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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to net/tramp-vc.el

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to net/tramp-vc.el
Date: Sun, 08 Jul 2007 18:03:24 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Michael Albinus <albinus>       07/07/08 18:03:20

Index: net/tramp-vc.el
RCS file: net/tramp-vc.el
diff -N net/tramp-vc.el
--- net/tramp-vc.el     28 May 2007 10:32:52 -0000      1.22
+++ /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-;;; tramp-vc.el --- Version control integration for TRAMP.el
-;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
-;;   2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Daniel Pittman <address@hidden>
-;; Keywords: comm, processes
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
-;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; See the main module, 'tramp.el' for discussion of the purpose of TRAMP.
-;; This module provides integration between remote files accessed by TRAMP and
-;; the Emacs version control system.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'vc)
-;; Old VC defines vc-rcs-release in vc.el, new VC requires extra module.
-(unless (boundp 'vc-rcs-release)
-  (require 'vc-rcs))
-(require 'tramp)
-;; Avoid byte-compiler warnings if the byte-compiler supports this.
-;; Currently, XEmacs supports this.
-  (when (fboundp 'byte-compiler-options)
-    (let (unused-vars) ; Pacify Emacs byte-compiler
-      (defalias 'warnings 'identity) ; Pacify Emacs byte-compiler
-      (byte-compiler-options (warnings (- unused-vars))))))
-;; -- vc --
-;; This used to blow away the file-name-handler-alist and reinstall
-;; TRAMP into it. This was intended to let VC work remotely. It didn't,
-;; at least not in my XEmacs 21.2 install.
-;; In any case, tramp-run-real-handler now deals correctly with disabling
-;; the things that should be, making this a no-op.
-;; I have removed it from the tramp-file-name-handler-alist because the
-;; shortened version does nothing. This is for reference only now.
-;; Daniel Pittman <address@hidden>
-;; (defun tramp-handle-vc-registered (file)
-;;   "Like `vc-registered' for tramp files."
-;;   (tramp-run-real-handler 'vc-registered (list file)))
-;; `vc-do-command'
-;; This function does not deal well with remote files, so we define
-;; our own version and make a backup of the original function and
-;; call our version for tramp files and the original version for
-;; normal files.
-;; The following function is pretty much copied from vc.el, but
-;; the part that actually executes a command is changed.
-;; CCC: this probably works for Emacs 21, too.
-(defun tramp-vc-do-command (buffer okstatus command file last &rest flags)
-  "Like `vc-do-command' but invoked for tramp files.
-See `vc-do-command' for more information."
-  (save-match-data
-    (and file (setq file (expand-file-name file)))
-    (if (not buffer) (setq buffer "*vc*"))
-    (if vc-command-messages
-       (message "Running `%s' on `%s'..." command file))
-    (let ((obuf (current-buffer)) (camefrom (current-buffer))
-         (squeezed nil)
-         (olddir default-directory)
-         vc-file status)
-      (let* ((v (tramp-dissect-file-name (expand-file-name file)))
-            (multi-method (tramp-file-name-multi-method v))
-            (method (tramp-file-name-method v))
-            (user (tramp-file-name-user v))
-            (host (tramp-file-name-host v))
-            (localname (tramp-file-name-localname v)))
-       (set-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer))
-       (set (make-local-variable 'vc-parent-buffer) camefrom)
-       (set (make-local-variable 'vc-parent-buffer-name)
-            (concat " from " (buffer-name camefrom)))
-       (setq default-directory olddir)
-       (erase-buffer)
-       (mapcar
-        (function
-         (lambda (s) (and s (setq squeezed (append squeezed (list s))))))
-        flags)
-       (if (and (eq last 'MASTER) file
-                (setq vc-file (vc-name file)))
-           (setq squeezed
-                 (append squeezed
-                         (list (tramp-file-name-localname
-                                (tramp-dissect-file-name vc-file))))))
-       (if (and file (eq last 'WORKFILE))
-           (progn
-             (let* ((pwd (expand-file-name default-directory))
-                    (preflen (length pwd)))
-               (if (string= (substring file 0 preflen) pwd)
-                   (setq file (substring file preflen))))
-             (setq squeezed (append squeezed (list file)))))
-       ;; Unless we (save-window-excursion) the layout of windows in
-       ;; the current frame changes. This is painful, at best.
-       ;;
-       ;; As a point of note, (save-excursion) is still here only because
-       ;; it preserves (point) in the current buffer. (save-window-excursion)
-       ;; does not, at least under XEmacs 21.2.
-       ;;
-       ;; I trust that the FSF support this as well. I can't find useful
-       ;; documentation to check :(
-       ;;
-       ;; Daniel Pittman <address@hidden>
-       (save-excursion
-         (save-window-excursion
-           ;; Actually execute remote command
-           ;; `shell-command' cannot be used; it isn't magic in XEmacs.
-           (tramp-handle-shell-command
-            (mapconcat 'tramp-shell-quote-argument
-                       (cons command squeezed) " ") t)
-           ;;(tramp-wait-for-output)
-           ;; Get status from command
-           (tramp-send-command multi-method method user host "echo $?")
-           (tramp-wait-for-output)
-           ;; Make sure to get status from last line of output.
-           (goto-char (point-max)) (forward-line -1)
-           (setq status (read (current-buffer)))
-           (message "Command %s returned status %d." command status)))
-       (goto-char (point-max))
-       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
-       (forward-line -1)
-       (if (or (not (integerp status))
-               (and (integerp okstatus) (< okstatus status)))
-           (progn
-             (pop-to-buffer buffer)
-             (goto-char (point-min))
-             (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer)
-             (error "Running `%s'...FAILED (%s)" command
-                    (if (integerp status)
-                        (format "status %d" status)
-                      status))
-             )
-         (if vc-command-messages
-             (message "Running %s...OK" command))
-         )
-       (set-buffer obuf)
-       status))
-    ))
-;; Following code snarfed from Emacs 21 vc.el and slightly tweaked.
-(defun tramp-vc-do-command-new (buffer okstatus command file &rest flags)
-  "Like `vc-do-command' but for TRAMP files.
-This function is for the new VC which comes with Emacs 21.
-Since TRAMP doesn't do async commands yet, this function doesn't, either."
-  (and file (setq file (expand-file-name file)))
-  (if vc-command-messages
-      (message "Running %s on %s..." command file))
-  (save-current-buffer
-    (unless (eq buffer t)
-      ; Pacify byte-compiler
-      (funcall (symbol-function 'vc-setup-buffer) buffer))
-    (let ((squeezed nil)
-         (inhibit-read-only t)
-         (status 0))
-      (let* ((v (when file (tramp-dissect-file-name file)))
-             (multi-method (when file (tramp-file-name-multi-method v)))
-             (method (when file (tramp-file-name-method v)))
-             (user (when file (tramp-file-name-user v)))
-             (host (when file (tramp-file-name-host v)))
-             (localname (when file (tramp-file-name-localname v))))
-      (setq squeezed (delq nil (copy-sequence flags)))
-      (when file
-       (setq squeezed (append squeezed (list (file-relative-name
-                                              file default-directory)))))
-      (let ((w32-quote-process-args t))
-        (when (eq okstatus 'async)
-          (message "Tramp doesn't do async commands, running synchronously."))
-       ;; `shell-command' cannot be used; it isn't magic in XEmacs.
-        (setq status (tramp-handle-shell-command
-                      (mapconcat 'tramp-shell-quote-argument
-                                 (cons command squeezed) " ") t))
-        (when (or (not (integerp status))
-                 (and (integerp okstatus) (< okstatus status)))
-          (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
-          (goto-char (point-min))
-          (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer)
-          (error "Running %s...FAILED (%s)" command
-                 (if (integerp status) (format "status %d" status) status))))
-      (if vc-command-messages
-          (message "Running %s...OK" command))
-      ; Pacify byte-compiler
-      (funcall (symbol-function 'vc-exec-after)
-              `(run-hook-with-args
-                'vc-post-command-functions ',command ',localname ',flags))
-      status))))
-;; The context for a VC command is the current buffer.
-;; That makes a test on the buffers file more reliable than a test on the
-;; arguments.
-;; This is needed to handle remote VC correctly - else we test against the
-;; local VC system and get things wrong...
-;; Daniel Pittman <address@hidden>
-;;-(if (fboundp 'vc-call-backend)
-;;-    () ;; This is the new VC for which we don't have an appropriate advice 
-(unless (fboundp 'process-file)
-  (if (fboundp 'vc-call-backend)
-      (defadvice vc-do-command
-       (around tramp-advice-vc-do-command
-               (buffer okstatus command file &rest flags)
-               activate)
-       "Invoke tramp-vc-do-command for tramp files."
-       (let ((file (symbol-value 'file)))    ;pacify byte-compiler
-         (if (or (and (stringp file)     (tramp-tramp-file-p file))
-                 (and (buffer-file-name) (tramp-tramp-file-p 
-             (setq ad-return-value
-                   (apply 'tramp-vc-do-command-new buffer okstatus command
-                          file ;(or file (buffer-file-name))
-                          flags))
-           ad-do-it)))
-    (defadvice vc-do-command
-      (around tramp-advice-vc-do-command
-             (buffer okstatus command file last &rest flags)
-             activate)
-      "Invoke tramp-vc-do-command for tramp files."
-      (let ((file (symbol-value 'file)))  ;pacify byte-compiler
-       (if (or (and (stringp file)     (tramp-tramp-file-p file))
-               (and (buffer-file-name) (tramp-tramp-file-p 
-           (setq ad-return-value
-                 (apply 'tramp-vc-do-command buffer okstatus command
-                        (or file (buffer-file-name)) last flags))
-         ad-do-it))))
-  (add-hook 'tramp-unload-hook
-           '(lambda () (ad-unadvise 'vc-do-command))))
-;; XEmacs uses this to do some of its work. Like vc-do-command, we
-;; need to enhance it to make VC work via TRAMP-mode.
-;; Like the previous function, this is a cut-and-paste job from the VC
-;; file. It's based on the vc-do-command code.
-;; CCC: this isn't used in Emacs 21, so do as before.
-(defun tramp-vc-simple-command (okstatus command file &rest args)
-  ;; Simple version of vc-do-command, for use in vc-hooks only.
-  ;; Don't switch to the *vc-info* buffer before running the
-  ;; command, because that would change its default directory
-  (save-match-data
-    (let* ((v (tramp-dissect-file-name (expand-file-name file)))
-          (multi-method (tramp-file-name-multi-method v))
-          (method (tramp-file-name-method v))
-          (user (tramp-file-name-user v))
-          (host (tramp-file-name-host v))
-          (localname (tramp-file-name-localname v)))
-      (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*vc-info*"))
-                     (erase-buffer))
-      (let ((exec-path (append vc-path exec-path)) exec-status
-           ;; Add vc-path to PATH for the execution of this command.
-           (process-environment
-            (cons (concat "PATH=" (getenv "PATH")
-                          path-separator
-                          (mapconcat 'identity vc-path path-separator))
-                  process-environment)))
-       ;; Call the actual process. See tramp-vc-do-command for discussion of
-       ;; why this does both (save-window-excursion) and (save-excursion).
-       ;;
-       ;; As a note, I don't think that the process-environment stuff above
-       ;; has any effect on the remote system. This is a hard one though as
-       ;; there is no real reason to expect local and remote paths to be
-       ;; identical...
-       ;;
-       ;; Daniel Pittman <address@hidden>
-       (save-excursion
-         (save-window-excursion
-           ;; Actually execute remote command
-           ;; `shell-command' cannot be used; it isn't magic in XEmacs.
-           (tramp-handle-shell-command
-            (mapconcat 'tramp-shell-quote-argument
-                       (append (list command) args (list localname)) " ")
-            (get-buffer-create"*vc-info*"))
-                                       ;(tramp-wait-for-output)
-           ;; Get status from command
-           (tramp-send-command multi-method method user host "echo $?")
-           (tramp-wait-for-output)
-           (setq exec-status (read (current-buffer)))
-           (message "Command %s returned status %d." command exec-status)))
-       ;; Maybe okstatus can be `async' here.  But then, maybe the
-       ;; async thing is new in Emacs 21, but this function is only
-       ;; used in Emacs 20.
-       (cond ((> exec-status okstatus)
-              (switch-to-buffer (get-file-buffer file))
-              (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer
-               (display-buffer "*vc-info*"))
-              (error "Couldn't find version control information")))
-       exec-status))))
-;; This function does not exist any more in Emacs-21's VC
-(defadvice vc-simple-command
-  (around tramp-advice-vc-simple-command
-         (okstatus command file &rest args)
-         activate)
-  "Invoke tramp-vc-simple-command for tramp files."
-  (let ((file (symbol-value 'file)))    ;pacify byte-compiler
-    (if (or (and (stringp file)     (tramp-tramp-file-p file))
-            (and (buffer-file-name) (tramp-tramp-file-p (buffer-file-name))))
-        (setq ad-return-value
-              (apply 'tramp-vc-simple-command okstatus command
-                     (or file (buffer-file-name)) args))
-      ad-do-it)))
-(add-hook 'tramp-unload-hook
-         '(lambda () (ad-unadvise 'vc-simple-command)))
-;; `vc-workfile-unchanged-p'
-;; This function does not deal well with remote files, so we do the
-;; same as for `vc-do-command'.
-;; `vc-workfile-unchanged-p' checks the modification time, we cannot
-;; do that for remote files, so here's a version which relies on diff.
-;; CCC: this one probably works for Emacs 21, too.
-(defun tramp-vc-workfile-unchanged-p
-  (filename &optional want-differences-if-changed)
-  (if (fboundp 'vc-backend-diff)
-      ;; Old VC.  Call `vc-backend-diff'.
-      (let ((status (funcall (symbol-function 'vc-backend-diff)
-                             filename nil nil
-                             (not want-differences-if-changed))))
-        (zerop status))
-    ;; New VC.  Call `vc-default-workfile-unchanged-p'.
-      (funcall (symbol-function 'vc-default-workfile-unchanged-p)
-              (vc-backend filename) filename)))
-(defadvice vc-workfile-unchanged-p
-  (around tramp-advice-vc-workfile-unchanged-p
-          (filename &optional want-differences-if-changed)
-          activate)
-  "Invoke tramp-vc-workfile-unchanged-p for tramp files."
-  (if (and (stringp filename)
-          (tramp-tramp-file-p filename)
-          (not
-           (let ((v    (tramp-dissect-file-name filename)))
-             ;; The following check is probably to test whether
-             ;; file-attributes returns correct last modification
-             ;; times.  This check needs to be changed.
-             (tramp-get-remote-perl (tramp-file-name-multi-method v)
-                                  (tramp-file-name-method v)
-                                  (tramp-file-name-user v)
-                                  (tramp-file-name-host v)))))
-      (setq ad-return-value
-            (tramp-vc-workfile-unchanged-p filename 
-    ad-do-it))
-(add-hook 'tramp-unload-hook
-         '(lambda () (ad-unadvise 'vc-workfile-unchanged-p)))
-;; Redefine a function from vc.el -- allow tramp files.
-;; `save-match-data' seems not to be required -- it isn't in
-;; the original version, either.
-;; CCC: this might need some work -- how does the Emacs 21 version
-;; work, anyway?  Does it work over ange-ftp?  Hm.
-(if (not (fboundp 'vc-backend-checkout))
-    () ;; our replacement won't work and is unnecessary anyway
-(defun vc-checkout (filename &optional writable rev)
-  "Retrieve a copy of the latest version of the given file."
-  ;; If ftp is on this system and the name matches the ange-ftp format
-  ;; for a remote file, the user is trying something that won't work.
-  (funcall (symbol-function 'vc-backend-checkout) filename writable rev)
-  (vc-resynch-buffer filename t t))
-;; Do we need to advise the vc-user-login-name function anyway?
-;; This will return the correct login name for the owner of a
-;; file. It does not deal with the default remote user name...
-;; That is, when vc calls (vc-user-login-name), we return the
-;; local login name, something that may be different to the remote
-;; default.
-;; The remote VC operations will occur as the user that we logged
-;; in with however - not always the same as the local user.
-;; In the end, I did advise the function. This is because, well,
-;; the thing didn't work right otherwise ;)
-;; Daniel Pittman <address@hidden>
-(defun tramp-handle-vc-user-login-name (&optional uid)
-  "Return the default user name on the remote machine.
-Whenever VC calls this function, `file' is bound to the file name
-in question.  If no uid is provided or the uid is equal to the uid
-owning the file, then we return the user name given in the file name.
-This should only be called when `file' is bound to the
-filename we are thinking about..."
-  ;; Pacify byte-compiler; this symbol is bound in the calling
-  ;; function.  CCC: Maybe it would be better to move the
-  ;; boundness-checking into this function?
-  (let* ((file (symbol-value 'file))
-        (remote-uid
-         ;; With Emacs 22, `file-attributes' has got an optional parameter
-         ;; ID-FORMAT. Handle this case backwards compatible.
-         (if (and (functionp 'subr-arity)
-                  (= 2 (cdr (funcall (symbol-function 'subr-arity)
-                                     (symbol-function 'file-attributes)))))
-             (nth 2 (file-attributes file 'integer))
-           (nth 2 (file-attributes file)))))
-    (if (and uid (/= uid remote-uid))
-       (error "tramp-handle-vc-user-login-name cannot map a uid to a name")
-      (let* ((v (tramp-dissect-file-name (expand-file-name file)))
-            (u (tramp-file-name-user v)))
-       (cond ((stringp u) u)
-             ((vectorp u) (elt u (1- (length u))))
-             ((null    u) (user-login-name))
-             (t           (error "tramp-handle-vc-user-login-name cannot 
-;; The following defadvice is no longer necessary after changes in VC
-;; on 2006-01-25, Andre.
-(unless (fboundp 'process-file)
-  (defadvice vc-user-login-name
-    (around tramp-vc-user-login-name activate)
-    "Support for files on remote machines accessed by TRAMP."
-    ;; We rely on the fact that `file' is bound when this is called.
-    ;; This appears to be the case everywhere in vc.el and vc-hooks.el
-    ;; as of Emacs 20.5.
-    ;;
-    ;; With Emacs 22, the definition of `vc-user-login-name' has been
-    ;; changed.  It doesn't need to be adviced any longer.
-    (let ((file (when (boundp 'file)
-                 (symbol-value 'file))))    ;pacify byte-compiler
-      (or (and (stringp file)
-              (tramp-tramp-file-p file)        ; tramp file
-              (setq ad-return-value
-                    (save-match-data
-                      (tramp-handle-vc-user-login-name uid)))) ; get the owner 
-         ad-do-it)))                     ; else call the original
-  (add-hook 'tramp-unload-hook
-           '(lambda () (ad-unadvise 'vc-user-login-name))))
-;; Determine the name of the user owning a file.
-(defun tramp-file-owner (filename)
-  "Return who owns FILE (user name, as a string)."
-  (let ((v (tramp-dissect-file-name
-           (expand-file-name filename))))
-    (if (not (file-exists-p filename))
-        nil                             ; file cannot be opened
-      ;; file exists, find out stuff
-      (save-excursion
-        (tramp-send-command
-         (tramp-file-name-multi-method v) (tramp-file-name-method v)
-         (tramp-file-name-user v) (tramp-file-name-host v)
-         (format "%s -Lld %s"
-                 (tramp-get-ls-command (tramp-file-name-multi-method v)
-                                     (tramp-file-name-method v)
-                                     (tramp-file-name-user v)
-                                     (tramp-file-name-host v))
-                 (tramp-shell-quote-argument (tramp-file-name-localname v))))
-        (tramp-wait-for-output)
-        ;; parse `ls -l' output ...
-        ;; ... file mode flags
-        (read (current-buffer))
-        ;; ... number links
-        (read (current-buffer))
-        ;; ... uid (as a string)
-        (symbol-name (read (current-buffer)))))))
-;; Wire ourselves into the VC infrastructure...
-;; This function does not exist any more in Emacs-21's VC
-;; CCC: it appears that no substitute is needed for Emacs 21.
-(defadvice vc-file-owner
-  (around tramp-vc-file-owner activate)
-  "Support for files on remote machines accessed by TRAMP."
-  (let ((filename (ad-get-arg 0)))
-    (or (and (tramp-file-name-p filename) ; tramp file
-             (setq ad-return-value
-                  (save-match-data
-                    (tramp-file-owner filename)))) ; get the owner name
-        ad-do-it)))                     ; else call the original
-(add-hook 'tramp-unload-hook
-         '(lambda () (ad-unadvise 'vc-file-owner)))
-;; We need to make the version control software backend version
-;; information local to the current buffer. This is because each TRAMP
-;; buffer can (theoretically) have a different VC version and I am
-;; *way* too lazy to try and push the correct value into each new
-;; buffer.
-;; Remote VC costs will just have to be paid, at least for the moment.
-;; Well, at least, they will right until I feel guilty about doing a
-;; botch job here and fix it. :/
-;; Daniel Pittman <address@hidden>
-;; CCC: this is probably still needed for Emacs 21.
-(defun tramp-vc-setup-for-remote ()
-  "Make the backend release variables buffer local.
-This makes remote VC work correctly at the cost of some processing time."
-  (when (and (buffer-file-name)
-             (tramp-tramp-file-p (buffer-file-name)))
-    (make-local-variable 'vc-rcs-release)
-    (setq vc-rcs-release nil)))
-(add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'tramp-vc-setup-for-remote t)
-(add-hook 'tramp-unload-hook
-         '(lambda ()
-            (remove-hook 'find-file-hooks 'tramp-vc-setup-for-remote)))
-;; No need to load this again if anyone asks.
-(provide 'tramp-vc)
-;;; arch-tag: 27cc42ce-da19-468d-ad5c-a2690558db60
-;;; tramp-vc.el ends here

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