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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/calc/calccomp.el,v

From: Jay Belanger
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/calc/calccomp.el,v
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 03:14:55 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Jay Belanger <jpb>      07/12/02 03:14:55

Index: calccomp.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/lisp/calc/calccomp.el,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -b -r1.21 -r1.22
--- calccomp.el 26 Jul 2007 05:26:42 -0000      1.21
+++ calccomp.el 2 Dec 2007 03:14:55 -0000       1.22
@@ -32,16 +32,6 @@
 (require 'calc-ext)
 (require 'calc-macs)
-(defconst math-eqn-special-funcs
-  '( calcFunc-log
-     calcFunc-ln calcFunc-exp
-     calcFunc-sin calcFunc-cos calcFunc-tan
-     calcFunc-sec calcFunc-csc calcFunc-cot
-     calcFunc-sinh calcFunc-cosh calcFunc-tanh
-     calcFunc-sech calcFunc-csch calcFunc-coth
-     calcFunc-arcsin calcFunc-arccos calcFunc-arctan
-     calcFunc-arcsinh calcFunc-arccosh calcFunc-arctanh))
 ;;; A "composition" has one of the following forms:
 ;;;    "string"              A literal string
@@ -80,6 +70,20 @@
 (defvar math-comp-right-bracket)
 (defvar math-comp-comma)
+(defun math-compose-var (a v)
+  (if (and math-compose-hash-args
+           (let ((p calc-arg-values))
+             (setq v 1)
+             (while (and p (not (equal (car p) a)))
+               (setq p (and (eq math-compose-hash-args t) (cdr p))
+                     v (1+ v)))
+             p))
+      (if (eq math-compose-hash-args 1)
+          "#"
+        (format "#%d" v))
+    (if (memq calc-language calc-lang-allow-underscores)
+        (math-to-underscores (symbol-name (nth 1 a)))
+      (symbol-name (nth 1 a)))))
 (defun math-compose-expr (a prec)
   (let ((math-compose-level (1+ math-compose-level))
@@ -94,17 +98,24 @@
        (list 'tag a (math-compose-expr a prec))))
      ((and (not (consp a)) (not (integerp a)))
       (concat "'" (prin1-to-string a)))
-     ((setq spfn (assq (car-safe a) math-expr-special-function-mapping))
+     ((setq spfn (assq (car-safe a) 
+                       (get calc-language 'math-special-function-table)))
       (setq spfn (cdr spfn))
-      (funcall (car spfn) a spfn))
+      (if (consp spfn)
+          (funcall (car spfn) a spfn)
+        (funcall spfn a)))
      ((math-scalarp a)
       (if (or (eq (car-safe a) 'frac)
              (and (nth 1 calc-frac-format) (Math-integerp a)))
-         (if (memq calc-language '(tex latex eqn math maple c fortran pascal))
+         (if (and
+               calc-language
+               (not (memq calc-language 
+                          '(flat big unform))))
              (let ((aa (math-adjust-fraction a))
                    (calc-frac-format nil))
                (math-compose-expr (list '/
-                                        (if (memq calc-language '(c fortran))
+                                        (if (memq calc-language 
+                                                   calc-lang-slash-idiv)
                                             (math-float (nth 1 aa))
                                           (nth 1 aa))
                                         (nth 2 aa)) prec))
@@ -268,59 +279,25 @@
                                            (cdr a)
                                            (if full rows 3) t)))))
              (if (or calc-full-vectors (< (length a) 7))
-                 (if (and (eq calc-language 'tex)
-                          (math-matrixp a))
-                      (if (and (integerp calc-language-option)
-                               (or (= calc-language-option 0)
-                                   (> calc-language-option 1)
-                                   (< calc-language-option -1)))
-                          (append '(vleft 0 "\\matrix{")
-                                  (math-compose-tex-matrix (cdr a))
-                                  '("}"))
-                        (append '(horiz "\\matrix{ ")
-                                (math-compose-tex-matrix (cdr a))
-                                '(" }")))
-                    (if (and (eq calc-language 'latex)
-                             (math-matrixp a))
-                        (if (and (integerp calc-language-option)
-                                 (or (= calc-language-option 0)
-                                     (> calc-language-option 1)
-                                     (< calc-language-option -1)))
-                            (append '(vleft 0 "\\begin{pmatrix}")
-                                    (math-compose-tex-matrix (cdr a) t)
-                                    '("\\end{pmatrix}"))
-                          (append '(horiz "\\begin{pmatrix} ")
-                                  (math-compose-tex-matrix (cdr a) t)
-                                  '(" \\end{pmatrix}")))
-                      (if (and (eq calc-language 'eqn)
-                               (math-matrixp a))
-                          (append '(horiz "matrix { ")
-                                  (math-compose-eqn-matrix
-                                   (cdr (math-transpose a)))
-                                  '("}"))
-                        (if (and (eq calc-language 'maple)
+                  (if (and 
+                       (setq spfn (get calc-language 'math-matrix-formatter))
                                  (math-matrixp a))
+                      (funcall spfn a)
                             (list 'horiz
-                                  "matrix("
                                   (math-compose-vector (cdr a) 
                                                        (concat math-comp-comma 
" ")
-                                  math-comp-right-bracket
-                                  ")")
-                          (list 'horiz
-                                math-comp-left-bracket
-                                (math-compose-vector (cdr a) 
-                                                     (concat math-comp-comma " 
-                                                     math-comp-vector-prec)
-                                math-comp-right-bracket)))))
+                          math-comp-right-bracket))
                (list 'horiz
                      (math-compose-vector (list (nth 1 a) (nth 2 a) (nth 3 a))
                                           (concat math-comp-comma " ") 
-                     math-comp-comma (if (memq calc-language '(tex latex)) 
-                                          " \\ldots" " ...")
+                     math-comp-comma 
+                      (if (setq spfn (get calc-language 'math-dots))
+                          (concat " " spfn)
+                        " ...")
                      math-comp-comma " "
                      (list 'break math-compose-level)
                      (math-compose-expr (nth (1- (length a)) a)
@@ -354,62 +331,23 @@
       (let ((v (rassq (nth 2 a) math-expr-variable-mapping)))
        (if v
            (symbol-name (car v))
-         (if (and (memq calc-language '(tex latex))
-                  calc-language-option
-                  (not (= calc-language-option 0))
-                  (string-match "\\`[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+\\'"
-                                (symbol-name (nth 1 a))))
-              (if (eq calc-language 'latex)
-                  (format "\\text{%s}" (symbol-name (nth 1 a)))
-                (format "\\hbox{%s}" (symbol-name (nth 1 a))))
-           (if (and math-compose-hash-args
-                    (let ((p calc-arg-values))
-                      (setq v 1)
-                      (while (and p (not (equal (car p) a)))
-                        (setq p (and (eq math-compose-hash-args t) (cdr p))
-                              v (1+ v)))
-                      p))
-               (if (eq math-compose-hash-args 1)
-                   "#"
-                 (format "#%d" v))
-             (if (memq calc-language '(c fortran pascal maple))
-                 (math-to-underscores (symbol-name (nth 1 a)))
-               (if (and (eq calc-language 'eqn)
-                        (string-match ".'\\'" (symbol-name (nth 2 a))))
-                   (math-compose-expr
-                    (list 'calcFunc-Prime
-                          (list
-                           'var
-                           (intern (substring (symbol-name (nth 1 a)) 0 -1))
-                           (intern (substring (symbol-name (nth 2 a)) 0 -1))))
-                    prec)
-                 (symbol-name (nth 1 a)))))))))
+          (if (setq spfn (get calc-language 'math-var-formatter))
+              (funcall spfn a v prec)
+            (math-compose-var a v)))))
      ((eq (car a) 'intv)
       (list 'horiz
-           (if (eq calc-language 'maple) ""
-             (if (memq (nth 1 a) '(0 1)) "(" "["))
+            (if (memq (nth 1 a) '(0 1)) "(" "[")
            (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) 0)
-           (if (memq calc-language '(tex latex)) " \\ldots "
-             (if (eq calc-language 'eqn) " ... " " .. "))
+            " .. "
            (math-compose-expr (nth 3 a) 0)
-           (if (eq calc-language 'maple) ""
-             (if (memq (nth 1 a) '(0 2)) ")" "]"))))
+            (if (memq (nth 1 a) '(0 2)) ")" "]")))
      ((eq (car a) 'date)
       (if (eq (car calc-date-format) 'X)
          (math-format-date a)
        (concat "<" (math-format-date a) ">")))
-     ((and (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-subscr) (cdr (cdr a))
-          (memq calc-language '(c pascal fortran maple)))
-      (let ((args (cdr (cdr a))))
-       (while (and (memq calc-language '(pascal fortran))
-                   (eq (car-safe (nth 1 a)) 'calcFunc-subscr))
-         (setq args (append (cdr (cdr (nth 1 a))) args)
-               a (nth 1 a)))
-       (list 'horiz
-             (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 1000)
-             (if (eq calc-language 'fortran) "(" "[")
-             (math-compose-vector args ", " 0)
-             (if (eq calc-language 'fortran) ")" "]"))))
+     ((and (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-subscr)
+           (setq spfn (get calc-language 'math-compose-subscr)))
+      (funcall spfn a))
      ((and (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-subscr) (= (length a) 3)
           (eq calc-language 'big))
       (let* ((a1 (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 1000))
@@ -426,25 +364,6 @@
                        ", "
          (list 'subscr a1 a2))))
-     ((and (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-subscr) (= (length a) 3)
-          (eq calc-language 'math))
-      (list 'horiz
-           (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 1000)
-           "[["
-           (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) 0)
-           "]]"))
-     ((and (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-sqrt)
-          (memq calc-language '(tex latex)))
-      (list 'horiz
-           "\\sqrt{"
-           (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 0)
-           "}"))
-     ((and nil (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-sqrt)
-          (eq calc-language 'eqn))
-      (list 'horiz
-           "sqrt {"
-           (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) -1)
-           "}"))
      ((and (eq (car a) '^)
           (eq calc-language 'big))
       (list 'supscr
@@ -469,14 +388,6 @@
        (list 'vcent
              (math-comp-height a1)
              a1 '(rule ?-) a2)))
-     ((and (memq (car a) '(calcFunc-sum calcFunc-prod))
-          (memq calc-language '(tex latex))
-          (= (length a) 5))
-      (list 'horiz (if (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-sum) "\\sum" "\\prod")
-           "_{" (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) 0)
-           "=" (math-compose-expr (nth 3 a) 0)
-           "}^{" (math-compose-expr (nth 4 a) 0)
-           "}{" (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 0) "}"))
      ((and (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-lambda)
           (> (length a) 2)
           (memq calc-language '(nil flat big)))
@@ -525,11 +436,9 @@
           (integerp (nth 2 a)))
       (let ((c (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) -1)))
        (if (> prec (nth 2 a))
-           (if (memq calc-language '(tex latex))
-               (list 'horiz "\\left( " c " \\right)")
-             (if (eq calc-language 'eqn)
-                 (list 'horiz "{left ( " c " right )}")
-               (list 'horiz "(" c ")")))
+            (if (setq spfn (get calc-language 'math-big-parens))
+                (list 'horiz (car spfn) c (cdr spfn))
+              (list 'horiz "(" c ")"))
      ((and (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-choriz)
           (not (eq calc-language 'unform))
@@ -663,13 +572,13 @@
                      (make-list (nth 1 a) c))))))
      ((and (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-evalto)
           (setq calc-any-evaltos t)
-          (memq calc-language '(tex latex eqn))
+          (setq spfn (get calc-language 'math-evalto))
           (= math-compose-level (if math-comp-tagged 2 1))
           (= (length a) 3))
       (list 'horiz
-           (if (memq calc-language '(tex latex)) "\\evalto " "evalto ")
+            (car spfn)
            (math-compose-expr (nth 1 a) 0)
-           (if (memq calc-language '(tex latex)) " \\to " " -> ")
+           (cdr spfn)
            (math-compose-expr (nth 2 a) 0)))
       (let ((op (and (not (eq calc-language 'unform))
@@ -895,56 +804,14 @@
                                  (symbol-name func))
                                 (math-match-substring (symbol-name func) 1)
                               (symbol-name func))))
-                (if (memq calc-language '(c fortran pascal maple))
+                (if (memq calc-language calc-lang-allow-underscores)
                     (setq func (math-to-underscores func)))
-                (if (and (memq calc-language '(tex latex))
-                         calc-language-option
-                         (not (= calc-language-option 0))
-                         (string-match "\\`[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+\\'" func))
-                    (if (< (prefix-numeric-value calc-language-option) 0)
-                        (setq func (format "\\%s" func))
-                      (setq func (if (eq calc-language 'latex)
-                                      (format "\\text{%s}" func)
-                                    (format "\\hbox{%s}" func)))))
-                (if (and (eq calc-language 'eqn)
-                         (string-match "[^']'+\\'" func))
-                    (let ((n (- (length func) (match-beginning 0) 1)))
-                      (setq func (substring func 0 (- n)))
-                      (while (>= (setq n (1- n)) 0)
-                        (setq func (concat func " prime")))))
-                (cond ((and (memq calc-language '(tex latex))
-                            (or (> (length a) 2)
-                                (not (math-tex-expr-is-flat (nth 1 a)))))
-                       (setq left "\\left( "
-                             right " \\right)"))
-                      ((and (eq calc-language 'eqn)
-                            (or (> (length a) 2)
-                                (not (math-tex-expr-is-flat (nth 1 a)))))
-                       (setq left "{left ( "
-                             right " right )}"))
-                      ((and (or (and (memq calc-language '(tex latex))
-                                     (eq (aref func 0) ?\\))
-                                (and (eq calc-language 'eqn)
-                                     (memq (car a) math-eqn-special-funcs)))
-                            (not (or
-                                   (string-match "\\hbox{" func)
-                                   (string-match "\\text{" func)))
-                            (= (length a) 2)
-                            (or (Math-realp (nth 1 a))
-                                (memq (car (nth 1 a)) '(var *))))
-                       (setq left (if (eq calc-language 'eqn) "~{" "{")
-                             right "}"))
-                      ((eq calc-language 'eqn)
-                       (setq left " ( "
-                             right " )"))
-                      (t (setq left calc-function-open
-                               right calc-function-close)))
-                (list 'horiz func left
-                      (math-compose-vector (cdr a)
-                                           (if (eq calc-language 'eqn)
-                                               " , " ", ")
-                                           0)
-                      right)))))))))
+                 (if (setq spfn (get calc-language 'math-func-formatter))
+                     (funcall spfn func a)
+                   (list 'horiz func calc-function-open
+                      (math-compose-vector (cdr a) ", " 0)
+                      calc-function-close))))))))))
 (defun math-prod-first-term (x)
@@ -1003,7 +870,11 @@
       (if (<= count 0)
          (if (< count 0)
              (math-compose-rows (cdr a) -1 nil)
-           (cons (concat (if (memq calc-language '(tex latex)) "  \\ldots" "  
+           (cons (concat 
+                   (let ((mdots (get calc-language 'math-dots)))
+                     (if mdots
+                         (concat " " mdots)
+                       "  ..."))
                  (math-compose-rows (cdr a) -1 nil)))
        (cons (list 'horiz
@@ -1016,31 +887,6 @@
                (math-compose-expr (car a) math-comp-vector-prec)
                (concat " " math-comp-right-bracket)))))
-(defun math-compose-tex-matrix (a &optional ltx)
-  (if (cdr a)
-      (cons (append (math-compose-vector (cdr (car a)) " & " 0) 
-                    (if ltx '(" \\\\ ") '(" \\cr ")))
-            (math-compose-tex-matrix (cdr a) ltx))
-    (list (math-compose-vector (cdr (car a)) " & " 0))))
-(defun math-compose-eqn-matrix (a)
-  (if a
-      (cons
-       (cond ((eq calc-matrix-just 'right) "rcol ")
-            ((eq calc-matrix-just 'center) "ccol ")
-            (t "lcol "))
-       (cons
-       (list 'break math-compose-level)
-       (cons
-        "{ "
-        (cons
-         (let ((math-compose-level (1+ math-compose-level)))
-           (math-compose-vector (cdr (car a)) " above " 1000))
-         (cons
-          " } "
-          (math-compose-eqn-matrix (cdr a)))))))
-    nil))
 (defun math-vector-is-string (a)
   (while (and (setq a (cdr a))
              (or (and (natnump (car a))

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