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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el

From: Alex Schroeder
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el
Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2006 02:50:27 +0000

Index: emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el:1.8 emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el:1.9
--- emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el:1.8 Sat Jan  7 02:28:07 2006
+++ emacs/lisp/net/rcirc.el     Sat Jan  7 02:50:27 2006
@@ -181,6 +181,18 @@
   :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
   :group 'rcirc)
+(defcustom rcirc-ignore-list ()
+  "List of ignored nicks.
+Use /ignore to list them, use /ignore NICK to add or remove a nick."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'rcirc)
+(defvar rcirc-ignore-list-automatic ()
+  "List of ignored nicks added to `rcirc-ignore-list' because of renaming.
+When an ignored person renames, their nick is added to both lists.
+Nicks will be removed from the automatic list on follow-up renamings or
 (defcustom rcirc-print-hooks nil
   "Hook run after text is printed.
 Called with 5 arguments, PROCESS, SENDER, RESPONSE, TARGET and TEXT."
@@ -192,6 +204,14 @@
 (defvar rcirc-nick-table nil)
+(defvar rcirc-nick-syntax-table
+  (let ((table (make-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table)))
+    (mapc (lambda (c) (modify-syntax-entry c "w" table))
+          "[]\\`_^{|}-")
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?' "_" table)
+    table)
+  "Syntax table which includes all nick characters as word constituents.")
 ;; each process has an alist of (target . buffer) pairs
 (defvar rcirc-buffer-alist nil)
@@ -906,120 +926,124 @@
   "Print TEXT in the buffer associated with TARGET.
 Format based on SENDER and RESPONSE.  If ACTIVITY is non-nil,
 record activity."
-  (let* ((buffer (cond ((bufferp target)
-                        target)
-                       ((not target)
-                       (rcirc-get-any-buffer process))
-                      ((not (rcirc-channel-p target))
-                       (rcirc-get-buffer-create process
-                                                (rcirc-user-nick sender)))
-                       ((or (rcirc-get-buffer process target)
-                           (rcirc-get-any-buffer process)))))
-         (inhibit-read-only t))
-    (with-current-buffer buffer
-      (let ((moving (= (point) rcirc-prompt-end-marker))
-            (old-point (point-marker))
-            (fill-start (marker-position rcirc-prompt-start-marker)))
-        (unless (string= sender (rcirc-nick process))
-         ;; only decode text from other senders, not ours
-         (setq text (decode-coding-string (or text "")
-                                          buffer-file-coding-system))
-         ;; mark the line with overlay arrow
-         (unless (or (marker-position overlay-arrow-position)
-                     (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
-           (set-marker overlay-arrow-position
-                       (marker-position rcirc-prompt-start-marker))))
-        ;; temporarily set the marker insertion-type because
-        ;; insert-before-markers results in hidden text in new buffers
-        (goto-char rcirc-prompt-start-marker)
-        (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-start-marker t)
-        (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-end-marker t)
-        (insert
-        (rcirc-format-response-string process sender response target text)
-        (propertize "\n" 'hard t))
-        (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-start-marker nil)
-        (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-end-marker nil)
-        ;; fill the text we just inserted, maybe
-        (when (and rcirc-fill-flag
-                  (not (string= response "372"))) ;/motd
-          (let ((fill-prefix
-                 (or rcirc-fill-prefix
-                     (make-string
-                      (+ (if rcirc-time-format
-                             (length (format-time-string
-                                      rcirc-time-format))
-                           0)
-                         (cond ((or (string= response "PRIVMSG")
-                                   (string= response "NOTICE"))
-                               (+ (length (rcirc-user-nick sender))
-                                  2))  ; <>
-                              ((string= response "ACTION")
-                               (+ (length (rcirc-user-nick sender))
-                                  1))          ; [
-                              (t 3))           ; ***
-                         1)
-                      ? )))
-                (fill-column (cond ((eq rcirc-fill-column 'frame-width)
-                                   (1- (frame-width)))
-                                  (rcirc-fill-column
-                                   rcirc-fill-column)
-                                  (t fill-column))))
-            (fill-region fill-start rcirc-prompt-start-marker 'left t)))
-        ;; set inserted text to be read-only
-        (when rcirc-read-only-flag
-          (put-text-property rcirc-prompt-start-marker fill-start 'read-only t)
-          (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
-            (put-text-property rcirc-prompt-start-marker fill-start
-                              'front-sticky t)
-            (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'rear-nonsticky t)))
-        ;; truncate buffer if it is very long
-        (save-excursion
-          (when (and rcirc-buffer-maximum-lines
-                     (> rcirc-buffer-maximum-lines 0)
-                     (= (forward-line (- rcirc-buffer-maximum-lines)) 0))
-            (delete-region (point-min) (point))))
-        ;; set the window point for buffers show in windows
-        (walk-windows (lambda (w)
-                        (unless (eq (selected-window) w)
-                          (when (and (eq (current-buffer)
-                                        (window-buffer w))
-                                     (>= (window-point w)
-                                        rcirc-prompt-end-marker))
-                            (set-window-point w (point-max)))))
-                      nil t)
-        ;; restore the point
-        (goto-char (if moving rcirc-prompt-end-marker old-point))
-        ;; flush undo (can we do something smarter here?)
-       (buffer-disable-undo)
-       (buffer-enable-undo))
-      ;; record modeline activity
-      (when activity
-        (let ((nick-match
-              (string-match (concat "\\b"
-                                    (regexp-quote (rcirc-nick process))
-                                    "\\b")
-                            text)))
-          (when (or (not rcirc-ignore-buffer-activity-flag)
-                    ;; always notice when our nick is mentioned, even
-                    ;; if ignoring channel activity
-                    nick-match)
-            (rcirc-record-activity
-            (current-buffer)
-            (when (or nick-match (not (rcirc-channel-p rcirc-target)))
-              'nick)))))
-      (sit-for 0)                      ; displayed text before hook
-      (run-hook-with-args 'rcirc-print-hooks
-                          process sender response target text))))
+  (unless (or (member (rcirc-user-nick sender) rcirc-ignore-list)
+             (member (with-syntax-table rcirc-nick-syntax-table
+                       (when (string-match "^\\([^/]\\w*\\)[:,]" text)
+                         (match-string 1 text))) rcirc-ignore-list))
+    (let* ((buffer (cond ((bufferp target)
+                         target)
+                        ((not target)
+                         (rcirc-get-any-buffer process))
+                        ((not (rcirc-channel-p target))
+                         (rcirc-get-buffer-create process
+                                                  (rcirc-user-nick sender)))
+                        ((or (rcirc-get-buffer process target)
+                             (rcirc-get-any-buffer process)))))
+          (inhibit-read-only t))
+      (with-current-buffer buffer
+       (let ((moving (= (point) rcirc-prompt-end-marker))
+             (old-point (point-marker))
+             (fill-start (marker-position rcirc-prompt-start-marker)))
+         (unless (string= sender (rcirc-nick process))
+           ;; only decode text from other senders, not ours
+           (setq text (decode-coding-string (or text "")
+                                            buffer-file-coding-system))
+           ;; mark the line with overlay arrow
+           (unless (or (marker-position overlay-arrow-position)
+                       (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
+             (set-marker overlay-arrow-position
+                         (marker-position rcirc-prompt-start-marker))))
+         ;; temporarily set the marker insertion-type because
+         ;; insert-before-markers results in hidden text in new buffers
+         (goto-char rcirc-prompt-start-marker)
+         (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-start-marker t)
+         (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-end-marker t)
+         (insert
+          (rcirc-format-response-string process sender response target text)
+          (propertize "\n" 'hard t))
+         (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-start-marker nil)
+         (set-marker-insertion-type rcirc-prompt-end-marker nil)
+         ;; fill the text we just inserted, maybe
+         (when (and rcirc-fill-flag
+                    (not (string= response "372"))) ;/motd
+           (let ((fill-prefix
+                  (or rcirc-fill-prefix
+                      (make-string
+                       (+ (if rcirc-time-format
+                              (length (format-time-string
+                                       rcirc-time-format))
+                            0)
+                          (cond ((or (string= response "PRIVMSG")
+                                     (string= response "NOTICE"))
+                                 (+ (length (rcirc-user-nick sender))
+                                    2)) ; <>
+                                ((string= response "ACTION")
+                                 (+ (length (rcirc-user-nick sender))
+                                    1))        ; [
+                                (t 3))         ; ***
+                          1)
+                       ? )))
+                 (fill-column (cond ((eq rcirc-fill-column 'frame-width)
+                                     (1- (frame-width)))
+                                    (rcirc-fill-column
+                                     rcirc-fill-column)
+                                    (t fill-column))))
+             (fill-region fill-start rcirc-prompt-start-marker 'left t)))
+         ;; set inserted text to be read-only
+         (when rcirc-read-only-flag
+           (put-text-property rcirc-prompt-start-marker fill-start 'read-only 
+           (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+             (put-text-property rcirc-prompt-start-marker fill-start
+                                'front-sticky t)
+             (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'rear-nonsticky t)))
+         ;; truncate buffer if it is very long
+         (save-excursion
+           (when (and rcirc-buffer-maximum-lines
+                      (> rcirc-buffer-maximum-lines 0)
+                      (= (forward-line (- rcirc-buffer-maximum-lines)) 0))
+             (delete-region (point-min) (point))))
+         ;; set the window point for buffers show in windows
+         (walk-windows (lambda (w)
+                         (unless (eq (selected-window) w)
+                           (when (and (eq (current-buffer)
+                                          (window-buffer w))
+                                      (>= (window-point w)
+                                          rcirc-prompt-end-marker))
+                             (set-window-point w (point-max)))))
+                       nil t)
+         ;; restore the point
+         (goto-char (if moving rcirc-prompt-end-marker old-point))
+         ;; flush undo (can we do something smarter here?)
+         (buffer-disable-undo)
+         (buffer-enable-undo))
+       ;; record modeline activity
+       (when activity
+         (let ((nick-match
+                (string-match (concat "\\b"
+                                      (regexp-quote (rcirc-nick process))
+                                      "\\b")
+                              text)))
+           (when (or (not rcirc-ignore-buffer-activity-flag)
+                     ;; always notice when our nick is mentioned, even
+                     ;; if ignoring channel activity
+                     nick-match)
+             (rcirc-record-activity
+              (current-buffer)
+              (when (or nick-match (not (rcirc-channel-p rcirc-target)))
+                'nick)))))
+       (sit-for 0)                     ; displayed text before hook
+       (run-hook-with-args 'rcirc-print-hooks
+                           process sender response target text)))))
 (defun rcirc-startup-channels (server)
   "Return the list of startup channels for server."
@@ -1101,6 +1125,15 @@
       (mapcar (lambda (x) (car x))
               (sort nicks (lambda (x y) (time-less-p (cdr y) (cdr x))))))))
+(defun rcirc-ignore-update-automatic (nick)
+  "Remove NICK from  `rcirc-ignore-list'
+if NICK is also on  `rcirc-ignore-list-automatic'."
+  (when (member nick rcirc-ignore-list-automatic)
+      (setq rcirc-ignore-list-automatic
+           (delete nick rcirc-ignore-list-automatic)
+           rcirc-ignore-list
+           (delete nick rcirc-ignore-list))))
 ;;; activity tracking
 (or (assq 'rcirc-ignore-buffer-activity-flag minor-mode-alist)
@@ -1448,6 +1481,26 @@
 (defun rcirc-cmd-me (args &optional process target)
   (rcirc-send-string process (format "PRIVMSG %s :\C-aACTION %s\C-a"
                                      target args)))
+(defun-rcirc-command ignore (nick)
+  "Manage the ignore list.
+Ignore NICK, unignore NICK if already ignored, or list ignored
+nicks when no NICK is given.  When listing ignored nicks, the
+ones added to the list automatically are marked with an asterix."
+  (interactive "sToggle ignoring of nick: ")
+  (if (string= "" nick)
+      (rcirc-print process (rcirc-nick process) "NOTICE" target 
+                  (mapconcat
+                   (lambda (nick)
+                     (concat nick
+                             (if (member nick rcirc-ignore-list-automatic)
+                                 "*" "")))
+                   rcirc-ignore-list " "))
+    (if (member nick rcirc-ignore-list)
+       (setq rcirc-ignore-list (delete nick rcirc-ignore-list))
+      (setq rcirc-ignore-list (cons nick rcirc-ignore-list)))))
 (defun rcirc-message-leader (sender face)
   "Return a string with SENDER propertized with FACE."
@@ -1502,14 +1555,6 @@
       (funcall function (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) string)))
-(defvar rcirc-nick-syntax-table
-  (let ((table (make-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table)))
-    (mapc (lambda (c) (modify-syntax-entry c "w" table))
-          "[]\\`_^{|}-")
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?' "_" table)
-    table)
-  "Syntax table which includes all nick characters as word constituents.")
 (defun rcirc-mangle-text (process text)
   "Return TEXT with properties added based on various patterns."
   ;; ^B
@@ -1650,6 +1695,7 @@
          (setq rcirc-target nil))))))
 (defun rcirc-handler-PART (process sender args text)
+  (rcirc-ignore-update-automatic (rcirc-user-nick sender))
   (rcirc-handler-PART-or-KICK process "PART"
                               (car args) sender (rcirc-user-nick sender)
                               (cadr args)))
@@ -1659,6 +1705,7 @@
                               (caddr args)))
 (defun rcirc-handler-QUIT (process sender args text)
+  (rcirc-ignore-update-automatic (rcirc-user-nick sender))
   (let ((nick (rcirc-user-nick sender)))
     (mapc (lambda (channel)
             (rcirc-print process sender "QUIT" channel (apply 'concat args)))
@@ -1675,6 +1722,11 @@
   (let* ((old-nick (rcirc-user-nick sender))
          (new-nick (car args))
          (channels (rcirc-nick-channels process old-nick)))
+    ;; update list of ignored nicks
+    (rcirc-ignore-update-automatic old-nick)
+    (when (member old-nick rcirc-ignore-list)
+      (add-to-list 'rcirc-ignore-list new-nick)
+      (add-to-list 'rcirc-ignore-list-automatic new-nick))
     ;; print message to nick's channels
     (dolist (target channels)
       (rcirc-print process sender "NICK" target new-nick))

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