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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to smime-ldap.el

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to smime-ldap.el
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 20:29:52 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Reiner Steib <rsteib>   07/11/22 20:29:52

Index: smime-ldap.el
RCS file: smime-ldap.el
diff -N smime-ldap.el
--- smime-ldap.el       28 Oct 2007 09:18:34 -0000      1.1
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-;;; smime-ldap.el --- client interface to LDAP for Emacs
-;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Oscar Figueiredo <address@hidden>
-;; Maintainer: Arne J,Ax(Brgensen <address@hidden>
-;; Created: February 2005
-;; Keywords: comm
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
-;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This file has a slightly changed implementation of Emacs 21.3's
-;; ldap-search and ldap-search-internal from ldap.el. The changes are
-;; made to achieve compatibility with OpenLDAP v2 and to make it
-;; possible to retrieve LDAP attributes that are tagged ie ";binary".
-;; The file also adds a compatibility layer for Emacs and XEmacs.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'ldap)
-(defun smime-ldap-search (filter &optional host attributes attrsonly withdn)
-  "Perform an LDAP search.
-FILTER is the search filter in RFC1558 syntax.
-HOST is the LDAP host on which to perform the search.
-ATTRIBUTES are the specific attributes to retrieve, nil means
-retrieve all.
-ATTRSONLY, if non-nil, retrieves the attributes only, without
-the associated values.
-If WITHDN is non-nil, each entry in the result will be prepended with
-its distinguished name WITHDN.
-Additional search parameters can be specified through
-`ldap-host-parameters-alist', which see."
-  (interactive "sFilter:")
-  ;; for XEmacs
-  (if (fboundp 'ldap-search-entries)
-      (ldap-search-entries filter host attributes attrsonly)
-    ;; for Emacs 22
-    (if (>= emacs-major-version 22)
-       (cdr (ldap-search filter host attributes attrsonly))
-      ;; for Emacs 21.x
-      (or host
-         (setq host ldap-default-host)
-         (error "No LDAP host specified"))
-      (let ((host-plist (cdr (assoc host ldap-host-parameters-alist)))
-           result)
-       (setq result (smime-ldap-search-internal
-                     (append host-plist
-                             (list 'host host
-                                   'filter filter
-                                   'attributes attributes
-                                   'attrsonly attrsonly
-                                   'withdn withdn))))
-       (cdr (if ldap-ignore-attribute-codings
-                result
-              (mapcar (function
-                       (lambda (record)
-                         (mapcar 'ldap-decode-attribute record)))
-                      result)))))))
-(defun smime-ldap-search-internal (search-plist)
-  "Perform a search on a LDAP server.
-SEARCH-PLIST is a property list describing the search request.
-Valid keys in that list are:
-`host' is a string naming one or more (blank-separated) LDAP servers to
-to try to connect to.  Each host name may optionally be of the form HOST:PORT.
-`filter' is a filter string for the search as described in RFC 1558.
-`attributes' is a list of strings indicating which attributes to retrieve
-for each matching entry. If nil, return all available attributes.
-`attrsonly', if non-nil, indicates that only attributes are retrieved,
-not their associated values.
-`base' is the base for the search as described in RFC 1779.
-`scope' is one of the three symbols `sub', `base' or `one'.
-`binddn' is the distinguished name of the user to bind as (in RFC 1779 syntax).
-`passwd' is the password to use for simple authentication.
-`deref' is one of the symbols `never', `always', `search' or `find'.
-`timelimit' is the timeout limit for the connection in seconds.
-`sizelimit' is the maximum number of matches to return.
-`withdn' if non-nil each entry in the result will be prepended with
-its distinguished name DN.
-The function returns a list of matching entries.  Each entry is itself
-an alist of attribute/value pairs."
-  (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *ldap-search*"))
-       (bufval (get-buffer-create " *ldap-value*"))
-       (host (or (plist-get search-plist 'host)
-                 ldap-default-host))
-       (filter (plist-get search-plist 'filter))
-       (attributes (plist-get search-plist 'attributes))
-       (attrsonly (plist-get search-plist 'attrsonly))
-       (base (or (plist-get search-plist 'base)
-                 ldap-default-base))
-       (scope (plist-get search-plist 'scope))
-       (binddn (plist-get search-plist 'binddn))
-       (passwd (plist-get search-plist 'passwd))
-       (deref (plist-get search-plist 'deref))
-       (timelimit (plist-get search-plist 'timelimit))
-       (sizelimit (plist-get search-plist 'sizelimit))
-       (withdn (plist-get search-plist 'withdn))
-       (numres 0)
-       arglist dn name value record result)
-    (if (or (null filter)
-           (equal "" filter))
-       (error "No search filter"))
-    (setq filter (cons filter attributes))
-    (save-excursion
-      (set-buffer buf)
-      (erase-buffer)
-      (if (and host
-              (not (equal "" host)))
-         (setq arglist (nconc arglist (list (format "-h%s" host)))))
-      (if (and attrsonly
-              (not (equal "" attrsonly)))
-         (setq arglist (nconc arglist (list "-A"))))
-      (if (and base
-              (not (equal "" base)))
-         (setq arglist (nconc arglist (list (format "-b%s" base)))))
-      (if (and scope
-              (not (equal "" scope)))
-         (setq arglist (nconc arglist (list (format "-s%s" scope)))))
-      (if (and binddn
-              (not (equal "" binddn)))
-         (setq arglist (nconc arglist (list (format "-D%s" binddn)))))
-      (if (and passwd
-              (not (equal "" passwd)))
-         (setq arglist (nconc arglist (list (format "-w%s" passwd)))))
-      (if (and deref
-              (not (equal "" deref)))
-         (setq arglist (nconc arglist (list (format "-a%s" deref)))))
-      (if (and timelimit
-              (not (equal "" timelimit)))
-         (setq arglist (nconc arglist (list (format "-l%s" timelimit)))))
-      (if (and sizelimit
-              (not (equal "" sizelimit)))
-         (setq arglist (nconc arglist (list (format "-z%s" sizelimit)))))
-      (eval `(call-process ldap-ldapsearch-prog
-                          nil
-                          buf
-                          nil
-                          ,@arglist
-                          "-tt"                ; Write values to temp files
-                          "-x"
-                          "-LL"
-                          ;                       ,@ldap-ldapsearch-args
-                          ,@filter))
-      (insert "\n")
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (while (re-search-forward "[\t\n\f]+ " nil t)
-       (replace-match "" nil nil))
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (if (looking-at "usage")
-         (error "Incorrect ldapsearch invocation")
-       (message "Parsing results... ")
-       (while (progn
-                (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
-                (not (eobp)))
-         (setq dn (buffer-substring (point) (save-excursion
-                                              (end-of-line)
-                                              (point))))
-         (forward-line 1)
-         (while (looking-at (concat "^\\(\\w*\\)\\(;\\w*\\)?[=:\t ]+"
-                                    "\\(<[\t ]*file://\\)?\\(.*\\)$"))
-           (setq name (match-string 1)
-                 value (match-string 4))
-           (save-excursion
-             (set-buffer bufval)
-             (erase-buffer)
-             (insert-file-contents-literally value)
-             (delete-file value)
-             (setq value (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
-           (setq record (cons (list name value)
-                              record))
-           (forward-line 1))
-         (setq result (cons (if withdn
-                                (cons dn (nreverse record))
-                              (nreverse record)) result))
-         (setq record nil)
-         (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
-         (message "Parsing results... %d" numres)
-         (1+ numres))
-       (message "Parsing results... done")
-       (nreverse result)))))
-(provide 'smime-ldap)
-;; arch-tag: 87e6bc44-21fc-4e9b-a89b-f55f031f78f8
-;;; smime-ldap.el ends here

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