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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/ielm.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/ielm.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 08:28:33 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/ielm.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/ielm.el:
*** /dev/null   Sat Sep  4 12:01:36 2004
--- emacs/lisp/ielm.el  Sat Sep  4 12:01:07 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,581 ----
+ ;;; ielm.el --- interaction mode for Emacs Lisp
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1994, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: David Smith <address@hidden>
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Created: 25 Feb 1994
+ ;; Keywords: lisp
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Provides a nice interface to evaluating Emacs Lisp expressions.
+ ;; Input is handled by the comint package, and output is passed
+ ;; through the pretty-printer.
+ ;; To start: M-x ielm.  Type C-h m in the *ielm* buffer for more info.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'comint)
+ (require 'pp)
+ ;;; User variables
+ (defgroup ielm nil
+   "Interaction mode for Emacs Lisp."
+   :group 'lisp)
+ (defcustom ielm-noisy t
+   "*If non-nil, IELM will beep on error."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'ielm)
+ (defcustom ielm-prompt-read-only t
+   "If non-nil, the IELM prompt is read only.
+ The read only region includes the newline before the prompt.
+ Setting this variable does not affect existing IELM runs.
+ This works by setting the buffer-local value of `comint-prompt-read-only'.
+ Setting that value directly affects new prompts in the current buffer.
+ If this option is enabled, then the safe way to temporarily
+ override the read-only-ness of ielm prompts is to call
+ `comint-kill-whole-line' or `comint-kill-region' with no
+ narrowing in effect.  This way you will be certain that none of
+ the remaining prompts will be accidentally messed up.  You may
+ wish to put something like the following in your `.emacs' file:
+ \(add-hook 'ielm-mode-hook
+         '(lambda ()
+            (define-key ielm-map \"\C-w\" 'comint-kill-region)
+            (define-key ielm-map [C-S-backspace]
+              'comint-kill-whole-line)))
+ If you set `comint-prompt-read-only' to t, you might wish to use
+ `comint-mode-hook' and `comint-mode-map' instead of
+ `ielm-mode-hook' and `ielm-map'.  That will affect all comint
+ buffers, including ielm buffers.  If you sometimes use ielm on
+ text-only terminals or with `emacs -nw', you might wish to use
+ another binding for `comint-kill-whole-line'."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'ielm
+   :version "21.4")
+ (defcustom ielm-prompt "ELISP> "
+   "Prompt used in IELM.
+ Setting this variable does not affect existing IELM runs.
+ Interrupting the IELM process with \\<ielm-map>\\[comint-interrupt-subjob],
+ and then restarting it using \\[ielm], makes the then current
+ default value affect _new_ prompts.  Unless the new prompt
+ differs only in text properties from the old one, IELM will no
+ longer recognize the old prompts.  However, executing \\[ielm]
+ does not update the prompt of an *ielm* buffer with a running process.
+ For IELM buffers that are not called `*ielm*', you can execute
+ \\[inferior-emacs-lisp-mode] in that IELM buffer to update the value,
+ for new prompts.  This works even if the buffer has a running process."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'ielm)
+ (defvar ielm-prompt-internal "ELISP> "
+   "Stored value of `ielm-prompt' in the current IELM buffer.
+ This is an internal variable used by IELM.  Its purpose is to
+ prevent a running IELM process from being messed up when the user
+ customizes `ielm-prompt'.")
+ (defcustom ielm-dynamic-return t
+   "*Controls whether \\<ielm-map>\\[ielm-return] has intelligent behaviour in 
+ If non-nil, \\[ielm-return] evaluates input for complete sexps, or inserts a 
+ and indents for incomplete sexps.  If nil, always inserts newlines."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'ielm)
+ (defcustom ielm-dynamic-multiline-inputs t
+   "*Force multiline inputs to start from column zero?
+ If non-nil, after entering the first line of an incomplete sexp, a newline
+ will be inserted after the prompt, moving the input to the next line.
+ This gives more frame width for large indented sexps, and allows functions
+ such as `edebug-defun' to work with such inputs."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'ielm)
+ (defcustom ielm-mode-hook nil
+   "*Hooks to be run when IELM (`inferior-emacs-lisp-mode') is started."
+   :options '(turn-on-eldoc-mode)
+   :type 'hook
+   :group 'ielm)
+ (defvar * nil
+   "Most recent value evaluated in IELM.")
+ (defvar ** nil
+   "Second-most-recent value evaluated in IELM.")
+ (defvar *** nil
+   "Third-most-recent value evaluated in IELM.")
+ (defvar ielm-match-data nil
+   "Match data saved at the end of last command.")
+ (defvar *1 nil
+   "During IELM evaluation, most recent value evaluated in IELM.
+ Normally identical to `*'.  However, if the working buffer is an IELM
+ buffer, distinct from the process buffer, then `*' gives the value in
+ the working buffer, `*1' the value in the process buffer.
+ The intended value is only accessible during IELM evaluation.")
+ (defvar *2 nil
+   "During IELM evaluation, second-most-recent value evaluated in IELM.
+ Normally identical to `**'.  However, if the working buffer is an IELM
+ buffer, distinct from the process buffer, then `**' gives the value in
+ the working buffer, `*2' the value in the process buffer.
+ The intended value is only accessible during IELM evaluation.")
+ (defvar *3 nil
+   "During IELM evaluation, third-most-recent value evaluated in IELM.
+ Normally identical to `***'.  However, if the working buffer is an IELM
+ buffer, distinct from the process buffer, then `***' gives the value in
+ the working buffer, `*3' the value in the process buffer.
+ The intended value is only accessible during IELM evaluation.")
+ ;;; System variables
+ (defvar ielm-working-buffer nil
+   "Buffer in which IELM sexps will be evaluated.
+ This variable is buffer-local.")
+ (defvar ielm-header
+   "*** Welcome to IELM ***  Type (describe-mode) for help.\n"
+   "Message to display when IELM is started.")
+ (defvar ielm-map nil)
+ (if ielm-map nil
+   (if (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version)
+       ;; Lemacs
+       (progn
+       (setq ielm-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+       (set-keymap-parent ielm-map comint-mode-map))
+     ;; FSF
+     (setq ielm-map (cons 'keymap comint-mode-map)))
+   (define-key ielm-map "\t" 'comint-dynamic-complete)
+   (define-key ielm-map "\C-m" 'ielm-return)
+   (define-key ielm-map "\C-j" 'ielm-send-input)
+   (define-key ielm-map "\e\C-x" 'eval-defun)         ; for consistency with
+   (define-key ielm-map "\e\t" 'lisp-complete-symbol) ; lisp-interaction-mode
+   ;; These bindings are from `lisp-mode-shared-map' -- can you inherit
+   ;; from more than one keymap??
+   (define-key ielm-map "\e\C-q" 'indent-sexp)
+   (define-key ielm-map "\177" 'backward-delete-char-untabify)
+   ;; Some convenience bindings for setting the working buffer
+   (define-key ielm-map "\C-c\C-b" 'ielm-change-working-buffer)
+   (define-key ielm-map "\C-c\C-f" 'ielm-display-working-buffer)
+   (define-key ielm-map "\C-c\C-v" 'ielm-print-working-buffer))
+ (defvar ielm-font-lock-keywords
+   '(("\\(^\\*\\*\\*[^*]+\\*\\*\\*\\)\\(.*$\\)"
+      (1 font-lock-comment-face)
+      (2 font-lock-constant-face)))
+   "Additional expressions to highlight in ielm buffers.")
+ ;;; Completion stuff
+ (defun ielm-tab nil
+   "Possibly indent the current line as Lisp code."
+   (interactive)
+   (if (or (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
+         (eq (char-syntax (preceding-char)) ? ))
+       (progn
+       (ielm-indent-line)
+       t)))
+ (defun ielm-complete-symbol nil
+   "Complete the Lisp symbol before point."
+   ;; A wrapper for lisp-complete symbol that returns non-nil if
+   ;; completion has occurred
+   (let* ((btick (buffer-modified-tick))
+        (cbuffer (get-buffer "*Completions*"))
+        (ctick (and cbuffer (buffer-modified-tick cbuffer))))
+     (lisp-complete-symbol)
+      ;; completion has occurred if:
+     (or
+      ;; the buffer has been modified
+      (not (= btick (buffer-modified-tick)))
+      ;; a completions buffer has been modified or created
+      (if cbuffer
+        (not (= ctick (buffer-modified-tick cbuffer)))
+        (get-buffer "*Completions*")))))
+ (defun ielm-complete-filename nil
+   "Dynamically complete filename before point, if in a string."
+   (if (nth 3 (parse-partial-sexp comint-last-input-start (point)))
+       (comint-dynamic-complete-filename)))
+ (defun ielm-indent-line nil
+   "Indent the current line as Lisp code if it is not a prompt line."
+   (when (save-excursion (comint-bol) (bolp))
+     (lisp-indent-line)))
+ ;;; Working buffer manipulation
+ (defun ielm-print-working-buffer nil
+   "Print the current IELM working buffer's name in the echo area."
+   (interactive)
+   (message "The current working buffer is: %s" (buffer-name 
+ (defun ielm-display-working-buffer nil
+   "Display the current IELM working buffer.
+ Don't forget that selecting that buffer will change its value of `point'
+ to its value of `window-point'!"
+   (interactive)
+   (display-buffer ielm-working-buffer)
+   (ielm-print-working-buffer))
+ (defun ielm-change-working-buffer (buf)
+   "Change the current IELM working buffer to BUF.
+ This is the buffer in which all sexps entered at the IELM prompt are
+ evaluated.  You can achieve the same effect with a call to
+ `set-buffer' at the IELM prompt."
+   (interactive "bSet working buffer to: ")
+   (setq ielm-working-buffer (or (get-buffer buf) (error "No such buffer")))
+   (ielm-print-working-buffer))
+ ;;; Other bindings
+ (defun ielm-return nil
+   "Newline and indent, or evaluate the sexp before the prompt.
+ Complete sexps are evaluated; for incomplete sexps inserts a newline
+ and indents.  If however `ielm-dynamic-return' is nil, this always
+ simply inserts a newline."
+   (interactive)
+   (if ielm-dynamic-return
+       (let ((state
+            (save-excursion
+              (end-of-line)
+              (parse-partial-sexp (ielm-pm)
+                                  (point)))))
+       (if (and (< (car state) 1) (not (nth 3 state)))
+           (ielm-send-input)
+         (if (and ielm-dynamic-multiline-inputs
+                  (save-excursion
+                    (beginning-of-line)
+                    (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp)))
+             (save-excursion
+               (goto-char (ielm-pm))
+               (newline 1)))
+         (newline-and-indent)))
+     (newline)))
+ (defvar ielm-input)
+ (defun ielm-input-sender (proc input)
+   ;; Just sets the variable ielm-input, which is in the scope of
+   ;; `ielm-send-input's call.
+   (setq ielm-input input))
+ (defun ielm-send-input nil
+   "Evaluate the Emacs Lisp expression after the prompt."
+   (interactive)
+   (let (ielm-input)                   ; set by ielm-input-sender
+     (comint-send-input)                       ; update history, markers etc.
+     (ielm-eval-input ielm-input)))
+ ;;; Utility functions
+ (defun ielm-is-whitespace (string)
+   "Return non-nil if STRING is all whitespace."
+   (or (string= string "") (string-match "\\`[ \t\n]+\\'" string)))
+ ;;; Evaluation
+ (defun ielm-eval-input (ielm-string)
+   "Evaluate the Lisp expression IELM-STRING, and pretty-print the result."
+   ;; This is the function that actually `sends' the input to the
+   ;; `inferior Lisp process'. All comint-send-input does is works out
+   ;; what that input is.  What this function does is evaluates that
+   ;; input and produces `output' which gets inserted into the buffer,
+   ;; along with a new prompt.  A better way of doing this might have
+   ;; been to actually send the output to the `cat' process, and write
+   ;; this as in output filter that converted sexps in the output
+   ;; stream to their evaluated value.  But that would have involved
+   ;; more process coordination than I was happy to deal with.
+   ;;
+   ;; NOTE: all temporary variables in this function will be in scope
+   ;; during the eval, and so need to have non-clashing names.
+   (let (ielm-form                     ; form to evaluate
+       ielm-pos                        ; End posn of parse in string
+       ielm-result                     ; Result, or error message
+       ielm-error-type                 ; string, nil if no error
+       (ielm-output    "")             ; result to display
+       (ielm-wbuf ielm-working-buffer) ; current buffer after evaluation
+       (ielm-pmark (ielm-pm)))
+     (if (not (ielm-is-whitespace ielm-string))
+       (progn
+         (condition-case err
+             (let (rout)
+               (setq rout (read-from-string ielm-string))
+               (setq ielm-form (car rout))
+               (setq ielm-pos (cdr rout)))
+           (error (setq ielm-result (error-message-string err))
+                  (setq ielm-error-type "Read error")))
+         (if ielm-error-type nil
+           ;; Make sure working buffer has not been killed
+           (if (not (buffer-name ielm-working-buffer))
+               (setq ielm-result "Working buffer has been killed"
+                     ielm-error-type "IELM Error"
+                     ielm-wbuf (current-buffer))
+             (if (ielm-is-whitespace (substring ielm-string ielm-pos))
+                 ;; To correctly handle the ielm-local variables *,
+                 ;; ** and ***, we need a temporary buffer to be
+                 ;; current at entry to the inner of the next two let
+                 ;; forms.  We need another temporary buffer to exit
+                 ;; that same let.  To avoid problems, neither of
+                 ;; these buffers should be alive during the
+                 ;; evaluation of ielm-form.
+                 (let ((*1 *)
+                       (*2 **)
+                       (*3 ***)
+                       ielm-temp-buffer)
+                   (set-match-data ielm-match-data)
+                   (save-excursion
+                     (with-temp-buffer
+                       (condition-case err
+                           (unwind-protect
+                               ;; The next let form creates default
+                               ;; bindings for *, ** and ***.  But
+                               ;; these default bindings are
+                               ;; identical to the ielm-local
+                               ;; bindings.  Hence, during the
+                               ;; evaluation of ielm-form, the
+                               ;; ielm-local values are going to be
+                               ;; used in all buffers except for
+                               ;; other ielm buffers, which override
+                               ;; them.  Normally, the variables *1,
+                               ;; *2 and *3 also have default
+                               ;; bindings, which are not overridden.
+                               (let ((* *1)
+                                     (** *2)
+                                     (*** *3))
+                                 (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+                                 (set-buffer ielm-wbuf)
+                                 (setq ielm-result (eval ielm-form))
+                                 (setq ielm-wbuf (current-buffer))
+                                 (setq
+                                  ielm-temp-buffer
+                                  (generate-new-buffer " *ielm-temp*"))
+                                 (set-buffer ielm-temp-buffer))
+                             (when ielm-temp-buffer
+                               (kill-buffer ielm-temp-buffer)))
+                         (error (setq ielm-result (error-message-string err))
+                                (setq ielm-error-type "Eval error"))
+                         (quit (setq ielm-result "Quit during evaluation")
+                               (setq ielm-error-type "Eval error")))))
+                   (setq ielm-match-data (match-data)))
+               (setq ielm-error-type "IELM error")
+               (setq ielm-result "More than one sexp in input"))))
+         ;; If the eval changed the current buffer, mention it here
+         (if (eq ielm-wbuf ielm-working-buffer) nil
+           (message "current buffer is now: %s" ielm-wbuf)
+           (setq ielm-working-buffer ielm-wbuf))
+         (goto-char ielm-pmark)
+         (if (not ielm-error-type)
+             (condition-case err
+                 ;; Self-referential objects cause loops in the printer, so
+                 ;; trap quits here. May as well do errors, too
+                 (setq ielm-output (concat ielm-output (pp-to-string 
+               (error (setq ielm-error-type "IELM Error")
+                      (setq ielm-result  "Error during pretty-printing (bug in 
+               (quit  (setq ielm-error-type "IELM Error")
+                      (setq ielm-result "Quit during pretty-printing"))))
+         (if ielm-error-type
+             (progn
+               (if ielm-noisy (ding))
+               (setq ielm-output (concat ielm-output "*** " ielm-error-type " 
***  "))
+               (setq ielm-output (concat ielm-output ielm-result)))
+           ;; There was no error, so shift the *** values
+           (setq *** **)
+           (setq ** *)
+           (setq * ielm-result))
+         (setq ielm-output (concat ielm-output "\n"))))
+     (setq ielm-output (concat ielm-output ielm-prompt-internal))
+     (comint-output-filter (ielm-process) ielm-output)))
+ ;;; Process and marker utilities
+ (defun ielm-process nil
+   ;; Return the current buffer's process.
+   (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+ (defun ielm-pm nil
+   ;; Return the process mark of the current buffer.
+   (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+ (defun ielm-set-pm (pos)
+   ;; Set the process mark in the current buffer to POS.
+   (set-marker (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))) pos))
+ ;;; Major mode
+ (put 'inferior-emacs-lisp-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+ (defun inferior-emacs-lisp-mode nil
+   "Major mode for interactively evaluating Emacs Lisp expressions.
+ Uses the interface provided by `comint-mode' (which see).
+ * \\<ielm-map>\\[ielm-send-input] evaluates the sexp following the prompt.  
There must be at most
+   one top level sexp per prompt.
+ * \\[ielm-return] inserts a newline and indents, or evaluates a
+   complete expression (but see variable `ielm-dynamic-return').
+   Inputs longer than one line are moved to the line following the
+   prompt (but see variable `ielm-dynamic-multiline-inputs').
+ * \\[comint-dynamic-complete] completes Lisp symbols (or filenames, within 
+   or indents the line if there is nothing to complete.
+ The current working buffer may be changed (with a call to
+ `set-buffer', or with \\[ielm-change-working-buffer]), and its value
+ is preserved between successive evaluations.  In this way, expressions
+ may be evaluated in a different buffer than the *ielm* buffer.
+ By default, its name is shown on the mode line; you can always display
+ it with \\[ielm-print-working-buffer], or the buffer itself with 
+ During evaluations, the values of the variables `*', `**', and `***'
+ are the results of the previous, second previous and third previous
+ evaluations respectively.  If the working buffer is another IELM
+ buffer, then the values in the working buffer are used.  The variables
+ `*1', `*2' and `*3', yield the process buffer values.
+ Expressions evaluated by IELM are not subject to `debug-on-quit' or
+ `debug-on-error'.
+ The behaviour of IELM may be customized with the following variables:
+ * To stop beeping on error, set `ielm-noisy' to nil.
+ * If you don't like the prompt, you can change it by setting `ielm-prompt'.
+ * If you do not like that the prompt is (by default) read-only, set
+   `ielm-prompt-read-only' to nil.
+ * Set `ielm-dynamic-return' to nil for bindings like `lisp-interaction-mode'.
+ * Entry to this mode runs `comint-mode-hook' and `ielm-mode-hook'
+  (in that order).
+ Customized bindings may be defined in `ielm-map', which currently contains:
+ \\{ielm-map}"
+   (interactive)
+   (comint-mode)
+   (setq comint-prompt-regexp (concat "^" (regexp-quote ielm-prompt)))
+   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
+   (setq paragraph-start comint-prompt-regexp)
+   (setq comint-input-sender 'ielm-input-sender)
+   (setq comint-process-echoes nil)
+   (make-local-variable 'comint-dynamic-complete-functions)
+   (set (make-local-variable 'ielm-prompt-internal) ielm-prompt)
+   (set (make-local-variable 'comint-prompt-read-only) ielm-prompt-read-only)
+   (setq comint-dynamic-complete-functions
+       '(ielm-tab comint-replace-by-expanded-history ielm-complete-filename 
+   (setq comint-get-old-input 'ielm-get-old-input)
+   (make-local-variable 'comint-completion-addsuffix)
+   (setq comint-completion-addsuffix '("/" . ""))
+   (setq major-mode 'inferior-emacs-lisp-mode)
+   (setq mode-name "IELM")
+   (setq mode-line-process '(":%s on " (:eval (buffer-name 
+   (use-local-map ielm-map)
+   (set-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table)
+   (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
+   (make-local-variable 'ielm-working-buffer)
+   (setq ielm-working-buffer (current-buffer))
+   (setq indent-line-function 'ielm-indent-line)
+   (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function)
+   (setq fill-paragraph-function 'lisp-fill-paragraph)
+   ;; Value holders
+   (make-local-variable '*)
+   (setq * nil)
+   (make-local-variable '**)
+   (setq ** nil)
+   (make-local-variable '***)
+   (setq *** nil)
+   (set (make-local-variable 'ielm-match-data) nil)
+   ;; font-lock support
+   (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+   (setq font-lock-defaults
+       '(ielm-font-lock-keywords nil nil ((?: . "w") (?- . "w") (?* . "w"))))
+   ;; A dummy process to keep comint happy. It will never get any input
+   (unless (comint-check-proc (current-buffer))
+     ;; Was cat, but on non-Unix platforms that might not exist, so
+     ;; use hexl instead, which is part of the Emacs distribution.
+     (condition-case nil
+       (start-process "ielm" (current-buffer) "hexl")
+       (file-error (start-process "ielm" (current-buffer) "cat")))
+     (set-process-query-on-exit-flag (ielm-process) nil)
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     ;; Lisp output can include raw characters that confuse comint's
+     ;; carriage control code.
+     (set (make-local-variable 'comint-inhibit-carriage-motion) t)
+     ;; Add a silly header
+     (insert ielm-header)
+     (ielm-set-pm (point-max))
+     (unless comint-use-prompt-regexp-instead-of-fields
+       (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+         (add-text-properties
+          (point-min) (point-max)
+          '(rear-nonsticky t field output inhibit-line-move-field-capture t))))
+     (comint-output-filter (ielm-process) ielm-prompt-internal)
+     (set-marker comint-last-input-start (ielm-pm))
+     (set-process-filter (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) 
+   (run-hooks 'ielm-mode-hook))
+ (defun ielm-get-old-input nil
+   ;; Return the previous input surrounding point
+   (save-excursion
+     (beginning-of-line)
+     (if (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp) nil
+       (re-search-backward comint-prompt-regexp))
+     (comint-skip-prompt)
+     (buffer-substring (point) (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)))))
+ ;;; User command
+ ;;;###autoload (add-hook 'same-window-buffer-names "*ielm*")
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun ielm nil
+   "Interactively evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions.
+ Switches to the buffer `*ielm*', or creates it if it does not exist."
+   (interactive)
+   (let (old-point)
+     (unless (comint-check-proc "*ielm*")
+       (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ielm*")
+       (unless (zerop (buffer-size)) (setq old-point (point)))
+       (inferior-emacs-lisp-mode)))
+     (pop-to-buffer "*ielm*")
+     (when old-point (push-mark old-point))))
+ (provide 'ielm)
+ ;;; arch-tag: ef60e4c0-9c4f-4bdb-8402-271313329790
+ ;;; ielm.el ends here

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