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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/macmenu.c,v

From: YAMAMOTO Mitsuharu
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/macmenu.c,v
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 09:00:16 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     YAMAMOTO Mitsuharu <mituharu>   07/01/12 09:00:16

Index: macmenu.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/src/macmenu.c,v
retrieving revision 1.50
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -b -r1.50 -r1.51
--- macmenu.c   9 Jan 2007 08:53:48 -0000       1.50
+++ macmenu.c   12 Jan 2007 09:00:16 -0000      1.51
@@ -77,10 +77,11 @@
 #define HAVE_DIALOGS 1
-#undef HAVE_DIALOGS /* TODO: Implement native dialogs.  */
 /* Definitions copied from lwlib.h */
@@ -2319,9 +2320,360 @@
-/* Construct native Mac OS menubar based on widget_value tree.  */
+/* Construct native Mac OS dialog based on widget_value tree.  */
+static pascal OSStatus
+mac_handle_dialog_event (next_handler, event, data)
+     EventHandlerCallRef next_handler;
+     EventRef event;
+     void *data;
+  OSStatus err;
+  WindowRef window = (WindowRef) data;
+  switch (GetEventClass (event))
+    {
+    case kEventClassCommand:
+      {
+       HICommand command;
+       err = GetEventParameter (event, kEventParamDirectObject,
+                                typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof (HICommand),
+                                NULL, &command);
+       if (err == noErr)
+         if ((command.commandID & ~0xffff) == 'Bt\0\0')
+           {
+             SetWRefCon (window, command.commandID);
+             err = QuitAppModalLoopForWindow (window);
+             return err == noErr ? noErr : eventNotHandledErr;
+           }
+       return CallNextEventHandler (next_handler, event);
+      }
+      break;
+    case kEventClassKeyboard:
+      {
+       OSStatus result;
+       char char_code;
+       result = CallNextEventHandler (next_handler, event);
+       if (result == noErr)
+         return noErr;
+       err = GetEventParameter (event, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes,
+                                typeChar, NULL, sizeof (char),
+                                NULL, &char_code);
+       if (err == noErr)
+         switch (char_code)
+           {
+           case kEscapeCharCode:
+             err = QuitAppModalLoopForWindow (window);
+             break;
+           default:
+             {
+               UInt32 modifiers, key_code;
+               err = GetEventParameter (event, kEventParamKeyModifiers,
+                                        typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof (UInt32),
+                                        NULL, &modifiers);
+               if (err == noErr)
+                 err = GetEventParameter (event, kEventParamKeyCode,
+                                          typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof (UInt32),
+                                          NULL, &key_code);
+               if (err == noErr)
+                 if (mac_quit_char_key_p (modifiers, key_code))
+                   err = QuitAppModalLoopForWindow (window);
+                 else
+                   err = eventNotHandledErr;
+             }
+             break;
+           }
+       return err == noErr ? noErr : result;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      abort ();
+    }
+static OSStatus
+install_dialog_event_handler (window)
+     WindowRef window;
+  static const EventTypeSpec specs[] =
+    {{kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess},
+     {kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown}};
+  static EventHandlerUPP handle_dialog_eventUPP = NULL;
+  if (handle_dialog_eventUPP == NULL)
+    handle_dialog_eventUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP (mac_handle_dialog_event);
+  return InstallWindowEventHandler (window, handle_dialog_eventUPP,
+                                   GetEventTypeCount (specs), specs,
+                                   window, NULL);
+#define DIALOG_LEFT_MARGIN (112)
+#define DIALOG_TOP_MARGIN (24)
+#define DIALOG_ICON_WIDTH (64)
+#define DIALOG_ICON_HEIGHT (64)
 static int
+create_and_show_dialog (f, first_wv)
+     FRAME_PTR f;
+     widget_value *first_wv;
+  OSStatus err;
+  char *dialog_name, *message;
+  int nb_buttons, first_group_count, i, result = 0;
+  widget_value *wv;
+  short buttons_height, text_height, inner_width, inner_height;
+  Rect empty_rect, *rects;
+  WindowRef window = NULL;
+  ControlRef *buttons, text;
+  dialog_name = first_wv->name;
+  nb_buttons = dialog_name[1] - '0';
+  first_group_count = nb_buttons - (dialog_name[4] - '0');
+  wv = first_wv->contents;
+  message = wv->value;
+  wv = wv->next;
+  SetRect (&empty_rect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  /* Create dialog window.  */
+  err = CreateNewWindow (kMovableAlertWindowClass,
+                        kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute,
+                        &empty_rect, &window);
+  if (err == noErr)
+    err = SetThemeWindowBackground (window, kThemeBrushAlertBackgroundActive,
+                                   true);
+  if (err == noErr)
+    err = SetWindowTitleWithCFString (window, (dialog_name[0] == 'Q'
+                                              ? CFSTR ("Question")
+                                              : CFSTR ("Information")));
+  /* Create button controls and measure their optimal bounds.  */
+  if (err == noErr)
+    {
+      buttons = alloca (sizeof (ControlRef) * nb_buttons);
+      rects = alloca (sizeof (Rect) * nb_buttons);
+      for (i = 0; i < nb_buttons; i++)
+       {
+         CFStringRef label = cfstring_create_with_utf8_cstring (wv->value);
+         if (label == NULL)
+           err = memFullErr;
+         else
+           {
+             err = CreatePushButtonControl (window, &empty_rect,
+                                            label, &buttons[i]);
+             CFRelease (label);
+           }
+         if (err == noErr)
+           {
+             SInt16 unused;
+             rects[i] = empty_rect;
+             err = GetBestControlRect (buttons[i], &rects[i], &unused);
+           }
+         if (err == noErr)
+           {
+             OffsetRect (&rects[i], -rects[i].left, -rects[i].top);
+             if (rects[i].right < DIALOG_BUTTON_MIN_WIDTH)
+               rects[i].right = DIALOG_BUTTON_MIN_WIDTH;
+             else if (rects[i].right > DIALOG_MAX_INNER_WIDTH)
+               rects[i].right = DIALOG_MAX_INNER_WIDTH;
+             err = SetControlCommandID (buttons[i],
+                                        'Bt\0\0' + (int) wv->call_data);
+           }
+         if (err != noErr)
+           break;
+         wv = wv->next;
+       }
+    }
+  /* Layout buttons.  rects[i] is set relative to the bottom-right
+     corner of the inner box.  */
+  if (err == noErr)
+    {
+      short bottom, right, max_height, left_align_shift;
+      inner_width = DIALOG_MIN_INNER_WIDTH;
+      bottom = right = max_height = 0;
+      for (i = 0; i < nb_buttons; i++)
+       {
+         if (right - rects[i].right < - inner_width)
+           {
+             if (i != first_group_count
+                 && right - rects[i].right >= - DIALOG_MAX_INNER_WIDTH)
+               inner_width = - (right - rects[i].right);
+             else
+               {
+                 bottom -= max_height + DIALOG_BUTTON_BUTTON_VERTICAL_SPACE;
+                 right = max_height = 0;
+               }
+           }
+         if (max_height < rects[i].bottom)
+           max_height = rects[i].bottom;
+         OffsetRect (&rects[i], right - rects[i].right,
+                     bottom - rects[i].bottom);
+         right = rects[i].left - DIALOG_BUTTON_BUTTON_HORIZONTAL_SPACE;
+         if (i == first_group_count - 1)
+       }
+      buttons_height = - (bottom - max_height);
+      left_align_shift = - (inner_width + rects[nb_buttons - 1].left);
+      for (i = nb_buttons - 1; i >= first_group_count; i--)
+       {
+         if (bottom != rects[i].bottom)
+           {
+             left_align_shift = - (inner_width + rects[i].left);
+             bottom = rects[i].bottom;
+           }
+         OffsetRect (&rects[i], left_align_shift, 0);
+       }
+    }
+  /* Create a static text control and measure its bounds.  */
+  if (err == noErr)
+    {
+      CFStringRef message_string;
+      Rect bounds;
+      message_string = cfstring_create_with_utf8_cstring (message);
+      if (message_string == NULL)
+       err = memFullErr;
+      else
+       {
+         ControlFontStyleRec text_style;
+         text_style.flags = 0;
+         SetRect (&bounds, 0, 0, inner_width, 0);
+         err = CreateStaticTextControl (window, &bounds, message_string,
+                                        &text_style, &text);
+         CFRelease (message_string);
+       }
+      if (err == noErr)
+       {
+         SInt16 unused;
+         bounds = empty_rect;
+         err = GetBestControlRect (text, &bounds, &unused);
+       }
+      if (err == noErr)
+       {
+         text_height = bounds.bottom - bounds.top;
+         if (text_height < DIALOG_TEXT_MIN_HEIGHT)
+           text_height = DIALOG_TEXT_MIN_HEIGHT;
+       }
+    }
+  /* Place buttons. */
+  if (err == noErr)
+    {
+      inner_height = (text_height + DIALOG_TEXT_BUTTONS_VERTICAL_SPACE
+                     + buttons_height);
+      for (i = 0; i < nb_buttons; i++)
+       {
+         OffsetRect (&rects[i], DIALOG_LEFT_MARGIN + inner_width,
+                     DIALOG_TOP_MARGIN + inner_height);
+         SetControlBounds (buttons[i], &rects[i]);
+       }
+    }
+  /* Place text.  */
+  if (err == noErr)
+    {
+      Rect bounds;
+              DIALOG_LEFT_MARGIN + inner_width,
+              DIALOG_TOP_MARGIN + text_height);
+      SetControlBounds (text, &bounds);
+    }
+  /* Create the application icon at the upper-left corner.  */
+  if (err == noErr)
+    {
+      ControlButtonContentInfo button_info;
+      IconRef icon_ref;
+      ControlRef icon;
+      button_info.contentType = kControlContentIconRef;
+      err = GetIconRef (kOnAppropriateDisk, MAC_EMACS_CREATOR_CODE,
+                       kGenericApplicationIcon, &icon_ref);
+      if (err == noErr)
+       {
+         Rect bounds;
+         button_info.u.iconRef = icon_ref;
+         err = CreateIconControl (window, &bounds, &button_info,
+                                  true, &icon);
+         ReleaseIconRef (icon_ref);
+       }
+    }
+  /* Show the dialog window and run event loop.  */
+  if (err == noErr)
+    err = SetWindowDefaultButton (window, buttons[0]);
+  if (err == noErr)
+    err = install_dialog_event_handler (window);
+  if (err == noErr)
+    {
+      SizeWindow (window,
+                 DIALOG_LEFT_MARGIN + inner_width + DIALOG_RIGHT_MARGIN,
+                 DIALOG_TOP_MARGIN + inner_height + DIALOG_BOTTOM_MARGIN,
+                 true);
+      err = RepositionWindow (window, FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f),
+                             kWindowAlertPositionOnParentWindow);
+    }
+  if (err == noErr)
+    {
+      SetWRefCon (window, 0);
+      ShowWindow (window);
+      BringToFront (window);
+      err = RunAppModalLoopForWindow (window);
+    }
+  if (err == noErr)
+    {
+      UInt32 command_id = GetWRefCon (window);
+      if ((command_id & ~0xffff) == 'Bt\0\0')
+       result = command_id - 'Bt\0\0';
+    }
+  if (window)
+    DisposeWindow (window);
+  return result;
+#else  /* not TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON */
+static int
 mac_dialog (widget_value *wv)
   char *dialog_name;
@@ -2425,6 +2777,7 @@
   return i;
+#endif  /* not TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON */
 static char * button_names [] = {
   "button1", "button2", "button3", "button4", "button5",
@@ -2557,10 +2910,10 @@
   /* Actually create the dialog.  */
-  menu_item_selection = mac_dialog (first_wv);
+  menu_item_selection = create_and_show_dialog (f, first_wv);
-  menu_item_selection = 0;
+  menu_item_selection = mac_dialog (first_wv);
   /* Free the widget_value objects we used to specify the contents.  */

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