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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/international/encoded-kb.el [gnus-5_

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/international/encoded-kb.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 08:17:05 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/international/encoded-kb.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/international/encoded-kb.el:
*** /dev/null   Sat Sep  4 12:01:41 2004
--- emacs/lisp/international/encoded-kb.el      Sat Sep  4 12:01:09 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,311 ----
+ ;;; encoded-kb.el --- handler to input multibyte characters encoded somehow
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1995 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
+ ;; Licensed to the Free Software Foundation.
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;; Usually this map is empty (even if Encoded-kbd mode is on), but if
+ ;; the keyboard coding system is iso-2022-based, it defines dummy key
+ ;; bindings for ESC $ ..., etc. so that those bindings in
+ ;; key-translation-map take effect.
+ (defconst encoded-kbd-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
+   "Keymap for Encoded-kbd minor mode.")
+ ;; Subsidiary keymaps for handling ISO2022 escape sequences.
+ (defvar encoded-kbd-iso2022-esc-map
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+     (define-key map "$" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-esc-dollar-prefix)
+     (define-key map "(" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-prefix)
+     (define-key map ")" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-prefix)
+     (define-key map "," 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-prefix)
+     (define-key map "-" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-prefix)
+     map)
+   "Keymap for handling ESC code in Encoded-kbd mode.")
+ (fset 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-esc-prefix encoded-kbd-iso2022-esc-map)
+ (defvar encoded-kbd-iso2022-esc-dollar-map
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+     (define-key map "(" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-prefix)
+     (define-key map ")" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-prefix)
+     (define-key map "," 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-prefix)
+     (define-key map "-" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-prefix)
+     (define-key map "@" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation)
+     (define-key map "A" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation)
+     (define-key map "B" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation)
+     map)
+   "Keymap for handling ESC $ sequence in Encoded-kbd mode.")
+ (fset 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-esc-dollar-prefix
+       encoded-kbd-iso2022-esc-dollar-map)
+ (defvar encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-map
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
+       (l charset-list)
+       final-char)
+     (while l
+       (setq final-char (charset-iso-final-char (car l)))
+       (if (> final-char 0)
+         (define-key map (char-to-string final-char)
+           'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation))
+       (setq l (cdr l)))
+     map)
+   "Keymap for handling ISO2022 designation sequence in Encoded-kbd mode.")
+ (fset 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-prefix
+       encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation-map)
+ ;; Keep information of designation state of ISO2022 encoding.  When
+ ;; Encoded-kbd mode is on, this is set to a vector of length 4, the
+ ;; elements are character sets currently designated to graphic
+ ;; registers 0 thru 3.
+ (defvar encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations nil)
+ (put 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations 'permanent-local t)
+ ;; Keep information of invocation state of ISO2022 encoding.  When
+ ;; Encoded-kbd mode is on, this is set to a vector of length 3,
+ ;; graphic register numbers currently invoked to graphic plane 1 and
+ ;; 2, and a single shifted graphic register number.
+ (defvar encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations nil)
+ (put 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 'permanent-local t)
+ (defsubst encoded-kbd-last-key ()
+   (let ((keys (this-single-command-keys)))
+     (aref keys (1- (length keys)))))
+ (defun encoded-kbd-iso2022-designation (ignore)
+   "Do ISO2022 designation according to the current key in Encoded-kbd mode.
+ The following key sequence may cause multilingual text insertion."
+   (let ((key-seq (this-single-command-keys))
+       (prev-g0-charset (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations
+                              (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 0)))
+       intermediate-char final-char
+       reg dimension chars charset)
+     (if (= (length key-seq) 4)
+       ;; ESC $ <intermediate-char> <final-char>
+       (setq intermediate-char (aref key-seq 2)
+             dimension 2
+             chars (if (< intermediate-char ?,) 94 96)
+             final-char (aref key-seq 3)
+             reg (mod intermediate-char 4))
+       (if (= (aref key-seq 1) ?$)
+         ;; ESC $ <final-char>
+         (setq dimension 2
+               chars 94
+               final-char (aref key-seq 2)
+               reg 0)
+       ;; ESC <intermediate-char> <final-char>
+       (setq intermediate-char (aref key-seq 1)
+             dimension 1
+             chars (if (< intermediate-char ?,) 94 96)
+             final-char (aref key-seq 2)
+             reg (mod intermediate-char 4))))
+     (aset encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations reg
+         (iso-charset dimension chars final-char)))
+   "")
+ (defun encoded-kbd-iso2022-single-shift (ignore)
+   (let ((char (encoded-kbd-last-key)))
+     (aset encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 2
+         (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations
+               (if (= char ?\216) 2 3))))
+   "")
+ (defun encoded-kbd-self-insert-iso2022-7bit (ignore)
+   (let ((char (encoded-kbd-last-key))
+       (charset (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations
+                      (or (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 2)
+                          (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 0)))))
+     (aset encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 2 nil)
+     (vector (if (= (charset-dimension charset) 1)
+               (make-char charset char)
+             (make-char charset char (read-char-exclusive))))))
+ (defun encoded-kbd-self-insert-iso2022-8bit (ignore)
+   (let ((char (encoded-kbd-last-key))
+       (charset (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations
+                      (or (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 2)
+                          (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 1)))))
+     (aset encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 2 nil)
+     (vector (if (= (charset-dimension charset) 1)
+               (make-char charset char)
+             (make-char charset char (read-char-exclusive))))))
+ (defun encoded-kbd-self-insert-sjis (ignore)
+   (let ((char (encoded-kbd-last-key)))
+     (vector
+      (if (or (< char ?\xA0) (>= char ?\xE0))
+        (decode-sjis-char (+ (ash char 8) (read-char-exclusive)))
+        (make-char 'katakana-jisx0201 char)))))
+ (defun encoded-kbd-self-insert-big5 (ignore)
+   (let ((char (encoded-kbd-last-key)))
+     (vector 
+      (decode-big5-char (+ (ash char 8) (read-char-exclusive))))))
+ (defun encoded-kbd-self-insert-ccl (ignore)
+   (let ((str (char-to-string (encoded-kbd-last-key)))
+       (ccl (car (aref (coding-system-spec (keyboard-coding-system)) 4)))
+       (vec [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil])
+       result)
+     (while (= (length (setq result (ccl-execute-on-string ccl vec str t))) 0)
+       (dotimes (i 9) (aset vec i nil))
+       (setq str (format "%s%c" str (read-char-exclusive))))
+     (vector (aref result 0))))
+ (defun encoded-kbd-setup-keymap (coding)
+   ;; At first, reset the keymap.
+   (define-key encoded-kbd-mode-map "\e" nil)
+   ;; Then setup the keymap according to the keyboard coding system.
+   (cond
+    ((eq (coding-system-type coding) 1)        ; SJIS
+     (let ((i 128))
+       (while (< i 256)
+       (define-key key-translation-map
+         (vector i) 'encoded-kbd-self-insert-sjis)
+       (setq i (1+ i))))
+     8)
+    ((eq (coding-system-type coding) 3)        ; Big5
+     (let ((i 161))
+       (while (< i 255)
+       (define-key key-translation-map
+         (vector i) 'encoded-kbd-self-insert-big5)
+       (setq i (1+ i))))
+     8)
+    ((eq (coding-system-type coding) 2) ; ISO-2022
+     (let ((flags (coding-system-flags coding))
+         use-designation)
+       (if (aref flags 8)
+         nil                           ; Don't support locking-shift.
+       (setq encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations (make-vector 4 nil)
+             encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations (make-vector 3 nil))
+       (dotimes (i 4)
+         (if (aref flags i)
+             (if (charsetp (aref flags i))
+                 (aset encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations
+                       i (aref flags i))
+               (setq use-designation t)
+               (if (charsetp (car-safe (aref flags i)))
+                   (aset encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations
+                         i (car (aref flags i)))))))
+       (aset encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 0 0)
+       (if (aref encoded-kbd-iso2022-designations 1)
+           (aset encoded-kbd-iso2022-invocations 1 1))
+       (when use-designation
+         (define-key encoded-kbd-mode-map "\e" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-esc-prefix)
+         (define-key key-translation-map "\e" 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-esc-prefix))
+       (when (or (aref flags 2) (aref flags 3))
+         (define-key key-translation-map
+           [?\216] 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-single-shift)
+         (define-key key-translation-map
+           [?\217] 'encoded-kbd-iso2022-single-shift))
+       (or (eq (aref flags 0) 'ascii)
+           (dotimes (i 96)
+             (define-key key-translation-map
+               (vector (+ 32 i)) 'encoded-kbd-self-insert-iso2022-7bit)))
+       (if (aref flags 7)
+           t
+         (dotimes (i 96)
+           (define-key key-translation-map
+             (vector (+ 160 i)) 'encoded-kbd-self-insert-iso2022-8bit))
+         8))))
+    ((eq (coding-system-type coding) 4)        ; CCL-base
+     (let ((valid-codes (or (coding-system-get coding 'valid-codes)
+                          '((128 . 255))))
+         elt from to valid)
+       (while valid-codes
+       (setq elt (car valid-codes) valid-codes (cdr valid-codes))
+       (if (consp elt)
+           (setq from (car elt) to (cdr elt))
+         (setq from (setq to elt)))
+       (while (<= from to)
+         (if (>= from 128)
+             (define-key key-translation-map
+               (vector from) 'encoded-kbd-self-insert-ccl))
+         (setq from (1+ from))))
+       8))
+    (t
+     nil)))
+ ;; key-translation-map at the time Encoded-kbd mode is turned on is
+ ;; saved here.
+ (defvar saved-key-translation-map nil)
+ ;; Input mode at the time Encoded-kbd mode is turned on is saved here.
+ (defvar saved-input-mode nil)
+ (put 'encoded-kbd-mode 'permanent-local t)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (define-minor-mode encoded-kbd-mode
+   "Toggle Encoded-kbd minor mode.
+ With arg, turn Encoded-kbd mode on if and only if arg is positive.
+ You should not turn this mode on manually, instead use the command
+ \\[set-keyboard-coding-system] which turns on or off this mode
+ automatically.
+ In Encoded-kbd mode, a text sent from keyboard is accepted
+ as a multilingual text encoded in a coding system set by
+ \\[set-keyboard-coding-system]."
+   :global t
+   (if encoded-kbd-mode
+       ;; We are turning on Encoded-kbd mode.
+       (let ((coding (keyboard-coding-system))
+           result)
+       (or saved-key-translation-map
+           (if (keymapp key-translation-map)
+               (setq saved-key-translation-map
+                     (copy-keymap key-translation-map))
+             (setq key-translation-map (make-sparse-keymap))))
+       (or saved-input-mode
+           (setq saved-input-mode
+                 (current-input-mode)))
+       (setq result (and coding (encoded-kbd-setup-keymap coding)))
+       (if result
+           (if (eq result 8)
+               (set-input-mode
+                (nth 0 saved-input-mode) 
+                (nth 1 saved-input-mode)
+                'use-8th-bit
+                (nth 3 saved-input-mode)))
+         (setq encoded-kbd-mode nil
+               saved-key-translation-map nil
+               saved-input-mode nil)
+         (error "Unsupported coding system in Encoded-kbd mode: %S"
+                coding)))
+     ;; We are turning off Encoded-kbd mode.
+     (setq key-translation-map saved-key-translation-map
+         saved-key-translation-map nil)
+     (apply 'set-input-mode saved-input-mode)
+     (setq saved-input-mode nil)))
+ (provide 'encoded-kb)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 76f0f9b3-65e7-45c3-b692-59509a87ad44
+ ;;; encoded-kb.el ends here

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