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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/url/url-vars.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/url/url-vars.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 05:20:23 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/url/url-vars.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/url/url-vars.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Oct 14 08:51:06 2004
--- emacs/lisp/url/url-vars.el  Thu Oct 14 08:49:52 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,431 ----
+ ;;; url-vars.el --- Variables for Uniform Resource Locator tool
+ ;; Keywords: comm, data, processes, hypermedia
+ ;;; Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2001,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;;;
+ ;;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;;;
+ ;;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;;; any later version.
+ ;;;
+ ;;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;;;
+ ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ (require 'mm-util)
+ (defconst url-version "Emacs"
+   "Version number of URL package.")
+ (defgroup url nil
+   "Uniform Resource Locator tool"
+   :version "21.4"
+   :group 'hypermedia)
+ (defgroup url-file nil
+   "URL storage"
+   :prefix "url-"
+   :group 'url)
+ (defgroup url-cache nil
+   "URL cache"
+   :prefix "url-"
+   :prefix "url-cache-"
+   :group 'url)
+ (defgroup url-mime nil
+   "MIME options of URL"
+   :prefix "url-"
+   :group 'url)
+ (defgroup url-hairy nil
+   "Hairy options of URL"
+   :prefix "url-"
+   :group 'url)
+ (defvar url-current-object nil
+   "A parsed representation of the current url.")
+ (defvar url-current-mime-headers nil
+   "A parsed representation of the MIME headers for the current url.")
+ (mapcar 'make-variable-buffer-local
+       '(
+         url-current-object
+         url-current-referer
+         url-current-mime-headers
+         ))
+ (defcustom url-honor-refresh-requests t
+   "*Whether to do automatic page reloads.
+ These are done at the request of the document author or the server via
+ the `Refresh' header in an HTTP response.  If nil, no refresh
+ requests will be honored.  If t, all refresh requests will be honored.
+ If non-nil and not t, the user will be asked for each refresh
+ request."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "off" nil)
+                (const :tag "on" t)
+                (const :tag "ask" 'ask))
+   :group 'url-hairy)
+ (defcustom url-automatic-caching nil
+   "*If non-nil, all documents will be automatically cached to the local disk."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'url-cache)
+ ;; Fixme: sanitize this.
+ (defcustom url-cache-expired
+   (lambda (t1 t2) (>= (- (car t2) (car t1)) 5))
+   "*A function determining if a cached item has expired.
+ It takes two times (numbers) as its arguments, and returns non-nil if
+ the second time is 'too old' when compared to the first time."
+   :type 'function
+   :group 'url-cache)
+ (defconst url-bug-address "address@hidden"
+   "Where to send bug reports.")
+ (defcustom url-personal-mail-address nil
+   "*Your full email address.
+ This is what is sent to HTTP servers as the FROM field in an HTTP
+ request."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Unspecified" nil) string)
+   :group 'url)
+ (defcustom url-directory-index-file "index.html"
+   "*The filename to look for when indexing a directory.
+ If this file exists, and is readable, then it will be viewed instead of
+ using `dired' to view the directory."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'url-file)
+ ;; Fixme: this should have a setter which calls url-setup-privacy-info.
+ (defcustom url-privacy-level '(email)
+   "*How private you want your requests to be.
+ HTTP has header fields for various information about the user, including
+ operating system information, email addresses, the last page you visited, etc.
+ This variable controls how much of this information is sent.
+ This should a symbol or a list.
+ Valid values if a symbol are:
+ none     -- Send all information
+ low      -- Don't send the last location
+ high     -- Don't send the email address or last location
+ paranoid -- Don't send anything
+ If a list, this should be a list of symbols of what NOT to send.
+ Valid symbols are:
+ email    -- the email address
+ os       -- the operating system info
+ lastloc  -- the last location
+ agent    -- Do not send the User-Agent string
+ cookie   -- never accept HTTP cookies
+ Samples:
+  (setq url-privacy-level 'high)
+  (setq url-privacy-level '(email lastloc))    ;; equivalent to 'high
+  (setq url-privacy-level '(os))
+ ::NOTE::
+ This variable controls several other variables and is _NOT_ automatically
+ updated.  Call the function `url-setup-privacy-info' after modifying this
+ variable."
+   :type '(radio (const :tag "None (you believe in the basic goodness of 
+                      :value none)
+               (const :tag "Low (do not reveal last location)"
+                      :value low)
+               (const :tag "High (no email address or last location)"
+                      :value high)
+               (const :tag "Paranoid (reveal nothing!)"
+                      :value paranoid)
+               (checklist :tag "Custom"
+                          (const :tag "Email address" :value email)
+                          (const :tag "Operating system" :value os)
+                          (const :tag "Last location" :value lastloc)
+                          (const :tag "Browser identification" :value agent)
+                          (const :tag "No cookies" :value cookie)))
+   :group 'url)
+ (defvar url-inhibit-uncompression nil "Do not do decompression if non-nil.")
+ (defcustom url-uncompressor-alist '((".z"  . "x-gzip")
+                                   (".gz" . "x-gzip")
+                                   (".uue" . "x-uuencoded")
+                                   (".hqx" . "x-hqx")
+                                   (".Z"  . "x-compress")
+                                   (".bz2"  . "x-bzip2"))
+   "*An alist of file extensions and appropriate content-transfer-encodings."
+   :type '(repeat (cons :format "%v"
+                      (string :tag "Extension")
+                      (string :tag "Encoding")))
+   :group 'url-mime)
+ (defcustom url-mail-command (if (fboundp 'compose-mail)
+                               'compose-mail
+                             'url-mail)
+   "*This function will be called whenever url needs to send mail.
+ It should enter a mail-mode-like buffer in the current window.
+ The commands `mail-to' and `mail-subject' should still work in this
+ buffer, and it should use `mail-header-separator' if possible."
+   :type 'function
+   :group 'url)
+ (defcustom url-proxy-services nil
+   "*An alist of schemes and proxy servers that gateway them.
+ Looks like ((\"http\" . \"hostname:portnumber\") ...).  This is set up
+ from the ACCESS_proxy environment variables."
+   :type '(repeat (cons :format "%v"
+                      (string :tag "Protocol")
+                      (string :tag "Proxy")))
+   :group 'url)
+ (defcustom url-passwd-entry-func nil
+   "*Symbol indicating which function to call to read in a password.
+ It will be set up depending on whether you are running EFS or ange-ftp
+ at startup if it is nil.  This function should accept the prompt
+ string as its first argument, and the default value as its second
+ argument."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Guess" :value nil)
+                (const :tag "Use Ange-FTP" :value ange-ftp-read-passwd)
+                (const :tag "Use EFS"      :value efs-read-passwd)
+                (const :tag "Use Password Package" :value read-passwd)
+                (function :tag "Other"))
+   :group 'url-hairy)
+ (defcustom url-standalone-mode nil
+   "*Rely solely on the cache?"
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'url-cache)
+ (defvar url-mime-separator-chars (mapcar 'identity
+                                       (concat "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+                                               "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+                                               "0123456789'()+_,-./=?"))
+   "Characters allowable in a MIME multipart separator.")
+ (defcustom url-bad-port-list
+   '("25" "119" "19")
+   "*List of ports to warn the user about connecting to.
+ Defaults to just the mail, chargen, and NNTP ports so you cannot be
+ tricked into sending fake mail or forging messages by a malicious HTML
+ document."
+   :type '(repeat (string :tag "Port"))
+   :group 'url-hairy)
+ (defvar url-mime-content-type-charset-regexp
+   ";[ \t]*charset=\"?\\([^\"]+\\)\"?"
+   "Regexp used in parsing `Content-Type' for a charset indication.")
+ (defvar url-request-data nil "Any data to send with the next request.")
+ (defvar url-request-extra-headers nil
+   "A list of extra headers to send with the next request.
+ Should be an assoc list of headers/contents.")
+ (defvar url-request-method nil "The method to use for the next request.")
+ ;; FIXME!!  (RFC 2616 gives examples like `compress, gzip'.)
+ (defvar url-mime-encoding-string nil
+   "*String to send in the Accept-encoding: field in HTTP requests.")
+ ;; `mm-mime-mule-charset-alist' in Gnus 5.8/9 contains elements whose
+ ;; cars aren't valid MIME charsets/coding systems, at least in Emacs.
+ ;; This gets it correct by construction in Emacs.  Fixme: DTRT for
+ ;; XEmacs -- its `coding-system-list' doesn't have the BASE-ONLY arg.
+ (when (and (not (featurep 'xemacs))
+          (fboundp 'coding-system-list))
+   (setq mm-mime-mule-charset-alist
+       (apply
+        'nconc
+        (mapcar
+         (lambda (cs)
+           (when (and (coding-system-get cs 'mime-charset)
+                      (not (eq t (coding-system-get cs 'safe-charsets))))
+             (list (cons (coding-system-get cs 'mime-charset)
+                         (delq 'ascii
+                               (coding-system-get cs 'safe-charsets))))))
+         (coding-system-list 'base-only)))))
+ ;; Perhaps the first few should actually be given decreasing `q's and
+ ;; the list should be trimmed significantly.
+ ;; Fixme: do something sane if we don't have `sort-coding-systems'
+ ;; (Emacs 20, XEmacs).
+ (defun url-mime-charset-string ()
+   "Generate a list of preferred MIME charsets for HTTP requests.
+ Generated according to current coding system priorities."
+   (if (fboundp 'sort-coding-systems)
+       (let ((ordered (sort-coding-systems
+                     (let (accum)
+                       (dolist (elt mm-mime-mule-charset-alist)
+                         (if (mm-coding-system-p (car elt))
+                             (push (car elt) accum)))
+                       (nreverse accum)))))
+       (concat (format "%s;q=1, " (pop ordered))
+               (mapconcat 'symbol-name ordered ";q=0.5, ")
+               ";q=0.5"))))
+ (defvar url-mime-charset-string (url-mime-charset-string)
+   "*String to send in the Accept-charset: field in HTTP requests.
+ The MIME charset corresponding to the most preferred coding system is
+ given priority 1 and the rest are given priority 0.5.")
+ (defun url-set-mime-charset-string ()
+   (setq url-mime-charset-string (url-mime-charset-string)))
+ ;; Regenerate if the language environment changes.
+ (add-hook 'set-language-environment-hook 'url-set-mime-charset-string)
+ ;; Fixme: set from the locale.
+ (defcustom url-mime-language-string nil
+   "*String to send in the Accept-language: field in HTTP requests.
+ Specifies the preferred language when servers can serve documents in
+ several languages.  Use RFC 1766 abbreviations, e.g.@: `en' for
+ English, `de' for German.  A comma-separated specifies descending
+ order of preference.  The ordering can be made explicit using `q'
+ factors defined by HTTP, e.g. `de,en-gb;q=0.8,en;q=0.7'.  `*' means
+ get the first available language (as opposed to the default)."
+   :type '(radio
+         (const :tag "None (get default language version)" :value nil)
+         (const :tag "Any (get first available language version)" :value "*")
+         (string :tag "Other"))
+   :group 'url-mime
+   :group 'i18n)
+ (defvar url-mime-accept-string nil
+   "String to send to the server in the Accept: field in HTTP requests.")
+ (defvar url-package-version nil
+   "Version number of package using URL.")
+ (defvar url-package-name nil "Version number of package using URL.")
+ (defvar url-system-type nil
+   "What type of system we are on.")
+ (defvar url-os-type nil
+   "What OS we are on.")
+ (defcustom url-max-password-attempts 5
+   "*Maximum number of times a password will be prompted for.
+ Applies when a protected document is denied by the server."
+   :type 'integer
+   :group 'url)
+ (defcustom url-temporary-directory (or (getenv "TMPDIR") "/tmp")
+   "*Where temporary files go."
+   :type 'directory
+   :group 'url-file)
+ (defcustom url-show-status t
+   "*Whether to show a running total of bytes transferred.
+ Can cause a large hit if using a remote X display over a slow link, or
+ a terminal with a slow modem."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'url)
+ (defvar url-using-proxy nil
+   "Either nil or the fully qualified proxy URL in use, e.g.
+ http://www.domain.com/";)
+ (defcustom url-news-server nil
+   "*The default news server from which to get newsgroups/articles.
+ Applies if no server is specified in the URL.  Defaults to the
+ environment variable NNTPSERVER or \"news\" if NNTPSERVER is
+ undefined."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "None" :value nil) string)
+   :group 'url)
+ (defvar url-nonrelative-link
+   "\\`\\([-a-zA-Z0-9+.]+:\\)"
+   "A regular expression that will match an absolute URL.")
+ (defcustom url-confirmation-func 'y-or-n-p
+   "*What function to use for asking yes or no functions.
+ Possible values are `yes-or-no-p' or `y-or-n-p', or any function that
+ takes a single argument (the prompt), and returns t only if a positive
+ answer is given."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Short (y or n)" :value y-or-n-p)
+                (const :tag "Long (yes or no)" :value yes-or-no-p)
+                (function :tag "Other"))
+   :group 'url-hairy)
+ (defcustom url-gateway-method 'native
+   "*The type of gateway support to use.
+ Should be a symbol specifying how to get a connection from the local machine.
+ Currently supported methods:
+ `telnet': Run telnet in a subprocess to connect;
+ `rlogin': Rlogin to another machine to connect;
+ `socks': Connect through a socks server;
+ `tls': Connect with TLS;
+ `ssl': Connect with SSL (deprecated, use `tls' instead);
+ `native': Connect directy."
+   :type '(radio (const :tag "Telnet to gateway host" :value telnet)
+               (const :tag "Rlogin to gateway host" :value rlogin)
+               (const :tag "Use SOCKS proxy" :value socks)
+               (const :tag "Use SSL/TLS for all connections" :value tls)
+               (const :tag "Use SSL for all connections (obsolete)" :value ssl)
+               (const :tag "Direct connection" :value native))
+   :group 'url-hairy)
+ (defvar url-setup-done nil "Has setup configuration been done?")
+ (defconst weekday-alist
+   '(("Sunday" . 0) ("Monday" . 1) ("Tuesday" . 2) ("Wednesday" . 3)
+     ("Thursday" . 4) ("Friday" . 5) ("Saturday" . 6)
+     ("Tues" . 2) ("Thurs" . 4)
+     ("Sun" . 0) ("Mon" . 1) ("Tue" . 2) ("Wed" . 3)
+     ("Thu" . 4) ("Fri" . 5) ("Sat" . 6)))
+ (defconst monthabbrev-alist
+   '(("Jan" . 1) ("Feb" . 2) ("Mar" . 3) ("Apr" . 4) ("May" . 5) ("Jun" . 6)
+     ("Jul" . 7) ("Aug" . 8) ("Sep" . 9) ("Oct" . 10) ("Nov" . 11)
+     ("Dec" . 12)))
+ (defvar url-lazy-message-time 0)
+ ;; Fixme: We may not be able to run SSL.
+ (defvar url-extensions-header "Security/Digest Security/SSL")
+ (defvar url-parse-syntax-table
+   (copy-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table)
+   "*A syntax table for parsing URLs.")
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?' "\"" url-parse-syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?` "\"" url-parse-syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?< "(>" url-parse-syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?> ")<" url-parse-syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?/ " " url-parse-syntax-table)
+ (defvar url-load-hook nil
+   "*Hooks to be run after initalizing the URL library.")
+ ;;; Make OS/2 happy - yeeks
+ ;; (defvar    tcp-binary-process-input-services nil
+ ;;   "*Make OS/2 happy with our CRLF pairs...")
+ (defconst url-working-buffer " *url-work")
+ (defvar url-gateway-unplugged nil
+   "Non-nil means don't open new network connexions.
+ This should be set, e.g. by mail user agents rendering HTML to avoid
+ `bugs' which call home.")
+ (defun url-vars-unload-hook ()
+   (remove-hook 'set-language-environment-hook 'url-set-mime-charset-string))
+ (provide 'url-vars)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 29205e5f-c5ce-433c-8d5d-38cbaed64b49
+ ;;; url-vars.el ends here

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