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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/legacy-gnus-agent.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/legacy-gnus-agent.el [lexbind]
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 00:45:54 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/legacy-gnus-agent.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/legacy-gnus-agent.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Oct 25 04:22:42 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/legacy-gnus-agent.el        Mon Oct 25 04:22:24 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,227 ----
+ (require 'gnus-start)
+ (require 'gnus-util)
+ (require 'gnus-range)
+ (require 'gnus-agent)
+ ; Oort Gnus v0.08 - This release updated agent to no longer use
+ ;                   history file and to support a compressed alist.
+ (defvar gnus-agent-compressed-agentview-search-only nil)
+ (defun gnus-agent-convert-to-compressed-agentview (converting-to)
+   "Iterates over all agentview files to ensure that they have been
+ converted to the compressed format."
+   (let ((search-in (list gnus-agent-directory))
+         here
+         members
+         member
+         converted-something)
+     (while (setq here (pop search-in))
+       (setq members (directory-files here t))
+       (while (setq member (pop members))
+         (cond ((string-match "/\\.\\.?$" member)
+              nil)
+             ((file-directory-p member)
+              (push member search-in))
+               ((equal (file-name-nondirectory member) ".agentview")
+                (setq converted-something 
+                      (or (gnus-agent-convert-agentview member)
+                          converted-something))))))
+     (if converted-something
+         (gnus-message 4 "Successfully converted Gnus %s offline (agent) files 
to %s" gnus-newsrc-file-version converting-to))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-convert-to-compressed-agentview-prompt ()
+   (catch 'found-file-to-convert
+     (let ((gnus-agent-compressed-agentview-search-only t))
+       (gnus-agent-convert-to-compressed-agentview nil))))
+ (gnus-convert-mark-converter-prompt 
+ (defun gnus-agent-convert-agentview (file)
+   "Load FILE and do a `read' there."
+   (with-temp-buffer
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (let ((inhibit-quit t)
+             (alist (read (current-buffer)))
+             (version (condition-case nil (read (current-buffer))
+                        (end-of-file 0)))
+             changed-version
+             history-file)
+         (cond
+        ((= version 0)
+         (let (entry
+                 (gnus-command-method nil))
+             (mm-disable-multibyte) ;; everything is binary
+             (erase-buffer)
+             (insert "\n")
+             (let ((file (concat (file-name-directory file) "/history")))
+               (when (file-exists-p file)
+                 (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+                 (setq history-file file)))
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (while (not (eobp))
+             (if (and (looking-at
+                       "[^\t\n]+\t\\([0-9]+\\)\t\\([^ \n]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\)")
+                      (string= (gnus-agent-article-name ".agentview" 
(match-string 2))
+                               file)
+                      (setq entry (assoc (string-to-number (match-string 3)) 
+                 (setcdr entry (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
+             (forward-line 1))
+           (setq changed-version t)))
+        ((= version 1)
+         (setq changed-version t)))
+         (when changed-version
+         (when gnus-agent-compressed-agentview-search-only
+           (throw 'found-file-to-convert t))
+           (erase-buffer)
+           (let ((compressed nil))
+             (mapcar (lambda (pair)
+                       (let* ((article-id (car pair))
+                              (day-of-download (cdr pair))
+                              (comp-list (assq day-of-download compressed)))
+                         (if comp-list
+                             (setcdr comp-list
+                                     (cons article-id (cdr comp-list)))
+                           (setq compressed
+                                 (cons (list day-of-download article-id)
+                                       compressed)))
+                         nil)) alist)
+             (mapcar (lambda (comp-list)
+                       (setcdr comp-list
+                               (gnus-compress-sequence
+                                (nreverse (cdr comp-list)))))
+                     compressed)
+             (princ compressed (current-buffer)))
+           (insert "\n2\n")
+           (write-file file)
+           (when history-file
+             (delete-file history-file))
+           t))))
+ ;; End of Oort Gnus v0.08 updates
+ ;; No Gnus v0.3 - This release provides a mechanism for upgrading gnus
+ ;;                from previous versions.  Therefore, the previous
+ ;;                hacks to handle a gnus-agent-expire-days that
+ ;;                specifies a list of values can be removed.
+ (defun gnus-agent-unlist-expire-days (converting-to)
+   (when (listp gnus-agent-expire-days)
+     (let (buffer)
+       (unwind-protect
+           (save-window-excursion
+             (setq buffer (gnus-get-buffer-create " *Gnus agent upgrade*"))
+             (set-buffer buffer)
+             (erase-buffer)
+             (insert "The definition of gnus-agent-expire-days has been 
changed.\nYou currently have it set to the list:\n  ")
+             (gnus-pp gnus-agent-expire-days)
+             (insert "\nIn order to use version '" converting-to "' of gnus, 
you will need to set\n")
+             (insert "gnus-agent-expire-days to an integer. If you still wish 
to set different\n")
+             (insert "expiration days to individual groups, you must instead 
set the\n")
+             (insert "'agent-days-until-old group and/or topic parameter.\n")
+             (insert "\n")
+             (insert "If you would like, gnus can iterate over every group 
comparing its name to the\n")
+             (insert "regular expressions that you currently have in 
gnus-agent-expire-days.  When\n")
+             (insert "gnus finds a match, it will update that group's 
'agent-days-until-old group\n")
+             (insert "parameter to the value associated with the regular 
+             (insert "\n")
+             (insert "Whether gnus assigns group parameters, or not, gnus will 
terminate with an\n")
+             (insert "ERROR as soon as this function completes.  The reason is 
that you must\n")
+             (insert "manually edit your configuration to either not set 
gnus-agent-expire-days or\n")
+             (insert "to set it to an integer before gnus can be used.\n")
+             (insert "\n")
+             (insert "Once you have successfully edited 
gnus-agent-expire-days, gnus will be able to\n")
+             (insert "execute past this function.\n")
+             (insert "\n")
+             (insert "Should gnus use gnus-agent-expire-days to assign\n")
+             (insert "agent-days-until-old parameters to individual groups? 
+             (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+             (beep)
+             (beep)
+             (let ((echo-keystrokes 0)
+                   c)
+               (while (progn (setq c (read-char-exclusive))
+                             (cond ((or (eq c ?y) (eq c ?Y))
+                                          (save-excursion
+                                            (let ((groups 
+                                              (while groups
+                                                (let* ((group (pop groups))
+                                                       (days 
+                                                       (day (catch 'found
+                                                              (while days
+                                                                (when (eq 0 
(caar days)
+                                                                  (throw 
'found (cadar days)))
+                                                                (setq days 
(cdr days)))
+                                                              nil)))
+                                                  (when day
+                                                    (gnus-group-set-parameter 
group 'agent-days-until-old
+                                    nil
+                                    )
+                                   ((or (eq c ?n) (eq c ?N))
+                                    nil)
+                                   (t
+                                    t))))))
+         (kill-buffer buffer))
+       (error "Change gnus-agent-expire-days to an integer for gnus to 
+ ;; The gnus-agent-unlist-expire-days has its own conversion prompt.
+ ;; Therefore, hide the default prompt.
+ (gnus-convert-mark-converter-prompt 'gnus-agent-unlist-expire-days t)
+ (defun gnus-agent-unhook-expire-days (converting-to)
+   "Remove every lambda from gnus-group-prepare-hook that mention the
+ symbol gnus-agent-do-once in their definition.  This should NOT be
+ necessary as gnus-agent.el no longer adds them.  However, it is
+ possible that the hook was persistently saved."
+     (let ((h t)) ; iterate from bgn of hook
+       (while h
+         (let ((func (progn (when (eq h t)
+                              ;; init h to list of functions
+                              (setq h (cond ((listp gnus-group-prepare-hook)
+                                             gnus-group-prepare-hook)
+                                            ((boundp 'gnus-group-prepare-hook)
+                                             (list gnus-group-prepare-hook)))))
+                            (pop h))))
+           (when (cond ((eq (type-of func) 'compiled-function)
+                        ;; Search def. of compiled function for 
gnus-agent-do-once string
+                        (let* (definition 
+                                print-level 
+                                print-length
+                                (standard-output
+                                 (lambda (char)
+                                   (setq definition (cons char definition)))))
+                          (princ func) ; populates definition with reversed 
list of characters
+                          (let* ((i (length definition))
+                                 (s (make-string i 0)))
+                            (while definition
+                              (aset s (setq i (1- i)) (pop definition)))
+                            (string-match "\\bgnus-agent-do-once\\b" s))))
+                       ((listp func)
+                        (eq (cadr (nth 2 func)) 'gnus-agent-do-once) ; handles 
eval'd lambda
+                        ))
+             (remove-hook 'gnus-group-prepare-hook func)
+             ;; I don't what remove-hook is going to actually do to the
+             ;; hook list so start over from the beginning.
+             (setq h t))))))
+ ;; gnus-agent-unhook-expire-days is safe in that it does not modify
+ ;; the .newsrc.eld file.
+ (gnus-convert-mark-converter-prompt 'gnus-agent-unhook-expire-days t)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 845c7b8a-88f7-4468-b8d7-94e8fc72cf1a

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