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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/x-dnd.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/x-dnd.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 08:22:31 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/x-dnd.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/x-dnd.el:
*** /dev/null   Sat Sep  4 12:02:38 2004
--- emacs/lisp/x-dnd.el Sat Sep  4 12:01:09 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,880 ----
+ ;;; x-dnd.el --- drag and drop support for X.
+ ;; Copyright (C) 2004
+ ;;  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Jan Dj,Ad(Brv <address@hidden>
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Keywords: window, drag, drop
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This file provides the drop part only.  Currently supported protocols
+ ;; are XDND, Motif and the old KDE 1.x protocol.
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;;; Customizable variables
+ (defcustom x-dnd-test-function 'x-dnd-default-test-function
+   "The function drag and drop uses to determine if to accept or reject a drop.
+ The function takes three arguments, WINDOW ACTION and TYPES.
+ WINDOW is where the mouse is when the function is called.  WINDOW may be a
+ frame if the mouse isn't over a real window (i.e. menu bar, tool bar or
+ scroll bar).  ACTION is the suggested action from the drag and drop source,
+ one of the symbols move, copy link or ask.  TYPES is a list of available types
+ for the drop.
+ The function shall return nil to reject the drop or a cons with two values,
+ the wanted action as car and the wanted type as cdr.  The wanted action
+ can be copy, move, link, ask or private.
+ The default value for this variable is `x-dnd-default-test-function'."
+   :type 'symbol
+   :group 'x)
+ (defcustom x-dnd-protocol-alist
+   '(
+     ("^file:///" . x-dnd-open-local-file)     ; XDND format.
+     ("^file://"  . x-dnd-open-file)           ; URL with host
+     ("^file:"    . x-dnd-open-local-file)     ; Old KDE, Motif, Sun
+     )
+   "The functions to call for different protocols when a drop is made.
+ This variable is used by `x-dnd-handle-uri-list', `x-dnd-handle-file-name'
+ and `x-dnd-handle-moz-url'.  The list contains of (REGEXP . FUNCTION) pairs.
+ The functions shall take two arguments, URL, which is the URL dropped and
+ ACTION which is the action to be performed for the drop (move, copy, link,
+ private or ask).
+ If no match is found here, and the value of `browse-url-browser-function'
+ is a pair of (REGEXP . FUNCTION), those regexps are tried for a match.
+ Insertion of text is not handeled by these functions, see `x-dnd-types-alist'
+ for that.
+ The function shall return the action done (move, copy, link or private)
+ if some action was made, or nil if the URL is ignored."
+   :type 'alist
+   :group 'x)
+ (defcustom x-dnd-types-alist
+   '(
+     ("text/uri-list" . x-dnd-handle-uri-list)
+     ("text/x-moz-url" . x-dnd-handle-moz-url)
+     ("_NETSCAPE_URL" . x-dnd-handle-uri-list)
+     ("FILE_NAME" . x-dnd-handle-file-name)
+     ("UTF8_STRING" . x-dnd-insert-utf8-text)
+     ("text/plain;charset=UTF-8" . x-dnd-insert-utf8-text)
+     ("text/plain;charset=utf-8" . x-dnd-insert-utf8-text)
+     ("text/unicode" . x-dnd-insert-utf16-text)
+     ("text/plain" . x-dnd-insert-text)
+     ("COMPOUND_TEXT" . x-dnd-insert-ctext)
+     ("STRING" . x-dnd-insert-text)
+     ("TEXT"   . x-dnd-insert-text)
+     )
+   "Which function to call to handle a drop of that type.
+ If the type for the drop is not present, or the function is nil,
+ the drop is rejected.  The function takes three arguments, WINDOW, ACTION
+ and DATA.  WINDOW is where the drop occured, ACTION is the action for
+ this drop (copy, move, link, private or ask) as determined by a previous
+ call to `x-dnd-test-function'.  DATA is the drop data.
+ The function shall return the action used (copy, move, link or private) if 
+ is successful, nil if not."
+   :type 'alist
+   :group 'x)
+ (defcustom x-dnd-open-file-other-window nil
+   "If non-nil, always use find-file-other-window to open dropped files."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'x)
+ (defcustom x-dnd-known-types
+   '("text/uri-list"
+     "text/x-moz-url"
+     "FILE_NAME"
+     "UTF8_STRING"
+     "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"
+     "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
+     "text/unicode"
+     "text/plain"
+     "STRING"
+     "TEXT"
+     )
+   "The types accepted by default for dropped data.
+ The types are chosen in the order they appear in the list."
+   :type '(repeat string)
+   :group 'x
+ )
+ ;; Internal variables
+ (defvar x-dnd-current-state nil
+   "The current state for a drop.
+ This is an alist with one entry for each display.  The value for each display
+ is a vector that contains the state for drag and drop for that display.
+ Elements in the vector are: 
+ Last buffer drag was in,
+ last window drag was in,
+ types available for drop, 
+ the action suggested by the source,
+ the type we want for the drop,
+ the action we want for the drop,
+ any protocol specific data.")
+ (defvar x-dnd-empty-state [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil])
+ (defun x-dnd-init-frame (&optional frame)
+   "Setup drag and drop for FRAME (i.e. create appropriate properties)."
+   (x-dnd-init-xdnd-for-frame frame)
+   (x-dnd-init-motif-for-frame frame))
+ (defun x-dnd-get-state-cons-for-frame (frame-or-window)
+   "Return the entry in x-dnd-current-state for a frame or window."
+   (let* ((frame (if (framep frame-or-window) frame-or-window
+                 (window-frame frame-or-window)))
+        (display (frame-parameter frame 'display)))
+     (if (not (assoc display x-dnd-current-state))
+       (push (cons display (copy-sequence x-dnd-empty-state))
+             x-dnd-current-state))
+     (assoc display x-dnd-current-state)))
+ (defun x-dnd-get-state-for-frame (frame-or-window)
+   "Return the state in x-dnd-current-state for a frame or window."
+   (cdr (x-dnd-get-state-cons-for-frame frame-or-window)))
+ (defun x-dnd-default-test-function (window action types)
+   "The default test function for drag and drop.
+ WINDOW is where the mouse is when this function is called.  It may be a frame
+ if the mouse is over the menu bar, scroll bar or tool bar.
+ ACTION is the suggested action from the source, and TYPES are the
+ types the drop data can have.  This function only accepts drops with
+ types in `x-dnd-known-types'.  It always returns the action private."
+   (let ((type (x-dnd-choose-type types)))
+     (when type (cons 'private type))))
+ (defun x-dnd-current-type (frame-or-window)
+   "Return the type we want the DND data to be in for the current drop.
+ FRAME-OR-WINDOW is the frame or window that the mouse is over."
+   (aref (x-dnd-get-state-for-frame frame-or-window) 4))
+ (defun x-dnd-forget-drop (frame-or-window)
+   "Remove all state for the last drop.
+ FRAME-OR-WINDOW is the frame or window that the mouse is over."
+   (setcdr (x-dnd-get-state-cons-for-frame frame-or-window)
+         (copy-sequence x-dnd-empty-state)))
+ (defun x-dnd-maybe-call-test-function (window action)
+   "Call `x-dnd-test-function' if something has changed.
+ WINDOW is the window the mouse is over.  ACTION is the suggested
+ action from the source.  If nothing has changed, return the last
+ action and type we got from `x-dnd-test-function'."
+   (let ((buffer (when (and (windowp window) (window-live-p window))
+                 (window-buffer window)))
+       (current-state (x-dnd-get-state-for-frame window)))
+     (when (or (not (equal buffer (aref current-state 0)))
+             (not (equal window (aref current-state 1)))
+             (not (equal action (aref current-state 3))))
+       (save-excursion
+       (when buffer (set-buffer buffer))
+       (let* ((action-type (funcall x-dnd-test-function
+                                    window
+                                    action
+                                    (aref current-state 2)))
+              (handler (cdr (assoc (cdr action-type) x-dnd-types-alist))))
+         ;; Ignore action-type if we have no handler.
+         (setq current-state
+               (x-dnd-save-state window 
+                                 action
+                                 (when handler action-type)))))))
+   (let ((current-state (x-dnd-get-state-for-frame window)))
+     (cons (aref current-state 5)
+         (aref current-state 4))))
+ (defun x-dnd-save-state (window action action-type &optional types extra-data)
+   "Save the state of the current drag and drop.
+ WINDOW is the window the mouse is over.  ACTION is the action suggested
+ by the source.  ACTION-TYPE is the result of calling `x-dnd-test-function'.
+ If given, TYPES are the types for the drop data that the source supports.
+ EXTRA-DATA is data needed for a specific protocol."
+   (let ((current-state (x-dnd-get-state-for-frame window)))
+     (aset current-state 5 (car action-type))
+     (aset current-state 4 (cdr action-type))
+     (aset current-state 3 action)
+     (when types (aset current-state 2 types))
+     (when extra-data (aset current-state 6 extra-data))
+     (aset current-state 1 window)
+     (aset current-state 0 (if (and (windowp window)
+                                  (window-live-p window))
+                             (window-buffer window) nil))
+     (setcdr (x-dnd-get-state-cons-for-frame window) current-state)))
+ (defun x-dnd-handle-one-url (window action arg)
+   "Handle one dropped url by calling the appropriate handler.
+ The handler is first localted by looking at `x-dnd-protocol-alist'.
+ If no match is found here, and the value of `browse-url-browser-function'
+ is a pair of (REGEXP . FUNCTION), those regexps are tried for a match.
+ If no match is found, just call `x-dnd-insert-text'.
+ WINDOW is where the drop happend, ACTION is the action for the drop,
+ ARG is the URL that has been dropped.
+ Returns ACTION."
+   (require 'browse-url)
+   (let* ((uri (replace-regexp-in-string
+              "%[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]"
+              (lambda (arg)
+                (format "%c" (string-to-number (substring arg 1) 16)))
+              arg))
+        ret)
+     (or
+      (catch 'done
+        (dolist (bf x-dnd-protocol-alist)
+        (when (string-match (car bf) uri)
+          (setq ret (funcall (cdr bf) uri action))
+          (throw 'done t)))
+        nil)
+      (when (not (functionp browse-url-browser-function))
+        (catch 'done
+        (dolist (bf browse-url-browser-function)
+          (when (string-match (car bf) uri)
+            (setq ret 'private)
+            (funcall (cdr bf) uri action)
+            (throw 'done t)))
+        nil))
+      (progn
+        (x-dnd-insert-text window action uri)
+        (setq ret 'private)))
+     ret))
+ (defun x-dnd-get-local-file-uri (uri)
+   "Return an uri converted to file:/// syntax if uri is a local file.
+ Return nil if URI is not a local file."
+   ;; The hostname may be our hostname, in that case, convert to a local
+   ;; file.  Otherwise return nil.  TODO:  How about an IP-address as hostname?
+   (let ((hostname (when (string-match "^file://\\([^/]*\\)" uri)
+                     (downcase (match-string 1 uri))))
+       (system-name-no-dot
+        (downcase (if (string-match "^[^\\.]+" system-name)
+                      (match-string 0 system-name)
+                    system-name))))
+     (when (and hostname
+            (or (string-equal "localhost" hostname)
+                (string-equal (downcase system-name) hostname)
+                (string-equal system-name-no-dot hostname)))
+       (concat "file://" (substring uri (+ 7 (length hostname)))))))
+ (defun x-dnd-get-local-file-name (uri &optional must-exist)
+   "Return file name converted from file:/// or file: syntax.
+ URI is the uri for the file.  If MUST-EXIST is given and non-nil,
+ only return non-nil if the file exists.
+ Return nil if URI is not a local file."
+   (let ((f (cond ((string-match "^file:///" uri)      ; XDND format.
+                 (substring uri (1- (match-end 0))))
+                ((string-match "^file:" uri)           ; Old KDE, Motif, Sun
+                 (substring uri (match-end 0))))))
+     (when (and f must-exist)
+       (let* ((decoded-f (decode-coding-string 
+                        f
+                        (or file-name-coding-system
+                            default-file-name-coding-system)))
+            (try-f (if (file-readable-p decoded-f) decoded-f f)))
+       (when (file-readable-p try-f) try-f)))))
+ (defun x-dnd-open-local-file (uri action)
+   "Open a local file.
+ The file is opened in the current window, or a new window if
+ `x-dnd-open-file-other-window' is set.  URI is the url for the file,
+ and must have the format file:file-name or file:///file-name.
+ The last / in file:/// is part of the file name.  ACTION is ignored."
+   (let* ((f (x-dnd-get-local-file-name uri t)))
+     (if (and f (file-readable-p f))
+       (progn
+         (if x-dnd-open-file-other-window
+             (find-file-other-window f)
+           (find-file f))
+         'private)
+       (error "Can not read %s" uri))))
+ (defun x-dnd-open-file (uri action)
+   "Open a local or remote file.
+ The file is opened in the current window, or a new window if
+ `x-dnd-open-file-other-window' is set.  URI is the url for the file,
+ and must have the format file://hostname/file-name.  ACTION is ignored.
+ The last / in file://hostname/ is part of the file name."
+   ;; The hostname may be our hostname, in that case, convert to a local
+   ;; file.  Otherwise return nil.
+   (let ((local-file (x-dnd-get-local-file-uri uri)))
+     (if local-file (x-dnd-open-local-file local-file action)
+       (error "Remote files not supported"))))
+ (defun x-dnd-handle-moz-url (window action data)
+   "Handle one item of type text/x-moz-url.
+ WINDOW is the window where the drop happened.  ACTION is ignored.
+ DATA is the moz-url, which is formatted as two strings separated by \r\n.
+ The first string is the URL, the second string is the title of that URL.
+ DATA is encoded in utf-16.  Decode the URL and call `x-dnd-handle-uri-list'."
+   ;; Mozilla and applications based on it (Galeon for example) uses
+   ;; text/unicode, but it is impossible to tell if it is le or be.  Use what
+   ;; the machine Emacs runs on use.  This looses if dropping between machines
+   ;; with different endian, but it is the best we can do.
+   (let* ((coding (if (eq (byteorder) ?B) 'utf-16be 'utf-16le))
+        (string (decode-coding-string data coding))
+        (strings (split-string string "[\r\n]" t))
+        ;; Can one drop more than one moz-url ??  Assume not.
+        (url (car strings))
+        (title (car (cdr strings))))
+     (x-dnd-handle-uri-list window action url)))
+ (defun x-dnd-insert-utf8-text (window action text)
+   "Decode the UTF-8 text and insert it at point.
+ TEXT is the text as a string, WINDOW is the window where the drop happened."
+   (x-dnd-insert-text window action (decode-coding-string text 'utf-8)))
+ (defun x-dnd-insert-utf16-text (window action text)
+   "Decode the UTF-16 text and insert it at point.
+ TEXT is the text as a string, WINDOW is the window where the drop happened."
+   ;; See comment in x-dnd-handle-moz-url about coding.
+   (let ((coding (if (eq (byteorder) ?B) 'utf-16be 'utf-16le)))
+     (x-dnd-insert-text window action (decode-coding-string text coding))))
+ (defun x-dnd-insert-ctext (window action text)
+   "Decode the compound text and insert it at point.
+ TEXT is the text as a string, WINDOW is the window where the drop happened."
+   (x-dnd-insert-text window action
+                    (decode-coding-string text
+                                          'compound-text-with-extensions)))
+ (defun x-dnd-insert-text (window action text)
+   "Insert text at point or push to the kill ring if buffer is read only.
+ TEXT is the text as a string, WINDOW is the window where the drop happened."
+   (if (or buffer-read-only
+         (not (windowp window)))
+       (progn
+       (kill-new text)
+       (message
+        (substitute-command-keys
+         "The dropped text can be accessed with \\[yank]")))
+     (insert text))
+   action)
+ (defun x-dnd-handle-uri-list (window action string)
+   "Split an uri-list into separate URIs and call `x-dnd-handle-one-url'.
+ WINDOW is the window where the drop happened.
+ STRING is the uri-list as a string.  The URIs are separated by \r\n."
+   (let ((uri-list (split-string string "[\0\r\n]" t))
+       retval)
+     (dolist (bf uri-list)
+       ;; If one URL is handeled, treat as if the whole drop succeeded.
+       (let ((did-action (x-dnd-handle-one-url window action bf)))
+       (when did-action (setq retval did-action))))
+     retval))
+ (defun x-dnd-handle-file-name (window action string)
+   "Prepend file:// to file names and call `x-dnd-handle-one-url'.
+ WINDOW is the window where the drop happened.
+ STRING is the file names as a string, separated by nulls."
+   (let ((uri-list (split-string string "[\0\r\n]" t))
+       retval)
+     (dolist (bf uri-list)
+       ;; If one URL is handeled, treat as if the whole drop succeeded.
+       (let* ((file-uri (concat "file://" bf))
+            (did-action (x-dnd-handle-one-url window action file-uri)))
+       (when did-action (setq retval did-action))))
+     retval))
+ (defun x-dnd-choose-type (types &optional known-types)
+   "Choose which type we want to receive for the drop.
+ TYPES are the types the source of the drop offers, a vector of type names
+ as strings or symbols.  Select among the types in `x-dnd-known-types' or
+ KNOWN-TYPES if given,  and return that type name.
+ If no suitable type is found, return nil."
+   (let* ((known-list (or known-types x-dnd-known-types))
+        (first-known-type (car known-list))
+        (types-array types)
+        (found (when first-known-type
+                 (catch 'done
+                   (dotimes (i (length types-array))
+                     (let* ((type (aref types-array i))
+                            (typename (if (symbolp type)
+                                          (symbol-name type) type)))
+                       (when (equal first-known-type typename)
+                         (throw 'done first-known-type))))
+                   nil))))
+     (if (and (not found) (cdr known-list))
+       (x-dnd-choose-type types (cdr known-list))
+       found)))
+ (defun x-dnd-drop-data (event frame window data type)
+   "Drop one data item onto a frame.
+ EVENT is the client message for the drop, FRAME is the frame the drop occurred
+ on.  WINDOW is the window of FRAME where the drop happened.  DATA is the data
+ received from the source, and type is the type for DATA, see
+ `x-dnd-types-alist').
+ Returns the action used (move, copy, link, private) if drop was successful,
+ nil if not."
+   (let* ((type-info (assoc type x-dnd-types-alist))
+        (handler (cdr type-info))
+        (state (x-dnd-get-state-for-frame frame))
+        (action (aref state 5))
+        (w (posn-window (event-start event))))
+     (when handler
+       (if (and (windowp w) (window-live-p w))
+         ;; If dropping in a window, open files in that window rather
+         ;; than in a new widow.
+         (let ((x-dnd-open-file-other-window nil))
+           (goto-char (posn-point (event-start event)))
+           (funcall handler window action data))
+       (let ((x-dnd-open-file-other-window t))  ;; Dropping on non-window.
+         (select-frame frame)
+         (funcall handler window action data))))))
+ (defun x-dnd-handle-drag-n-drop-event (event)
+   "Receive drag and drop events (X client messages).
+ Currently XDND, Motif and old KDE 1.x protocols are recognized."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (let* ((client-message (car (cdr (cdr event))))
+        (window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+        (message-atom (aref client-message 0))
+        (frame (aref client-message 1))
+        (format (aref client-message 2))
+        (data (aref client-message 3)))
+     (cond ((equal "DndProtocol" message-atom) ; Old KDE 1.x.
+          (x-dnd-handle-old-kde event frame window message-atom format data))
+         ((equal "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE" message-atom)  ; Motif
+          (x-dnd-handle-motif event frame window message-atom format data))
+         ((and (> (length message-atom) 4)     ; XDND protocol.
+               (equal "Xdnd" (substring message-atom 0 4)))
+          (x-dnd-handle-xdnd event frame window message-atom format data)))))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;;  Old KDE protocol.  Only dropping of files.
+ (defun x-dnd-handle-old-kde (event frame window message format data)
+   "Open the files in a KDE 1.x drop."
+   (let ((values (x-window-property "DndSelection" frame nil 0 t)))
+     (x-dnd-handle-uri-list window 'private
+                          (replace-regexp-in-string "\0$" "" values))))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;;  XDND protocol.
+ (defvar x-dnd-xdnd-to-action
+   '(("XdndActionPrivate" . private)
+     ("XdndActionCopy" . copy)
+     ("XdndActionMove" . move)
+     ("XdndActionLink" . link)
+     ("XdndActionAsk" . ask))
+   "Mapping from XDND action types to lisp symbols.")
+ (defun x-dnd-init-xdnd-for-frame (frame)
+   "Set the XdndAware property for FRAME to indicate that we do XDND."
+   (x-change-window-property "XdndAware"
+                           '(5)        ;; The version of XDND we support.
+                           frame "ATOM" 32 t))
+ (defun x-dnd-get-drop-width-height (frame w accept)
+   "Return the widht/height to be sent in a XDndStatus message.
+ FRAME is the frame and W is the window where the drop happened.
+ If ACCEPT is nil return 0 (empty rectangle),
+ otherwise if W is a window, return its widht/height,
+ otherwise return the frame width/height."
+   (if accept
+       (if (windowp w)   ;; w is not a window if dropping on the menu bar,
+                       ;; scroll bar or tool bar.
+         (let ((edges (window-inside-pixel-edges w)))
+           (cons
+            (- (nth 2 edges) (nth 0 edges))    ;; right - left
+            (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges))))  ;; bottom - top
+       (cons (frame-pixel-width frame)
+             (frame-pixel-height frame)))
+     0))
+ (defun x-dnd-get-drop-x-y (frame w)
+   "Return the x/y coordinates to be sent in a XDndStatus message.
+ Coordinates are required to be absolute.
+ FRAME is the frame and W is the window where the drop happened.
+ If W is a window, return its absolute corrdinates,
+ otherwise return the frame coordinates."
+   (let* ((frame-left (frame-parameter frame 'left))
+        ;; If the frame is outside the display, frame-left looks like
+        ;; '(0 -16).  Extract the -16.
+        (frame-real-left (if (consp frame-left) (car (cdr frame-left))
+                           frame-left))
+        (frame-top (frame-parameter frame 'top))
+        (frame-real-top (if (consp frame-top) (car (cdr frame-top))
+                          frame-top)))
+     (if (windowp w)
+       (let ((edges (window-inside-pixel-edges w)))
+         (cons
+          (+ frame-real-left (nth 0 edges))
+          (+ frame-real-top (nth 1 edges))))
+       (cons frame-real-left frame-real-top))))
+ (defun x-dnd-handle-xdnd (event frame window message format data)
+   "Receive one XDND event (client message) and send the appropriate reply.
+ EVENT is the client message.  FRAME is where the mouse is now.
+ WINDOW is the window within FRAME where the mouse is now.
+ FORMAT is 32 (not used).  MESSAGE is the data part of an XClientMessageEvent."
+   (cond ((equal "XdndEnter" message)
+        (let ((version (ash (car (aref data 1)) -8))
+              (more-than-3 (cdr (aref data 1)))
+              (dnd-source (aref data 0)))
+          (x-dnd-save-state 
+           window nil nil
+           (if (> more-than-3 0)
+               (x-window-property "XdndTypeList"
+                                  frame "AnyPropertyType"
+                                  dnd-source nil t)
+             (vector (x-get-atom-name (aref data 2))
+                     (x-get-atom-name (aref data 3))
+                     (x-get-atom-name (aref data 4)))))))
+       ((equal "XdndPosition" message)
+        (let* ((x (car (aref data 2)))
+               (y (cdr (aref data 2)))
+               (action (x-get-atom-name (aref data 4)))
+               (dnd-source (aref data 0))
+               (dnd-time (aref data 3))
+               (action-type (x-dnd-maybe-call-test-function
+                             window
+                             (cdr (assoc action x-dnd-xdnd-to-action))))
+               (reply-action (car (rassoc (car action-type)
+                                          x-dnd-xdnd-to-action)))
+               (accept ;; 1 = accept, 0 = reject
+                (if (and reply-action action-type) 1 0))
+               (list-to-send
+                (list (string-to-number
+                       (frame-parameter frame 'outer-window-id))
+                      accept ;; 1 = Accept, 0 = reject.
+                      (x-dnd-get-drop-x-y frame window)
+                      (x-dnd-get-drop-width-height 
+                       frame window (eq accept 1))
+                      (or reply-action 0)
+                      )))
+          (x-send-client-message
+           frame dnd-source frame "XdndStatus" 32 list-to-send)
+          ))
+       ((equal "XdndLeave" message)
+        (x-dnd-forget-drop window))
+       ((equal "XdndDrop" message)
+        (if (windowp window) (select-window window))
+        (let* ((dnd-source (aref data 0))
+               (value (and (x-dnd-current-type window)
+                           (x-get-selection-internal
+                            'XdndSelection
+                            (intern (x-dnd-current-type window)))))
+               success action ret-action)
+          (setq action (if value
+                           (condition-case info
+                               (x-dnd-drop-data event frame window value 
+                                                (x-dnd-current-type window))
+                             (error 
+                              (message "Error: %s" info)
+                              nil))))
+          (setq success (if action 1 0))
+          (setq ret-action
+                (if (eq success 1)
+                    (or (car (rassoc action x-dnd-xdnd-to-action))
+                        "XdndActionPrivate")
+                  0))
+          (x-send-client-message
+           frame dnd-source frame "XdndFinished" 32
+           (list (string-to-number (frame-parameter frame 'outer-window-id))
+                 success       ;; 1 = Success, 0 = Error
+                 (if success "XdndActionPrivate" 0)
+                 ))
+          (x-dnd-forget-drop window)))
+       (t (error "Unknown XDND message %s %s" message data))))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;;  Motif protocol.
+ (defun x-dnd-init-motif-for-frame (frame)
+   "Set _MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO  for FRAME to indicate that we do Motif DND."
+   (x-change-window-property "_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO"
+                           (list
+                            (byteorder)
+                            0                  ; The Motif DND version.
+                            5                  ; We want drag dynamic.
+                            0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+                            0 0 0 0 0 0)       ; Property must be 16 bytes.
+                           frame "_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO" 8 t))
+ (defun x-dnd-get-motif-value (data offset size byteorder)
+   (cond ((eq size 2)
+        (if (eq byteorder ?l)
+            (+ (ash (aref data (1+ offset)) 8)
+               (aref data offset))
+          (+ (ash (aref data offset) 8)
+             (aref data (1+ offset)))))
+       ((eq size 4)
+        (if (eq byteorder ?l)
+            (cons (+ (ash (aref data (+ 3 offset)) 8)
+                     (aref data (+ 2 offset)))
+                  (+ (ash (aref data (1+ offset)) 8)
+                     (aref data offset)))
+          (cons (+ (ash (aref data offset) 8)
+                   (aref data (1+ offset)))
+                (+ (ash (aref data (+ 2 offset)) 8)
+                   (aref data (+ 3 offset))))))))
+ (defun x-dnd-motif-value-to-list (value size byteorder)
+   (let ((bytes (cond ((eq size 2)
+                     (list (logand (lsh value -8) ?\xff)
+                           (logand value ?\xff)))
+                    ((eq size 4)
+                     (if (consp value)
+                         (list (logand (lsh (car value) -8) ?\xff)
+                               (logand (car value) ?\xff)
+                               (logand (lsh (cdr value) -8) ?\xff)
+                               (logand (cdr value) ?\xff))
+                       (list (logand (lsh value -24) ?\xff)
+                             (logand (lsh value -16) ?\xff)
+                             (logand (lsh value -8) ?\xff)
+                             (logand value ?\xff)))))))
+     (if (eq byteorder ?l)
+       (reverse bytes)
+       bytes)))
+ (defvar x-dnd-motif-message-types
+   '((0 . XmTOP_LEVEL_ENTER)
+     (1 . XmTOP_LEVEL_LEAVE)
+     (2 . XmDRAG_MOTION)
+     (3 . XmDROP_SITE_ENTER)
+     (4 . XmDROP_SITE_LEAVE)
+     (5 . XmDROP_START)
+     (6 . XmDROP_FINISH)
+     (7 . XmDRAG_DROP_FINISH)
+   "Mapping from numbers to Motif DND message types.")
+ (defvar x-dnd-motif-to-action
+   '((1 . move)
+     (2 . copy)
+     (3 . link)        ; Both 3 and 4 has been seen as link.
+     (4 . link)
+     (2 . private)) ; Motif does not have private, so use copy for private.
+   "Mapping from number to operation for Motif DND.")
+ (defun x-dnd-handle-motif (event frame window message-atom format data)
+   (let* ((message-type (cdr (assoc (aref data 0) x-dnd-motif-message-types)))
+        (source-byteorder (aref data 1))
+        (my-byteorder (byteorder))
+        (source-flags (x-dnd-get-motif-value data 2 2 source-byteorder))
+        (source-action (cdr (assoc (logand ?\xF source-flags)
+                                   x-dnd-motif-to-action))))
+     (cond ((eq message-type 'XmTOP_LEVEL_ENTER)
+          (let* ((dnd-source (x-dnd-get-motif-value
+                              data 8 4 source-byteorder))
+                 (selection-atom (x-dnd-get-motif-value
+                                  data 12 4 source-byteorder))
+                 (atom-name (x-get-atom-name selection-atom))
+                 (types (when atom-name
+                          (x-get-selection-internal (intern atom-name)
+                                                    'TARGETS))))
+            (x-dnd-forget-drop frame)
+            (when types (x-dnd-save-state window nil nil
+                                          types
+                                          dnd-source))))
+         ;; Can not forget drop here, LEAVE comes before DROP_START and
+         ;; we need the state in DROP_START.
+         ((eq message-type 'XmTOP_LEVEL_LEAVE)
+          nil)
+         ((eq message-type 'XmDRAG_MOTION)
+          (let* ((state (x-dnd-get-state-for-frame frame))
+                 (timestamp (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                             (x-dnd-get-motif-value data 4 4 
+                                                    source-byteorder)
+                             4 my-byteorder))
+                 (x (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                     (x-dnd-get-motif-value data 8 2 source-byteorder)
+                     2 my-byteorder))
+                 (y (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                     (x-dnd-get-motif-value data 10 2 source-byteorder)
+                     2 my-byteorder))
+                 (dnd-source (aref state 6))
+                 (first-move (not (aref state 3)))
+                 (action-type (x-dnd-maybe-call-test-function
+                               window
+                               source-action))
+                 (reply-action (car (rassoc (car action-type)
+                                            x-dnd-motif-to-action)))
+                 (reply-flags
+                  (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                   (if reply-action
+                       (+ reply-action 
+                          ?\x30        ; 30:  valid drop site
+                          ?\x700)      ; 700: can do copy, move or link
+                     ?\x30)            ; 30:  drop site, but noop.
+                   2 my-byteorder))
+                 (reply (append
+                         (list
+                          (+ ?\x80     ; 0x80 indicates a reply.
+                             (if first-move
+                                 3     ; First time, reply is SITE_ENTER.
+                               2))     ; Not first time, reply is DRAG_MOTION.
+                          my-byteorder)
+                         reply-flags
+                         timestamp
+                         x
+                         y)))
+            (x-send-client-message frame
+                                   dnd-source
+                                   frame
+                                   "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE"
+                                   8
+                                   reply)))
+         ((eq message-type 'XmOPERATION_CHANGED)
+          (let* ((state (x-dnd-get-state-for-frame frame))
+                 (timestamp (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                             (x-dnd-get-motif-value data 4 4 source-byteorder)
+                             4 my-byteorder))
+                 (dnd-source (aref state 6))
+                 (action-type (x-dnd-maybe-call-test-function
+                               window
+                               source-action))
+                 (reply-action (car (rassoc (car action-type)
+                                            x-dnd-motif-to-action)))
+                 (reply-flags
+                  (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                   (if reply-action
+                       (+ reply-action 
+                          ?\x30        ; 30:  valid drop site
+                          ?\x700)      ; 700: can do copy, move or link
+                     ?\x30)            ; 30:  drop site, but noop
+                   2 my-byteorder))
+                 (reply (append
+                         (list
+                          (+ ?\x80     ; 0x80 indicates a reply.
+                             8)        ; 8 is OPERATION_CHANGED
+                          my-byteorder)
+                         reply-flags
+                         timestamp)))
+            (x-send-client-message frame
+                                   dnd-source
+                                   frame
+                                   "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE"
+                                   8
+                                   reply)))
+         ((eq message-type 'XmDROP_START)
+          (let* ((x (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                     (x-dnd-get-motif-value data 8 2 source-byteorder)
+                     2 my-byteorder))
+                 (y (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                     (x-dnd-get-motif-value data 10 2 source-byteorder)
+                     2 my-byteorder))
+                 (selection-atom (x-dnd-get-motif-value
+                                  data 12 4 source-byteorder))
+                 (atom-name (x-get-atom-name selection-atom))
+                 (dnd-source (x-dnd-get-motif-value
+                              data 16 4 source-byteorder))
+                 (action-type (x-dnd-maybe-call-test-function
+                               window
+                               source-action))
+                 (reply-action (car (rassoc (car action-type)
+                                            x-dnd-motif-to-action)))
+                 (reply-flags
+                  (x-dnd-motif-value-to-list
+                   (if reply-action
+                       (+ reply-action 
+                          ?\x30        ; 30:  valid drop site
+                          ?\x700)      ; 700: can do copy, move or link
+                     (+ ?\x30          ; 30:  drop site, but noop.
+                        ?\x200))       ; 200: drop cancel.
+                   2 my-byteorder))
+                 (reply (append
+                         (list
+                          (+ ?\x80     ; 0x80 indicates a reply.
+                             5)        ; DROP_START.
+                          my-byteorder)
+                         reply-flags
+                         x
+                         y))
+                 (timestamp (x-dnd-get-motif-value 
+                             data 4 4 source-byteorder))
+                 action)
+            (x-send-client-message frame
+                                   dnd-source
+                                   frame
+                                   "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE"
+                                   8
+                                   reply)
+            (setq action 
+                  (when (and reply-action atom-name)
+                    (let* ((value (x-get-selection-internal
+                                   (intern atom-name)
+                                   (intern (x-dnd-current-type window)))))
+                      (when value
+                        (condition-case info
+                            (x-dnd-drop-data event frame window value 
+                                             (x-dnd-current-type window))
+                          (error
+                           (message "Error: %s" info)
+                           nil))))))
+            (x-get-selection-internal
+             (intern atom-name)          
+             (if action 'XmTRANSFER_SUCCESS 'XmTRANSFER_FAILURE)
+             timestamp)
+            (x-dnd-forget-drop frame)))
+         (t (error "Unknown Motif DND message %s %s" message-atom data)))))
+ ;;;
+ (provide 'x-dnd)
+ ;;; arch-tag: b621fb7e-50da-4323-850b-5fc71ae64621
+ ;;; x-dnd.el ends here

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