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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/diff-mode.el,v [EMACS_22_BASE]

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/diff-mode.el,v [EMACS_22_BASE]
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 19:44:51 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Branch:         EMACS_22_BASE
Changes by:     Stefan Monnier <monnier>        08/02/19 19:44:49

Index: diff-mode.el
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/diff-mode.el,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.99.2.10 -r1.99.2.11
--- diff-mode.el        10 Feb 2008 16:36:07 -0000
+++ diff-mode.el        19 Feb 2008 19:44:48 -0000
@@ -341,10 +341,12 @@
          (while (re-search-backward re start t)
            (replace-match "" t t)))))))
+(defconst diff-hunk-header-re-unified
+  "^@@ -\\([0-9]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\) \\+\\([0-9]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\) @@")
 (defvar diff-font-lock-keywords
-  `(("^\\(@@ -[0-9,]+ \\+[0-9,]+ @@\\)\\(.*\\)$"          ;unified
-     (1 diff-hunk-header-face) (2 diff-function-face))
+  `((,(concat "\\(" diff-hunk-header-re-unified "\\)\\(.*\\)$")
+     (1 diff-hunk-header-face) (6 diff-function-face))
     ("^\\(\\*\\{15\\}\\)\\(.*\\)$"                        ;context
      (1 diff-hunk-header-face) (2 diff-function-face))
     ("^\\*\\*\\* .+ \\*\\*\\*\\*". diff-hunk-header-face) ;context
@@ -381,25 +383,51 @@
 ;;;; Movement
-(defconst diff-hunk-header-re "^\\(@@ -[0-9,]+ \\+[0-9,]+ 
@@.*\\|\\*\\{15\\}.*\n\\*\\*\\* .+ 
+(defvar diff-valid-unified-empty-line t
+  "If non-nil, empty lines are valid in unified diffs.
+Some versions of diff replace all-blank context lines in unified format with
+empty lines.  This makes the format less robust, but is tolerated.
+See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2007-11/msg01990.html";)
+(defconst diff-hunk-header-re
+  (concat "^\\(?:" diff-hunk-header-re-unified ".*\\|\\*\\{15\\}.*\n\\*\\*\\* 
.+ \\*\\*\\*\\*\\|[0-9]+\\(,[0-9]+\\)?[acd][0-9]+\\(,[0-9]+\\)?\\)$"))
 (defconst diff-file-header-re (concat "^\\(--- .+\n\\+\\+\\+ \\|\\*\\*\\* 
.+\n--- \\|[^-+!<>address@hidden ]\\).+\n" (substring diff-hunk-header-re 1)))
 (defvar diff-narrowed-to nil)
-(defun diff-end-of-hunk (&optional style)
+(defun diff-end-of-hunk (&optional style donttrustheader)
+  (let (end)
   (when (looking-at diff-hunk-header-re)
     (unless style
       ;; Especially important for unified (because headers are ambiguous).
       (setq style (cdr (assq (char-after) '((?@ . unified) (?* . context))))))
-    (goto-char (match-end 0)))
-  (let ((end (and (re-search-forward (case style
+      (goto-char (match-end 0))
+      (when (and (not donttrustheader) (match-end 2))
+        (save-excursion
+          (re-search-forward (if diff-valid-unified-empty-line
+                                 "^[- \n]" "^[- ]")
+                             nil t
+                             (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
+          (setq end (line-beginning-position 2)))))
+    ;; We may have a first evaluation of `end' thanks to the hunk header.
+    (unless end
+      (setq end (and (re-search-forward
+                      (case style
+                        (unified (concat (if diff-valid-unified-empty-line
+                                             "^[^-+# \\\n]\\|" "^[^-+# \\]\\|")
                                       ;; A `unified' header is ambiguous.
-                                      (unified (concat "^[^-+# \\]\\|"
                                       (context "^[^-+#! \\]")
                                       (normal "^[^<>#\\]")
                                       (t "^[^-+#!<> \\]"))
                                     nil t)
-                 (match-beginning 0))))
+                     (match-beginning 0)))
+      (when diff-valid-unified-empty-line
+        ;; While empty lines may be valid inside hunks, they are also likely
+        ;; to be unrelated to the hunk.
+        (goto-char (or end (point-max)))
+        (while (eq ?\n (char-before (1- (point))))
+          (forward-char -1)
+          (setq end (point)))))
     ;; The return value is used by easy-mmode-define-navigation.
     (goto-char (or end (point-max)))))
@@ -537,11 +565,11 @@
   (let ((pos (point))
        (start (progn (diff-beginning-of-hunk) (point))))
-    (unless (looking-at "@@ -\\([0-9]+\\),[0-9]+ \\+\\([0-9]+\\),[0-9]+ @@")
+    (unless (looking-at diff-hunk-header-re-unified)
       (error "diff-split-hunk only works on unified context diffs"))
     (forward-line 1)
     (let* ((start1 (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
-          (start2 (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
+          (start2 (string-to-number (match-string 3)))
           (newstart1 (+ start1 (diff-count-matches "^[- \t]" (point) pos)))
           (newstart2 (+ start2 (diff-count-matches "^[+ \t]" (point) pos)))
           (inhibit-read-only t))
@@ -699,7 +727,10 @@
        (inhibit-read-only t))
       (goto-char start)
-      (while (and (re-search-forward "^\\(\\(---\\) .+\n\\(\\+\\+\\+\\) 
.+\\|@@ -\\([0-9]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\) \\+\\([0-9]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\) @@.*\\)$" nil t)
+      (while (and (re-search-forward
+                   (concat "^\\(\\(---\\) .+\n\\(\\+\\+\\+\\) .+\\|"
+                           diff-hunk-header-re-unified ".*\\)$")
+                   nil t)
                  (< (point) end))
          (if (match-beginning 2)
@@ -718,9 +749,11 @@
                       (number-to-string (+ (string-to-number line1)
                                            (string-to-number lines1)
                                            -1)) " ****"))
-             (forward-line 1)
-               (narrow-to-region (point)
+               (narrow-to-region (line-beginning-position 2)
+                                  ;; Call diff-end-of-hunk from just before
+                                  ;; the hunk header so it can use the hunk
+                                  ;; header info.
                                  (progn (diff-end-of-hunk 'unified) (point)))
                (let ((hunk (buffer-string)))
                  (goto-char (point-min))
@@ -742,6 +775,8 @@
                          (?\\ (when (save-excursion (forward-line -1)
                                                     (= (char-after) ?+))
                                 (delete-region (point) last-pt) (setq modif 
+                          ;; diff-valid-unified-empty-line.
+                          (?\n (insert "  ") (setq modif nil) (backward-char 
                          (t (setq modif nil))))))
                  (goto-char (point-max))
@@ -767,6 +802,8 @@
                          (?\\ (when (save-excursion (forward-line 1)
                                                     (not (eobp)))
                                 (setq delete t) (setq modif t)))
+                          ;; diff-valid-unified-empty-line.
+                          (?\n (insert "  ") (setq modif nil) (backward-char 
                          (t (setq modif nil)))
                        (let ((last-pt (point)))
                          (forward-line 1)
@@ -908,7 +945,8 @@
                       (t (when (and first last (< first last))
                            (insert (delete-and-extract-region first last)))
                          (setq first nil last nil)
-                         (equal ?\s c)))
+                         (memq c (if diff-valid-unified-empty-line
+                                      '(?\s ?\n) '(?\s)))))
                (forward-line 1))))))))))
 (defun diff-fixup-modifs (start end)
@@ -920,11 +958,11 @@
                 (list (point-min) (point-max))))
   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
-      (goto-char end) (diff-end-of-hunk)
+      (goto-char end) (diff-end-of-hunk nil 'donttrustheader)
       (let ((plus 0) (minus 0) (space 0) (bang 0))
        (while (and (= (forward-line -1) 0) (<= start (point)))
          (if (not (looking-at
-                   (concat "@@ -[0-9,]+ \\+[0-9,]+ @@"
+                   (concat diff-hunk-header-re-unified
                            "\\|[-*][-*][-*] [0-9,]+ [-*][-*][-*][-*]$"
                            "\\|--- .+\n\\+\\+\\+ ")))
              (case (char-after)
@@ -935,13 +973,13 @@
                ((?\\ ?#) nil)
                (t  (setq space 0 plus 0 minus 0 bang 0)))
-            ((looking-at "@@ -[0-9]+,\\([0-9]*\\) \\+[0-9]+,\\([0-9]*\\) 
-             (let* ((old1 (match-string 1))
-                    (old2 (match-string 2))
+            ((looking-at diff-hunk-header-re-unified)
+             (let* ((old1 (match-string 2))
+                    (old2 (match-string 4))
                     (new1 (number-to-string (+ space minus)))
                     (new2 (number-to-string (+ space plus))))
-               (unless (string= new2 old2) (replace-match new2 t t nil 2))
-               (unless (string= new1 old1) (replace-match new1 t t nil 1))))
+               (unless (string= new2 old2) (replace-match new2 t t nil 4))
+               (unless (string= new1 old1) (replace-match new1 t t nil 2))))
             ((looking-at "--- \\([0-9]+\\),\\([0-9]*\\) ----$")
              (when (> (+ space bang plus) 0)
                (let* ((old1 (match-string 1))
@@ -1009,7 +1047,7 @@
        ;; (diff-fixup-modifs (point) (cdr diff-unhandled-changes))
        (when (save-excursion
-               (diff-end-of-hunk)
+               (diff-end-of-hunk nil 'donttrustheader)
                (>= (point) (cdr diff-unhandled-changes)))
          (diff-fixup-modifs (point) (cdr diff-unhandled-changes)))))
     (setq diff-unhandled-changes nil)))
@@ -1124,9 +1162,8 @@
 Only works for unified diffs."
-      (and (re-search-forward "^@@ [-0-9]+,\\([0-9]+\\) [+0-9]+,\\([0-9]+\\) 
-                             nil t)
-          (equal (match-string 1) (match-string 2)))))
+      (and (re-search-forward diff-hunk-header-re-unified nil t)
+          (equal (match-string 2) (match-string 4)))))
 (defun diff-sanity-check-context-hunk-half (lines)
   (let ((count lines))
@@ -1175,11 +1212,10 @@
        ;; A unified diff.
        ((eq (char-after) ?@)
-        (if (not (looking-at
-                  "@@ -[0-9]+,\\([0-9]+\\) \\+[0-9]+,\\([0-9]+\\) @@"))
+        (if (not (looking-at diff-hunk-header-re-unified))
             (error "Unrecognized unified diff hunk header format")
-          (let ((before (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
-                (after (string-to-number (match-string 2))))
+          (let ((before (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
+                (after (string-to-number (match-string 4))))
                 (case (char-after)
@@ -1197,12 +1233,16 @@
                   (?+ (decf after) t)
+                    ((and diff-valid-unified-empty-line
+                          ;; Not just (eolp) so we don't infloop at eob.
+                          (eq (char-after) ?\n))
+                     (decf before) (decf after) t)
                     ((and (zerop before) (zerop after)) nil)
                     ((or (< before 0) (< after 0))
                      (error (if (or (zerop before) (zerop after))
                                 "End of hunk ambiguously marked"
                               "Hunk seriously messed up")))
-                    ((not (y-or-n-p "Try to auto-fix whitespace loss and 
word-wrap damage? "))
+                    ((not (y-or-n-p (concat "Try to auto-fix " (if (eolp) 
"whitespace loss" "word-wrap damage") "? ")))
                      (error "Abort!"))
                     ((eolp) (insert " ") (forward-line -1) t)
                     (t (insert " ")

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