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[Emacs-diffs] emacs/lisp ChangeLog international/mule-diag.el

From: Juanma Barranquero
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] emacs/lisp ChangeLog international/mule-diag.el
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 16:17:53 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Juanma Barranquero <lektu>      08/12/03 16:17:53

Modified files:
        lisp           : ChangeLog 
        lisp/international: mule-diag.el 

Log message:
        * international/mule-diag.el (unicodedata-file, unicode-data): Remove.
          They already exist in descr-text.el as 
          and `describe-char-unicode-data'.
          (print-list): Simplify.
          (read-charset): Reflow docstring.
          (list-coding-systems): Doc fix.


Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.14906
retrieving revision 1.14907
diff -u -b -r1.14906 -r1.14907
--- ChangeLog   3 Dec 2008 07:45:04 -0000       1.14906
+++ ChangeLog   3 Dec 2008 16:17:46 -0000       1.14907
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2008-12-03  Juanma Barranquero  <address@hidden>
+       * international/mule-diag.el (unicodedata-file, unicode-data): Remove.
+       They already exist in descr-text.el as `describe-char-unicodedata-file'
+       and `describe-char-unicode-data'.
+       (print-list): Simplify.
+       (read-charset): Reflow docstring.
+       (list-coding-systems): Doc fix.
 2008-12-03  Glenn Morris  <address@hidden>
        * vc.el (vc-diff-switches): Doc fix.

Index: international/mule-diag.el
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/international/mule-diag.el,v
retrieving revision 1.119
retrieving revision 1.120
diff -u -b -r1.119 -r1.120
--- international/mule-diag.el  1 Sep 2008 07:17:04 -0000       1.119
+++ international/mule-diag.el  3 Dec 2008 16:17:52 -0000       1.120
@@ -38,12 +38,7 @@
 (defun print-list (&rest args)
   "Print all arguments with single space separator in one line."
-  (while (cdr args)
-    (when (car args)
-      (princ (car args))
-      (princ " "))
-    (setq args (cdr args)))
-  (princ (car args))
+  (princ (mapconcat #'identity args " "))
   (princ "\n"))
@@ -223,8 +218,8 @@
 Optional arguments are DEFAULT-VALUE and INITIAL-INPUT.
 DEFAULT-VALUE, if non-nil, is the default value.
 INITIAL-INPUT, if non-nil, is a string inserted in the minibuffer initially.
-See the documentation of the function `completing-read' for the
-detailed meanings of these arguments."
+See the documentation of the function `completing-read' for the detailed
+meanings of these arguments."
   (let* ((table (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (symbol-name x))) charset-list))
         (charset (completing-read prompt table
                                   nil t initial-input 'charset-history
@@ -756,7 +751,7 @@
   "Display a list of all coding systems.
 This shows the mnemonic letter, name, and description of each coding system.
-With prefix arg, the output format gets more cryptic,
+With prefix ARG, the output format gets more cryptic,
 but still contains full information about each coding system."
   (interactive "P")
   (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
@@ -1113,192 +1108,6 @@
-(defcustom unicodedata-file nil
-  "Location of UnicodeData file.
-This is the UnicodeData.txt file from the Unicode consortium, used for
-diagnostics.  If it is non-nil `describe-char-after' will print data
-looked up from it."
-  :group 'mule
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
-                file))
-;; We could convert the unidata file into a Lispy form once-for-all
-;; and distribute it for loading on demand.  It might be made more
-;; space-efficient by splitting strings word-wise and replacing them
-;; with lists of symbols interned in a private obarray, e.g.
-(defun unicode-data (char)
-  "Return a list of Unicode data for unicode CHAR.
-Each element is a list of a property description and the property value.
-The list is null if CHAR isn't found in `unicodedata-file'."
-  (when unicodedata-file
-    (unless (file-exists-p unicodedata-file)
-      (error "`unicodedata-file' %s not found" unicodedata-file))
-    (save-excursion
-      (set-buffer (find-file-noselect unicodedata-file t t))
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (let ((hex (format "%04X" char))
-           found first last)
-       (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" hex) nil t)
-           (setq found t)
-         ;; It's not listed explicitly.  Look for ranges, e.g. CJK
-         ;; ideographs, and check whether it's in one of them.
-         (while (and (re-search-forward "^\\([^;]+\\);[^;]+First>;" nil t)
-                     (>= char (setq first
-                                    (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16)))
-                     (progn
-                       (forward-line 1)
-                       (looking-at "^\\([^;]+\\);[^;]+Last>;")
-                       (> char
-                          (setq last
-                                (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16))))))
-         (if (and (>= char first)
-                  (<= char last))
-             (setq found t)))
-       (if found
-           (let ((fields (mapcar (lambda (elt)
-                                   (if (> (length elt) 0)
-                                       elt))
-                                 (cdr (split-string
-                                       (buffer-substring
-                                        (line-beginning-position)
-                                        (line-end-position))
-                                       ";")))))
-             ;; The length depends on whether the last field was empty.
-             (unless (or (= 13 (length fields))
-                         (= 14 (length fields)))
-               (error "Invalid contents in %s" unicodedata-file))
-             ;; The field names and values lists are slightly
-             ;; modified from Mule-UCS unidata.el.
-             (list
-              (list "Name" (let ((name (nth 0 fields)))
-                             ;; Check for <..., First>, <..., Last>
-                             (if (string-match "\\`\\(<[^,]+\\)," name)
-                                 (concat (match-string 1 name) ">")
-                               name)))
-              (list "Category"
-                    (cdr (assoc
-                          (nth 1 fields)
-                          '(("Lu" . "uppercase letter")
-                            ("Ll" . "lowercase letter")
-                            ("Lt" . "titlecase letter")
-                            ("Mn" . "non-spacing mark")
-                            ("Mc" . "spacing-combining mark")
-                            ("Me" . "enclosing mark")
-                            ("Nd" . "decimal digit")
-                            ("Nl" . "letter number")
-                            ("No" . "other number")
-                            ("Zs" . "space separator")
-                            ("Zl" . "line separator")
-                            ("Zp" . "paragraph separator")
-                            ("Cc" . "other control")
-                            ("Cf" . "other format")
-                            ("Cs" . "surrogate")
-                            ("Co" . "private use")
-                            ("Cn" . "not assigned")
-                            ("Lm" . "modifier letter")
-                            ("Lo" . "other letter")
-                            ("Pc" . "connector punctuation")
-                            ("Pd" . "dash punctuation")
-                            ("Ps" . "open punctuation")
-                            ("Pe" . "close punctuation")
-                            ("Pi" . "initial-quotation punctuation")
-                            ("Pf" . "final-quotation punctuation")
-                            ("Po" . "other punctuation")
-                            ("Sm" . "math symbol")
-                            ("Sc" . "currency symbol")
-                            ("Sk" . "modifier symbol")
-                            ("So" . "other symbol")))))
-              (list "Combining class"
-                    (cdr (assoc
-                          (string-to-number (nth 2 fields))
-                          '((0 . "Spacing")
-                            (1 . "Overlays and interior")
-                            (7 . "Nuktas")
-                            (8 . "Hiragana/Katakana voicing marks")
-                            (9 . "Viramas")
-                            (10 . "Start of fixed position classes")
-                            (199 . "End of fixed position classes")
-                            (200 . "Below left attached")
-                            (202 . "Below attached")
-                            (204 . "Below right attached")
-                            (208 . "Left attached (reordrant around \
-single base character)")
-                            (210 . "Right attached")
-                            (212 . "Above left attached")
-                            (214 . "Above attached")
-                            (216 . "Above right attached")
-                            (218 . "Below left")
-                            (220 . "Below")
-                            (222 . "Below right")
-                            (224 . "Left (reordrant around single base \
-                            (226 . "Right")
-                            (228 . "Above left")
-                            (230 . "Above")
-                            (232 . "Above right")
-                            (233 . "Double below")
-                            (234 . "Double above")
-                            (240 . "Below (iota subscript)")))))
-              (list "Bidi category"
-                    (cdr (assoc
-                          (nth 3 fields)
-                          '(("L" . "Left-to-Right")
-                            ("LRE" . "Left-to-Right Embedding")
-                            ("LRO" . "Left-to-Right Override")
-                            ("R" . "Right-to-Left")
-                            ("AL" . "Right-to-Left Arabic")
-                            ("RLE" . "Right-to-Left Embedding")
-                            ("RLO" . "Right-to-Left Override")
-                            ("PDF" . "Pop Directional Format")
-                            ("EN" . "European Number")
-                            ("ES" . "European Number Separator")
-                            ("ET" . "European Number Terminator")
-                            ("AN" . "Arabic Number")
-                            ("CS" . "Common Number Separator")
-                            ("NSM" . "Non-Spacing Mark")
-                            ("BN" . "Boundary Neutral")
-                            ("B" . "Paragraph Separator")
-                            ("S" . "Segment Separator")
-                            ("WS" . "Whitespace")
-                            ("ON" . "Other Neutrals")))))
-              (list "Decomposition"
-                    (if (nth 4 fields)
-                        (let* ((parts (split-string (nth 4 fields)))
-                               (info (car parts)))
-                          (if (string-match "\\`<\\(.+\\)>\\'" info)
-                              (setq info (match-string 1 info))
-                            (setq info nil))
-                          (if info (setq parts (cdr parts)))
-                          (setq parts (mapconcat
-                                       (lambda (arg)
-                                         (string (string-to-number arg 16)))
-                                       parts " "))
-                          (concat info parts))))
-              (list "Decimal digit value"
-                    (nth 5 fields))
-              (list "Digit value"
-                    (nth 6 fields))
-              (list "Numeric value"
-                    (nth 7 fields))
-              (list "Mirrored"
-                    (if (equal "Y" (nth 8 fields))
-                        "yes"))
-              (list "Old name" (nth 9 fields))
-              (list "ISO 10646 comment" (nth 10 fields))
-              (list "Uppercase" (and (nth 11 fields)
-                                     (string (string-to-number
-                                              (nth 11 fields) 16))))
-              (list "Lowercase" (and (nth 12 fields)
-                                     (string (string-to-number
-                                              (nth 12 fields) 16))))
-              (list "Titlecase" (and (nth 13 fields)
-                                     (string (string-to-number
-                                              (nth 13 fields) 16)))))))))))
 (defun font-show-log (&optional limit)
   "Show log of font listing and opening.
 Prefix arg LIMIT says how many fonts to show for each listing.

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