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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/org.el

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/org.el
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 11:08:29 -0500

Index: emacs/lisp/textmodes/org.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/textmodes/org.el:1.46 emacs/lisp/textmodes/org.el:1.47
*** emacs/lisp/textmodes/org.el:1.46    Mon Nov  7 10:57:10 2005
--- emacs/lisp/textmodes/org.el Fri Nov 18 16:08:29 2005
*** 1,11 ****
! ;;; org.el --- Outline-based notes management and organizer
  ;; Carstens outline-mode for keeping track of everything.
  ;; Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation
  ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <dominik at science dot uva dot nl>
  ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar
  ;; Homepage: http://www.astro.uva.nl/~dominik/Tools/org/
! ;; Version: 3.19
  ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
--- 1,11 ----
! ;;; org.el --- Outline-based notes management and organize
  ;; Carstens outline-mode for keeping track of everything.
  ;; Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation
  ;; Author: Carsten Dominik <dominik at science dot uva dot nl>
  ;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar
  ;; Homepage: http://www.astro.uva.nl/~dominik/Tools/org/
! ;; Version: 3.20
  ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
*** 80,85 ****
--- 80,99 ----
  ;; Changes:
  ;; -------
+ ;; Version 3.20
+ ;;    - There is finally an option to make TAB jump over horizontal lines
+ ;;      in tables instead of creating a new line before that line.
+ ;;      The option is `org-table-tab-jumps-over-hlines', default nil.
+ ;;    - New command for sorting tables, on `C-c ^'.
+ ;;    - Changes to the HTML exporter
+ ;;      - hand-formatted lists are exported correctly, similar to
+ ;;        markdown lists.  Nested lists are possible.  See the docstring
+ ;;        of the variable `org-export-local-list-max-depth'.
+ ;;      - cleaned up to produce valid HTML 4.0 (transitional).
+ ;;      - support for cascading style sheets.
+ ;;    - New command to cycle through all agenda files, on C-,
+ ;;    - C-c [ can now also be used to change the sequence of agenda files.
+ ;;
  ;; Version 3.19
  ;;    - Bug fixes
*** 220,226 ****
  ;;; Customization variables
! (defvar org-version "3.19"
    "The version number of the file org.el.")
  (defun org-version ()
--- 234,240 ----
  ;;; Customization variables
! (defvar org-version "3.20"
    "The version number of the file org.el.")
  (defun org-version ()
*** 530,536 ****
  (defcustom org-agenda-files nil
    "A list of org files for agenda/diary display.
! Entries are added to this list with \\[org-add-file] and removed with
  \\[org-remove-file].  You can also use customize to edit the list."
    :group 'org-agenda
    :type '(repeat file))
--- 544,550 ----
  (defcustom org-agenda-files nil
    "A list of org files for agenda/diary display.
! Entries are added to this list with \\[org-agenda-file-to-front] and removed 
  \\[org-remove-file].  You can also use customize to edit the list."
    :group 'org-agenda
    :type '(repeat file))
*** 1128,1133 ****
--- 1142,1158 ----
          (const :tag "on" t)
          (const :tag "on, optimized" optimized)))
+ ;; FIXME: We could have a third option which makes it jump onle over the first
+ ;; hline in a table.
+ (defcustom org-table-tab-jumps-over-hlines t
+   "Non-nil means, tab in the last column of a table with jump over a hline.
+ If a horizontal separator line is following the current line,
+ `org-table-next-field' can either create a new row before that line, or jump
+ over the line.  When this option is nil, a new line will be created before
+ this line."
+   :group 'org-table
+   :type 'boolean)
  (defcustom org-table-auto-blank-field t
    "Non-nil means, automatically blank table field when starting to type into 
  This only happens when typing immediately after a field motion
*** 1313,1319 ****
  (defcustom org-export-default-language "en"
    "The default language of HTML export, as a string.
! This should have an association in `org-export-language-setup'"
    :group 'org-export
    :type 'string)
--- 1338,1365 ----
  (defcustom org-export-default-language "en"
    "The default language of HTML export, as a string.
! This should have an association in `org-export-language-setup'."
!   :group 'org-export
!   :type 'string)
! (defcustom org-export-html-style ""
!   "The default style specification for exported HTML files.
! Since there are different ways of setting style information, this variable
! needs to contain the full HTML structure to provide a style, including the
! surrounding HTML tags.  For example, legal values would be
!    <style type=\"text/css\">
!        p {font-weight: normal; color: gray; }
!        h1 {color: black; }
!    </style>
! or
!    <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"mystyles.css\">
! As the value of this option simply gets inserted into the HTML <head> header,
! you can \"misuse\" it to add arbitrary text to the header.
! "
    :group 'org-export
    :type 'string)
*** 1347,1352 ****
--- 1393,1422 ----
    :group 'org-export
    :type 'boolean)
+ (defcustom org-export-local-list-max-depth 1
+   "Maximum depth of hand-formatted lists in HTML export.
+ Org-mode parses hand-formatted enumeration and bullet lists and
+ transforms them to HTML open export.  Different indentation of the bullet
+ or number indicates different list nesting levels.  To avoid confusion,
+ only a single level is allowed by default.  This means that a list is started
+ with an item, and that all further items are consitered as long as the
+ indentation is larger or equal to the indentation of the first item.  When 
+ is larger than 1, deeper indentation leads to deeper list nesting.
+ If you are careful with hand formatting, you can increase this limit and
+ get lists of arbitrary depth.  For example, by setting this option to 3, the
+ following list would look correct in HTML:
+   * Fruit
+     - Apple
+     - Banana
+       1. from Africa
+       2. from South America
+     - Pineapple
+   * Bread
+   * Dairy products"
+   :group 'org-export
+   :type 'integer)
  (defcustom org-export-preserve-breaks nil
    "Non-nil means, preserve all line breaks when exporting.
  Normally, in HTML output paragraphs will be reformatted.  In ASCII
*** 1874,1892 ****
    (make-local-hook 'before-change-functions)  ;; needed for XEmacs
    (add-hook 'before-change-functions 'org-before-change-function nil
!   ;; Paragraph regular expressions
!   (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) "\f\\|[      
!   (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) "\f\\|[         
!   ;; Inhibit auto-fill for headers, tables and fixed-width lines.
!   (set (make-local-variable 'auto-fill-inhibit-regexp)
!        (concat "\\*\\|#"
!              (if (or org-enable-table-editor org-enable-fixed-width-editor)
!                  (concat
!                   "\\|[ \t]*["
!                   (if org-enable-table-editor "|" "")
!                  (if org-enable-fixed-width-editor ":"  "")
!                  "]"))))
!   (set (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function) 'org-fill-paragraph)
    ;; Settings for Calc embedded mode
    (set (make-local-variable 'calc-embedded-open-formula) "|\\|\n")
    (set (make-local-variable 'calc-embedded-close-formula) "|\\|\n")
--- 1944,1951 ----
    (make-local-hook 'before-change-functions)  ;; needed for XEmacs
    (add-hook 'before-change-functions 'org-before-change-function nil
!   ;; Paragraphs and auto-filling
!   (org-set-autofill-regexps)
    ;; Settings for Calc embedded mode
    (set (make-local-variable 'calc-embedded-open-formula) "|\\|\n")
    (set (make-local-variable 'calc-embedded-close-formula) "|\\|\n")
*** 1918,1929 ****
        (let ((this-command 'org-cycle) (last-command 'org-cycle))
          (org-cycle '(4)) (org-cycle '(4))))))))
- (defun org-fill-paragraph (&optional justify)
-   "Re-align a table, pass through to fill-paragraph if no table."
-   (save-excursion
-     (beginning-of-line 1)
-     (looking-at "\\s-*\\(|\\|\\+-+\\)")))
  (defsubst org-current-line (&optional pos)
    (+ (if (bolp) 1 0) (count-lines (point-min) (or pos (point)))))
--- 1977,1982 ----
*** 4230,4263 ****
         (add-to-diary-list original-date  "Org-mode dummy" "" nil)))))
! (defun org-add-file (&optional file)
!   "Add current file to the list of files in variable `org-agenda-files'.
! These are the files which are being checked for agenda entries.
! Optional argument FILE means, use this file instead of the current.
! It is possible (but not recommended) to add this function to the
! `org-mode-hook'."
!   (interactive)
!   (catch 'exit
!     (let* ((file (or file (buffer-file-name)
!                    (if (interactive-p)
!                        (error "Buffer is not visiting a file")
!                      (throw 'exit nil))))
!          (true-file (file-truename file))
!          (afile (abbreviate-file-name file))
!          (present (delq nil (mapcar
!                              (lambda (x)
!                                (equal true-file (file-truename x)))
!                              org-agenda-files))))
!       (if (not present)
!         (progn
!           (setq org-agenda-files
!                 (cons afile org-agenda-files))
!           ;; Make sure custom.el does not end up with Org-mode
!           (let ((org-mode-hook nil) (default-major-mode 'fundamental-mode))
!             (customize-save-variable 'org-agenda-files org-agenda-files))
!           (org-install-agenda-files-menu)
!           (message "Added file: %s" afile))
!       (message "File was already in list: %s" afile)))))
  (defun org-remove-file (&optional file)
    "Remove current file from the list of files in variable `org-agenda-files'.
--- 4283,4335 ----
         (add-to-diary-list original-date  "Org-mode dummy" "" nil)))))
! (defun org-cycle-agenda-files ()
!   "Cycle through the files in `org-agenda-files'.
! If the current buffer visits an agenda file, find the next one in the list.
! If the current buffer does not, find the first agenda file."
!   (interactive)
!   (let ((files (append org-agenda-files (list (car org-agenda-files))))
!       (tcf (if (buffer-file-name) (file-truename (buffer-file-name))))
!       file)
!     (unless files (error "No agenda files"))
!     (catch 'exit
!       (while (setq file (pop files))
!       (if (equal (file-truename file) tcf)
!           (when (car files)
!             (find-file (car files))
!             (throw 'exit t))))
!       (find-file (car org-agenda-files)))))
! (defun org-agenda-file-to-end (&optional file)
!   "Move/add the current file to the end of the agenda fiole list.
! I the file is not present in the list, it is appended ot the list.  If it is
! present, it is moved there."
!   (interactive)
!   (org-agenda-file-to-front 'to-end file))
! (defun org-agenda-file-to-front (&optional to-end file)
!   "Move/add the current file to the top of the agenda file list.
! If the file is not present in the list, it is added to the front.  If it is
! present, it is moved there.  With optional argument TO-END, add/move to the
! end of the list."
!   (interactive "P")
!   (let ((file-alist (mapcar (lambda (x)
!                             (cons (file-truename x) x))
!                           org-agenda-files))
!       (ctf (file-truename (buffer-file-name)))
!       x had)
!     (setq x (assoc ctf file-alist) had x)
!     (if (not x) (setq x (cons ctf (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name)))))
!     (if to-end
!       (setq file-alist (append (delq x file-alist) (list x)))
!       (setq file-alist (cons x (delq x file-alist))))
!     (setq org-agenda-files (mapcar 'cdr file-alist))
!     (let ((org-mode-hook nil) (default-major-mode 'fundamental-mode))
!       (customize-save-variable 'org-agenda-files org-agenda-files))
!     (org-install-agenda-files-menu)
!     (message "File %s to %s of agenda file list"
!            (if had "moved" "added") (if to-end "end" "front"))))
  (defun org-remove-file (&optional file)
    "Remove current file from the list of files in variable `org-agenda-files'.
*** 6300,6306 ****
        (goto-char pos))))))
  (defun org-table-next-field ()
!   "Go to the next field in the current table.
  Before doing so, re-align the table if necessary."
--- 6372,6378 ----
        (goto-char pos))))))
  (defun org-table-next-field ()
!   "Go to the next field in the current table, creating new lines as needed.
  Before doing so, re-align the table if necessary."
*** 6308,6327 ****
    (if (and org-table-automatic-realign
!   (if (org-at-table-hline-p)
!       (end-of-line 1))
!   (condition-case nil
!       (progn
!       (re-search-forward "|" (org-table-end))
!       (if (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
!           (re-search-forward "|" (org-table-end)))
!       (if (looking-at "-")
!           (progn
!             (beginning-of-line 0)
!             (org-table-insert-row 'below))
!         (if (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1))))
!     (error
!      (org-table-insert-row 'below))))
  (defun org-table-previous-field ()
    "Go to the previous field in the table.
--- 6380,6404 ----
    (if (and org-table-automatic-realign
!   (let ((end (org-table-end)))
!     (if (org-at-table-hline-p)
!       (end-of-line 1))
!     (condition-case nil
!       (progn
!         (re-search-forward "|" end)
!         (if (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
!             (re-search-forward "|" end))
!         (if (and (looking-at "-")
!                  org-table-tab-jumps-over-hlines
!                  (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*|\\([^-]\\)" end t))
!             (goto-char (match-beginning 1)))
!         (if (looking-at "-")
!             (progn
!               (beginning-of-line 0)
!               (org-table-insert-row 'below))
!           (if (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1))))
!       (error
!        (org-table-insert-row 'below)))))
  (defun org-table-previous-field ()
    "Go to the previous field in the table.
*** 6472,6477 ****
--- 6549,6555 ----
  of the field.
  If there are less than N fields, just go to after the last delimiter.
  However, when FORCE is non-nil, create new columns if necessary."
+   (interactive "p")
    (let ((pos (point-at-eol)))
      (beginning-of-line 1)
      (when (> n 0)
*** 6490,6496 ****
  (defun org-at-table-p (&optional table-type)
    "Return t if the cursor is inside an org-type table.
! If TABLE-TYPE is non-nil, also chack for table.el-type tables."
    (if org-enable-table-editor
        (beginning-of-line 1)
--- 6568,6574 ----
  (defun org-at-table-p (&optional table-type)
    "Return t if the cursor is inside an org-type table.
! If TABLE-TYPE is non-nil, also check for table.el-type tables."
    (if org-enable-table-editor
        (beginning-of-line 1)
*** 6498,6503 ****
--- 6576,6588 ----
+ (defun org-at-table.el-p ()
+   "Return t if and only if we are at a table.el table."
+   (and (org-at-table-p 'any)
+        (save-excursion
+        (goto-char (org-table-begin 'any))
+        (looking-at org-table1-hline-regexp))))
  (defun org-table-recognize-table.el ()
    "If there is a table.el table nearby, recognize it and move into it."
    (if org-table-tab-recognizes-table.el
*** 6524,6538 ****
- (defun org-at-table.el-p ()
-   "Return t if the cursor is inside a table.el-type table."
-   (save-excursion
-     (if (org-at-table-p 'any)
-       (progn
-         (goto-char (org-table-begin 'any))
-         (looking-at org-table1-hline-regexp))
-       nil)))
  (defun org-at-table-hline-p ()
    "Return t if the cursor is inside a hline in a table."
    (if org-enable-table-editor
--- 6609,6614 ----
*** 6745,6750 ****
--- 6821,6869 ----
      (if (not (org-at-table-p)) (beginning-of-line 0))
      (move-to-column col)))
+ (defun org-table-sort-lines (beg end numericp)
+   "Sort table lines in region.
+ Point and mark define the first and last line to include.  Both point and
+ mark should be in the column that is used for sorting.  For example, to
+ sort according to column 3, put the mark in the first line to sort, in
+ table column 3.  Put point into the last line to be included in the sorting,
+ also in table column 3. The command will prompt for the sorting method (n for
+ numerical, a for alphanumeric)."
+   (interactive "r\nsSorting method: [n]=numeric [a]=alpha: ")
+   (setq numericp (string-match "[nN]" numericp))
+   (org-table-align) ;; Just to be safe
+   (let* (bcol ecol cmp column lns)
+     (goto-char beg)
+     (org-table-check-inside-data-field)
+     (setq column (org-table-current-column)
+         beg (move-marker (make-marker) (point-at-bol)))
+     (goto-char end)
+     (org-table-check-inside-data-field)
+     (setq end (move-marker (make-marker) (1+ (point-at-eol))))
+     (untabify beg end)
+     (goto-char beg)
+     (org-table-goto-column column)
+     (skip-chars-backward "^|")
+     (setq bcol (current-column))
+     (org-table-goto-column (1+ column))
+     (skip-chars-backward "^|")
+     (setq ecol (1- (current-column)))
+     (setq cmp (if numericp
+                 (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b)))
+               (lambda (a b) (string< (car a) (car b)))))
+     (setq lns (mapcar (lambda(x) (cons (org-trim (substring x bcol ecol)) x))
+                     (split-string (buffer-substring beg end) "\n")))
+     (if numericp
+       (setq lns (mapcar (lambda(x)
+                             (cons (string-to-number (car x)) (cdr x)))
+                           lns)))
+     (delete-region beg end)
+     (move-marker beg nil)
+     (move-marker end nil)
+     (insert (mapconcat 'cdr (setq lns (sort lns cmp)) "\n") "\n")
+     (message "%d lines sorted %s based on column %d"
+            (length lns)
+            (if numericp "numerically" "alphabetically") column)))
  (defun org-table-cut-region (beg end)
    "Copy region in table to the clipboard and blank all relevant fields."
*** 8013,8018 ****
--- 8132,8138 ----
          '("\C-c="              org-table-eval-formula)
          '("\C-c'"              org-table-edit-formulas)
          '("\C-c*"              org-table-recalculate)
+         '("\C-c^"              org-table-sort-lines)
          '([(control ?#)]       org-table-rotate-recalc-marks)))
        elt key fun cmd)
      (while (setq elt (pop bindings))
*** 8063,8068 ****
--- 8183,8189 ----
         ["Move Row Down" org-metadown :active (org-at-table-p) :keys 
         ["Delete Row" org-shiftmetaup :active (org-at-table-p) :keys 
         ["Insert Row" org-shiftmetadown :active (org-at-table-p) :keys 
+        ["Sort lines in region" org-table-sort-lines (org-at-table-p) :keys 
"C-c ^"]
         ["Insert Hline" org-table-insert-hline :active (org-at-table-p) :keys 
"C-c -"])
*** 8838,8844 ****
    (setq-default org-todo-line-regexp org-todo-line-regexp)
    (setq-default org-deadline-line-regexp org-deadline-line-regexp)
    (setq-default org-done-string org-done-string)
!   (let* ((region-p (org-region-active-p))
             (if region-p (region-beginning) (point-min))
--- 8959,8966 ----
    (setq-default org-todo-line-regexp org-todo-line-regexp)
    (setq-default org-deadline-line-regexp org-deadline-line-regexp)
    (setq-default org-done-string org-done-string)
!   (let* ((style org-export-html-style)
!        (region-p (org-region-active-p))
             (if region-p (region-beginning) (point-min))
*** 8859,8864 ****
--- 8981,8990 ----
           (options     nil)
         (quote-re    (concat "^\\*+[ \t]*" org-quote-string "\\>"))
         (inquote     nil)
+        (infixed     nil)
+        (in-local-list nil)
+        (local-list-num nil)
+        (local-list-indent nil)
         (email       user-mail-address)
           (language    org-export-default-language)
         (text        nil)
*** 8875,8880 ****
--- 9001,9007 ----
                       (coding-system-get coding-system 'mime-charset)))
         table-open type
         table-buffer table-orig-buffer
+        ind start-is-num starter
      (message "Exporting...")
*** 8899,8914 ****
        ;; File header
        (insert (format
!                "<html lang=\"%s\"><head>
  <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\">
  <meta name=generator content=\"Org-mode\">
  <meta name=generated content=\"%s %s\">
  <meta name=author content=\"%s\">
               language (org-html-expand title) (or charset "iso-8859-1")
!              date time author))
        (if title     (insert (concat "<H1 align=\"center\">"
                                    (org-html-expand title) "</H1>\n")))
        (if author    (insert (concat (nth 1 lang-words) ": " author "\n")))
--- 9026,9044 ----
        ;; File header
        (insert (format
!                "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 
!  \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd\";>
! <html lang=\"%s\"><head>
  <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\">
  <meta name=generator content=\"Org-mode\">
  <meta name=generated content=\"%s %s\">
  <meta name=author content=\"%s\">
+ %s
               language (org-html-expand title) (or charset "iso-8859-1")
!              date time author style))
        (if title     (insert (concat "<H1 align=\"center\">"
                                    (org-html-expand title) "</H1>\n")))
        (if author    (insert (concat (nth 1 lang-words) ": " author "\n")))
*** 8959,8966 ****
                                     (if todo
!                                        "<li><a href=\"#sec-%d\"><span 
!                                      "<li><a href=\"#sec-%d\">%s</a></li>\n")
                                     head-count txt))
                                   (setq org-last-level level))
--- 9089,9096 ----
                                     (if todo
!                                        "<li><a href=\"#sec-%d\"><span 
!                                      "<li><a href=\"#sec-%d\">%s</a>\n")
                                     head-count txt))
                                   (setq org-last-level level))
*** 8973,8987 ****
        (while (setq line (pop lines) origline line)
!       ;; end of quote?
!       (when (and inquote (string-match "^\\*+" line))
!         (insert "</pre>\n")
!         (setq inquote nil))
!       ;; inquote
!       (if inquote
!           (progn
!             (insert line "\n")
!             (setq line (org-html-expand line))) ;;????? FIXME: not needed?
          ;; Protect the links
          (setq start 0)
--- 9103,9132 ----
        (while (setq line (pop lines) origline line)
!       (catch 'nextline
!         ;; end of quote section?
!         (when (and inquote (string-match "^\\*+" line))
!           (insert "</pre>\n")
!           (setq inquote nil))
!         ;; inside a quote section?
!         (when inquote
!           (insert (org-html-protect line) "\n")
!           (throw 'nextline nil))
!         ;; verbatim lines
!         (when (and org-export-with-fixed-width
!                    (string-match "^[ \t]*:\\(.*\\)" line))
!           (when (not infixed)
!             (setq infixed t)
!             (insert "<pre>\n"))
!           (insert (org-html-protect (match-string 1 line)) "\n")
!           (when (and lines
!                      (not (string-match "^[ \t]+\\(:.*\\)"
!                                         (car lines))))
!             (setq infixed nil)
!             (insert "</pre>\n"))
!           (throw 'nextline nil))
          ;; Protect the links
          (setq start 0)
*** 8991,9111 ****
                        (concat "\000" (match-string 1 line) "\000")
                        t t line)))
!         ;; replace "<" and ">" by "&lt;" and "&gt;"
          ;; handle @<..> HTML tags (replace "@&gt;..&lt;" by "<..>")
          (setq line (org-html-expand line))
!         ;; Verbatim lines
!         (if (and org-export-with-fixed-width
!                  (string-match "^[ \t]*:\\(.*\\)" line))
!             (progn
!               (let ((l (match-string 1 line)))
!                 (while (string-match " " l)
!                   (setq l (replace-match "&nbsp;" t t l)))
!                 (insert "\n<span style='font-family:Courier'>"
!                         l "</span>"
!                         (if (and lines
!                                  (not (string-match "^[ \t]+\\(:.*\\)"
!                                                     (car lines))))
!                             "<br>\n" "\n"))))
!           (setq start 0)
!           (while (string-match org-protected-link-regexp line start)
!             (setq start (- (match-end 0) 2))
!             (setq type (match-string 1 line))
!             (cond
!              ((member type '("http" "https" "ftp" "mailto" "news"))
!               ;; standard URL
!               (setq line (replace-match
                                        ;                          "<a 
!                           "<a href=\"\\1:\\2\">\\1:\\2</a>"
!                           nil nil line)))
!              ((string= type "file")
!               ;; FILE link
!               (let* ((filename (match-string 2 line))
!                      (abs-p (file-name-absolute-p filename))
!                      (thefile (if abs-p (expand-file-name filename) filename))
!                      (thefile (save-match-data
!                                 (if (string-match ":[0-9]+$" thefile)
!                                     (replace-match "" t t thefile)
!                                   thefile)))
!                      (file-is-image-p
!                       (save-match-data
!                         (string-match (org-image-file-name-regexp) thefile))))
!                 (setq line (replace-match
!                             (if (and org-export-html-inline-images
!                                      file-is-image-p)
!                                 (concat "<img src=\"" thefile "\"/>")
!                               (concat "<a href=\"" thefile "\">\\1:\\2</a>"))
!                             nil nil line))))
!              ((member type '("bbdb" "vm" "wl" "rmail" "gnus" "shell"))
                (setq line (replace-match
!                           "<i>&lt;\\1:\\2&gt;</i>" nil nil line)))))
!           ;; TODO items
!           (if (and (string-match org-todo-line-regexp line)
!                    (match-beginning 2))
!               (if (equal (match-string 2 line) org-done-string)
!                   (setq line (replace-match
!                               "<span style='color:green'>\\2</span>"
!                               nil nil line 2))
!                 (setq line (replace-match "<span style='color:red'>\\2</span>"
!                                           nil nil line 2))))
!           ;; DEADLINES
!           (if (string-match org-deadline-line-regexp line)
!               (progn
!                 (if (save-match-data
!                       (string-match "<a href"
!                                     (substring line 0 (match-beginning 0))))
!                     nil     ; Don't do the replacement - it is inside a link
!                   (setq line (replace-match "<span 
!                                             nil nil line 1)))))
!           (cond
!            ((string-match "^\\(\\*+\\)[ \t]*\\(.*\\)" line)
!             ;; This is a headline
!             (setq level (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1))
!                   txt (match-string 2 line))
!             (if (<= level umax) (setq head-count (+ head-count 1)))
!             (org-html-level-start level txt umax
!                                   (and org-export-with-toc (<= level umax))
!                                   head-count)
!             ;; QUOTES
!             (when (string-match quote-re line)
!               (insert "<pre>")
!               (setq inquote t)))
!            ((and org-export-with-tables
!                  (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)" line))
!             (if (not table-open)
!                 ;; New table starts
!                 (setq table-open t table-buffer nil table-orig-buffer nil))
!             ;; Accumulate lines
!             (setq table-buffer (cons line table-buffer)
!                   table-orig-buffer (cons origline table-orig-buffer))
!             (when (or (not lines)
!                       (not (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)"
!                                          (car lines))))
!               (setq table-open nil
!                     table-buffer (nreverse table-buffer)
!                     table-orig-buffer (nreverse table-orig-buffer))
!               (insert (org-format-table-html table-buffer 
!            (t
!             ;; Normal lines
!             ;; Lines starting with "-", and empty lines make new paragraph.
!             ;; FIXME: Should we add + and *?
!             (if (string-match "^ *-\\|^[ \t]*$" line) (insert "<p>"))
!             (insert line (if org-export-preserve-breaks "<br>\n" "\n"))))
!           )))
!       (if org-export-html-with-timestamp
!           (insert org-export-html-html-helper-timestamp))
!       (insert "</body>\n</html>\n")
!       (normal-mode)
!       (save-buffer)
!       (goto-char (point-min)))))
  (defun org-format-table-html (lines olines)
    "Find out which HTML converter to use and return the HTML code."
--- 9136,9280 ----
                        (concat "\000" (match-string 1 line) "\000")
                        t t line)))
!         ;; replace "&" by "&amp;", "<" and ">" by "&lt;" and "&gt;"
          ;; handle @<..> HTML tags (replace "@&gt;..&lt;" by "<..>")
          (setq line (org-html-expand line))
!         ;; Format the links
!         (setq start 0)
!         (while (string-match org-protected-link-regexp line start)
!           (setq start (- (match-end 0) 2))
!           (setq type (match-string 1 line))
!           (cond
!            ((member type '("http" "https" "ftp" "mailto" "news"))
!             ;; standard URL
!             (setq line (replace-match
                                        ;                          "<a 
!                         "<a href=\"\\1:\\2\">\\1:\\2</a>"
!                         nil nil line)))
!            ((string= type "file")
!             ;; FILE link
!             (let* ((filename (match-string 2 line))
!                    (abs-p (file-name-absolute-p filename))
!                    (thefile (if abs-p (expand-file-name filename) filename))
!                    (thefile (save-match-data
!                               (if (string-match ":[0-9]+$" thefile)
!                                   (replace-match "" t t thefile)
!                                 thefile)))
!                    (file-is-image-p
!                     (save-match-data
!                       (string-match (org-image-file-name-regexp) thefile))))
                (setq line (replace-match
!                           (if (and org-export-html-inline-images
!                                    file-is-image-p)
!                               (concat "<img src=\"" thefile "\"/>")
!                             (concat "<a href=\"" thefile "\">\\1:\\2</a>"))
!                           nil nil line))))
!            ((member type '("bbdb" "vm" "wl" "rmail" "gnus" "shell"))
!             (setq line (replace-match
!                         "<i>&lt;\\1:\\2&gt;</i>" nil nil line)))))
!         ;; TODO items
!         (if (and (string-match org-todo-line-regexp line)
!                  (match-beginning 2))
!             (if (equal (match-string 2 line) org-done-string)
!                 (setq line (replace-match
!                             "<span style='color:green'>\\2</span>"
!                             nil nil line 2))
!               (setq line (replace-match "<span style='color:red'>\\2</span>"
!                                         nil nil line 2))))
!         ;; DEADLINES
!         (if (string-match org-deadline-line-regexp line)
!             (progn
!               (if (save-match-data
!                     (string-match "<a href"
!                                   (substring line 0 (match-beginning 0))))
!                   nil     ; Don't do the replacement - it is inside a link
!                 (setq line (replace-match "<span style='color:red'>\\&</span>"
!                                           nil nil line 1)))))
+         (cond
+          ((string-match "^\\(\\*+\\)[ \t]*\\(.*\\)" line)
+           ;; This is a headline
+           (setq level (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1))
+                 txt (match-string 2 line))
+           (if (<= level umax) (setq head-count (+ head-count 1)))
+           (when in-local-list
+             ;; Close any local lists before inserting a new header line
+             (while local-list-num
+               (insert (if (car local-list-num) "</ol>\n" "</ul>"))
+               (pop local-list-num))
+             (setq local-list-indent nil
+                   in-local-list nil))
+           (org-html-level-start level txt umax
+                                 (and org-export-with-toc (<= level umax))
+                                 head-count)
+           ;; QUOTES
+           (when (string-match quote-re line)
+             (insert "<pre>")
+             (setq inquote t)))
+          ((and org-export-with-tables
+                (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)" line))
+           (if (not table-open)
+               ;; New table starts
+               (setq table-open t table-buffer nil table-orig-buffer nil))
+           ;; Accumulate lines
+           (setq table-buffer (cons line table-buffer)
+                 table-orig-buffer (cons origline table-orig-buffer))
+           (when (or (not lines)
+                     (not (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)"
+                                        (car lines))))
+             (setq table-open nil
+                   table-buffer (nreverse table-buffer)
+                   table-orig-buffer (nreverse table-orig-buffer))
+             (insert (org-format-table-html table-buffer table-orig-buffer))))
+          (t
+           ;; Normal lines
+           (when (and (> org-export-local-list-max-depth 0)
+                      (string-match
+                       "^\\( *\\)\\(\\([-+*]\\)\\|\\([0-9]+\\.\\)\\)? *\\([^ 
+                       line))
+             (setq ind (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1))
+                   start-is-num (match-beginning 4)
+                   starter (if (match-beginning 2) (match-string 2 line)))
+             (while (and in-local-list
+                         (or (and (= ind (car local-list-indent))
+                                  (not starter))
+                             (< ind (car local-list-indent))))
+               (insert (if (car local-list-num) "</ol>\n" "</ul>"))
+               (pop local-list-num) (pop local-list-indent)
+               (setq in-local-list local-list-indent))
!             (cond
!              ((and starter
!                    (or (not in-local-list)
!                        (> ind (car local-list-indent)))
!                    (< (length local-list-indent)
!                       org-export-local-list-max-depth))
!               ;; Start new (level of ) list
!               (insert (if start-is-num "<ol>\n<li>\n" "<ul>\n<li>\n"))
!               (push start-is-num local-list-num)
!               (push ind local-list-indent)
!               (setq in-local-list t))
!              (starter
!               ;; continue current list
!               (insert "<li>\n")))
!             (setq line (substring line (match-beginning 5))))
!           ;; Empty lines start a new paragraph.  If hand-formatted lists
!           ;; are not fully interpreted, lines starting with "-", "+", "*"
!           ;; also start a new paragraph.
!           (if (string-match "^ [-+*]-\\|^[ \t]*$" line) (insert "<p>"))
!           (insert line (if org-export-preserve-breaks "<br>\n" "\n"))))
!         ))
!       (if org-export-html-with-timestamp
!         (insert org-export-html-html-helper-timestamp))
!       (insert "</body>\n</html>\n")
!       (normal-mode)
!       (save-buffer)
!       (goto-char (point-min)))))
  (defun org-format-table-html (lines olines)
    "Find out which HTML converter to use and return the HTML code."
*** 9235,9252 ****
      (set-buffer " org-tmp2 ")
      (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
  (defun org-html-expand (string)
    "Prepare STRING for HTML export.  Applies all active conversions."
    ;; First check if there is a link in the line - if yes, apply conversions
    ;; only before the start of the link.
    (let* ((m (string-match org-link-regexp string))
         (s (if m (substring string 0 m) string))
         (r (if m (substring string m) "")))
!     ;; convert < to &lt; and > to &gt;
!     (while (string-match "<" s)
!       (setq s (replace-match "&lt;" t t s)))
!     (while (string-match ">" s)
!       (setq s (replace-match "&gt;" t t s)))
      (if org-export-html-expand
        (while (string-match "@&lt;\\([^&]*\\)&gt;" s)
          (setq s (replace-match "<\\1>" nil nil s))))
--- 9404,9431 ----
      (set-buffer " org-tmp2 ")
      (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (defun org-html-protect (s)
+   ;; convert & to &amp;, < to &lt; and > to &gt;
+   (let ((start 0))
+     (while (string-match "&" s start)
+       (setq s (replace-match "&amp;" t t s)
+           start (1+ (match-beginning 0))))
+     (while (string-match "<" s)
+       (setq s (replace-match "&lt;" t t s)))
+     (while (string-match ">" s)
+       (setq s (replace-match "&gt;" t t s))))
+   s)
  (defun org-html-expand (string)
    "Prepare STRING for HTML export.  Applies all active conversions."
    ;; First check if there is a link in the line - if yes, apply conversions
    ;; only before the start of the link.
+   ;; FIXME: This is no longer correct, because links now have an end.
    (let* ((m (string-match org-link-regexp string))
         (s (if m (substring string 0 m) string))
         (r (if m (substring string m) "")))
!     ;; convert & to &amp;, < to &lt; and > to &gt;
!     (setq s (org-html-protect s))
      (if org-export-html-expand
        (while (string-match "@&lt;\\([^&]*\\)&gt;" s)
          (setq s (replace-match "<\\1>" nil nil s))))
*** 9446,9454 ****
  (defun org-export-icalendar-this-file ()
    "Export current file as an iCalendar file.
  The iCalendar file will be located in the same directory as the Org-mode
--- 9625,9630 ----
*** 9496,9502 ****
          (let ((standard-output ical-buffer))
            (if combine
                (and (not started) (setq started t)
!                    (org-start-icalendar-file "OrgMode"))
              (org-start-icalendar-file category))
            (org-print-icalendar-entries combine category)
            (when (or (and combine (not files)) (not combine))
--- 9672,9678 ----
          (let ((standard-output ical-buffer))
            (if combine
                (and (not started) (setq started t)
!                    (org-start-icalendar-file org-icalendar-combined-name))
              (org-start-icalendar-file category))
            (org-print-icalendar-entries combine category)
            (when (or (and combine (not files)) (not combine))
*** 9540,9546 ****
                donep (org-entry-is-done-p)))
        (if (or (string-match org-tr-regexp hd)
                (string-match org-ts-regexp hd))
!           (setq hd (replace-match "" t t hd)))                
        (if combine
            (setq hd (concat hd " (category " category ")")))
        (if deadlinep (setq hd (concat "DL: " hd " This is a deadline")))
--- 9716,9722 ----
                donep (org-entry-is-done-p)))
        (if (or (string-match org-tr-regexp hd)
                (string-match org-ts-regexp hd))
!           (setq hd (replace-match "" t t hd)))
        (if combine
            (setq hd (concat hd " (category " category ")")))
        (if deadlinep (setq hd (concat "DL: " hd " This is a deadline")))
*** 9693,9702 ****
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c\C-y" 'org-evaluate-time-range)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c>"    'org-goto-calendar)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c<"    'org-date-from-calendar)
! (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c["    'org-add-file)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c]"    'org-remove-file)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c\C-r"       'org-timeline)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c-"          'org-table-insert-hline)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c\C-c"       'org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-m"           'org-return)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c?"          'org-table-current-column)
--- 9869,9880 ----
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c\C-y" 'org-evaluate-time-range)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c>"    'org-goto-calendar)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c<"    'org-date-from-calendar)
! (define-key org-mode-map [(control ?,)]     'org-cycle-agenda-files)
! (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c["    'org-agenda-file-to-front)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c]"    'org-remove-file)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c\C-r"       'org-timeline)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c-"          'org-table-insert-hline)
+ (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c^"          'org-table-sort-lines)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c\C-c"       'org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-m"           'org-return)
  (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c?"          'org-table-current-column)
*** 9807,9813 ****
        (if (fboundp 'command-remapping)
          (define-key map (vector 'remap old) new)
        (substitute-key-definition old new map global-map)))))
  (when (eq org-enable-table-editor 'optimized)
    ;; If the user wants maximum table support, we need to hijack
    ;; some standard editing functions
--- 9985,9991 ----
        (if (fboundp 'command-remapping)
          (define-key map (vector 'remap old) new)
        (substitute-key-definition old new map global-map)))))
  (when (eq org-enable-table-editor 'optimized)
    ;; If the user wants maximum table support, we need to hijack
    ;; some standard editing functions
*** 10044,10049 ****
--- 10222,10228 ----
       ["Move Row Down" org-metadown (org-at-table-p)]
       ["Delete Row" org-shiftmetaup (org-at-table-p)]
       ["Insert Row" org-shiftmetadown (org-at-table-p)]
+      ["Sort lines in region" org-table-sort-lines (org-at-table-p)]
       ["Insert Hline" org-table-insert-hline (org-at-table-p)])
*** 10185,10192 ****
       ["Edit File List" (customize-variable 'org-agenda-files) t]
!      ["Add Current File to List" org-add-file t]
       ["Remove Current File from List" org-remove-file t]
      (mapcar 'org-file-menu-entry org-agenda-files))))
--- 10364,10372 ----
       ["Edit File List" (customize-variable 'org-agenda-files) t]
!      ["Add/Move Current File to Front of List" org-agenda-file-to-front t]
       ["Remove Current File from List" org-remove-file t]
+      ["Cycle through agenda files" org-cycle-agenda-files t]
      (mapcar 'org-file-menu-entry org-agenda-files))))
*** 10243,10248 ****
--- 10423,10480 ----
      (goto-char pos)
      (move-to-column col)))
+ ;; Paragraph filling stuff.
+ ;; We want this to be just right, so use the full arsenal.
+ ;; FIXME:  This very likely does not work correctly for XEmacs, because the
+ ;; filladapt package works slightly differently.
+ (defun org-set-autofill-regexps ()
+   (interactive)
+   ;; In the paragraph separator we include headlines, because filling
+   ;; text in a line directly attached to a headline would otherwise
+   ;; fill the headline as well.
+   (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) "\f\\|\\*\\|[        ]*$\\|[ 
+   ;; The paragraph starter includes hand-formatted lists.
+   (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
+        "\f\\|[        ]*$\\|\\([*\f]+\\)\\|[ \t]*\\([-+*]\\|[0-9]+\\.[ 
\t]+\\)\\|[ \t]*[:|]")
+   ;; Inhibit auto-fill for headers, tables and fixed-width lines.
+   ;; But only if the user has not turned off tables or fixed-width regions
+   (set (make-local-variable 'auto-fill-inhibit-regexp)
+        (concat "\\*\\|#"
+              (if (or org-enable-table-editor org-enable-fixed-width-editor)
+                  (concat
+                   "\\|[ \t]*["
+                   (if org-enable-table-editor "|" "")
+                   (if org-enable-fixed-width-editor ":"  "")
+                   "]"))))
+   ;; We use our own fill-paragraph function, to make sure that tables
+   ;; and fixed-width regions are not wrapped.  That function will pass
+   ;; through to `fill-paragraph' when appropriate.
+   (set (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function) 'org-fill-paragraph)
+   ;; Adaptive filling: To get full control, first make sure that
+   ;; `adaptive-fill-regexp' never matches.  Then install our won matcher.
+   (setq adaptive-fill-regexp "\000")
+   (setq adaptive-fill-function 'org-adaptive-fill-function))
+ (defun org-fill-paragraph (&optional justify)
+   "Re-align a table, pass through to fill-paragraph if no table."
+   (let ((table-p (org-at-table-p))
+       (table.el-p (org-at-table.el-p)))
+     (cond ((equal (char-after (point-at-bol)) ?*) t) ; skip headlines
+         (table.el-p t)                             ; skip table.el tables
+         (table-p (org-table-align) t)              ; align org-mode tables
+         (t nil))))                                 ; call paragraph-fill
+ ;; For reference, this is the default value of adaptive-fill-regexp
+ ;;  "[ \t]*\\([-|#;>*]+[ \t]*\\|(?[0-9]+[.)][ \t]*\\)*"
+ (defun org-adaptive-fill-function ()
+   "Return a fill prefix for org-mode files.
+ In particular, this makes sure hanging paragraphs for hand-formatted lists
+ work correctly."
+   (if (looking-at " *\\([-*+] \\|[0-9]+\\. \\)?")
+       (make-string (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)) ?\ )))
  ;; Functions needed for Emacs/XEmacs region compatibility
  (defun org-region-active-p ()
*** 10474,10476 ****
--- 10706,10709 ----
  ;; arch-tag: e77da1a7-acc7-4336-b19e-efa25af3f9fd
  ;;; org.el ends here

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