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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/recentf.el

From: David Ponce
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/recentf.el
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 03:42:38 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/recentf.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/recentf.el:1.38 emacs/lisp/recentf.el:1.39
*** emacs/lisp/recentf.el:1.38  Tue Jun 14 12:02:42 2005
--- emacs/lisp/recentf.el       Sun Jun 26 07:42:38 2005
*** 28,45 ****
  ;;; Commentary:
  ;; This package maintains a menu for visiting files that were operated
! ;; on recently.  When enabled a new "Open Recent" submenu is displayed
! ;; in the "Files" menu.  The recent files list is automatically saved
! ;; across Emacs sessions.  You can customize the number of recent
! ;; files displayed, the location of the menu and others options (see
! ;; the source code for details).
  ;;; History:
  ;;; Code:
  (require 'easymenu)
! (require 'wid-edit)
  (require 'timer)
  ;;; Internal data
--- 28,45 ----
  ;;; Commentary:
  ;; This package maintains a menu for visiting files that were operated
! ;; on recently.  When enabled a new "Open Recent" sub menu is
! ;; displayed in the "Files" menu.  The recent files list is
! ;; automatically saved across Emacs sessions.  You can customize the
! ;; number of recent files displayed, the location of the menu and
! ;; others options (see the source code for details).
  ;;; History:
  ;;; Code:
  (require 'easymenu)
! (require 'tree-widget)
  (require 'timer)
  ;;; Internal data
*** 259,265 ****
  It is passed a filename to give a chance to transform it.
  If it returns nil, the filename is left unchanged."
    :group 'recentf
!   :type 'function)
  ;;; Utilities
--- 259,266 ----
  It is passed a filename to give a chance to transform it.
  If it returns nil, the filename is left unchanged."
    :group 'recentf
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
!                  function))
  ;;; Utilities
*** 904,933 ****
  (defun recentf-cancel-dialog (&rest ignore)
    "Cancel the current dialog.
- Used internally by recentf dialogs.
  IGNORE arguments."
    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
    (message "Dialog canceled"))
  (defvar recentf-dialog-mode-map
    (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
      (define-key km "q" 'recentf-cancel-dialog)
      (define-key km [down-mouse-1] 'widget-button-click)
-     (set-keymap-parent km widget-keymap)
    "Keymap used in recentf dialogs.")
! (defun recentf-dialog-mode ()
    "Major mode of recentf dialogs.
!   (interactive)
!   (kill-all-local-variables)
!   (setq major-mode 'recentf-dialog-mode)
!   (setq mode-name "recentf-dialog")
!   (use-local-map recentf-dialog-mode-map)
!   (run-mode-hooks 'recentf-dialog-mode-hook))
  ;;; Hooks
--- 905,958 ----
  (defun recentf-cancel-dialog (&rest ignore)
    "Cancel the current dialog.
  IGNORE arguments."
    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
    (message "Dialog canceled"))
+ (defun recentf-dialog-goto-first (widget-type)
+   "Move the cursor to the first WIDGET-TYPE in current dialog.
+ Go to the beginning of buffer if not found."
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (condition-case nil
+       (let (done)
+         (widget-move 1)
+         (while (not done)
+           (if (eq widget-type (widget-type (widget-at (point))))
+               (setq done t)
+             (widget-move 1))))
+     (goto-char (point-min))))
  (defvar recentf-dialog-mode-map
    (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
+     (set-keymap-parent km widget-keymap)
      (define-key km "q" 'recentf-cancel-dialog)
      (define-key km [down-mouse-1] 'widget-button-click)
    "Keymap used in recentf dialogs.")
! (define-derived-mode recentf-dialog-mode nil "recentf-dialog"
    "Major mode of recentf dialogs.
!   :syntax-table nil
!   :abbrev-table nil
!   (setq truncate-lines t))
! (defmacro recentf-dialog (name &rest forms)
!   "Show a dialog buffer with NAME, setup with FORMS."
!   (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
!   `(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create ,name)
!     ;; Cleanup buffer
!     (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
!           (ol (overlay-lists)))
!       (mapc 'delete-overlay (car ol))
!       (mapc 'delete-overlay (cdr ol))
!       (erase-buffer))
!     (recentf-dialog-mode)
!     ,@forms
!     (widget-setup)
!     (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))))
  ;;; Hooks
*** 976,1138 ****
  ;;; Commands
! (defvar recentf-edit-selected-items nil
!   "List of files to be deleted from the recent list.
! Used internally by `recentf-edit-list'.")
! (defun recentf-edit-list-action (widget &rest ignore)
!   "Checkbox WIDGET action that toogles a file selection.
! Used internally by `recentf-edit-list'.
  IGNORE other arguments."
!   (let ((value (widget-get widget ':tag)))
!     ;; if value is already in the selected items
!     (if (memq value recentf-edit-selected-items)
!         ;; then remove it
!         (progn
!           (setq recentf-edit-selected-items
!                 (delq value recentf-edit-selected-items))
!           (message "%s removed from selection" value))
!       ;; else add it
!       (push value recentf-edit-selected-items)
!       (message "%s added to selection" value))))
  (defun recentf-edit-list ()
!   "Show a dialog buffer to edit the recent list.
! That is to select files to be deleted from the recent list."
!   (with-current-buffer
!       (get-buffer-create (format "*%s - Edit list*" recentf-menu-title))
!     (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
!     ;; Cleanup buffer
!     (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
!           (ol (overlay-lists)))
!       (erase-buffer)
!       ;; Delete all the overlays.
!       (mapc 'delete-overlay (car ol))
!       (mapc 'delete-overlay (cdr ol)))
!     (recentf-dialog-mode)
!     (setq recentf-edit-selected-items nil)
!     ;; Insert the dialog header
!      "\
! Select the files to be deleted from the recent list.\n\n\
! Click on Ok to update the list. \
! Click on Cancel or type \"q\" to quit.\n")
      ;; Insert the list of files as checkboxes
      (dolist (item recentf-list)
!       (widget-create
!        'checkbox
!        :value nil                       ; unselected checkbox
!        :format "\n %[%v%]  %t"
!        :tag item
!        :notify 'recentf-edit-list-action))
      (widget-insert "\n\n")
-     ;; Insert the Ok button
!      :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
!                (if recentf-edit-selected-items
!                    (let ((i 0))
!                      (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
!                      (dolist (e recentf-edit-selected-items)
!                        (setq recentf-list (delq e recentf-list)
!                              i (1+ i)))
!                      (message "%S file(s) removed from the list" i)
!                      (recentf-clear-data))
!                  (message "No file selected")))
!      "Ok")
      (widget-insert " ")
-     ;; Insert the Cancel button
       :notify 'recentf-cancel-dialog
!     (widget-setup)
!     (goto-char (point-min))))
  (defun recentf-open-files-action (widget &rest ignore)
!   "Button WIDGET action that open a file.
! Used internally by `recentf-open-files'.
  IGNORE other arguments."
    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
    (funcall recentf-menu-action (widget-value widget)))
- (defvar recentf-open-files-item-shift ""
-   "Amount of space to shift right sub-menu items.
- Used internally by `recentf-open-files'.")
  (defun recentf-open-files-item (menu-element)
!   "Insert an item widget for MENU-ELEMENT in the current dialog buffer.
! Used internally by `recentf-open-files'."
!   (let ((item (car menu-element))
!         (file (cdr menu-element)))
!     (if (consp file)               ; This is a sub-menu
!         (let* ((shift recentf-open-files-item-shift)
!                (recentf-open-files-item-shift (concat shift "  ")))
!           (widget-create
!            'item
!            :tag item
!            :sample-face 'bold
!            :format (concat shift "%{%t%}:\n"))
!           (mapc 'recentf-open-files-item file)
!           (widget-insert "\n"))
!       (widget-create
!        'push-button
!        :button-face 'default
!        :tag item
!        :help-echo (concat "Open " file)
!        :format (concat recentf-open-files-item-shift "%[%t%]")
!        :notify 'recentf-open-files-action
!        file)
!       (widget-insert "\n"))))
  (defun recentf-open-files (&optional files buffer-name)
!   "Show a dialog buffer to open a recent file.
! If optional argument FILES is non-nil, it specifies the list of
! recently-opened files to choose from.  It is the whole recent list
! otherwise.
! If optional argument BUFFER-NAME is non-nil, it specifies which buffer
! name to use for the interaction.  It is \"*`recentf-menu-title'*\" by
! default."
!   (unless files
!     (setq files recentf-list))
!   (unless buffer-name
!     (setq buffer-name (format "*%s*" recentf-menu-title)))
!   (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)
!     (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
!     ;; Cleanup buffer
!     (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
!           (ol (overlay-lists)))
!       (erase-buffer)
!       ;; Delete all the overlays.
!       (mapc 'delete-overlay (car ol))
!       (mapc 'delete-overlay (cdr ol)))
!     (recentf-dialog-mode)
!     ;; Insert the dialog header
!     (widget-insert "Click on a file to open it. ")
!     (widget-insert "Click on Cancel or type \"q\" to quit.\n\n" )
!     ;; Insert the list of files as buttons
!     (let ((recentf-open-files-item-shift ""))
!       (mapc 'recentf-open-files-item
!             (recentf-apply-menu-filter
!              recentf-menu-filter
!              (mapcar 'recentf-make-default-menu-element files))))
!     (widget-insert "\n")
!     ;; Insert the Cancel button
       :notify 'recentf-cancel-dialog
!     (widget-setup)
!     (goto-char (point-min))))
  (defun recentf-open-more-files ()
!   "Show a dialog buffer to open a recent file that is not in the menu."
    (recentf-open-files (nthcdr recentf-max-menu-items recentf-list)
                        (format "*%s - More*" recentf-menu-title)))
  (defconst recentf-save-file-header
    ";;; Automatically generated by `recentf' on %s.\n"
    "Header to be written into the `recentf-save-file'.")
--- 1001,1127 ----
  ;;; Commands
! ;;; Edit list dialog
! ;;
! (defvar recentf-edit-list nil)
! (defun recentf-edit-list-select (widget &rest ignore)
!   "Toggle a file selection based on the checkbox WIDGET state.
  IGNORE other arguments."
!   (let ((value (widget-get widget :tag))
!         (check (widget-value widget)))
!     (if check
!         (add-to-list 'recentf-edit-list value)
!       (setq recentf-edit-list (delq value recentf-edit-list)))
!     (message "%s %sselected" value (if check "" "un"))))
! (defun recentf-edit-list-validate (&rest ignore)
!   "Process the recent list when the edit list dialog is committed.
! IGNORE arguments."
!   (if recentf-edit-list
!       (let ((i 0))
!         (dolist (e recentf-edit-list)
!           (setq recentf-list (delq e recentf-list)
!                 i (1+ i)))
!         (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
!         (message "%S file(s) removed from the list" i)
!         (recentf-clear-data))
!     (message "No file selected")))
  (defun recentf-edit-list ()
!   "Show a dialog to delete selected files from the recent list."
!   (recentf-dialog (format "*%s - Edit list*" recentf-menu-title)
!     (set (make-local-variable 'recentf-edit-list) nil)
!      "Click on OK to delete selected files from the recent list.
! Click on Cancel or type `q' to cancel.\n")
      ;; Insert the list of files as checkboxes
      (dolist (item recentf-list)
!       (widget-create 'checkbox
!                      :value nil         ; unselected checkbox
!                      :format "\n %[%v%]  %t"
!                      :tag item
!                      :notify 'recentf-edit-list-select))
      (widget-insert "\n\n")
!      :notify 'recentf-edit-list-validate
!      :help-echo "Delete selected files from the recent list"
!       "Ok")
      (widget-insert " ")
       :notify 'recentf-cancel-dialog
!     (recentf-dialog-goto-first 'checkbox)))
+ ;;; Open file dialog
+ ;;
  (defun recentf-open-files-action (widget &rest ignore)
!   "Open the file stored in WIDGET's value when notified.
  IGNORE other arguments."
    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
    (funcall recentf-menu-action (widget-value widget)))
  (defun recentf-open-files-item (menu-element)
!   "Return a widget to display MENU-ELEMENT in a dialog buffer."
!   (if (consp (cdr menu-element))
!       ;; Represent a sub-menu with a tree widget
!       `(tree-widget
!         :open t
!         :match ignore
!         :node (item :tag ,(car menu-element)
!                     :sample-face bold
!                     :format "%{%t%}:\n")
!         ,@(mapcar 'recentf-open-files-item
!                   (cdr menu-element)))
!     ;; Represent a single file with a link widget
!     `(link :tag ,(car menu-element)
!            :button-prefix ""
!            :button-suffix ""
!            :button-face default
!            :format "%[%t%]\n"
!            :help-echo ,(concat "Open " (cdr menu-element))
!            :action recentf-open-files-action
!            ,(cdr menu-element))))
  (defun recentf-open-files (&optional files buffer-name)
!   "Show a dialog to open a recent file.
! If optional argument FILES is non-nil, it is a list of recently-opened
! files to choose from.  It defaults to the whole recent list.
! If optional argument BUFFER-NAME is non-nil, it is a buffer name to
! use for the dialog.  It defaults to \"*`recentf-menu-title'*\"."
!   (recentf-dialog (or buffer-name (format "*%s*" recentf-menu-title))
!     (widget-insert "Click on a file to open it.
! Click on Cancel or type `q' to cancel.\n" )
!     ;; Use a L&F that looks like the recentf menu.
!     (tree-widget-set-theme "folder")
!     (apply 'widget-create
!            `(group
!              :indent 2
!              :format "\n%v\n"
!              ,@(mapcar 'recentf-open-files-item
!                        (recentf-apply-menu-filter
!                         recentf-menu-filter
!                         (mapcar 'recentf-make-default-menu-element
!                                 (or files recentf-list))))))
       :notify 'recentf-cancel-dialog
!     (recentf-dialog-goto-first 'link)))
  (defun recentf-open-more-files ()
!   "Show a dialog to open a recent file that is not in the menu."
    (recentf-open-files (nthcdr recentf-max-menu-items recentf-list)
                        (format "*%s - More*" recentf-menu-title)))
+ ;;; Save/load/cleanup the recent list
+ ;;
  (defconst recentf-save-file-header
    ";;; Automatically generated by `recentf' on %s.\n"
    "Header to be written into the `recentf-save-file'.")
*** 1149,1164 ****
    (condition-case error
!       (erase-buffer)
!       (set-buffer-file-coding-system recentf-save-file-coding-system)
!       (insert (format recentf-save-file-header (current-time-string)))
!       (recentf-dump-variable 'recentf-list recentf-max-saved-items)
!       (recentf-dump-variable 'recentf-filter-changer-state)
!       (insert "\n\n;;; Local Variables:\n"
!               (format ";;; coding: %s\n" recentf-save-file-coding-system)
!               ";;; End:\n")
!       (write-file (expand-file-name recentf-save-file))
!       nil)
       (warn "recentf mode: %s" (error-message-string error)))))
--- 1138,1153 ----
    (condition-case error
!         (erase-buffer)
!         (set-buffer-file-coding-system recentf-save-file-coding-system)
!         (insert (format recentf-save-file-header (current-time-string)))
!         (recentf-dump-variable 'recentf-list recentf-max-saved-items)
!         (recentf-dump-variable 'recentf-filter-changer-state)
!         (insert "\n\n;;; Local Variables:\n"
!                 (format ";;; coding: %s\n" recentf-save-file-coding-system)
!                 ";;; End:\n")
!         (write-file (expand-file-name recentf-save-file))
!         nil)
       (warn "recentf mode: %s" (error-message-string error)))))
*** 1218,1222 ****
  (run-hooks 'recentf-load-hook)
! ;;; arch-tag: 78f1eec9-0d16-4d19-a4eb-2e4529edb62a
  ;;; recentf.el ends here
--- 1207,1211 ----
  (run-hooks 'recentf-load-hook)
! ;; arch-tag: 78f1eec9-0d16-4d19-a4eb-2e4529edb62a
  ;;; recentf.el ends here

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