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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/compile.el

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/compile.el
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 14:45:05 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/progmodes/compile.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/progmodes/compile.el:1.331 
*** emacs/lisp/progmodes/compile.el:1.331       Sat Oct 16 15:12:25 2004
--- emacs/lisp/progmodes/compile.el     Sat Oct 16 18:37:54 2004
*** 866,885 ****
          (if (eq mode t)
              (prog1 "compilation" (require 'comint))
            (replace-regexp-in-string "-mode$" "" (symbol-name mode))))
-        (process-environment
-         (append
-          compilation-environment
-          (if (if (boundp 'system-uses-terminfo) ; `if' for compiler warning
-                  system-uses-terminfo)
-              (list "TERM=dumb" "TERMCAP="
-                    (format "COLUMNS=%d" (window-width)))
-            (list "TERM=emacs"
-                  (format "TERMCAP=emacs:co#%d:tc=unknown:"
-                          (window-width))))
-          ;; Set the EMACS variable, but
-          ;; don't override users' setting of $EMACS.
-          (unless (getenv "EMACS") '("EMACS=t"))
-          (copy-sequence process-environment)))
         cd-path                 ; in case process-environment contains CDPATH
         (thisdir (if (string-match "^\\s *cd\\s +\\(.+?\\)\\s *[;&\n]" command)
                      (substitute-in-file-name (match-string 1 command))
--- 866,871 ----
*** 923,991 ****
      ;; Pop up the compilation buffer.
      (setq outwin (display-buffer outbuf nil t))
      (with-current-buffer outbuf
!       (if (not (eq mode t))
!         (funcall mode)
!       (setq buffer-read-only nil)
!       (with-no-warnings (comint-mode))
!       (compilation-shell-minor-mode))
!       (if highlight-regexp
!         (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-highlight-regexp)
!              highlight-regexp))
!       (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-arguments)
!          (list command mode name-function highlight-regexp))
!       (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function)
!          'compilation-revert-buffer)
!       (set-window-start outwin (point-min))
!       (or (eq outwin (selected-window))
!         (set-window-point outwin (if compilation-scroll-output
!                                      (point)
!                                    (point-min))))
!       ;; The setup function is called before compilation-set-window-height
!       ;; so it can set the compilation-window-height buffer locally.
!       (if compilation-process-setup-function
!         (funcall compilation-process-setup-function))
!       (compilation-set-window-height outwin)
!       ;; Start the compilation.
!       (if (fboundp 'start-process)
!         (let ((proc (if (eq mode t)
!                         (get-buffer-process
!                          (with-no-warnings
!                           (comint-exec outbuf (downcase mode-name)
!                                        shell-file-name nil `("-c" ,command))))
!                       (start-process-shell-command (downcase mode-name)
!                                                    outbuf command))))
!           ;; Make the buffer's mode line show process state.
!           (setq mode-line-process '(":%s"))
!           (set-process-sentinel proc 'compilation-sentinel)
!           (set-process-filter proc 'compilation-filter)
!           (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point) outbuf)
!           (setq compilation-in-progress
!                 (cons proc compilation-in-progress)))
!       ;; No asynchronous processes available.
!       (message "Executing `%s'..." command)
!       ;; Fake modeline display as if `start-process' were run.
!       (setq mode-line-process ":run")
!       (force-mode-line-update)
!       (sit-for 0)                     ; Force redisplay
!       (let ((status (call-process shell-file-name nil outbuf nil "-c"
!                                   command)))
!         (cond ((numberp status)
!                (compilation-handle-exit 'exit status
!                                         (if (zerop status)
!                                             "finished\n"
!                                           (format "\
  exited abnormally with code %d\n"
!                                                   status))))
!               ((stringp status)
!                (compilation-handle-exit 'signal status
!                                         (concat status "\n")))
!               (t
!                (compilation-handle-exit 'bizarre status status))))
!       ;; Without async subprocesses, the buffer is not yet
!       ;; fontified, so fontify it now.
!       (let ((font-lock-verbose nil))  ; shut up font-lock messages
!         (font-lock-fontify-buffer))
!       (message "Executing `%s'...done" command)))
      (if (buffer-local-value 'compilation-scroll-output outbuf)
          (select-window outwin)
--- 909,991 ----
      ;; Pop up the compilation buffer.
      (setq outwin (display-buffer outbuf nil t))
      (with-current-buffer outbuf
!       (let ((process-environment
!            (append
!             compilation-environment
!             (if (if (boundp 'system-uses-terminfo) ; `if' for compiler warning
!                     system-uses-terminfo)
!                 (list "TERM=dumb" "TERMCAP="
!                       (format "COLUMNS=%d" (window-width)))
!               (list "TERM=emacs"
!                     (format "TERMCAP=emacs:co#%d:tc=unknown:"
!                             (window-width))))
!             ;; Set the EMACS variable, but
!             ;; don't override users' setting of $EMACS.
!             (unless (getenv "EMACS") '("EMACS=t"))
!             (copy-sequence process-environment))))
!       (if (not (eq mode t))
!           (funcall mode)
!         (setq buffer-read-only nil)
!         (with-no-warnings (comint-mode))
!         (compilation-shell-minor-mode))
!       (if highlight-regexp
!           (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-highlight-regexp)
!                highlight-regexp))
!       (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-arguments)
!            (list command mode name-function highlight-regexp))
!       (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function)
!            'compilation-revert-buffer)
!       (set-window-start outwin (point-min))
!       (or (eq outwin (selected-window))
!           (set-window-point outwin (if compilation-scroll-output
!                                        (point)
!                                      (point-min))))
!       ;; The setup function is called before compilation-set-window-height
!       ;; so it can set the compilation-window-height buffer locally.
!       (if compilation-process-setup-function
!           (funcall compilation-process-setup-function))
!       (compilation-set-window-height outwin)
!       ;; Start the compilation.
!       (if (fboundp 'start-process)
!           (let ((proc (if (eq mode t)
!                           (get-buffer-process
!                            (with-no-warnings
!                             (comint-exec outbuf (downcase mode-name)
!                                          shell-file-name nil `("-c" 
!                         (start-process-shell-command (downcase mode-name)
!                                                      outbuf command))))
!             ;; Make the buffer's mode line show process state.
!             (setq mode-line-process '(":%s"))
!             (set-process-sentinel proc 'compilation-sentinel)
!             (set-process-filter proc 'compilation-filter)
!             (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point) outbuf)
!             (setq compilation-in-progress
!                   (cons proc compilation-in-progress)))
!         ;; No asynchronous processes available.
!         (message "Executing `%s'..." command)
!         ;; Fake modeline display as if `start-process' were run.
!         (setq mode-line-process ":run")
!         (force-mode-line-update)
!         (sit-for 0)                   ; Force redisplay
!         (let ((status (call-process shell-file-name nil outbuf nil "-c"
!                                     command)))
!           (cond ((numberp status)
!                  (compilation-handle-exit 'exit status
!                                           (if (zerop status)
!                                               "finished\n"
!                                             (format "\
  exited abnormally with code %d\n"
!                                                     status))))
!                 ((stringp status)
!                  (compilation-handle-exit 'signal status
!                                           (concat status "\n")))
!                 (t
!                  (compilation-handle-exit 'bizarre status status))))
!         ;; Without async subprocesses, the buffer is not yet
!         ;; fontified, so fontify it now.
!         (let ((font-lock-verbose nil)) ; shut up font-lock messages
!           (font-lock-fontify-buffer))
!         (message "Executing `%s'...done" command))))
      (if (buffer-local-value 'compilation-scroll-output outbuf)
          (select-window outwin)

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