; the top-level that set up the appt-timer and global-mode-string.
-;; One way to maintain backwards compatibility would be to call
-;; (appt-activate 1) at top-level.  However, this goes against the
-;; convention that just loading an Emacs package should not activate
-;; it.  Instead, we make appt-make-list activate the package (after a
-;; suggestion from rms).  This means that one has to call diary in
-;; order to get it to work, but that is in line with the old (weird,
-;; IMO) documented behavior for activating the package.
-;; Actually, since (diary 0) does not run diary-hook, I don't think
-;; the documented behavior in Emacs-21.3 would ever have worked.
-;; Oh well, at least with the changes to appt-make-list it will now
-;; work as well as it ever did.
-;; The new method is just to use (appt-activate 1).
-;; -- gmorris
 (defun appt-activate (&optional arg)
   "Toggle checking of appointments.

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